In the Kingdom of Light, at the Space Guard Headquarters, an emergency meeting was held.

Caesar, Seven and others briefly talked about what happened in the distorted space.

Of course, no one talked about the galaxy explosion. After all, if you don’t talk about something that hurts friendship and harmony, it’s like you didn’t do it.

“Regarding the destruction of the Absolut Kingdom, but the reappearance of the Tartarus trio, I think they must be from another parallel universe, also known as the upper universe.”

Caesar simply revealed some of the information he had communicated with Noah, Regido and others before, especially about the anchor.

“The Tartarus, Diablo, and Titan we met this time are far more powerful than before. They not only have Absolut energy particles in their bodies, but also many other fusion powers, just like we have been absorbing the energy of the Plasma Spark Tower before, but recently, because of the Cascade Rays I created, everyone has also gained strength.”

After hearing these words,

Ultra Father let out a long sigh,

“So what you mean, Caesar, is that the Absolut Kingdom in our universe was destroyed for some unknown reason, but was replaced by the more powerful Absolut people, who interfered with the peace of our universe?”

Caesar nodded.

“This can be seen from the fact that they have created a large number of mechanical Ultra Brothers and Dark Lopus Zero.”

Ultra Father looked at him,

“What do you suggest? How should we deal with it next?”

Caesar said seriously.

“We can take the initiative to attack appropriately.

Since these Absoluts from other universes have already started to attack us, there is no guarantee that aliens from other universes will also come to trouble us.

It is better to attack appropriately and build the reputation of the Kingdom of Light.

After we have established our prestige in multiple parallel universes, it will not be too late to talk about peace.

“If we have the strength and want to maintain the peace of the universe, we can only stop the war with war and support the war with war.

If we just live in a corner and someone attacks us, it would seem too petty for us to respond.

Caesar holds so many black technologies that can change the pattern of the universe.

As long as he leaves a part of them to guard the Kingdom of Light, he will not be afraid of being robbed.

This is the real reason why Caesar proposed to take the initiative to attack during this period. Father of Ultra was silent for a long time

, and finally nodded.

“Your suggestion is actually similar to what I had in mind some time ago. I also think it’s time for us to do something big to prove our existence. In the past, we had to worry about all kinds of sealed cosmic beings, evil Ultra Warriors, or the Absoluts who were secretly watching. Now, there is basically no existence stronger than the Kingdom of Light in our universe. If we stay here, it would be a shame to the black technology you created, Caesar.”

As he said this, he stood up and walked down to Seven.

“I decided to deal with the matter of Zero going out for training together with the matter mentioned by Caesar.”

Seven was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized.

“Captain, do you mean that you plan to let Zero and Caesar go to other universes together?”

“With Caesar here, Ultraman Zero won’t be in danger. This is a great opportunity.”

As he said this, Ultraman Father looked at Caesar with a smile.

“However, this requires asking Caesar if he is willing to do so. After all, it would be a waste of energy to take care of Zero.”

The universe is dangerous, and it is already difficult to ensure one’s own safety. No one will say that they must take care of anyone, but if someone can take care of them, they will naturally be grateful. Seven was like this at the moment, looking at Caesar with respect.

“If possible, I, Seven, would be extremely grateful! After all, letting Zero go with you can not only train myself, but also broaden my horizons and learn from you, which is a request I dare not hope for!”

Seven, such a respected old man, is now so humble in front of Caesar.

On the one hand, Caesar has indeed made great contributions and his status in the Space Guard has risen.

On the other hand, as I just mentioned, it is not an exaggeration to kowtow to you to express my gratitude when there is someone outside to help your child.

“Captain, Senior Seven, you can rest assured. Even if I can’t take care of him all the time, I will at least give Zero some equipment and props to protect himself.”

After hearing this,

Seven was immediately relieved.

The reason why they believed in Caesar was that they believed in what Caesar made.

As long as the things were there, it wouldn’t be a big problem if the people were not there.

Father Ultra made the final decision at this time and said:

“Let’s put it this way. Three days later, Caesar and Zero will go to the upper universe. It’s up to you, Caesar, to choose where to go. There’s no rush to make the Kingdom of Light famous. You can take your time.'”

“I understand. I will go down and prepare first.”

In the next three days,

Caesar sorted out all the equipment and props that needed to be brought.

He planned to take Dark Zagi with him,

Chaos Legato would stay in the Kingdom of Light to guard, and Ultraman Titan would not be brought.

Although she had been transformed, she still had the breath of the Absolut people.

If she was targeted by other Absolut people from the parallel universe halfway, it would be a trouble.

In addition,

Caesar prepared a lot of Ultra Keys, Ultra Bells, Plasma Spark Cores, etc., and then there were the monster girls that the Ultra Brothers begged Caesar to create.

These days, he collected the original bodies of many monsters.

In addition to trying to make these monster girls cute and beautiful enough, he also equipped them with some self-defense skills that originally belonged to them.

They can be used, but they cannot be without.

After all, you don’t know, those Ultra Old Dengs will What kind of tricks can he play?

However, in addition to the monster girls they requested,

Caesar also created several special monster girls, one of which is Gatanjea.

But because he couldn’t find the prototype of this thing,

Caesar could only piece it together with some nautilus.

In the end, he pieced it together, and it also had a simple self-life.

It’s a pity that Caesar didn’t have time to inject her with controllable power.

These can only be dealt with after Caesar comes back.

For safety reasons,

Caesar also put her into the special space inside the Ultra Bracelet to prevent this little girl from staying in the laboratory and causing trouble.

Time soon came to the third day. All the residents of the Kingdom of Light gathered on the Ultra Square. All the members of the Space Guard were present. Even the brothers Leo and Astra, who usually don’t come to the Kingdom of Light, came here with the instructions of the King of Ultra.

“The King of Ultra asked me to express my apologies for not being able to be there, and to help you have a smooth journey.”

Leo’s words amazed the Ultra Warriors around and below.

Caesar is indeed the most prestigious person in the Kingdom of Light today.

Even the King of Ultra respects him so much and even expresses his apologies.

To be honest,

Caesar was a little flattered.

It was mainly because he had met the old man before and felt that he was an old man who was ignorant of the world, like a hermit who lived in seclusion.

Such a master would not pay attention to the situation outside under normal circumstances. He might also be afraid that he, a troublemaker, would blow up another galaxy or dimension on the way.

Caesar laughed dumbly, then turned around and nodded to the Aos of the Space Guard.

“It’s almost time, let’s get ready to go.”

Zero finished talking to Seven and came to Caesar to report the situation.

“You can leave now.”

Hearing this,

Caesar handed him a bracelet transformed from the Shield of Paraji.

“Use this and travel faster.”

After saying that, he took out another one and demonstrated how to use it.

With his mind, he manipulated the Paraji Shield to become armor attached to his body.

Then, he mobilized the power inside the armor to open the dimensional channel, a channel as dark as a black hole, but surrounded by colorful flashes.

Caesar took off and flew into it first, followed by Zero, who also changed into the Ultimate Zero form and entered the same channel.

The residents of the entire Kingdom of Light watched their figures until they disappeared and prayed for them silently.

In the dimensional channel,

Zero caught up with Caesar and walked side by side with him.

Soon, they passed by vortex-shaped galaxies, and then shuttled between a large number of galaxies, breaking through an obstacle similar to the World Sea.

At this point, (to read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Caesar stopped, and so did Zero, because the scene in front of him was really amazing.

This is a famous cosmology in the history of science, the bubble universe.

Unlike America’s mirror parallel world, the bubble universe recognizes The universe is like a series of bubbles, which are either separated or connected.

Caesar was so moved because when he was a child in his previous life, he first saw this kind of cosmology on the big screen in the theatrical movie that countless Ultra fans can’t avoid.

Now, witnessing the form of these bubble universes with his own eyes, he naturally felt like he was looking at himself in his previous life.

Moreover, at this time, he could also find a very important problem, that is, the location of Caesar and Zero was almost at the bottom.

There were countless bubble universes above, and only one below, which was the universe they came out of, the root universe.

The form of the upper universe and the root universe was also concretized at this moment.

Caesar let out a long breath.

Although he had created many creations that affected the universe, when he really went to such an unfamiliar place for adventure, he was more or less excited.

Just when he was about to take out some Dark Lopus Zero debris that he had collected on the planet Cheney and use them to guide the direction,

Zero beside him suddenly said:

“Caesar, I want to act alone.”

Caesar looked back at him and found that Zero had a smile on his face.

After the two looked at each other for a while,

Caesar understood his idea.

In short, he didn’t want to follow Caesar as

Seven had arranged for him before. He wanted to have an adventure trip of his own. There might be difficulties that he couldn’t solve, but he had to prove it himself.

“In fact, I was going to tell the captain and Senior Seven about this, but they were worried about you at the time, so I didn’t mention it. But if you want to do it yourself, then I support you.”

This is a teenager, an age group eager to prove himself.

Caesar has gone through that stage, so he knows it very well.

At this time, Caesar looked at the Ultra Bracelet on his hand and hesitated slightly.

Seeing this, Zero shook his head and refused:

“I only have this Paraji Shield, so I don’t need any other items.”

This time Caesar didn’t agree to his request.

“..When I came here, I promised the captain and Senior Seven that I would guarantee your safety. At least, I would ensure that you could find the way back to the Kingdom of Light.” It’s a good thing to want to experience adventure alone, but it is also necessary to ensure safety. Caesar hesitated at this time, only because he had many Ultra Bracelets on his wrists and forgot which one was prepared for Zero.

“Forget it, I’ll just give you one, the contents should be pretty much the same anyway.”

Caesar took off the ring on his little finger, enlarged it into an Ultra Bracelet, and gave it to Zero.

“In an emergency, if the Paraji Shield is not enough to solve the crisis, use the things in the bracelet.”

After saying that, he stepped back slightly and nodded to Zero.

“I wish you a smooth journey.”

Zero didn’t act pretentiously, and honestly put the Ultra Bracelet on his wrist, looked back, and finally chose a world bubble with a hint of dark red to fly to!

When he was close to the world bubble, he used the Paraji Shield again to open the space portal, and this time, not long after he entered the dimensional channel, a strong energy wave swept towards him from the end of the channel.

“This is……Dimensional turbulence?!!”

Caesar had told him before about the things to pay attention to when traveling through space.

Among them, the most important thing to be vigilant about is dimensional turbulence, which is a space-time storm caused by the instability of the timeline.

The storm will smash any object traveling through space and time at this time!

So you must leave the space channel immediately!!!

However, it was too late for Zero at this moment.

The dimensional turbulence formed in front of him and almost instantly enveloped him!

It was like thousands of sharp blades ruthlessly cutting his body.

Even the armor transformed from the Paraji shield that protected his body showed a lot of traces at this time!!!

While enduring the terrifying tearing, Zero forcibly opened the other side of the portal.

Finally, after a stalemate of almost a minute, he drilled out of the dimensional channel and fell powerlessly to somewhere in this universe!

“What bad luck!……”

Zero raised his hands, and saw that the bracelet transformed from the Paraji Shield was damaged, and the Ultra Bracelet on the other hand was even broken.

He wanted to cover the hole with his hand to prevent the (good) things inside from falling out, but the inside of the Ultra Bracelet was an independent space opened up by Caesar.

Once this independent space was broken, it could not be blocked by the palm.

Some objects that were originally shrunk had fallen out without Zero knowing it, and drifted to the depths of the universe.

Among them, a gray-purple nautilus-shaped object was particularly special.

It was the unfinished Gatanjea that Caesar took away from the laboratory, but no one expected that she would accidentally fall into this universe.

Obviously, this bracelet was not originally prepared for Zero, but because of Caesar’s memory, he forgot its importance.

So, the sleeping Gatanjea gathered into a ball, kept floating in the universe, and went in two directions with Zero.

It passed through many galaxies, and finally, like a meteorite, it fell towards an ancient, blue planet.

Boom boom boom boom!!!

The meteorite fell to the ground, causing a deafening sound on the surface, and a huge fire started.

The natives of the planet who discovered this movement slowly walked out of the ruins of a huge palace in the distance.

It was a giant woman with a body made of multiple colors and long flowing hair.

On her shoulder, a woman wearing a white robe, like a witch, muttered to herself:

“Diga, that’s where……”

“The graveyard where the dark giants are buried.

The female giant called Tiga said:

“Do you want to go over and take a look?”

The woman on her shoulder was silent for three minutes, then looked at the land in the distance.

There, strange and gorgeous flowers were blooming.

It should have been a beautiful scene, but the woman looked desperate.

“Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter anymore. The blooming of Zijera means that our civilization has come to an end.”

After a long silence, Tiga said:

“In this case, let’s leave it to you humans to choose.”……

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