Kingdom of Light: Inherit the Galactic Empire at the beginning

Chapter 2 The strongest empire system, Dark Lops prototype!

"Oh, I really have a golden finger. It's a legendary system. Judging from the name, it's the strongest empire system. It seems to be very helpful in rebuilding the Galactic Empire."

Carlos finally felt a lot more happy.

Generally speaking, the system has invincible power. With this system, it will not be too difficult for Carlos to revitalize the entire Galactic Empire by himself.

It's just that what the hell is the big list displayed at the back of the system, and why is it specifically bound to the empire?

It is understandable that it is bound to the Galaxy Empire. Is it possible that it can be bound to other empires in the future?

But this is something Carlos doesn't have to think about now. What's more important now is to quickly figure out the specific function of this system.

At this time, the system beep sounded again, leaving Carlos stunned.

"Environment loaded!"

"It is detected that the host's current location is the Galactic Empire, his identity is the heir of the Galactic Emperor Beria, and he will inherit the throne."

"In order to revitalize the Galactic Empire, the strength of the troops summoned from this system will be more than twice that of the original body!"

"This effect is really awesome."

Carlos was filled with shock. Speaking of the military units in the Galactic Empire, they were naturally space battleships, imperial robots, and Dark Lopsero.

I still remember that Dark Lops' Unit 1 already had power that rivaled Zero's.

Even the later mass-produced models still have the power to overwhelm the elite members of the Kingdom of Light. With more numbers, they can even overwhelm the Ultra Brothers. Based on this, it can be doubled. That is indeed quite impressive. Yes!

"By the way, system, do I have any novice gift packs or anything like that?"

The system replied coldly, "Originally, this system does not have a novice gift pack, but the current situation of the host is too bad, so we will give you a free troop summoning opportunity."

After listening to the system's explanation, Carlos finally breathed a sigh of relief. Now he still had to take a closer look at his detailed situation.

The next second, the system panel unfolded in front of Carlos.

"Host: Carlos (son of Belial)"

"Strength: High-level warrior"

"Bound Empires: Galactic Empire"

"Ultimate unit: None"

"Advanced arms: None"

"Intermediate arms: None"

"Common arms: None"

"Reputation value: 0 (currently has one chance to summon for free)"

Through this system panel, Carlos can better understand the system functions.

You probably know that if you want to summon various types of soldiers in the future, you must consume the corresponding reputation points.

Every ten points spent can summon a common soldier.

Every 100 points can summon an intermediate unit.

For every thousand points, a high-level soldier can be summoned.

Every 100,000 points can summon an ultimate soldier.

After each summons, Carlos can also get the corresponding energy intensity.

It is equivalent to summoning more troops, and the energy fed back into Carlos will be more powerful.

As long as there are enough arms, Carlos's own strength can leap from a high-level warrior to an ultimate warrior.

After all, as an Ultra Warrior, you cannot rely solely on your military type. Your own strength is also very important.

Carlos also planned to use the system's functions quickly at this time. After all, he didn't know if there would be other invaders on the way at this time.

It’s just that this time the free troop summons will be a bit mysterious.

Any type of military is possible.

So the next summons is indeed a bit of a show-off.

However, Carlos believed that his luck should be enough, and he immediately used this free summons.

A black and purple teleportation array unfolded in front of Carlos.

The next second, three brown figures walked out of the teleportation array and came to Carlos.

Looking at these three figures, Carlos's eyes flashed with surprise, and they all released powerful auras.

"His Majesty!"

"Dark Lops team comes to meet you!"

That's right, what appeared in front of Carlos were three Dark Lopus Cellos, and they were not ordinary Dark Lopus Cellos.

It's the prototype of Dark Lopsero!

Although Dark Lopus Zero is a mechanical giant created by imitating Ultraman Zero's abilities, he cannot use Zero's Double Shot and Plasma Spark Tower moves, but he has all the other skills.

Their strength can compete with Zero in normal form.

In the entire universe, they are very powerful existences.

Speaking of Dark Lopusero, it can be regarded as a bad taste of Beria.

Because he was defeated by Zero, he wanted to create a robot that looked like Zero, and then go to other universes to discredit Zero's image.

And these three robots absolutely obey Carlos.

Even if Beria is here now, there is no way to command at all.

At this time, one of the Dark Lopsero seemed to have discovered something and said: "Report to Your Majesty! It seems that some enemy is approaching here!"

"It seems to be pretty much what I thought."

Carlos frowned slightly. He originally expected that there would be another cosmic person coming to the universe to hunt for treasure.

Now that they're here, just in time, let's leave it to Dark Lopus Sero and the others to fight.

"Go and destroy the enemy!"

Carlos gave the order, and the three Dark Lopseros immediately took off and flew towards those who were approaching the Galactic Empire.

"This is your first mission, and you will definitely not disappoint His Majesty!"

A cold voice sounded from the mouth of Dark Lopusero.

But to be honest, he has the same power as normal Zero, at least among the vast majority of forces in this universe.

Once you encounter them, basically the only outcome will be annihilation.

Unless some powerful forces send super firepower.

After summoning them, Carlos could indeed clearly feel the energy in his body fluctuate, which was a sign of improved strength.

And outside the Galactic Empire.

A Knuckle star looked at the fleet he brought with him, and his heart was filled with excitement.

Originally, their Nakor race was a powerful fighting race in the entire universe, and other races in the universe did not dare to provoke them.

But who made them be too arrogant and attract the attention of the Kingdom of Light?

In front of the powerful legions of the Kingdom of Light, the Nak'r Stars were almost unable to stop them and were directly defeated.

Only then did they turn their attention to the Galactic Empire in another universe.

Every time, a small amount of Emeraru 1 ore can be found from the ruins of the empire, and then they can strengthen their own power and make a comeback, and this time is no exception.

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