Giga Endora, as a well-known cleansing weapon of Drasion in the multiverse, its appearance means the coming of doomsday.

The reset light is an attack that even the King of Ultra needs to take seriously.

It has a high temperature of up to 10 million and can instantly wipe out all life on any planet.

So, when he saw that Caesar only let the two Chaos Ultramen he created go up to fight, he concluded that doing so was just to die.

But just when the King of Ultra was about to rescue Caesar, he was enveloped by the reset light, and a more dazzling light suddenly shone and bloomed, even the universe within hundreds of light years in diameter was illuminated!!!

The King of Ultra was stunned by this scene.

At first, he really thought that the two Chaos puppets blocked the reset light.

He also wanted to ask Caesar if he had added materials to the puppet, such as the plasma spark core used to create Dark Zagi before.

However, he never expected that when the King of Ultra looked at the center of the light, an extremely familiar figure quietly emerged!!!

It was also at this moment that the King of Ultra remembered that sentence,

【When two powerful forces in the universe meet, his true form will be revealed in that brilliance.】

“Holy shit!!! Isn’t this Reijido?!!!”

Even the King of Ultra couldn’t help but exclaim at this moment.

He definitely couldn’t have mistaken that back figure!

It was the legendary warrior, the representative of the will of the universe,

Ultraman Legend!!!

One of the reasons why the King of Ultra was shocked was that Legend was as powerful as Noah!

According to records, Ultraman Legend was a great figure with great power in the past history of the universe.

He had left his traces all over the universe.

For example, the natives of the planet Gyashi recognized his existence from their legends and regarded him as the God of the Universe, and affirmed that he possessed the most powerful offensive skills in the universe!!!

And the reason that really shocked the King of Ultra was that this thing was summoned by two Ultraman Chaos puppets?!!

How is this possible?!!

First of all, Ultraman Chaos is not a real Ultraman.

In a sense, he is more like a monster!

Secondly, even if the two Chaos puppets can be summoned, how does Caesar know that the two of them can definitely do it?!!

The King of Ultra’s mind raced, and suddenly, it seemed Understanding something, from the beginning, Caesar has been provoking Drassion and has been asking Drassor to give him two puppets to be a sparring.

Did he say that he could summon Lejito!

Can the two Ultraman summon Legado at the most critical moment ? Weng , just to try the large password!

“The will of the universe——Ultraman Legend?!! How could this man with a mysterious face appear here?!!”

As a prophet of the universe,

Delacion naturally knew a lot about Legend, who was also a being at the level of the universe, but he didn’t have much contact with him because he was too mysterious.

If the legendary superman, Noah, was once recorded in the form of statues in various places in the universe, then Legend’s deeds were only empty words.

【When the two great forces of the universe……】

This statement was indeed regarded as an oracle at the beginning, but later on, it was just a lie to deceive children!!!

Because many creatures in the universe tried to see Reijido according to this statement, so they went to some dangerous place to die together, praying that Reijido could save their lives in a critical moment, and admire his great figure, but what was the result?

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed in the universe, and this legend has only appeared a few times, and that legend has eventually become a joke for many people!

Just like in martial arts novels, it is rumored that you can get martial arts secrets by jumping off a cliff, and you say whether to jump or not. If you jump, you are a believer of the charlatan. If he suddenly remembers that he is a god one day, he may really appear and send down an oracle to save your life, but most of the time, the charlatan has no time to care about you. Jumping off the cliff will be a mess, and you will die. You can only change your god belief in the next life!

Therefore, even Drasion does not think that Reijido can really be summoned according to that legend!

But now, the facts slapped him in the face.

He really let the two Chaos puppets summon the god-stick Reijido under his reset light!!!

This man who usually looks so god-like and has not said a word for tens of thousands of years, how come he appeared today? ? ?

Targeting him, right?!!

Could it be because of the Chaos virus?

As we all know, the Chaos virus is also called the Chaos virus.

In general, its body is a group of light viruses, but light is an indispensable energy in the body of the Ultra Warrior.

So, Caesar knew the fusion formula a long time ago and came to use me as a catalyst? ? ?

I, Delacion, have really become a sparring partner?!!!!!!

At this time,

Justice, who was standing below Delacion, opened her mouth in shock, and a storm was set off in her heart!

How could she not know the legend of Reijido?

Not only is his figure full of divinity, but his combat power can also be said to be no exaggeration for the Almighty God!

Such a legendary figure, as the name suggests, is a legendary warrior who embodies the”legend”!

She once followed its footsteps in the multiverse, hoping to admire its power.

As a result, you told me that two Chaos puppet Ultraman can be directly synthesized? ? ?

This is not a question of whether it is cheap or not, but it takes tens of thousands of years to travel in the endless universe, and finally find out that the idol has always lived in the same village with you!

If you want to see him, go out and turn a corner, find the monster lover named Gao Si, and then passionately merge with him, and you can see the idol in your mind at any time!

Who wouldn’t collapse in this place!!!

At the same time, in the Kingdom of Absolut,

Tartarus has completed more than half of the reconstruction of the kingdom, and is about to open the Naraku portal to see how far the confrontation between Drasion and the Kingdom of Light has progressed.

As a result, as soon as he opened the door, he saw the back of Regido under the reset light, and the next second, he retreated directly.

Tartarus instantly fell into deep thought, it must be that I opened it in the wrong way!!!


Noah just came, how could Reijido come again?!

It must be that I didn’t get enough rest yesterday. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Go back and sleep for a while!

Diablo, Titan and Tregear on the side saw his nervous look and couldn’t help but sigh that Tartarus really paid too much for the kingdom!

It seems that kidney deficiency is indeed caused by overwork.~~~

On the other side, [] far away on a planet full of monsters, a blue-skinned Ultraman, as if sensing something, flew into the air and headed towards the depths of the universe at high speed!

Outside the King Star, the reset light gradually weakened, and the figure blooming in the brilliance also completely entered the field of vision of all parties, but at this moment, a reversal that surprised everyone happened again!

“This is not Reijudo!!!”

The King of Ultra was the first to exclaim in his heart.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
His sight passed through the darkness and fell on the figure that was extremely similar to Reijudo, but he could confirm that this was definitely not Reijudo!!!

There were many black lines on this figure, and the timers in his eyes and chest turned scarlet.

It exuded an uncontrollable evil spirit all over its body, even worse than Dark Zagi!!!

Reijudo was the embodiment of justice in the universe, and where was the justice in the person in front of him


It was completely evil!!!

“hehe……Hahaha!! I really thought it was Reijido who came here, but it turns out to be a fake after all!”

Dracion’s voice became much higher-pitched.

When he saw clearly that the figure that was born was not Reijido, he breathed a sigh of relief and his words were no longer as cautious as before. He became much more arrogant!

It was obvious that he was afraid that Reijido would really show up here and slap him in the face.

Now that he knew that no one dared to slap him in the face, he naturally wanted to vent his anger!

“It seems that no one has ever said that the summoned figure is Ultraman Legend, right?”

At this time, Caesar’s voice spread faintly in the universe.

“By the way, I would like to remind you that this person is not called Reijido, but Chaos Reijido.】!!!”

That’s right, this is exactly what Caesar had in mind at the beginning!!!

When he turned Chaosstero, the first generation, and Seven back to their original forms and turned them into Chaos virus, the first thing Caesar thought of was the puppets made by Chaos imitating Gauss.

So, since we have Chaos Gauss, why not have another Chaos Justice?

Since the two major fusion materials are gathered, why not go a little bigger?

Create a god directly!!!


Caesar upgraded the Chaos virus significantly through the plasma spark core, allowing them to wash away their disadvantages and shortcomings, and evolve without limit.

In the end, Caesar clearly felt that they had touched the threshold of God!!!

That’s why Caesar blatantly provoked Delacion, just to be sure that these two Chaos puppets could be synthesized into Chaos Regido 100%!!!

No, everything is as Caesar expected, the justice of the universe – the opposite of Regido, the evil of the universe – Chaos Regido, was born!!!!

“No matter how you argue, you can’t deny that it’s just a fake made by you! What’s more, you are just an unknown scientist in the Kingdom of Light, how dare you get involved in the realm of God?!!”

Faced with Delacion’s rebuke,

Caesar seemed indifferent.

“‘~Aren’t gods also created? They may be the first ray of light in the universe, or the embodiment of will and justice. Aren’t these symbols created because they are needed? Now, I have the ability to transform those abstract concepts into reality. This is my ability. If you don’t have the ability, don’t bark here.~”


Drasion was completely enraged by Caesar.

“”Okay, okay! A life form of a low-level universe dares to offend me so much!!! Then you and your fake will disappear into the universe together!!!”

I saw that in the huge distorted light curtain, two Giga Endoras actually came out!!!

Even the King of Ultra couldn’t help but smack his lips slightly at this scene.

A group of three were dispatched.

Drasion had to use all his strength to teach Caesar a lesson!!!

However, humph, you are a high-level life form in the multiverse, and you are so angry that you bully a child who is only a few thousand years old.

Do you really think that there is no one in my Kingdom of Light?!!

Just when the King of Ultra was about to make a move,

Caesar grabbed him directly from the side.

“Dracion!!! Don’t forget what you said as the prophet of the universe! If your Giga Endora cannot harm me, then you must fulfill your promise and leave this universe on your own accord, and never set foot in it again!!!”

“”Haha! You are so shameless! I will keep my promise!!! It depends on whether you live to see that scene! Do it!”

With that order, three Giga Endoras, like three big octopuses, enveloped the quietly suspended Chaos Legato.

They began to gather energy from three directions.

At that moment, perhaps one could clearly feel the suffocating feeling of the surrounding space being absorbed and swept away.

Everything was gathered by the three Giga Endoras to the center of the spaceship, forming three extremely huge energy balls!!!


At the moment when the three reset rays were shot out, no sound could be heard.

Everyone only felt a buzzing in their ears.

The universe was torn apart, and the void was revealed.

But even the void could not extract the energy of the three reset rays (the nuo’s).

They all shot directly at Chaos Regido in the center!!!

It had not moved all the time, but suddenly raised its head, and a flash of light flashed in its scarlet evil eyes.

Chaos Regido gathered his hands to the sky to resist, and then caught the three rays!!!

Although the impact of the light pushed it tens of thousands of meters away, the reset light was actually weakened rapidly in the naked eye!

So, in the incredible eyes of everyone,

Chaos Regido’s body was filled with dark red blood-red light!

“Is this the power of the Aurora?!!”

“To be precise, it is an enhanced version, Chaos Aurora Power!!!”

Faced with the shock of the King of Ultra,

Caesar replied lightly.

You know, Chaos Ultraman is an enhanced version of Gaos.

In the original TV series, without the help of humans, the defense team and other aspects,

Gaos could not defeat Chaos at all, and Caesar added a lot of big ingredients when making it!

The current Chaos Aurora Power is naturally more absorbent than the original version!!!

It can be called an endless black hole!!!

“So……Spark Legend……”

The King of Ultra muttered to himself, but saw that the picture he imagined had already appeared before his eyes.

Chaos Legato pushed forward and absorbed all three reset rays.

He had come to the center of the three Giga Endoras, then turned his hands around, and a circle of dark light appeared in front of him.

When he twisted his waist and rotated around himself, endless energy rushed out of his body like a tsunami. Finally, he released all his strength in one breath, and his body also twisted in the opposite direction, forming a cyclonic vortex like a huge black hole that swallowed everything, and blasted towards the three Giga Endoras!!!

At that moment, the universe was silent, and only Caesar’s voice was faintly heard.

“This is the Legend of Chaos Sparks!!!”……

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