The power of light!

This power awakened when Ultraman Zero fell into darkness. It was after Belia invaded his body in the Monster Cemetery and he became Dark Ultraman Zero.

He killed the members of the Ultimate Ultraman Guard one by one, and then a new form was born when he fell into despair!

It has the powerful ability to reverse time!

This is time!

Otherwise, how can they say that all the Ultramen are cheaters!

Can life forms control time?

And as this inexplicable light term fell into his body.

In an instant, Soran’s body immediately stiffened.

It was just that kind of nominal stiffness. As top powerhouses, Ultraman Zero and Tartarus immediately discovered that something was wrong with Soran.

“Hey, Sauron, are you okay?!”

Cero flashed to Sauron and helped him up, but Sauron was not right at the moment!

No matter how Cero shook and called, there was no response.

Seeing this, Tartarus couldn’t help but let out an extremely rampant smile!

“Hahahaha, this is the end of entering hell. In this space, except for our Absolut race, all other creatures that enter will suffer energy erosion, especially for you, the race of light. Without energy replenishment, your physical strength and energy will be consumed more here!”

Tartarus put his hands on his waist at this moment, looking very proud.

“Bastard!”Cero knew that what Tartarus said was not wrong. He had not mastered this form perfectly, and he was fighting in such a physically demanding place. It was not easy for Zero to hold on to this point.

But the most troublesome thing now was that for some reason, Soran had run out of energy!

At this moment, accompanied by a snap!

The lights went out!

The lights in Soran’s eyes and the lights in the timer went out instantly”five zero seven”.

This scene made Tartarus stunned.

Naraku Space only has a suppressive force on other races, but it has never had a fatal experience.

Even if Regulus has been sealed here for thousands of years, he still maintains The energy in his body was flowing smoothly.

He didn’t kill him on purpose. He just knew that in the battle between him and Soran, he was always being crushed. How come Soran’s timer light went out?

But it was just what he wanted. This was the hell that belonged to Absolut. If someone broke in casually, or even walked out intact, it would be an insult to the Absolut clan!

But suddenly, Cero found something wrong. Between

Soran’s extinguished eyes and the timer, a golden light suddenly floated out, and at the same time, a deafening heartbeat sounded.

Under the shocked gaze of Tartarus and Cero, the eyes that had been extinguished slowly raised up!

“Impossible! Don’t you Ultramen use light as energy? The timer is the heart and life. If the timer is off, how can it still move?”

Although Sauron’s movements were very slight, the two of them, as the strongest in the universe, could naturally detect Sauron’s tiny changes.

Especially for Tartarus, he was ready to take action against the Kingdom of Light, so he naturally conducted a detailed investigation of the Ultramen living in the Kingdom of Light, including the history of the Ultramen, the strong men among them, and even the characteristics of Ultraman. He knew everything.

But because of this, Tartarus was stunned.

It’s like when a person dies and his heart stops beating, and suddenly you have a 985 disco!

Tartarus collapsed.

Although Tartarus knew about the history and characteristics of the Ultramen , Understand, but they are not real Ultramen after all.

Anyway, as far as Zero knows, Ultra Warriors in other worlds have also had such experiences. The protective will born in the heart allows them to stand up firmly even if the light of the timer goes out.

Humans who protect the lights of thousands of homes!

And he was once like this. When his companions were invaded by Belia and killed by his own hands, Zero fell into real despair.

At that time, his heart was dead, and the light source contained in the timer and eyes also completely dissipated.

But in despair, Zero broke out his own potential, thus awakening the glorious form of hope.

“”Sauron! Don’t fall into a deep sleep! Zeta has many companions from the Kingdom of Light waiting for you!”

As Cerro spoke, he raised the light energy in his hand and conducted it to Sauron’s timer.

However, how could Tartarus give up this opportunity and let Cerro save him!

Tartarus acted extremely quickly and didn’t give Cerro any time to react. He jumped in front of Cerro, waving his fist and attacking Cerro.

Cerro had no choice but to stop transmitting light to Sauron, raised the sword in his hand, and continued to fight with Tartarus! However

, Tartarus and Cerro, who were in the fierce battle, did not notice that Sauron, who had been lowering his head, had no light and was slightly dim, suddenly had a little golden light on his chest.

The light spread rapidly, enveloping him completely, making him… His skin gradually turned red, and at the same time, the horns on his forehead began to grow longer, becoming like a ring. A powerful and mysterious force continued to emerge from Soran’s body, as if to break through the shackles and release endless power.

As the light shone, Soran’s body gradually changed. His originally sturdy body began to become slender, and the muscle lines became clearer, exuding a majestic and mysterious aura.

At the same time, circles of gold, purple and blue halos appeared around his timer, like the triple halo of Orb, surrounding his body.

These halos flashed dazzling light, contrasting with his red skin, forming a beautiful and shocking picture.

In this powerful Under the energy fluctuations, the whole space seemed to be shaken.

Tartarus and Cerro finally noticed the abnormality, and their eyes turned to Sauron at the same time.

When they saw Sauron in front of them, who exuded an unparalleled momentum, they couldn’t help but feel a surge of fear in their hearts.

At this moment, in the consciousness space, Sauron was bathed in golden raindrops. In his field of vision, one after another golden and red entries began to slowly emerge.

These entries gradually merged together, led by Reijido’s power of order, followed by Gauss’s power of the moon, Seven’s super telekinesis, Zeta’s Zeslim, and energy absorption.

And so on. Many powerful and complex entries merged.

Finally, accompanied by the red The golden light of red merged into it. That was the power of glory that Sauron had just obtained from Zero!

The light of hope gradually floated!

Finally, it merged into a colorful entry!

As dazzling as a rainbow.

Seeing this scene, Sauron suddenly realized that this was the case.

The colorful entry is the final entry!

The last form of the ultimate power of the universe had obviously merged into a red entry, but it was still unstable after the transformation.

In the future, only when it reaches a colorful entry can it be truly stable.

In this case, then the new form obtained this time.

Thinking of this, Sauron hurriedly stared at it.

The colorful light flashed, creating each font.

Finally, 4 words appeared in front of Sauron!

【Glorious Miracle (Color): The most profound miracle is hidden in the glory of the universe! 】

The introduction is very simple, without any fancy attribute blessing, but Sauron knows that this form!

His own glorious miracle form! Must be more powerful than the ultimate power of the universe!

Slowly reaching out his hand, he suddenly grabbed the colorful entry floating in front of him.

As Sauron’s fist clenched suddenly, the entry was forcibly crushed, turning into colorful light spots all over the sky and sinking into Sauron’s body.

In a trance, Sauron vaguely heard the cry of the universe, the light of miracle!


Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment in the golden space, Tartarus and Zero heard the movement in their ears, and at first they didn’t care at all. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Both thought that the sudden roar was just caused by the battle between the two.

But gradually, Tartarus was the first to discover that something was wrong. As the controller of the Naraku space.

Tartarus found that the space seemed to be shaking.

It can’t be because of the battle between him and Zero. The battle between him and Zero still maintains the battle of legendary warriors.

But the golden vein space is the most powerful treasure given to him by the king of legendary warriors.[]

It can imprison all enemies in the universe. At the same time, as its own domain, Tartarus can fight even for legendary warriors of the same level.

But why is the Naraku space shaking for no reason?

After colliding with Cero again, Tartarus retreated dozens of meters and distanced himself from Cero.

Then he began to carefully perceive the changes in the space.

After some perception, Tartarus locked his eyes on Sauron at this moment!

He noticed that the strange point was emitted by Sauron at this moment!

Tartarus suddenly turned his head and looked at Sauron, whose light was dim at the moment. An extremely powerful aura slowly emerged from the already dimmed Sauron.

“How is this possible?!”

Tartarus’ heart was shocked, and he began to have a bad premonition.

At the same time, Zero also noticed the change in Sauron.

Although he didn’t know whether this change was good or bad, compared to the bleak appearance just now, Sauron at this moment made people feel more at ease!

The inner uneasiness made Tartarus���The whole person was a little irritated, and without hesitation, he began to condense absolute destruction!

He wanted to interrupt Soran’s transformation at this moment, but how could Zero allow this to happen?

With a loud bang!

Zero stood in front of Tartarus at this moment without hesitation!

He stretched out the sword in his hand and directly interrupted Tartarus’ attack!

“”Get out of here!” Tartarus roared. The changes in Sauron made him feel more and more uneasy!

Tartarus did not hesitate and rushed towards Sauron quickly, but the more he rushed forward, the more Zero disagreed!

Although it was difficult for him to maintain his form at this moment, even in every battle!

The light on his body was always dissipated, but Zero had some vague guesses in his heart..Sauron

‘s current appearance is exactly the same as when he just obtained the glorious form.

Gloomy despair, and the glorious hope born in hope!

Coupled with Sauron’s changes at this moment, Cero couldn’t help but doubt at this moment!

In order to protect Sauron’s safety at all times, and to allow Sauron to successfully obtain a new form, Cero is also using all his strength at this moment!

This battle is not to be able to defeat Tartarus, but to delay Tartarus!

So that Tartarus cannot interrupt Sauron’s current form transformation!

Rage filled Tartarus’ heart, and Cero was like a dog-skin plaster!

And Sauron’s momentum became more and more serious!

Accompanied by a loud bang!

The blue-white light appeared with golden light, and even suddenly appeared. The power that appeared made the whole space begin to shake.

The golden Naraku space began to tremble!

No surprise! This is a legendary power!

The iconic legendary warrior, the current Sauron, can also be called the nuclear weapon of the Kingdom of Light!

Under the dazzling brilliance, a figure similar to Reiga slowly appeared.

The two horns on the forehead are similar to the Reiga Ultraman fused by the new generation. The patterns on his body are like the patterns on Legend, but the colors are more diverse. Legend only has blue and purple, while Sauron has gold! In addition

, the most eye-catching thing is Sauron’s timer, a timer surrounded by three circles of patterns. The timer is also a little bigger than that of ordinary Ultra Warriors!

Under the golden brilliance, Sauron The aura of divinity emanates from his body, like a high god. Unconsciously, a pair of golden eyes slowly opened. The eyes on his forehead are diamond-shaped eyes similar to Seven’s, full of sharp and high divine radiance.

Glorious Miracle Form!

Possessing the fighting power of a legendary warrior, he is even the best among the legendary warriors! In the current Kingdom of Light, apart from old King Ao, Sauron’s strength can be said to be the best!

Even today’s Cero is not Sauron’s opponent!

After all, the current Cero has not yet fully mastered his own ultimate glorious form!

But I heard that the future Saga has become a form of Cero, and I don’t know whether it is true or false..

But for now, Soran’s strength far exceeds that of Zero and Tartarus at this moment!

Along with the sharp light, Soran’s eyes began to become sharp!

Slowly raising his hand, a majestic telekinesis appeared, as if an invisible giant hand appeared, lifting Tartarus in the air at this moment.

As Soran clenched his hands with all his strength, Tartarus’ body floated in the air, like an invisible rope binding him, for a moment.

Tartarus couldn’t resist Soran at this moment.

The majestic force forced him to get closer to Soran!

Almost in an instant, Tartarus came in front of Soran, and the entire 3.6 people were bound by telekinesis and had no power to resist at all!

“This power! How can the damn Ultraman possess this power!”Tartarus roared unwillingly.

This power made him feel powerless in the face of their King of Absolut!

Not allowed! He absolutely would not allow the little boy in front of him to have a strength that exceeds the king!

That is their King of Absolut! How could he be surpassed by a mere little boy from the Kingdom of Light?!

After struggling with all his strength, Absolut’s energy exploded instantly, forcibly breaking free from Sauron’s telekinetic power!

Then he waved his arms, and the majestic Absolut energy exploded! With a fierce punch, he hit Sauron at this moment!

“It’s just a pointless struggle!”Sauron’s tone was full of divine glory.

He looked down at Tartarus at the moment, and then stretched out his hand expressionlessly. The blue and white energy gathered and gradually formed an extremely huge eight-point light wheel!

With a loud bang! The powerful eight-point light wheel exploded instantly! It blasted directly towards Tartarus.

Tartarus, who sensed the danger, was instantly horrified. This power!

The power displayed by Sauron at this moment was even more terrifying than before. He widened his eyes, and a strong sense of uneasiness and fear surged in his heart.

That sharp The extreme eight-point light wheel made Tartarus feel a fatal threat, just like facing the ultimate guillotine that appeared inexplicably when he first appeared in the Kingdom of Light! The creepy feeling made Tartarus retreat quickly!

But Sauron’s telekinesis appeared again! Without giving Tartarus a chance to react, Tartarus forcibly withstood the eight-point light wheel from the legendary warrior! The

Absolut armor forged with precious materials found in multiple universes was forcibly cut by Sauron with a fatal scar!.

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