“Two cosmic people protect the earth and work together, how does this sentence sound strange.”

Gaia World.

I dreamed of holding my hands and frowning slightly.

Isn’t the earth supposed to be guarded by the earthlings themselves?

Why do you have to rely on people from other planets to protect them?

It’s perfectly normal for me to dream of that.

After all, the situation is different for each worldview.

Like that world in the Land of Light.

Earth faces all kinds of invading cosmic people.

It’s really hard to parry.

In advanced weapons.

At most, it will cause some damage to the monster.

It is impossible to defeat it.

Except for the heavenly power of the Ultra warrior, there is really no way to fight.

All the way to the worldview of Monbius.

The level of technology of the Defense Force has reached a peak level.

Where is the world like Gaia.

The earth is to protect itself.

Another pinching earth monster.

Another pinch of two Ultra warriors.

He even pinched many alchemy stars.

That is, the smartest man on earth.

These form the backbone of the earth, and whoever comes has to hang.

Especially when the power of the earth and the power of the sea are combined.

The supreme type that has become has even more explosive power.

So the planet can solve the invaders by the power of humans themselves.

There is no need for cosmic people at all.

The video then plays back.

The sky became overcast again.

Huge waves devouring the island.

The streets are full of fleeing people.


Look at the island.

K76 on the star.

Leo slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

This island is Kuroshio Island.

It is also a lifelong pain in Leo’s heart.

If his own strength was even stronger.

Then everyone on Kuroshio Island will not die.

On Kuroshio Island, the battle began again.

This time it was Leo who faced both Red Gilas and Black Gilas alone.

The twin monsters are much stronger than the Magma Starmen.

An elite warrior like Severn can’t beat it, let alone Leo, who hasn’t experienced training yet.

One person faces these two monsters.

It can be said that it was completely pressed and beaten.

There is no power to fight back.

It’s just a few rounds of fighting.

Leo’s energy indicator had already begun to flash.

The crowd saw this scene.

Naturally, I also felt hopeless.

I can’t fight at all.

And it’s a coincidence.

It was also when the two monsters completely suppressed Leo.

The Magma Star People reappear.

The situation has become even more critical.

The audience also began to get nervous.

If Leo’s leg is also broken here.

The only Ultra warrior who could fight was completely gone.

There is no difference between this planet and extinction.

It is at this most critical juncture.

The Star Cluster stepped forward.

Used his own hole card to save his life.

That’s the Ott Mind.

Under the influence of Ultra Mind.

The twin monsters and the Magma Starmen, the scene in front of them became trance.

The three stood in place, as if they were fixed.

See this scene.

The audience couldn’t help but gasp.


Zeta World.

“Master Severn’s training power is also too strong!”

Zeta couldn’t help but sigh.

If you are in the case of Ultraman, use Ultra Mind Power to fix the monster.

Zeta still feels normal.

But if you fix the monster in the state of the human body.

That’s a different matter entirely.

Directly across several levels.

Conceptually it’s all very different.

“Should it be said that it is worthy of Master Severn, who has already tempered his mental power to a height that ordinary Ultra warriors cannot reach.”

Haruka also sighed.

With a human body, three behemoths of tens of meters were directly fixed.

This is also too scary.

Haruki also began to understand the horror of the Ultra brothers’ strength.


In the video, after seeing the actions of the three people on the opposite side suddenly stop.

Leo naturally would not let go of this opportunity.

An attack was launched at them in an instant.

Leo condensed his power into a knife and cut off the horns on the heads of Red Gilas and Black Gillas in two moves.

This is to prevent them from using powerful attacks again.

At this time, the star clusters have also reached their limit.

The power of Ultra’s power gradually diminished, and he fell weakly to the ground.

The twin monsters and Magma Starmen also regained consciousness.

The twin monsters roared in horror when they saw the horns on their heads cut off.

Seeing that something was wrong, the Magma Starmen immediately fled.

The twin monsters also burst out a large amount of dense fog.

The figure disappeared completely.

Seeing that the battle was over, Leo also flew into the sky and changed back to the appearance of Feng Yuan.

No one won this battle.

Leo lost the most.

Because most of the island’s inhabitants have died in this disaster.

Leo didn’t protect anyone.

This also made the people of the multiverse realize how weak Leo is at the moment.

Ultraman is not omnipotent either.


Digga World.

“If the Great Gu transformed into Dijia, it is also a weak existence.”

“It is estimated that this planet is directly gone.”

After watching this battle of Leo.

Horii opened his mouth wide.

“Yes, thanks to the great power left in Diga’s body, otherwise it is really unimaginable.”

Daigu also agreed with Horii’s words.

Again, it’s 1 to 2.

And both Gorzan and Melba are more powerful than the twin monsters.

If it weren’t for the strength left by Digga himself.

Even if Daigu becomes light.

They will also be beaten down by these two monsters.

By that time.

It is estimated that Gatangehe has not yet come out.

These two monsters have already wiped out the entire planet.

Sure enough, the situation in each world is completely different.

However, this also made Daigu more curious.

Such a weak Leo.

What kind of training has it been through?

It grew into the appearance at the beginning of the video.

The image of a strong man who is not angry and self-threatening, and whose breath alone is enough to shock everything.

And the scene on the screen turns.

I came to a forest.

At this moment, Feng Yuan was training frantically.

He can cut off trees with one punch and one kick.

After all, it is directly transformed into a human body by an Ultra warrior, and it is normal to have such strong strength.

The figure of the star cluster appeared behind him, his face full of coldness.

[If you want to become a one-sided martial arts king, you must go through many tribulations. 】

[And on this road to growth, it is completely inseparable from the training of the star clusters. ] 】

[Although these trainings are terrible, they have become the basis for Leo to become stronger].

After the words of the narration appeared, the content of Fengyuan’s training was played.

And this content surprised people in many worlds.

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