Zaias World.

“I didn’t expect this monster to be so strong!”

“Even if you call your father and grandfather, I’m afraid you won’t be the opponent of this monster at all.”

The Asahi Sage frowned.

At the same time, he is also very aware of his strength.

Nor will it be an opponent of Gliza.

Even if time is suspended?

Griza can completely plunge his body into a state of nothingness.

All physical attacks could not touch him at all.

On the contrary, Griza can also run into As.

The fight is already profoundly unfair.

If there was a Griza in their world.

So what should they do?

The Asahi sage fell into thought.


Knock knock.

This time is in the video.

There was the sound of bells ringing.

And these bells have sounded from Griza to the body.

[Death Knell: One of Gliza’s skills, dark energy mixed with lifelong diffusion, can have a great impact on all electronic devices, can deal a fatal blow to virtual data bodies such as Gomorrah and Aix, and there is no means to defend against it. ] 】

See this skill.

The audience also called good guys.

Gliza’s strength is becoming more and more terrifying.

The audience can see it.

Under the influence of this bell.

The virtual Gomorrah’s body was directly shattered.

Ax also knelt on the ground with a face full of pain.

This trick is completely defenseless.

You can only carry it with your own body.

After ringing for more than ten seconds, the bell finally stopped.

And when the bell just stopped.

Griza once again erupted a powerful pillar of energy light, directly slamming into Aix’s body.

A large number of data blocks flew out of Aix’s body.

Aix’s body gradually became fragile.

“Earth, it’s great to be able to fight with you.”

Ax said weakly.

“Don’t say it like you’re going to say goodbye to life and death.”

“Now we still have what we can do, and what we should do!”

“You just need to concentrate your will and do it.”

The earth held the rainbow sword tightly and said firmly.

“You’ve become stronger.”

Ax smiled gratifyingly.

“It’s thanks to you, let’s go together!”

Ax held the Rainbow Sword tightly in his hand.

The most dazzling light bloomed all over his body.

“Beyond Aix Cut!”

The whole person turned into a streamer.

Rushed directly to Gliza.

Griza felt that the energy exuding from Aix at this moment was extremely powerful.

Not intended to dodge.

And there was greed in my heart.

I want to eat Aix.

Griza unfolded his shield in front of him and blocked the attack.

The two sides continue to collide.

The shock wave continued to shake around.

Aix’s body is a little bit data-oriented.

Then all poured into Gliza’s body.

At least from the visual point of view of the audience.

It was Glitza who ate Aix.

The narration emerges.

[Gryza spied on the power that Aix possessed and devoured him.] 】

[But what I didn’t expect was that before it was about to be devoured, the earth’s strong desire to defeat Glitza was all injected into the body of the Rainbow Sword, and the ability of the Rainbow Sword to do things was launched, temporarily defeating Glyza. ] 】

Accompanied by narration.

The audience can see it.

At this moment, Gliza’s body had begun to shake.

The whole body began to release colorful light.

The body also became more twisted.

Immediately afterwards, Gliza’s body began to gradually expand.

It’s like a balloon.

When swelled to a certain extent.

Gliza’s body completely exploded.

Dissipated into countless fragments.

Leave only Aix’s energy indicator in place.


K76 star.

“It seems that if you want to deal with Gliza, you can only defeat it with more outrageous abilities.”

Sero held his hands.

It would have been like such a powerful monster as Gliza.

He still has the heart to challenge.

But Griza is showing more and more outrageous abilities.

Let him abandon the idea.

Challenge to challenge.

But it’s not worth it at all to go looking for death.

However, he also felt the courage of Aix and the earth.

To protect your most important partner.

Even if they all die, they must kill Gliza.

This is indeed a great place to celebrate.


Digga World.

“Did Ax and Earth just die?”

Rina blinked and looked at Daiko.

After all, things between Ultraman.

Only Ultraman knows best.

Daigu groaned.

“I think there should be a chance to come back to life.”

“At least one energy indicator remained.”

“As long as there is a carrier, Ultraman still has the possibility of resurrection.”

And that’s exactly what happened.

Just like after Daigu was beaten into a stone statue.

Enough light gathered.

It can still be resurrected.

And Aix turned out to be the body of data.

Then want to resurrect him.

I’m afraid I can only go the same way just now.

That is to enter the computer world.

Pull Earth and Aix back.

But who can do it?

This Daigu is completely unclear.

And just like Daigu thought.

To save the earth.

Asuna travels to the computer world.

It’s just that what surprised the audience was.

Gliza, who was originally destroyed, is resurrected again at this moment!

“Didn’t you eliminate Griza just now!!”

“I obviously saw Gliza, and it was already shattered.”

“How did this happen again!?”

The audience was shocked.

Could it be that this guy can’t be beaten to death?

[Glizza uses his own power to resurrect again. 】

[However, due to the swallowing of the Rainbow Sword just now, Griza at this moment has lost the ability to void and can only remain an entity. ] 】

[But materialization can only be maintained for one day, and once the day has passed, Griza will return to a state of nothingness.] 】

After reading the explanation of the narration.

The audience got it.

Now Glitza, though, is resurrected.

But it has become a completely entity.

It is an existence that can be attacked.

As long as it can be attacked.

That’s basically not a difficult task.

It’s just a pity.

Griza was resurrected.

Ax is not resurrected.

They have this world except Aix.

Basically, no one can effectively cause damage to Gliza.

If only Ax could succeed in resurrection.

Then you can truly defeat Griza.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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