In the unknown universe, outside the M78 galaxy, four meteors streaked across the sky.

Looking closely, they were the four people led by Cero,

Red Lotus Flame, Mirror Knight, and James Bert!

After a long journey through the space-time channel, under the leadership of Cero, they also set foot in this strange universe for the first time.

“It’s really good. Although it is a little different from our universe, most of it is the same!”

Red Lotus Flame’s exclamation made the Mirror Knight speechless.

“Speaking of which, the differences between the various dimensional universes are not that big, right? Only some special planets are different, such as the Kingdom of Light we are about to arrive at?”

At this time, James Bert also spoke:

“Come to think of it, I haven’t seemed to feel the strong radiation energy beam that Cero mentioned yet. Could I have taken the wrong route?”

Emerana in her body said with a bit of a smile:

“This is Sero’s home, how could she be wrong?”

Because Sero had forced Emerana to merge with her in order to save her life, after a long time,

Emerana had almost recovered in Sero’s body, and the two of them separated automatically.

“That’s right!”

Sailo rubbed the tip of his nose.

“Do you think you are talking like human beings? Princess Emerana is really smart! How could I forget my way home?!! As for why I didn’t see the light shining over me?……Maybe we are not close enough?”

The four of them continued to fly towards the interior of the M78 Nebula, chatting and talking.

The originally relaxed and happy atmosphere gradually became more and more ugly as they got closer. The other three also noticed some abnormal energy fluctuations. It was obviously not the warm plasma energy light. Instead, it made people feel uncomfortable! Until a long time later, Sero hovered in the void with a confused look. She looked around with her dark eyebrows, muttering to herself, but she could not see where the once emerald green planet was.

“That’s not right…….”

“Sero, why don’t you tell us if there are any other iconic things besides green?”

Mirror Knight tried to comfort him as much as possible:

“Maybe you 17 people in the Kingdom of Light are experimenting with some new type of invisible protection facility, and in order not to attract the attention of the aliens, you have hidden yourself.”

“Yes, yes, tell us the characteristics and we will find them with you!”

Normally, this kind of lame excuse would be impossible without even a second thought, but now, for some reason, she actually felt that the Mirror Knight’s words were extremely credible.

“Yes, that must be the case! As for the architectural symbol of the Kingdom of Light, there is a very tall tower. Normally, the top of the tower will emit plasma spark energy!”As soon as this was said, everyone turned around and looked around in this galaxy.

Until one moment,

James and Emerana saw a planet in the dark.

The surface was covered by black and red mist, and even the top of the tower was covered by strange energy.

From the outside, it looked like a dead star.

Emerana’s heart suddenly skipped a beat.

She was still hesitating whether to tell Cero, but James, who was quick-mouthed, immediately pointed at the planet and shouted:

“”Cero, look over there!” All of them turned their heads to look at the black planet. When they saw it for the first time, their expressions froze. Then, like Cero, they slowly widened their eyes, because there was a very tall tower above the planet, but it was no longer bright.

“Kingdom of Light……The Kingdom of Light?!!!!!!”

Cero was incredulous at first, and incredulous the next second.

She was a little speechless, and instantly accelerated her flying speed, rushing straight over at a speed nearly ten times faster than before!

Red Lotus Flame, Mirror Knight, and James Bert hadn’t reacted yet, but they knew in their hearts that something serious seemed to have happened!!!

After everyone entered the outer layer of the black mist of the Kingdom of Light, the strange scene on the surface of the planet was completely exposed to everyone’s gaze.

A dead atmosphere permeated every high-rise building and every street in the city.

What was even more creepy was that there was really no one here!!!

“how so……”

Slowly landing on the street, Sero looked at the familiar surroundings, but there was no prosperity in the past.

A strong sense of uneasiness spread in her heart!


Suddenly, a strange sound came from under her feet, and several people were attracted to it.

Sero lowered her head and picked up the thing under her feet.

It turned out to be a doll!!!

To be precise, it was an Ultra Warrior doll whose name Sero didn’t know!

This made her confused, because she had heard her father Seven mention that on the distant earth, humans would make toy dolls similar to this to express their love and gratitude for the Ultra Warriors who protected the peace of the earth, but now, why did this thing appear in the Kingdom of Light? ? ?

When she looked around strangely, one toy doll after another appeared in every corner of the city street!!!

For a while, the weird atmosphere spread wildly.

Could it be that all the Ultra Warriors in the Kingdom of Light have become toy dolls?!!

When this horrifying thought came to Cero, she immediately turned around and flew towards the direction of the plasma spark tower!

After passing through one high-rise building after another, she landed on the Ultra Square below the spark tower.

Then, she looked up slightly and saw the only figure that had appeared in the Kingdom of Light so far, a female giant with a black body, a blood-red gem inlaid on her chest, a hideous face, and scarlet cross eyes!!!

She sat on a chair that was pulled from somewhere. She was originally silent and closed her eyes, but now because of Cero’s appearance, she slowly opened her eyes!!!


A blood-colored energy wave expanded wildly in all directions in the form of air waves.

The four people who had experienced many battles would no longer be scared by this airflow, but the smell of tense and vigilant gunpowder in the air became more and more intense!!!

“I didn’t expect it…….Is there anyone in the Land of Light who has not turned into a spark puppet, and dares to come and seek death?……”

The deep voice from the figure’s mouth was full of information to the ears of the four people, including Cello! The current situation of the Kingdom of Light was caused by him. The toy dolls that were seen before were actually called Spark Dolls, and they were also his doing. This information instantly ignited the anger in Cello’s heart. She stared at the figure with her eyes fixed and asked with gritted teeth:

“Who are you?!! And what have you done to everyone?!!”

The figure stood up from his seat, with a rebellious expression on his face, and his long wine-red hair fluttered behind him!!!

【My name is Dark Luciel!!! From today on, I am the ruler of this kingdom of light!!! In the future, I will be the ruler of this universe!!!】

As she said this, she looked down at Cero and sneered:

“As for what happened to your compatriots? I didn’t hurt them, I just paused their time, and turned them into spark dolls forever, immortal and indestructible!!!”

Dark Luke El?

Pause time?!

Immortal and indestructible?!!

If it were normal times, hearing the word immortal and indestructible,

Cero would probably think of the benefits, but now, if being turned into a toy doll can also be called immortal and indestructible, then this is a desperate curse!!!

But, how is it possible?!!

Even if she, Cero, is not in the Kingdom of Light, there are still the powerful Ultra Brothers, and the powerful Ultra Warriors who were originally stationed on other planets (to read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Her master Leo is not a good person, and now they have all disappeared.

Could it be that they were all defeated by this Luke El?!!

Then her strength…

“Are you looking for them?”

Luke El raised her hand and waved it in the air.

Spark dolls that were very familiar to Cero appeared in the air one by one.

The first one was the most explosive,

Ultra Father! Ultra Mother!!!

As the leaders of the Kingdom of Light, they were turned into toy dolls?!!

The next ones were the Ultra Brothers, all the way to Mebius and Hikari, but Cero secretly breathed a sigh of relief during this process, because she did not see the first generation Ultraman and Ultraman Seven!!! []

To be more precise, she did not see her father!

That���This means he is still alive somewhere!!!

However, it was this slight change in her expression that caught Lukeel’s attention.

“It seems that you have also discovered that there are a few important ones missing from the Spark Dolls I collected. Among them, the second and third brothers of the Ultra Brothers are not there. Your expression became relaxed after you found out that they were not there. That means you have a close relationship with one of them.”

As she said this, she looked at Cero again and immediately concluded with a smile,

“I guess you are the daughter that Seven has been talking about, Sero? Unfortunately, there is no way for you and your daughter to meet soon.”

When these words came out,

Sero suddenly panicked.

“What do you mean?!! What did you do to my father?!! Why can’t I see him?!!”

Luke El put away the Spark Doll, then suddenly raised her head and showed a hideous smile.

“Because you will be turned into a Spark Doll by me first!!!”


There was almost no time to react, a black and red aura completely enveloped the four people including Cero! They were unable to move!

“You, who were highly expected by several Ultra Brothers, are just like this.”

After saying that,

Luke El grabbed the dark spark from the void with her backhand, pointed its tip at the four Ultramen in front of her, and directly gathered her strength to launch an attack!

【Dark Spark Fluctuation!!!

Scarlet light mist-like energy fluctuations poured out, and

Sero saw this attack rapidly magnified in her eyes.

She could feel that if this attack hit her, her life would be in danger!!!

And she had people to save, how could she just die here?!!!

At the critical moment,

Sero’s idealism broke out and broke free from the murderous aura, calling out loudly:

“”Palagi’s Shield!!!”

Bang, bang, bang!!!

A silver shield fragment flew out from the bracelet on Cero’s right hand, forming a thick defense wall in front of her, completely blocking Luciel’s dark spark fluctuations!!!

“Yo……It’s quite interesting.”

Lukeel’s eyes lit up slightly when the Paraji Shield appeared.

“That is to say, how could I get rid of Cero who is favored by so many Ultra Warriors with just one move? Come on, let me see your full strength!!!”

After the voice fell,

Luke El stepped forward with her front foot, exerted force with her legs, and directly shook a large pit of hundreds of meters on the ground.

Then the whole person rushed straight towards Cero like black and red lightning , and on the way, the dark spark in her hand quickly extended and turned into a special weapon, the dark spark gun!!

The spear came to Cero in an instant with a sharp whistling sound!

When the tip of the spear broke through Cero’s defense, the side of the spear suffered a force of impact!

Turning his head, he saw the other three people who came with Cero,

“Don’t treat us like decorations!”

Honglian’s fists were like fireballs, fiercely knocking Lukeel’s dark spark gun off balance, and the attack was not accurate.���However, when she adjusted her posture to attack Cero again, she found that the Dark Spark Gun had penetrated only a glass mirror! After the fragments were exposed and scattered, it was the Mirror Knight who appeared.

“We have also met opponents at the level of destroying the universe, so how could we be afraid of you?”530

Hearing this, Lukeel swung the Dark Spark Gun and was about to slash at her, but the next second, a huge axe with great force and power came from behind, carrying a green slashing wave, and hit Lukeel heavily, sending her flying thousands of meters away, and finally crashing into a high-rise building next to her!


Lukeel broke free from it with a gloomy face.

She was about to look for the traces of those guys, but suddenly she sensed a strong wave in the sky!

Looking up suddenly, she saw that the long-lost Cero, holding the Paraji Shield that had turned into a bow and arrow in one hand, and pulling the bowstring with the other hand, madly accumulating strength.

Obviously, the previous fighting cooperation was all in preparation for Cero’s next attack!!!

【Ultimate Light Bow and Arrow!!!

As the strongest ultimate light skill of the Paraji Shield, Cero had never had the chance to use it before because of Caesar’s presence. Now, after returning to the Kingdom of Light and meeting an enemy who turned everyone into toys, Cero, who was fully fired up, naturally wanted to test the power of this move!!!

“I’ll end you with this one strike!!!”


The pure white arrow of light left a long tail the moment it was released, as if it had penetrated the Kingdom of Light from top to bottom.

Wherever it passed, the space twisted and vibrated, the ripples kept expanding, and the whistling sound caused by the friction of the air resounded until it fiercely hit Lukeel’s body!


The deafening explosion instantly resounded over the Kingdom of Light, and the mushroom-like fireworks engulfed Lukeel’s body.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

This enemy didn’t seem to be too difficult to deal with, but it also consumed a lot of energy from Cero.

What was more worrying was where it came from, and how did it turn the Ultra Warrior into a Spark Doll ? Just when the four were about to explore the answers to these questions, a sharp gust of wind suddenly shot out from the explosion dust in the distance,

【Dark Lugiel Strike!】

“Cero, get out of the way!!!”

Mirror Knight reacted in time and opened a mirror to block Cero, but the attacking purple destructive light ball caused amazing damage, shattering the mirror and blasting the Mirror Knight away!

“Mirror Knight!”

Before Sero could save him, a black and red ghost appeared in front of him, and kicked with the red lotus flame wrapped around his right foot.

As a result, the opponent just raised his hand and slapped, instantly fanning the red lotus flame away, smashing countless high-rise buildings, and then, the huge claws firmly grabbed Sero and slowly lifted him up!!!

“Do you really think you are so great?��”

After growing bigger, Luciel returned and sneered at Cero who was being squeezed tightly in her hands.

“The battle has just begun!!!”……

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