Accompanied by the sprint...

The energy timer lamp suddenly emitted a thick black mist, as deep as ink, and could not be stained.

The black mist whistled and gathered, condensing into a black dragon pattern...


A lifelike black dragon with dragon scales opened its fangs and swirled out! !


"Roar, roar, roar! --"

A punch was thrown, and the dark black dragon roared, making a deafening roar that went straight through the sky, chasing after the Revelite...

"What is this?!"

Feeling the crisis coming, the Revelite turned around in panic.

The pupils reflected a black shadow.

Before he could react, he was pierced through the chest by the terrifying black dragon that was coming with its fangs and claws! !

In an instant, the whole person exploded in mid-air! !

Seeing this scene, everyone was numb.......

"Is this... a normal punch attack?!"

"Ultraman Saron is too powerful... a serious punch can kill the Revelite star in seconds..."

"Sense of security, do you understand? This is the sense of security that a real man should have!!"

"Yes, yes... only those who reach Saron's standards are real men..."


The GUYS team hid under the dense shade of trees and couldn't help shaking their heads in amazement.

Although they didn't know how the strength between Ultramen was divided, who was stronger than who, etc.


They were sure!

In terms of the violence and decisiveness of the battle, as well as the sense of security it brought to humans...

Saron is definitely the best! !

And Ace, Leo, and Mebius were also thinking differently...

Ace just felt numb.

He was used to whatever tricks Saron played.

The only concern was that he was worried that he couldn't complete Zoffy's mission...

Mebius was different.

Silently suppressed the rebellious bone behind his head...

Although Sarron was forced to become the sixth dark man...

No, he was a sunny boy!

But he could not beat him, so he could only continue to live...

Only Leo felt mixed emotions.

One word, envy!

Two words, really envious!

Is this the inheritance secret of the Cosmic Fantasy Beast Fist...

He casually punched a dragon fist? !

When Leo thought of his half of the Cosmic Fantasy Beast Fist, he was depressed...

Just when everyone was thinking about different things.

But no one noticed...

The ferocious black dragon punched by the dragon fist has not dissipated yet...

With terrifying power, it is still flying away...


A faint and inaudible sharp scream sounded in the thorny vine forest! !


On Kuroshio Island.

The Yabo people walked in the dense vine forest, and the more they looked, the more they were amazed.

They kept sighing about how much power it took to create this product.

The extremely abundant vitality can force a weak vine plant to the current life level!

It is really outrageous.

You know, the super beast synthesis technology he mastered.

Although it can also create powerful life forms, it is only a technology after all.

Relying on the mixture of a large number of monsters, the super beasts created are full of the taste of inferior synthesis.

There is no feeling of a natural master at all...

More importantly, the super beasts made by the super beast synthesis technology are nothing more than fighting machines.

Lack of soul, lack of life.

Not an outstanding work at all! !

And on this Kuroshio Island, the Yabo people saw a miracle...

The natural life form is definitely the work of a master! !

Thinking about it, the Yabo people couldn't help but murmured:

". "If I can master this ability..."

"I am willing to be his dog!!"

After saying the harsh words, the Yabo people didn't feel any shame.

Just pursuing the truth of life...

Suddenly, a strong Ultraman aura came from the front.

The Yabo people's face suddenly turned pale, and they gritted their teeth and said, "Damn Ultraman..."

"Do they also want to obtain this kind of power?!"

Anxious, the Yabo people quickened their pace and pushed away the blinding vines.

Looking from a thousand meters away.

I saw Salon punching violently.

Immediately, a roaring black dragon shadow smashed the Revelite star on the spot...


It was roaring and killing at me! !


"Ultraman, you are dogs!!"

"I haven't appeared yet!!"


The lifelike black dragon shuttled through, and countless vines and ancient forests were broken.

And the Yabo people suffered the aftermath, and a huge explosion occurred on the spot, and they were smashed to pieces! !

The Yabo people...suddenly!


Outside Kuroshio Island

The human army is advancing with great momentum.

The warships with several huge cannons pushed aside the waves and advanced mightily.

The dark gun barrels emitted a faint light, and the breath of death gradually spread.

Countless fighter planes in the sky roared through the clouds, their ammunition had already been loaded, and their gun holes were aimed at Kuroshio Island.

In an instant.

A small Kuroshio Island was surrounded by water!

Looking from the sky, the dark group of warships and dragonflies was larger than the area of ​​Kuroshio Island! !

Command Office.

The two hawkish speakers were watching everything coldly.

The technicians beside them were doing a five-second countdown...

When the time is up, it is time to concentrate firepower to attack Kuroshio Island! !






Just as the last second was about to be read out, a thunderous dragon roar sounded!

The terrifying sound waves spread like waves! !

Before I thought about it, the entire command room started to shake violently.

The power lights all went out, and the red lights flashed wildly, reflecting on everyone's faces, alternating between red and white! !

Countless warnings sounded, extremely harsh! !

"Speaker, Speaker!!"

"All signals are cut off! Slave!"

"It is impossible to contact the combat troops!!"

Anxious voices echoed in the command room.

The two hawkish speakers' legs softened and they sat down decadently on the ground...

Their eyes were blank.

Just because they saw the picture sent back from the display screen...

Chapter 59 The future of mankind! Ace, the winner of the Nonsense Literature Award! Leo comprehended the highest mystery of the fantasy beast!

Originally on the calm sea.

The warships that were ready to go had already aimed their shells at Kuroshio Island.

Fighters roared and whizzed past in the sky, and the black bullet mouth exuded a breath of death.

All combat personnel were quietly waiting for the countdown from the command center...


Suddenly, a strong wind blew up, causing a tsunami to surge and cover the sea with a shadow.

Not long after, a loud dragon roar sounded, approaching the army in the form of sound waves! !

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