“I remember, Mr. Ace.”It’s okay to be unreliable, but you have to be serious when you need to be serious.

Soran kept Ace’s words in mind. The Ultraman world is different from other worlds. There is no intrigue here.

Especially the Ultraman race, there are only two bad species among billions of races.

This is a country comparable to utopia. The powerful strength has not blinded their hearts. Protecting this universe is their innate mission.

“Very good.”Ace naturally saw Soran’s seriousness and was glad that he had not made a mistake.

Then he came to Soran with a look of relief.

“Next, let me test your true strength.”

“Fight with all your strength?” Soran asked uncertainly.

“Fight with all your strength! Don’t underestimate me, I’m the chief of the Space Guard, one of the Nebula branches.” Ace said confidently.

Soran hesitated to speak, what should he say?

The guillotine is golden in color, so its attributes are naturally very strong. The strength lies in the fact that it has an extremely exaggerated blessing for all cutting skills, five times the blessing.

Facing the super beast, it has ten times the blessing, but the guillotine also has an extremely terrifying passive.

That is, Soran himself doesn’t know whether the guillotine he released will trigger a critical hit at once, so he directly gives a ten-fold power blessing.

Teacher Ace may not be able to withstand the blessing of the ten-fold power of the guillotine.

“Come on, show me your work”

“The better you perform, the happier I am. In this way, I can also show off my disciple to Seven. Seeing Sauron’s worry, Ace raised his fist and gave Sauron a thumbs up.

“”Okay!” He nodded firmly, and then suddenly stepped back a hundred meters.

The two men, more than 50 meters in length, stared at each other on the barren plain of the planet.

An invisible aura floated over them, accompanied by a flash of starlight.

The next second, the light in their white eyes began to shine brighter than before.

The hundreds of meters of bodies were crossed almost instantly, and in a split second, the two raised their arms and slammed into each other.

Arms crossed to block the attack, and Soran took the lead in attacking. His raised arms suddenly turned in direction, and a fierce elbow hit Ace’s shoulder.

Ace was only 55 meters tall, but Soran had With a height of nearly 60 meters, he is quite tall among the Ultramen. With a difference of five meters, his arm can just hit Ace on the head.

But how could Ace, who has rich combat experience, be attacked so easily? He lowered his head slightly, gave up the upper body, and stretched out his legs to kick at Soran’s knee.

Soran did not dodge or avoid, but chose to take it head-on!

His exaggerated physical fitness made Ace’s attack ineffective. It felt like kicking an iron mountain!

Rub, rub, rub!

Although he was the attacker, Ace’s body retreated several steps.

He looked at Soran in amazement.

“Is this the physical fitness that Zero exaggerated? Such physical fitness is natural for fighting. As expected, different reactions. I have fought with Seven, Leo, the first generation and even Zoffy. You have different skills from each of them. In the words of the first generation, you are a Red King.”

Ace’s words made Soran stunned.

Red King? Is this insulting him or praising him?

Wait, isn’t Red King the representative of strong but brainless?

Is Ace mocking me for just taking his attack?

【Star Rays]

However, at this moment, Ace suddenly launched an attack. He clapped his hands suddenly, and little by little, starlight spread from his hands like stars, attacking Soran at an extremely fast speed.

?With his keen perception, Soran was quick-witted and immediately pushed his hands forward!

【Ultra Barrier]

A transparent barrier blocked in front of him, blocking Ace’s attack

“Boy, you are still a little immature. Although Ultra Barrier is a required defensive skill, few Ultramen use it. Do you know why?”

While resisting Ace’s attack, Soran asked with difficulty:”Why?”

“The Ultra Barrier needs to be supported by both hands. Only when it is practiced to a high level can it be supported by one hand, so that one hand can defend and the other hand can be attacked. If you are defending with all your strength now, how can you fight back?”

While speaking, Ace increased the energy of the attack, layer after layer like an endless wave, not giving Sauron any chance to breathe.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between Ace and Sauron has reached two or three meters.

The light in Ace’s hand is still crushing Sauron, not giving Sauron any chance to resist.

“Just like this, how should you face it?”

As he said this, Ace slowly loosened his hands, one hand continuously released star rays, and the other hand began to emit white light.

When the white light flashed, it turned into a samurai sword.

Seeing this scene, Soran’s face turned green. Isn’t this the samurai sword that cut off the head of the super beast Dragiri?

You use this skill to deal with your disciples? Are you still a human being?

I’m not a super beast!

“How can you resist this move?”After saying that, Ace swung the samurai sword in his hand.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to his mind.

Soran recalled the performance of an Ultraman in his awakening memory.

Ultraman Ake, the Ultraman who unleashed his imagination.

His ultimate move was…Hey, I have an idea!

In the battle with the monster, Ake also dealt with such a situation, and his solution was…

What Ace didn’t expect happened.

Soran suddenly pulled back the Ultra Barrier that he had stretched out his arm to push forward.

Want to block both the star rays and the samurai sword at the same time? That’s a good idea, but the main function of the Ultra Barrier is to resist the energy shooting of the enemy, and physical attacks can’t be resisted.

However, what happened next made Ace confused.

Soran suddenly increased the energy output of the Ultra Barrier in his hand, turning the entire barrier from transparent to blue-white, and then, the barrier fell hard on his knees.

With a click.

The Ultra Barrier instantly broke into two halves, like a mirror, but strangely it did not dissipate.

When the mirror shattered, the cracked part was very sharp.

At this moment, the cracked Ultra Barrier was like two big swords, held in Soran’s hand.

The violent muscles of the Red Tribe were fully displayed at this moment. Raising the barrier sword in his hand, Soran stabbed directly at Ace’s waist.

Not to mention Ace would be stunned by this move, even people with rich combat experience like Zoffy and Ultra Father would be stunned.

Ultra Barrier can also attack?

No, Ultra Barrier can be used like this?

There was no time to think about it. With a clang, the violent force accompanied by a sharp pain suddenly pierced into Ace’s body.

Just like being hit by a jeep, Ace’s body flew backwards in the sky and fell back hundreds of meters.

A ditch appeared on the barren desert plain.

“Teacher Ace, are you okay?

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