Later in the video.

Indeed, Aix Olympics will be unstable because of its foundation.

Ate defeat.

But it hasn’t shown itself yet.

The battle that follows.

It is a monster that many viewers have never seen before.


The one-eyed eye can be used to release petrified light.

Turn everything you see in front of your eyes into stone.

Aix and his first battle.

It was quite badly beaten.

Eventually also hit by petrified rays

Turned into a stone statue.


Digga World.

“Petrified light, when I first dealt with Gakuma, that monster also had such an ability.”

Daigu touched his chin.

“But when I transform into a strong form, I can easily solve it.”

“It’s really a troublesome ability.”

In other words, Digga can eliminate the negative impact by changing the form card invincible frame.

Aix has no such ability at all.

Even if it’s wearing monster armor.

It still can’t stop the spread of the petrified state.

I can only watch myself turn to stone.

But fortunately, the XIO players are also powerful.

With the cooperation of cosmic people through the golden planet.

Under cover, Gagorgon’s eyes were destroyed.

Gagorgon’s petrochemical ability is very strong.

His eyes were destroyed.

Then the petrified items will return to their normal appearance.

So Aix also got back into action.

It is not enough to destroy Gagorgon’s eyes.

The cells of the Argon Institute have a strong regenerative ability.

It’s just a few seconds.

His damaged eye had been repaired.

“Oops, his eyes have begun to regenerate!”

Ax said anxiously.

“It’s okay, just use this set of armor next!”

The voice of the earth just fell.

The new monster armor data has been transmitted to the Aix terminal.

This time the monster armor.

It’s Bemenstein.

“Virtual Baymonstar armor activated!”

The biggest feature of this set of armor.

It is the shield of the left hand.

The narrator also explains the capabilities of this armor.

[Virtual Bemenstein Armor: With the same absorption ability as Bemenstein, it can absorb and bounce light skills, providing Ax with a strong light defense. ] 】

The audience took a closer look.

Indeed it is.

On the shield, there are the same parts as Bemenstein’s belly mouth.


Galactic Empire.

“This Aix is indeed a little interesting.”

Beria smiled wickedly.

It’s all about using the power of monsters.

This Ultra warrior called Aix.

But it was completely played out of flowers.

Beria is at most summoning monsters.

Or give the power of the monster to yourself.

Let your strength be greatly improved.

But it’s only about strength.

You can’t use the monster’s special abilities.

Aix is at the same time that his own strength has been improved to a certain extent.

You can also use the characteristics of monsters.

It seems to be more suitable for controlling monsters than Beria.

Of course, with the current Beria to fight Aix.

It’s easy to beat it.

It’s just that the ability to use monster characteristics makes Beria feel very interested.


And just after Aix put on the armor of Bemensta.

Gagorgon condensed his energy again, shot out petrified rays, and rushed straight towards Aix.

Aix held his shield in front of him for defense.

Petrified rays hit the shield, creating a powerful shock wave.

The shockwave pushed Aix back one after another, but did not petrify it.

After all the petrified light is absorbed.

The entire shield bloomed with purple light.

With a loud shout, he smashed his shield directly on the ground.

The absorbed petrified light bursts out.

Counterattack to where Gagolgon is.

Where has Gagolgon seen such a scene.

See the petrified light bounce back.

His whole body was stunned.

Completely forgot much.

Petrified light eventually hit him.

Gagorgon’s body also gradually began to petrify.

Ax also took advantage of this opportunity to eliminate it.

Of course, Gagorgun was not turned back into a spark figure.

For this monster that has destroyed several planets.

There is no need to turn back into a spark puppet at all.

Even Gauss is in this world.

Face this monster.

Presumably, it will also directly use the coronal form to completely destroy it.


The screen turns.

Jump straight to the next battle.

See the monsters that Aix is dealing with this time.

Many viewers gasped.

Because of this monster.

It was none other than the cosmic dinosaur Jaydon.

In order to take care of the universe that did not appear in Jaydon.

The narration emerges.

[Cosmic dinosaur Jaydon: The powerful biological weapon created by the Jayton Starman has extremely terrifying power, and is as strong as a dinosaur in the universe, so it is called a cosmic dinosaur and has defeated many Ultra warriors. ] 】

[Whether it is defense, attack power or speed, it is the best existence. 】

[It also has the ability to teleport, which can absorb the light of Ultra warriors and bounce back.] 】


Gaia World.

“Attack, defense, speed are all full, and you can also teleport!”

“What a terrible monster this is, no wonder it is called a cosmic dinosaur, and other universes are too dangerous.”

My dreamy eyes were full of shock.

The shattered summoners of their world also possess extremely buggy abilities.

However, it is only that the special ability is very outrageous.

The combat effectiveness of the body is like that.

1st time to see this type of monster.

I was thinking about it in my dream.

If only the current self and Jayton were to fight.

Can you beat it?

Obviously unlikely.

Unless an extremely powerful physical attack can be developed.

Thoroughly penetrate its body.

Or use my dream’s smart head to develop a weapon to restrain Jaydon.

Otherwise, with the current Gaia to fight Jaydon, it is really not to fight.


The power that Jayton has displayed is also extremely outrageous.

Even if Ax has already put on the King Airey armor.

He was still beaten to the ground by Jaydon.

It’s hard to have the strength to get up.

The golden whip of power condensation whipped on Jaydon’s body.

Except for a slight burst of sparks.

It does no harm to it.

There is no way.

Ax can only switch to Gomorrah armor.

See if you can tear through Jaydon’s outrageous defense with strong force.

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