Leo fell high in the sky and kicked the Kali Starman, kicking it hundreds of meters away.

In the process of dodging the jeep just now.

In fact, Feng Yuan also trained a certain leg strength, and the power of the flying kick also increased to a certain extent.

And the Kali Starmen have thicker defenses.

After eating the flying kick, he quickly stood up and slammed directly into Leo.

Facing the onslaught of the Cali Starmen.

Leo actually didn’t have any good solutions.

But now it’s different.

Attack on the Calistar.

Leo showed no fear.

He bumped into him, and Leo would soon be able to stand up anyway.


Leo used the surrounding house to jam the double horns on the shoulders of the Cali Starman.

He directly broke off the double horns and used them as weapons to directly pierce the body of the Kari Starman.

The Kali Starmen also fell completely.

See here.

The audience seemed to understand something.

Fight Leo.

It’s best not to have anything weird on your body.

Otherwise, the end will be very ugly.

After this battle is over.

The scene is also changed again on the screen.

It also heralds the beginning of the next battle.

It’s just that the audience is thinking.

In the training later.

There should be no training comparable to the outrageous level of a jeep.


The training behind is not comparable to the jeep.

But it’s also outrageous.

This time he fought Leo.

It’s a round monster.

The name is Kendoros.

His body has organs resembling flower petals.

And each petal of the flower is a special metal.

It can be thrown out as a boomerang.

It can even be used as a huge fan.

As long as the boomerang spins at extreme speed.

Then a hurricane will erupt.

Under the influence of this hurricane, even Leo’s heavy body will be gradually blown away.

Completely inaccessible.

When the hurricane is strong to a certain extent.

Even directly knocked Leo to the ground.

So it’s the same again.

Encounter monsters that you haven’t seen at all.

Those trainings that Leo had gone through before.

It is completely invalid.

I don’t know how to start.

Many screws flicked the boomerang overhead.

While a large number of bullets burst out from his hands.

The double attack was densely pounced on Leo.

Leo can only dodge.

Look for opportunities to attack while dodging.

The bullet is fine.

The main thing is this boomerang.

Unusually sharp.

Even if it just happened to pass over Leo’s body.

will leave a wound.

A large number of light particles burst out.

Leo would also feel a hot pain in the wound.

Speed was instantly affected.

Even if the wound is healed with the power of light.

More boomerangs flew over.

The cut Leo was completely powerless.

Crushed again.

Star clusters watching the situation in the base.

That’s angry and completely speechless.

Immediately drove the fighter to the scene.

To be honest, this Kendoros is not very combative.

Just pay attention to these boomerangs.

These boomerangs are in Severn’s eyes.

It can be said that it is as slow as a turtle.

But that’s the attack.

It was able to lay down Leo.

This is what makes the star clusters angry.

In the end, it still relied on the attack of the star clusters.

Only then did Kendoros drive away.

Look at the fighter hovering in the sky.

Whether it’s the audience, or Leo on the screen.

At this moment, the same idea came to my mind.

Then I had to start beating again.


Digga World.

See Leo who is about to undergo special training.

The members of the victory team began to think.

When Digga was in a bitter battle.

Basically, the battle was solved all at once.

It’s not too tricky.

There was also no special training for this monster.

If you think about it.

Except for Gatangehe, who appeared last.

This way down, Digga was still a smooth wind.

“Dagu, after such a long period of fighting, do you think your strength has increased to a certain extent?”

Xincheng looked at Dagu, his eyes full of curiosity.

After all, he hadn’t seen Daigu exercise his body either.

“What do you say?”

Daigu held his hands and tilted his head slightly.

“It seems that every time after the battle, my strength will increase.”

“It’s not so much that the strength has increased, but that I have liberated some of Diga’s power.”

There is nothing wrong with what Daigu said.

In the body of Digga, which has been sleeping for 30 million years.

It also contains extremely powerful power.

It’s just that in the current Dagu.

There’s no way to dig it all out.

Only able to fight monsters through every battle.

A little familiar with Diga’s body.

It is to bring the fit between your body and Digga’s body to a higher level.

In this way, more power is unleashed.

It also looks like Digga is gradually getting stronger.

“It seems that the characteristics of each Ultra warrior are different.”

Horii listened and nodded.

If you think about it.

Feng Yuan is really miserable.

It’s really nothing, pure self-made.

And also survive this high-intensity monster attack.

Totally not getting a good rest.

And in the next video.

The star cluster drove the car.

Take Feng Yuan to the location where they will be training.

In the car.

The Star Cluster said.

“It’s as I feared.”

“The monster moves northeast after defeating you.”

“There is constant destruction in the Sendai area.”

Feng Yuan lowered his head silently.

“I’m really sorry.”

If only I could have a little more strength.

You can solve the monster.

Then the city will not be destroyed.

“The all-out Mike team was almost defeated.”

“No apologies, no excuses.”


The two had already arrived in a desert.

The Star Cluster stopped the car, came to the trunk of the car, and took out a stack of boomerangs from the trunk.


See this boomerang.

The audience was more or less able to guess what the next training would look like.

The two stood face to face, separated by a distance of more than ten meters.

After standing firm.

The star cluster picked up a boomerang in his hand and threw it out directly.


The boomerang hit Feng Yuan’s body at an extremely fast speed.

Feng Yuan didn’t react at all.

I can only feel a hot pain in my body.

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