Kingdom of Light: Inherit the Galactic Empire at the beginning

Chapter 70 Finally appears, the complete body of Pajton!

The Baxters obviously couldn't understand Dyna's reappearance.

After all, he had watched with his own eyes as Hyperjedon beat Dai into a stone statue.

He has been dead for so long. If he were to be resurrected, he would have been resurrected long ago. Why now?

No matter how outrageous Ultraman is, he is not outrageous like this.

"As long as my fighting spirit is still there, I will never die."

Dyna slowly landed next to Zero and assumed a fighting stance.

Gauss, who had been lying next to him for a long time, also returned to the side of the two Ultra warriors.

The three Ultra warriors stood together and planned to attack Hypajton.

Surprised, the Baxter people have absolute confidence in the strength of the Hyperjetton they created.

"So what if Dyna is resurrected? With the strength of the three of you, there's no way you can be a match for Hyperjeton!"

Hyperjedon raised the scythe in his hands and wiped it, a large number of sparks burst out, and the surface of the scythe shone with cold light.


The huge scythe cut through the air and slashed towards the three Ultra warriors.

Zero and the other three reacted very quickly and quickly dodged when the sickle was about to hit them.

When the huge scythe hit the ground, it was natural to see a huge crater. However, the force used by Hypajeton was too great, so when the scythe was slashed, almost half of the scythe was not penetrated into the ground. No matter how hard it tried, it couldn't be pulled out of the ground.

It's equivalent to restraining myself.

When the Baxter star saw this behavior of Hyperjetton, his whole body went numb. This situation was something he had never expected.

However, this also made the Baxter people realize one thing, that is, although Hyperjetton possesses powerful power, his brain is not very smart. During the battle, he will sometimes suddenly have brain twitches and make various commands. People behave inconceivably, just like now.

It seems that if you want to fully unleash the power of Hyperjacket, you still have to let the Baxters completely control his body.

This was also the Baxter star's final plan, but it couldn't be revealed now. He waved his arm, and a blood-red virtual screen appeared in front of him. The screen displayed the physical condition of Hyperjedon at the moment.

The screen showed that in the previous battle, Hyperjedon launched violent attacks one after another, which actually promoted the flow of energy in the body. At this moment, he had digested all the huge energy he had absorbed, and achieved what he planned. energy level.

At this moment, Hyperjetton is like a huge cocoon, about to hatch out and become the most powerful complete body. At present, it only needs a powerful force.

The power is powerful enough to break the body of Hypajton, so that he can directly become a complete body.

Of course, the Baxters cannot make their intentions too obvious, they have to show fear.

Let the three Ultra Warriors on the opposite side think they have a chance to win.

So the Baxter man pretended to be scared and said.

"Ultra warriors, why do you want to protect humans!?"

"Protect these meaningless lives!"

At this time, Zero and the others took advantage of Hypajedon's scythe being stuck in the ground and unable to move. They burst out with powerful light skills one after another, causing extremely effective damage to him and knocking his huge body to the ground.

"There is no reason, it has always been like this!"

Sero roared angrily and flew into the sky. The Palagi bracelet in his hand emitted light. In the light, the Shield of Palagi emerged and turned into the bow of Palagi, which was held by Sero.

Buzz buzz...

Zero put one hand on the bow string and slowly pulled it open, and a large number of light particles began to condense towards the Bow of Palagi.

If you want to defeat Hyperjetton, you must gather the energy of Palagi's Bow to the highest level. Zero's power alone is definitely not enough.

Gauss and Dyna flew to Zero's side and poured their own power into Zero's body. While increasing their power, they also accelerated the speed of energy accumulation.

In less than ten seconds, Palagi's Bow was fully charged. As Sero let go, Palagi's Bow exploded directly towards Hyperjetton with powerful energy.

The terrifying power penetrated into Haipageton's body like a turbulent wave, easily penetrating through his body, and a large number of cracks spread from Haupageton's body.

After letting out a roar, Hyperjedon fell to the ground, completely dead.

Seeing that they finally defeated Hyperjackton, Zero's eyes were full of excitement. He looked at the location of the Baxter starship in the sky, summoned back the Shield of Palagi, and turned it back into a bracelet. He raised his arm, raised two fingers, and said, "Just because you want to comment on the value of human beings, it's still 20,000 years early!"

The Baxters were laughing in their own spacecraft.

"I've finally waited for this moment."

"Ultra warriors, thank you very much."

"Next, it's time for me to become a god!"

These voices were spoken by the Baxters themselves in the spaceship, and did not reach the ears of Zero and the others through the communicator.

What Zero and the others saw was that the Baxter spacecraft began to emit golden light from all parts of its body, transforming into a large number of square fragments, merging towards the fallen body of Hyperjeton.

"Do you think you'll win like this?"

"What you knocked down was just a larvae."

When these square fragments were integrated into Hyperjetton's body, a large amount of purple lightning burst out. Along with the lightning, there was also a dark power that was so powerful that it seemed that it was not from this dimension.

Under the constant strikes of purple lightning, Hypajton's body gradually shattered and finally exploded completely.

In the explosion flames, a humanoid figure appeared in front of Zero and the others.

"But it's finally out, and Hypageton is completely intact."

Carlos saw this figure through the virtual screen and couldn't help but start to sit up straight.

There's no way around it, monsters like Hyperjackton are rare in the entire multiverse.

After Hyperjackton, there has never been such an artificially-cultivated super-powerful monster.

The only monsters that can possess greater power than Hyperjackton are those beings that transcend the laws of the universe.

Zero and the others looked at the humanoid figure gradually emerging from the explosion flames, and their expressions began to become solemn.

They really didn't expect that the Baxters would still have such means.

This is the fourth update today, there are two more to come, so hurry up!

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