Kingdom of Light: Inherit the Galactic Empire at the beginning

Chapter 85 Zero: Why do I have a new form! ?

"What kind of power is this..."

Zero looked at his red body, his eyes full of shock. At this moment, he only felt that he was like a blazing sun, releasing explosive power all over his body. At the same time, he could also feel He realized that this power did not belong to him at all, but came from two Ultra warriors he knew well.

And these two Ultra Warriors are Dyna and Gauss.

Zero didn't understand why the power of the two of them would remain in his body. This was a powerful force that should not belong to him at all.

This form is the Strong Corona type, which inherits the abilities of Ultraman Dyna Strong and Ultraman Gauss Corona. It can fight with maximum power. The most notable feature is the ice ax and energy on its head. The edge of the indicator and the lines of the body are golden. The upper body is red, and the lower body is mainly silver.

Possessing powerful strength, he can exert the power of Dyna Strong Form and Gaussian Corona Form in hand-to-hand combat. On the basis of maintaining Zero's original speed and agility, combat and strength will increase.

This was a change in form that made Diga even look at it with envy.

There is no way, whoever makes Diga change his form is just tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall. He is abandoning one aspect of his ability and maximizing the other aspect's ability.

At this time, a large number of monsters let out deafening roars and rushed towards Zero.

Zero looked at these monsters, and his body almost reacted subconsciously. He raised his hand and tapped the Palaji bracelet on his wrist. A large amount of energy condensed in his right fist and began to release a flaming red light. The moment the arm struck out, a super-high temperature destructive light was released from the fist.

There will also be a flame-like aperture surrounding the light, and the temperature can directly exceed one million degrees.

This move is naturally the corona-strength special move, Garnet Explosion, which is several times more powerful than Nebast's light and can directly destroy an asteroid.

Of course, Zero still controlled a certain amount of power here, otherwise he would blow up the asteroid under his feet, and then he would be involved.

Boom boom boom!

Although the light only hit one monster, it triggered an extremely terrifying explosion. The flames of the explosion swallowed up all the surrounding monsters. Under the flames, a large number of monsters were directly burned into coke and dissipated.

Some monsters also walked out of the flames. When Zero took a closer look, he found that there was a special shield wrapped around the surface of those monsters. It seemed that under the influence of these shields, they were not affected by the flames. spread in.

"Since they can use one form of power, can they use the other form of power?"

With this thought in mind, Sero tapped the Palaji bracelet on his wrist again. At this moment, a blue light was released from the bracelet. In the light, Sero's form changed again.

At this moment, the edges of the ice ax and energy indicator on Zero's head and the lines of his body are blue, and the body color is emphasized in different shades of blue.

In this form, Zero can exert miraculous power when moving at super high speeds or fighting, and this miraculous power naturally comes from Dyna's miraculous type.

At the same time, it can also display Gauss's unique self-healing and purifying abilities.

While retaining Zero's basic physical strength, he has added many superpowers.

At this moment, Zero raised his hands, and invisible power spread out from his palms. Under the influence of this power, the monsters that were still sprinting were all stunned on the spot. It was as if a layer of invisible shackles had been imposed on them, binding them and preventing them from moving at all.

In the next second, Zero injected his superpower into the ice axe. Under the influence of the superpower, the two ice axes that flew out instantly split into thousands of ice axes, and they headed towards the monsters to kill them all. Go and finally kill all the remaining monsters in one go.

After all the monsters were eliminated, Zero also returned to his basic form, but now his eyes were full of confusion.

Whether it is the Moon God Miracle Type or the Strong Sun Interest-free, they all show extremely powerful power. If it were in the past, Zero would have been extremely excited if he had gained powerful power.

But it's different now. After gaining power, Zero was thinking about the meaning of gaining this powerful power.

Because these two powers were not obtained by his own cultivation, but suddenly stayed in his body and merged with each other to form a more powerful force. It was like divine power descending from heaven, which made Zero feel unaccustomed to it for a moment. .

Even the previous Shield of Palagi never gave Zero this feeling. At least the Shield of Palagi was an artifact obtained by Zero after he personally connected the bonds of the entire universe and obtained the light of the entire universe. And the situation at that time Crisis indeed requires this powerful force.

It's different now. Even without these two forms, Zero can destroy these monsters. The only thing he doesn't understand is why Dyna and Gauss would keep this power in their bodies.

If you want to know why, I'm afraid you can only ask those two Ultra Warriors, right?

However, Dyna himself is a guy who runs around the universe. Even if Zero can travel across the multiverse, he may not be able to find him.

Gauss's universe, Silo, has never been there, and its coordinates are not known.

In this way, it is basically impossible to find those two guys.

The only person I can ask is that guy Carlos, the guy who is almost the same as the old magician in my heart.

So Zero decisively left the planet and flew in the direction of the new Galactic Empire.

If it had been in the past, this would have been completely impossible. Zero and the Galactic Empire were mortal enemies.

Once the Galactic Empire finds out about Zero, it will fight him to death.

It's completely different now. Ever since Zero promised Carlos three things, the new Galactic Empire and Zero's home are almost places where you can come and leave whenever you want.

Even the cosmic people living in the new Galactic Empire have become accustomed to this matter.

There was only one person who had a particularly big reaction when seeing Zero, and that was naturally the rescued Baxterian Hypa.

"Sero, you bastard! I originally wanted to seek revenge from you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door yourself!"

"Baxter Star, I didn't expect that you are still alive. Now that I have met you, let me kill you again!"

This is the second update today. The speed has been a bit slow recently. After my body recovers, the speed will return to normal. There are three updates left.

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