Kingdom of Light: Inherit the Galactic Empire at the beginning

Chapter 55 Prepare to dig Noah’s grave! ? (Down)

Bemonstein felt the hostility coming from Sal, and a trace of ferocity flashed in his eyes. The horn on his head began to emit a golden light, and powerful power was condensed in it.

Bang bang bang!

Three golden light bullets were fired from the horn one after another.

Thrall stepped hard with his legs, and his whole body flew directly into the air. After rolling around, he landed firmly behind Betastan. He concentrated his power in his palms and fired a light bullet.


The light bullet hit Bemenstein's body steadily, bursting out a large number of sparks, but unfortunately it did not cause any effective damage.

It has to be said that as a giant monster in the universe, Bemonstein's physical strength is really high.

To be honest, Thrall did not study the fighting instrument in depth.

I think that if you want to subdue a monster, you should weaken it.

However, at this time, Reblondo's voice sounded in his ears.

"You look down on the fighting instrument I gave you too much, don't you?"

"With just a thought, you can subdue it into the fighting instrument with strong power."

Sal sneered, "You shouldn't have said this kind of thing earlier."

After he finished speaking, he directly raised the fighting instrument in his hand. The center of the fighting instrument began to emit a black light, and then a powerful suction force burst out from the fighting instrument and rushed towards Bemonstein.

Even a monster like Bemonstein, weighing 35,000 tons, was completely unable to stand firm under such terrifying attraction. His huge body gradually floated up, and then moved towards the fighting instrument. approaching rapidly.

And in the process of getting closer, his huge body gradually shrank, changed to a size of a few centimeters, and finally merged into the fighting instrument.

Buzz buzz...

The fighting instrument trembled slightly at first, and finally returned to calmness.

This also means that Thrall has completely conquered Bemenstad.

"This is really useful."

Seeing that he had conquered Bemonstan without any effort, Thrall felt the mystery of the powerful dark power for the first time.

"The monster controlled by this fighting device will fall into a berserk state. Let me see what this berserk state looks like."

With a thought from Sal, a red ball of light flew out of the fighting instrument, landed not far away, and transformed into Bemonstein's figure again.

Bemonstein's originally gray body was now covered with blood-red blood vessels. His fangs became longer, and the horns on his head also became longer. It indeed gave people a more violent feeling and energy. The breath is conservatively estimated to be more than three times that of before.

Even though Bemenstad was in a rage, he did not take the initiative to attack Sal. Instead, he stood there obediently, like a docile little rabbit, waiting for Sal to give orders.

Thrall was naturally more satisfied when he saw this situation. The fighting instrument in his hand could accommodate five monsters.

Each of them is in a state of rampage, so even Thrall can take revenge on the Kingdom of Light and the Galactic Empire.

"You guys wait for me. After I collect my own monster army, I will come to you for revenge."

Thrall summoned Bemonstan back to the fighting instrument and ran to other parts of the universe.

This side of the Galactic Empire.

Buck and Parker have led a large number of robot legions to the vicinity of the ruins. Some of the robots are equipped with corresponding mining devices. After they observe the situation, they can start mining.

"Concerning that legendary relic, the hasty mining of it does make people a little nervous."

Buck chuckled, his body trembling slightly, and it could be seen that he was still very nervous inside.

"In order for the Galactic Empire to become stronger, no matter how dangerous the place is, we have to fight."

"After all, this is a decision made by His Majesty Carlos, and we have to do our best to make it happen. Besides, it's just a relic, so there shouldn't be any accidents, right?"

To be honest, Parker was a little unsure. After all, it was related to the legend. No one could tell what would happen.

But with so many robot legions, they should be able to escape unscathed this time, right?

Before officially logging into the ruins, they scanned the entire ruins with specialized instruments and confirmed that except for the powerful energy aura emitted by the Emerald ore, no life energy was found. This also meant that there was no trace of any life energy on the ruins. Living organism life.

After repeated confirmations, they finally logged into the ruins and found that there were still a large number of ruins on the ruins, and various murals were recorded on the walls.

It was the worship of Noah by the people who used to live in this ruins.

And there are some mysterious words.

These words have never been seen by anyone in the universe.

"Do those mysterious texts record things about Noah? Do you want to analyze them?"

Parker looked at Buck.

Buck thought for a moment and said, "I think it shouldn't be necessary. If my guess is correct, these words should record the story of Noah's salvation."

"It doesn't matter whether we analyze it or not. What's more important now is mining the Emeralu ore. If you stay at the ruins for too long, something mysterious might really happen."

The two people immediately began to order the robot to mine. During the mining process, they also paid special attention to avoiding these murals to avoid causing any damage to them.

However, if they analyze the text on the mural, they will find that this is what is recorded on the mural.

This is the resting place of Noah, and the green sacred ore is a tribute to him.

If the tribute is taken away, divine punishment will be imposed.

So when they were mining the ground of the ruins, they just dug out a piece of green ore.

The entire ruins suddenly began to tremble violently, as if it would collapse in the next moment.

"Why did it suddenly start shaking!?"

"Could it be that other forces have launched an attack on us!?"

Parker looked up at the sky and looked around, but found no other cosmic beings.

"Holy shit, look there!"

Hearing Buck's voice, Parker suddenly turned his head and saw that a temple-like building was gradually emerging from the ground.

After more than ten seconds, his original guidance was revealed.

Compared with the ruins, the temple looks extremely complete, and in the center of the temple, there is a stone statue of an Ultra warrior standing quietly.

Seeing the stone statue of this Ultra Warrior, Buck and Parker took a breath at the same time.

Good guys, they may be finished this time!

Standing in the center of the temple is the stone statue of Nexus!

This is the fifth update today, there is one more update to come, go ahead!

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