Dark Zagi, a biological weapon that existed as the opposite of Ultraman Noah at the beginning of its birth, has the same appearance as Noah, the same skills as Noah, and the energy that is completely opposite to Noah.

Its creators designed it to completely imitate Noah, but they found that there was one thing that could not be imitated no matter what, that is the pair of sacred wings behind Noah, the Wings of Noah!

It is unknown what kind of power it carries, what kind of material it is made of, and what kind of role it can play.

Therefore, it is neither perceptible nor forged.

Although this has become an opportunity for Noah to defeat the runaway Dark Zagi, it has naturally become a point that countless people frequently think of when they hear the story of the battle between Noah and Zagi.

If Dark Zagi gets wings equal to Noah, how will the battle be? This matter was discussed and exchanged by countless Ultra fans in Caesar’s previous life, but no matter how much it was just talk, before there was a real example to prove it, everything was just empty talk.

Now, Caesar realized his fantasy with his own hands, and this became an unbelievable scene for everyone!!!

“Wings of Zaki, did you really create the Wings of Zaki?!!”

Halotia was almost speechless.

Looking at the upside-down wings behind the dark Zaki, her pupils trembled wildly, and her heart was filled with turbulent waves!!!

“This is impossible!

This is simply impossible!!!

” Halotia is the most gifted in scientific research among the Samelo race , how could she not have thought of making the Wings of Zaki?!!!

But no matter before or last time, she did not get the opportunity to make the Wings of Zaki!

Facing the huge Noah ruins, all she could do was to create a Dark Zaki, fuse it with the soul of Belia, and create a fake god to satisfy the unspeakable expectation in her heart!!!

But fake is fake, before the genuine version appears, maybe the impact is not great, but after the genuine version appears, the huge The gap would bring Helotia back to reality, and slap her hard a few times to wake her up from her dream!!!

When she thought of what Caesar had said before, the slaps were even louder, and Helotia could even clearly feel the pain!!!

But how did this man do it?!!!

Why could he build the Wings of Noah and the Wings of Zaki?!!!

Helotia couldn’t figure it out!!!

At this time, besides her, there were many others who couldn’t figure it out.

Tartarus was a typical representative.

From the beginning, she thought This is a sure thing, finally he can beat up Caesar!!!

As a result, the plan he painstakingly designed was not in Caesar’s eyes at all.

If he was on the third floor, then Caesar would have been on the ceiling, waiting for you to get slapped in the face, and then quietly give you a huge shock!!

Throw you into the abyss of shame of failure again!!

Tartarus was also puzzled, as he was the ultimate life form, a warrior of the Absolut people!

In the past, no matter who he faced, he could use absolute destruction and some small moves to make the opponent run around, but since he met Caesar, he has been following the devil, Or like he had met his nemesis.

Wherever he went, he was touched by the gauze, and each time was more incredible than the last!

That was the Wings of Zaki!

How could Tartarus not know the value of this thing?!

Caesar himself got the Wings of Noah and became a god, which was a great blow to Tartarus.

Now even Caesar’s pets can get wings and become gods, so what is he, who calls himself the ultimate life form ? A clown? ? ? Seeing these people’s faces turn blue and purple, Caesar felt that it was too funny.

It was completely different from what he had done not long ago.

“Isn’t it too late to regret now?”

Caesar said lightly.

“I have warned you guys long ago, don’t use your hobbies to challenge my profession, OK? Can’t you see the Star Medal on me? Where do you think it came from? Are these pimples???”

In Caesar’s eyes, he has never understood why this group of people like to make all kinds of things to fight against him.

It is unreasonable.

I am the chief of the Kingdom of Light, no, give Brother Hikari some face.

I am Caesar, the second-in-command scientist of the Kingdom of Light, the largest plug-in manufacturer in the universe, and you are competing with me in black technology???

Brother, are you kidding?

However, if these voices were heard by the people around,

I am afraid that Helotia and Tartarus would all vomit blood on the spot!

Damn, you are also a scientist???

Do you have any shame?!

Tell me which scientist can make Noah’s Wings, which scientist can make Zaki’s Wings? ?

Even if a theologian comes, it won’t work, right?! A pure high-end king comes to Black Iron and Bronze to fry fish, isn’t this? ? ?

And pretend to be innocent, damn, give some face, okay?!

Of course, these words that are enough to make people vomit blood, they naturally won’t hear, otherwise they would want to explode with Caesar on the spot!

But to be honest, even if all these guys on the scene exploded,

Caesar would be safe and sound.

Thinking about this, it is even more murderous!!

“There is definitely something wrong with this!!”

Helotia roared again.

“You can’t make the Wings of Zaki from the Noah’s ruins, and in just one day! When I was working with you, I didn’t see you doing any preparations for making the Wings of Zaki. You were completely devoted to making the Wings of Noah! You must have got some unknown secrets!”

However, Caesar’s understated words became the last straw that broke the camel’s back for Helotia.

“”I made the wings of Zaki in one day? You think too highly of me, don’t you?”

Helotia smiled.

Caesar said,”I made two pairs of wings for Noah and Zaki in one day!”

Helotia was petrified on the spot!

“You created Noah’s Wings and Zaki’s Wings in just one day?!”

Tartarus’ voice was trembling.

They had all thought that

Caesar had already had the experience of creating the wings of a god once, so he could create Noah’s Wings the second time directly based on Noah’s relics.

It turns out that these two wings were made in the same pot?! Is this a piece of rubbish?!

Who can create two at once?!

Even Noah himself can’t do it?!

Damn, you were the reincarnation of a furnace in your previous life, right?!

Facing Caesar, everyone is now completely desperate.

What they regret most is that they treated Caesar as a human being in the beginning.

If they didn’t treat him as a human being, the result would definitely be different!

“”All these words are meaningless!”


Belia’s voice came from the mouth of the evil Zagi, and her eyes were fixed on the god Zagi not far away. Her strong desire to win made her eager to fight. In her opinion, she could only know whether it was genuine or pirated after fighting!

“���What about wings?! I will take off your wings and put them on myself!”

After being resurrected in such a strange way, Belia will never give up easily no matter what opponent she encounters! With infinite hatred, she started with a powerful fatal beam.

【Zaki Hellfire!

Compared to Noah’s Hellfire,

Zaki Hellfire is more blood-red. It is not an exaggeration to call it scarlet flame.

This flame can even be renamed as blood flame!

This is of course because of the power of Belia mixed in it.

The scarlet evil energy makes the people around retreat hundreds of light years away, especially those who are already weak, such as Cero.

Even if they are touched by the aftermath, they will be greatly hurt!

However, (to read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Even with such a terrifying attack, the figure called [God Zaki] by Caesar just stood there quietly, without any intention of moving!

Boom boom boom boom!

The blood-red flames continued to hit various parts of God Zaki’s body, and the fire lotus continued to bloom. The surrounding space was distorted and repaired, and then collapsed and distorted again!

But the figure under the flames was like a magic needle that stabilized the sea, motionless.

If you look closely, you will find that a layer of light black film has appeared on every part of Shenzaki’s body.

The film is not a shield, but is formed by pure darkness.

All living forces that touch the darkness are swallowed up without limit and even transformed into���The power of Zaki!


With a dull sound,

God Zaki actually withstood the impact of Zaki Hellfire and instantly arrived in front of Evil Zaki at an amazing speed that was difficult to observe with the naked eye.

Then, he threw a punch in a simple and unpretentious manner!

Whoosh! Bang! []

Evil Zaki was like a meteorite. After sliding through the universe for hundreds of light years, it hit a planet heavily and exploded on the spot!


Buzz!!!” A roar was heard from the core of the planetary explosion, and waves of air spread out. The evil Zaki shattered the planetary debris around her body intact and walked back into everyone’s sight. The reason why she called Caesar was to express her anger and dissatisfaction.

“It has come to this point, do you still look down on me like this?! I am here to seek revenge on you! I will kill you! If you really respect me, shouldn’t you be unreserved?!”He easily withstood Zagi’s Hellfire, teleported and punched him away, and instantly exploded the star.

In such a suppressive situation,

God Zagi did not take the next step, but quietly watched the Extremely Evil Zagi escape from the explosion.

There is no doubt that it was Caesar who did not let God Zagi take action.

Belia, who did not feel Caesar’s so-called respect, was naturally even more furious at this moment!

“In that case, I will do your job.”

Caesar raised his hand casually and waved it.

The god Zagi, who was standing there like a robot, suddenly raised his head, a flash of red light flashed in his eyes, and when he appeared again, he was already in front of the evil Zagi!

The evil Zagi, who was well prepared, stretched out his arms and raised his hands to gather more power to release stronger light skills.

However, at this moment, a huge monster blocked her vision.

It was a planet!

【Zaki Galaxy!】

Originally, this move could only summon meteorites from the asteroid belt, but when Dark Zaki got the Wings of Zaki, summoning meteorites became the current summoning of planets.

God Zaki held up one hand to the sky, and endless black and red thunderclouds spread in the universe.

Then, a planet was teleported by the thundercloud and fell into the hands of God Zaki, and then, it was mercilessly smashed towards the Extremely Evil Zaki!


Before Evil Zagi finished her opening move, a huge planet had already smashed down on her head, interrupting her spell on the spot!!!


Another planet exploded on the spot, and

Evil Zagi still escaped from it safely, but the next asteroid was waiting for her!





The people watching from afar were already numb and speechless.

No one could have imagined that one day they would see two giants of 40 to 50 meters, one holding a planet and smashing people, and the other frequently interrupted in casting spells, and was affected by the explosion of the planet but remained unharmed.

This is simply too outrageous, isn’t it?!

Whether it is smashing people with a planet or being affected by the explosion without injury, which one can a human do? ? ?

Yes, a true god and a false god fighting, isn’t this the scene?

You can’t really let these two fight each other, right? ? ?

Of course, what makes everyone dumbfounded is that planets, which are common celestial bodies in the universe, have never been used as weapons.

The fighting method beyond imagination is too shocking!

If they continue to smash like this, the planets of the entire galaxy will be smashed by the god Zagi!

“Get out of the way!”

The Evil Zagi, who couldn’t stand the frequent interruptions, finally remembered that she also had the skill of teleportation.

So, when she was about to be hit by the planet again, she locked onto the position of the God Zagi and teleported directly behind him.

At the same time, she stretched out her arms during the movement to accumulate strength.

This time, she finally succeeded!

It was even a more powerful fatal light skill!

【Lightning Zagi! 】

The left and right sides of the Lightning Noah used by Caesar are opposite, and the wrists form a cross posture, releasing black and red destructive rays!

The extremely evil Zagi is extremely confident in this blow.

She is sure that this time she can bring great damage to the god Zagi!

However, at this moment, she suddenly felt an indescribable hot breath, and the fluctuating energy seemed to burn her skin, and the temperature continued to rise! The extremely evil Zagi finally realized that something was wrong, and slowly turned around, only to see that a dazzling star sun appeared behind her at some unknown time, and fell towards her madly in a predetermined orbit!

【Lightning Zaky!]

Evil Zaky hurriedly turned around and shot the light at the star behind her, but the distance was too close.

The endless high temperature generated by the stellar flare melted her gathered energy over and over again.

In the end, Evil Zaky was swallowed up by the amazing heat of the star without even a wail!

What was even more horrifying and shocking was that the star exploded in the next second!

But this was not detonated from the inside, but the age of this star was madly accelerated, evolving from a main sequence star to a red giant, then to a supergiant, until it finally triggered the famous stellar event, the supernova explosion!

At that moment, the star will collapse inward at a speed close to the speed of light, and then produce neutrons, neutrinos, and gamma rays.

These particles produce extremely high temperatures and powerful shock waves, throwing the outer layer of the star falling into the inner core into the depths of the universe at a speed of one tenth of the speed of light.

This means that the entire galaxy will be affected by this, just like now, the pure white that fills everyone’s vision, like white particles with brilliant light bursting out in all directions, and the nearby planets are detonated soon after, such as the planet Esmeralda that was just restored by Caesar, but the most important thing is that at this point in this battle, an entire galaxy has turned into nothingness!!!


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