Kingdom of Light: Inherit the Galactic Empire at the beginning

Chapter 42 If the fight continues, the entire army will be wiped out!

Ultra's father also told Cero the news about Carlos and summoned him to the Space Guard headquarters.

After learning the news, Sero's eyes were also full of shock.

"Didn't you expect that guy Carlos to finally send troops to fight?"

"But that guy's character is normal."

Zero put his hands on his hips and looked directly at the father of Ultra in front of him.

"Captain, what do you want me to do?"

The father of Ultra groaned and said: "Of course, I will send your Ultimate Zero Guard to support the Galaxy Federation on behalf of the Kingdom of Light."

"At the same time, do a little investigation. What is the purpose of Carlos's invasion of Cusia?"

"I have also conducted an investigation on that planet. There are not many abundant resources on that planet. The only thing worth noting is Red Steel."

Hearing the words "Red Steel", Zero couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Chigang, isn't that the raw material that that guy from Beria used to make the gigabit combat device?"

"Is it possible that Carlos invaded the planet Kusia because of Red Steel?"

Zero was thinking carefully in his heart, but he also felt that things were not that simple.

According to Carlos' previous words, as long as the life forms on that planet are willing to surrender, he will not invade in a violent way.

But this time, Carlos almost didn't ask any questions and just sent troops to kill them.

Either everything Carlos said before was bullshit, or there was another hidden story behind this battle.

When I think about it, I really need to investigate it carefully.

"I'll go immediately."

Zero returned to his base, called Red Lotus Flame and the others, and rushed to Carlos's location.

The space around Kusia.

The battle between Carlos and the Galactic Federation continues.

After nearly a few hours of fighting, both Carlos's side and the Galactic Federation's side had very few remaining troops.

Of the 5,000 spaceships of the Galactic Federation, only 100 are left at this moment.

There are only 1,000 units of the Impreza Legion left on Carlos' side.

After losing four thousand Impelezzas, Carlos still didn't take it to heart.

Anyway, these mass-produced machines can be easily mass-produced with Bitstar’s resources.

But that's not necessarily the case with the Galactic Federation.

Five thousand spaceships can be said to be an elite force for them.

Losing so much in one fell swoop can be said to be a huge loss for the Galactic Federation.

"Damn it..."

Xilu clenched his fists angrily and slammed on the control panel in front of him.

He also didn't expect that the force of the new Galaxy Empire would be so powerful that they would beat their elite troops like this.

They originally thought they could wipe out the new Galactic Empire, but they ended up getting a bite back from them.

The cosmonauts watching the battle were also frightened when they saw this scene.

"Oh my god... the strength of the new Galactic Empire is so terrifying. It has beaten the Galactic Federation into this state. If it were us, we probably wouldn't even be able to get past a spaceship of the Galactic Federation. One shot of the Herzli Cannon Just deal with us directly."

When a Knuckle star said this, his whole body was shivering.

"Kusia is almost certain to die now. There are still a thousand Impelezas left in the new Galactic Empire. No matter how they fight, they can wipe out the Galactic Federation. It just depends on whether they dare. "

"If all this army of the Galactic Federation is really wiped out, then the Galactic Federation will probably hunt down the new Galactic Empire completely. They will not stop until they die."

The Kaci people who were also watching the battle were conducting analysis.

"But this is good. After the strength of the Galactic Federation is weakened, we can better invade other planets."

"Without the elite Galactic Federation, we will be unable to control us for a while."

An Imperial star laughed loudly.

It has to be said that this battle between the newly born Galactic Empire and the Galactic Federation can be said to be a huge advantage for other cosmic beings.

As the saying goes, when the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman wins.

But Carlos still doesn't care about this, which may mean that he has already thought of this.

He also hopes that other cosmic beings will become stronger and better.

In this way, when they are annexed in the future, they will be able to control more resources.

Desfasa's voice also sounded from Carlos' communicator.

"Your Majesty Carlos, there are still a thousand Imprezas left. Do you want to send more troops?"

"It just so happened that Bit Star's factory produced another two thousand Imprezas, which can be dispatched to the battlefield at any time."

Carlos waved his hand and said: "There is no need for this yet. Let's see if the Galactic Federation and the others can withdraw their troops."

Jiang Yun and the federal army were completely wiped out. Carlos had no such plan. He just wanted to keep some people from the Galactic Federation back to completely destroy the reputation of the new Galactic Empire.

In this way, the reputation value can rise steadily.

At the same time, Carlos also wanted to see if it would attract the attention of other forces.

If he disguises these five thousand Taiying Preza as the main force, then other forces may follow them back to the universe where the new Galaxy Empire is located to conduct a sneak attack when they see the new Galaxy Empire being severely damaged.

In this way, Carlos can catch them all and obtain more resources.

"Sir Xilu, do we want to continue fighting? There are only a hundred spaceships left. If we continue like this, we will definitely be wiped out..."

A member of the Galactic Federation reported, with fear flashing in his eyes. He did not want to die in this universe.

Although everyone in the Galactic Federation is a righteous person, it does not mean that they are not afraid of death.

There are even some people who just rely on the power of the Galactic Federation to carry out the justice in their hearts. Without this powerful force, they will only suffer in silence.

"Even if we try our best, we must protect Kusia!"

"Otherwise, if the new Galactic Empire really takes over the planet Kusia, it will only increase their arrogance."

Xilu gritted his teeth, and at the same time he was resentful in his heart. Why didn't those Ultra warriors from the Kingdom of Light show up yet?

Judging from the results of previous negotiations, the Kingdom of Light said that as long as there were casualties, they would take action against the new Galaxy Empire.

Why can't we see the shadow of an Ultra Warrior now? Is it possible that they are also afraid of the power of the new Galactic Empire?

Either the new Galactic Empire and the Kingdom of Light would share the resources of Kusia, which is why the Kingdom of Light did not appear.

At this time, a larger spaceship gradually appeared in this space. Looking at this spaceship, hope rekindled in Xilu's eyes.

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