The first time he summoned the ultimate unit, Carlos was still a little anxious. After all, it cost 100,000 reputation points to summon.

Under these conditions, it is very difficult to summon.

However, the bigger the wind and waves, the bigger the fish will be.

Since it costs so much reputation, it means that the emergence of the ultimate unit must be extraordinary.

"Then let me see what this ultimate unit looks like."

Immediately, Carlos's 100,000 reputation points were instantly cleared, and the teleportation array appeared in front of him.

Different from the past, the teleportation array that appeared this time was radiating golden light, and at the same time, there was an extremely powerful aura coming from it.

This also made Carlos look forward to it even more, but after waiting for a long time, no figure came out of the teleportation array.

"That doesn't make sense."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Carlos couldn't help but be confused. Normally, after the teleportation array appears, corresponding troops will appear. Why did I wait for so long today and no one showed up? Could it be? Something went wrong with the system?

Just when he was thinking this, the golden teleportation array suddenly began to move and floated in the direction of Carlos.

The moment the teleportation array touched Carlos' body, it instantly shattered into a large number of fragments. These fragments gradually integrated into Carlos' body, and his energy aura began to become stronger.

Immediately, a large number of memories poured into Carlos's mind. With these memories, he instantly understood why no one showed up after the ultimate troop call.

The ultimate emotional weapon is Carlos himself!

And on the system panel, after Carlos summoned the ultimate arm, the name of the ultimate arm also changed to the imperial arm.

After all, the ultimate military force is the emperor among all military services, and is superior to all military services. This is exactly in line with Carlos's identity.

And every time you summon the ultimate unit, you are actually absorbing the skills from the many super powerful monsters in the universe, and then giving them to Carlos, allowing Carlos to see infinite power.

This time, the summons happened to draw the cosmic eclipse monster Ula. It is a suspected life form that is accidentally born from the waste thrown into the universe by the evolving civilization, and can devour all objects in the universe.

The reason why it can carry out unlimited devouring is because there is a black hole in its body.

So after Carlos drew this monster, he naturally gained his abilities.

There will be some changes in the way of use. Ula only needs to open her mouth to absorb the attack.

If Carlos wants to use his devouring power, he must deploy the black hole barrier.

Just like Jayton, he can absorb the light of Ultra Warriors, but he must actively use it. If he cannot use it, then this ability is almost useless.

But for Carlos, this is completely enough. He has asked the system if there is an upper limit to its absorption capacity.

The system's answer is that it is exactly the same as Ula's devouring ability, with no upper limit at all.

There is only one small flaw, it can only absorb, but cannot rebound or transform the absorbed energy.

It is equivalent to this wave of Carlos gaining one of the most powerful life-saving skills. Whenever the opponent uses energy attacks, he can absorb them.

Even the Legend of Sparks by Reggio can still attract you.

Of course, it is used to save lives and bluff people.

When the opponent sees that Carlos can absorb all attacks, they will basically be frightened and dare not take action.

"It seems that the ultimate unit is indeed worthy of 100,000 reputation points."

Carlos nodded with satisfaction. Even if he summoned more troops, it would not be as good as making himself stronger.

Even if it was handed over to Desfasa for analysis, it took him a week to completely analyze Lei's fighting instrument, and at the same time quietly extract Gomora's data from it.

There is no way, the Gomora controlled by Lei is the strongest existence in the entire multiverse.

Since Desfasa serves Carlos, he will also think of some ways to provide him with better help.

After returning the fighting device to Lei, Desfasa can use the mechanical manufacturing device on Bit Star to start creating a mechanical Gomorrah army of the same strength.

"Your Majesty Carlos, the manufacturing method of the fighting instrument has been analyzed."

"There are currently three options for you to choose from."

A virtual screen floated in front of Carlos, with three design drafts on it, representing the three forms of the fighting instrument.

The first one is the same as the Gigabit Fighting Device in Beria's hand, with special storage spaces at both ends of the fighting device in the form of a stick, allowing Carlos to carry a hundred monsters with him.

In fact, it is equivalent to a replica of the Gigabit Fighting Instrument.

Because in the first battle with Beria, Lei used his own fighting device to forcibly control the gigabit fighting device and left the corresponding data.

The second is to modify the Gigabit Fighting Instrument into a spear, which is made by combining red steel and Emerald ore, which can exert stronger power.

Of course, in order to increase the power, certain compromises have to be made on the number of monsters controlled, and Carlos can only carry ten monsters with him.

The third type is Sword and Shield.

It can greatly increase Carlos' attack power and defense power.

It is the ultimate expression of the power of the fighting instrument, which also makes a greater compromise in controlling monsters, and can only carry two monsters.

However, these two monsters will exert a special effect, that is, they will automatically fly out at Carlos's most critical moment, using their own lives to block the fatal blow.

Two monsters are equivalent to giving Carlos two more lives.

These are the three options Desfasa selected after comprehensive consideration. It itself is more inclined to the third option.

After all, the life of His Majesty Carlos is the most important.

Looking at these three design sketches, Carlos nodded with satisfaction.

"Desfasa, you did a great job."

"Now that the analysis of the fighting instrument has been completed, send someone to return him to Lei's hands."

"As for the whereabouts of Chi Gang, do you know?"

"of course I know."

Desfasa's cold voice sounded from the communicator.

"Back when I was traveling through various multiverses with the Bit Star, I discovered the existence of a special planet."

"The people on that planet have the same thoughts as the Bitstars, which is to ensure their peace and want to create extremely powerful artificial intelligence."

As for this artificial intelligence, Carlos probably knows what's going on.

If my guess is correct, it should be that guy Gilbaris.

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