Kingdom of Light: Inherit the Galactic Empire at the beginning

Chapter 72 Planning to learn from Aix and copy the ultimate armor

"I didn't expect that there was such a powerful power hidden in Gauss."

Zero's face was full of surprise, he saw everything that just happened.

It has to be said that Gauss in the future mode does have the power to compete with Hyperjetton. Both parties can use teleportation, so there is no need to worry about not being able to hit him.

It's just that the attack power is not enough. In terms of firepower, it is difficult for Gauss to break through Hypajton's defense.

Perhaps by increasing the firepower of their attacks, they can defeat Hypjadon?

"Dina, I can't use the teleportation skill anymore. Can you use it?"

Zero turned to look at Dana at this moment.

"Yes, yes, as long as I transform into a miracle type, I can also use teleportation. Do you have any good ideas?"

Dana asked curiously.

"You and Gauss used teleportation skills to restrain Hyperjedon. As long as we can hit that guy, I will have the confidence to cause damage to him!"

Relying on Zero's physical strength, it is indeed possible to break through the defenses of Hyperjedon. The worst case scenario is that he can directly transform into Ultra Zero, which can cause absolute damage.

The problem is that in order to cause damage, Zero has to make sure he can hit it.

"Then it's decided."

Dyna crossed his hands in front of himself, the crystal on his head began to emit blue light, and the color on his body was completely covered in blue. This was also the miraculous posture of a super-powered warrior.

After transforming into a miracle form, Dyna's figure turned into a blue light and disappeared.

Zero summoned the Shield of Palagi, transformed it into the ultimate armor and put it on his body, transforming into Ultimate Zero, waiting for the opportunity to attack.

Carlos looked at Ultra Zero on the virtual screen and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

I still remember that in the world of X, Dr. Gehrman just took a look at Ultra Zero and actually copied the Shield of Palagi.

The copied Shield of Palagi not only has the ability to travel through various dimensions, but also has powerful attack capabilities. As for the gap between the attack capabilities and the original version, it is still unknown.

But being able to exert corresponding abilities is already a very terrifying existence.

Dr. Hermann was able to copy it on his own.

If there was no way to replicate Carlos' new galactic empire, wouldn't it be a joke?

So Carlos turned on the communicator and contacted Desfasa directly.

"Your Majesty Carlos, do you have any orders?"

Carlos threw the scene on the virtual screen directly to Desfasa and asked: "Can you analyze the data of this set of ultimate armor on Zero and then copy it?"

Desfasa stared at the virtual screen for a long time before finally speaking, his tone filled with unconfidence.

"To report to His Majesty Carlos, I can only say that I will give it a try. I am not sure whether it can be copied."

Carlos's eyes flashed with surprise when he heard Desfasa's reaction.

To be honest, Desfasa's artificial intelligence is quite advanced. After all, it can create the kind of gas that is targeted at organic life forms.

Faced with wanting to copy the Shield of Palagi, Desfasa couldn't guarantee that he could copy it.

This further highlights the outrageousness of Dr. Gelman.

In addition to replicating the Shield of Palagi, an Ultra Pistol was even created, giving humans the ability to emit Specium's rays.

Such a smart brain is truly amazing.

It seems that Carlos will have to find a way to recruit him in the future, but I don't know if Herman has been born in this timeline.

It's better to wait for a while now.

Besides, Dr. Hermann belongs to the Vanton planet. It is quite simple to recruit the Vanton planet. All you need to do is prepare enough delicious food.

"Yes, Gehrman is also a Vanton star anyway. Instead of just looking for him now, why not directly recruit all the Vanton stars on the entire planet to work under the new Galactic Empire? In this way, the empire's technological power will not be able to take off?"

Carlos muttered, planning to wait for this incident to end and then go to the universe to look for the Vanton people.

At this time, Desfasa spoke again, "Although I am not good enough now, as long as I can modify it, maybe I can improve the running speed of my program and copy the ultimate armor."

"After invading the planet Kusia, we did not completely destroy Gilbaris, but retained a certain amount of data."

"It's because I think that I must become stronger than before, otherwise I won't be able to keep up with His Majesty Carlos. But if I want to undergo transformation, I must get His Majesty's consent."

"As long as Gilbaris' data is imported into my database and Gilbaris' device is installed, it will become more powerful. I hope His Majesty Carlos will agree."

Faced with Desfasa's proposal, it was a little beyond Carlos' expectations.

Only then did Carlos react, although at first he relied on the system to explode and summon a large number of robots.

But those who later joined the new Galactic Empire were all flesh and blood.

Even Desfasa has a heart of his own, and they have their own thoughts.

As an emperor, Carlos must take care of the thoughts of his subordinates.

Beria must have done this at the beginning, otherwise, how could he have gained so many loyal men with his cruel character.

Perhaps while displaying a violent appearance, he secretly fulfills the wishes of his subordinates.

Let those evil cosmic beings follow him more willingly.

From this point of view, Carlos does still have something to learn from Beria.

"The reason why I chose to destroy Gilbaris before was because I was worried that it would go on a rampage."

"If Gilbaris' data is introduced into your body, will it cause you to go berserk? You are a very important existence to the new Galactic Empire. If you are gone, it will be a big loss."

Carlos said calmly.

"Thank you for your concern, His Majesty Carlos. According to my calculations, after fusing Gilbaris' data, there is a 90% chance of a successful upgrade."

"If I accidentally encounter a 10% chance of failure and go berserk, I hope His Majesty Carlos can deal with me personally!"

"To die under the hands of His Majesty Carlos is my last wish."

Finished the sixth update today, take a rest and think about tomorrow's plot.

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