Kingdom of Light: Inherit the Galactic Empire at the beginning

Chapter 88 Two strong men fight, and the one who suffers is the Five Kings of Darkness

"Thankfully Jieke is on our side. If he belongs to the Kingdom of Light, it will be a big trouble for us." Shatar's eyes were filled with shock and he said in a loss of voice.

If it were him who had been hit by the dark armor just now, even if he could block this move, the attack would never be so easy, and he would suffer some damage.

And there wasn't even a trace left on the shield that Jack used, which was simply too incredible.

After seeing that his attack was blocked, Dark Armor couldn't help but froze for a moment. It was obvious that the powerful power of light exerted by Jack had attracted Dark Armor's attention, and Dark Armor subconsciously regarded Jie Ke as its next host. The best candidate, the next thing to do is to find the right opportunity during the attack to completely devour his body.

"It's still too weak. Even if I stand and let him hit me, he won't be able to kill me."

With a wave of his arm, Jie Ke immediately canceled the golden shield spread out in front of him.

"Your Excellency Jie Ke, you should be more careful. After all, the Dark Armor has the ability to devour the body. If he devours your body, it will be an extremely huge loss for us." Silan reminded aloud.

Facing Slan's reminder, Jie Ke still dismissed it and said: "Just because this pile of scrap metal wants to devour my body, do you think that I am too simple?"

"If the opponent doesn't take action, then it's my turn to take action." Then Jieke raised the ultimate blade in his hand and swung it down with all his strength.


There was only an explosion, and an extremely terrifying energy was poured into the sword's edge. It seemed that even the entire dark field was affected by this powerful force and began to tremble slightly.

Feeling the powerful power released at this moment, the 5 Dark Kings became even more shocked.

In their eyes, Jie Ke was like a god descending from the sky at this moment, bursting out with invincible power.

Jieke's personality is completely different from that of Ultra's father. After possessing powerful power, he has never thought of showing mercy. Once he makes a move, he will use more power, even all his strength.

After tens of thousands of years of accumulation, Jie Ke's power is no less powerful than the real power.

In addition, the dark armor is owned by the Ampera people. Since it is owned, it is worth using this level of power.

"With such a powerful force, if we use it directly to deal with the Kingdom of Light, it will probably be enough. We don't have to wait for His Majesty Beria to be resurrected."

Shatar lost his voice and said.

"The combat power displayed by Lord Jieke is indeed very powerful, but don't forget that there are many strong men in the Kingdom of Light. The Father of Ultra alone can compete with them."

"Even if the father of Ultra is held back, there are still Ultra brothers and Zero in the Kingdom of Light. They can still be regarded as a very huge threat to the army of our Alliance of Spacemen. "

"We have been preparing for so long just to avenge the Kingdom of Light. But we must not launch an attack rashly just for the sake of a little powerful power. Otherwise, our preparations for so long will be in vain."

Silan has always maintained a very rational perspective on the problem. Judging from the current situation, they can only achieve greater victory after His Majesty Beria is resurrected.


A huge silver-white light blade flew out instantly and hit the dark armor.

Even in the face of such a terrifying and powerful attack, the dark armor still did not show any fear. Instead, it waved the dark trident in its hand. Red and black lightning wrapped around the entire weapon, and it was also released with an extremely powerful dark aura. out.

The aura released by the dark armor is more powerful at this moment, making the battle in the dark realm more intense.

There is no way, who wants to fight in someone else's home field? The dark armor can completely mobilize the powerful dark power remaining in the dark field, and use this to strengthen its own attack power.

The dark aura gradually condensed, forming a huge black energy ball at the top of the dark gun.

Looking at this energy ball, the Five Dark Kings all showed shocked expressions at this moment.

"Could it be that the Ampera planet's exclusive special move, the Rezolim Ray!?"

Dislogu's voice also became frightened at this moment.

The power displayed by the Ampera star's Rezolim light is indeed extremely powerful.

For ordinary people in the universe, this is a move that is completely unstoppable.

Not to mention a life form of light like Jieke.

The life evolution path of the Ampera is completely different from that of the Ultra Warriors, so his special moves have an absolute restraint effect on the Ultra Warriors.

Once it hits an Ultra Warrior, it will completely disintegrate the opponent's body in the blink of an eye.

Make it a real dead body.

No matter how powerful Jie Ke is, he still has not escaped the category of a life form of light.

This means that Rezolim's light will cause extremely effective damage to Jack, not to mention that the dark armor at this moment also increases the power of his own attack.

"Hurry up, use your own strength to deploy the shield!"

Silan also felt that something was wrong, and immediately issued an order. At this moment, the Five Dark Kings directly used all their strength to spread out the largest energy shield in front of them, wrapping all of them.

Once these two attacks collide, they will produce unparalleled destructive power.

If they, the Five Dark Kings, do not deploy their shield in time, they may be affected by the shock wave.

Once it is affected and is not instantly shattered to pieces, it is already the best ending.

Based on their physical strength, they would probably be beaten directly to a near-death state. In this case, whether they could walk out of the dark realm alive is another matter.

Boom boom boom!

When the attacks from both sides collided, an extremely dazzling white light erupted.

It was obviously a dark area, but at this moment, under the influence of white blazing light, it directly turned into white flowers, and the entire dark area was illuminated.

Immediately afterwards, the entire realm began to tremble crazily, and a large number of cracks spread all around in an instant, as if the dark realm would be shattered in the next second.

The powerful shock wave also directly hit the energy shield displayed by the five of them. They were obviously protected by the energy shield, but under the influence of this powerful force, they all felt that their consciousness was about to be swallowed up.

This is the fifth update today. I can finally have a good rest.

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