Geed:? ? ? ?

Zeta:? ? ?

Shota Snakekura:? ? ? ?


How can I use my Aurora power like this?

(Thank you to Yemao readers for the big 500vip point reminder and 1000vip point reward!).

Chapter 68 Gauss: Lufa is more ruthless than his cat, Regedo! Noah's Wings! ! !

When I saw Lufa taking the initiative to face the full power of absolute destruction.

Zeta, Geed and Shouta Shekura only thought that the protagonist was crazy!

Even Yuka and Yoko had their hearts in their throats!

But then.

When Zeta and the others saw Lufa using the power of Aurora, their pupils suddenly shrank, as if a thunderbolt was directly covering their heads!

The power of aurora! ! !

Lufa actually used the power of Aurora! ! -!

This is Reggio's skill!

To know.

Regedo used this skill to easily absorb Giga Endor-Ra's reset light.

Lufa actually knows this skill! ?

Saiganoa's skills, King Ultra's Hammer of the King, and now the power of Aurora!

Damn it, is there anything in this world that Lufa can't do? ! ! ! ! !

Lufa is more than just the reincarnation of the Creator God!

Simply God! ! ! ! !

Even the Ultra King, the god in the eyes of their Ultraman, can't do such a thing!

Equally shocked.

There are also Gauss and Jestis who have disintegrated from the Regedo state!

But compared to this.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the two people only felt their blood pressure rising, as if they were directly hit in the head by Giga Endora's reset light, and they couldn't think about anything!

Exploded! Group-_7_6.+3%|^4^_8, 0$#.1|5%\u0026%7#group|-8})(5,0{2(9]]|6]^)5|}! 0|{1

Their mentality is crazy! ! !

Damn it, the power of Aurora is the skill of Reggio, one of the four mysterious gods!

Who is Reggio?

The incarnation of the will of the universe!

Every move he makes, even if it is just a light bullet released, must be filled with divinity!

The results of it? ? ? ?

This Ultraman actually stuffed his hand directly into his stomach and used the power of Aurora to suck out his energy!

How can this keep their mentality stable?

How not to collapse? ?

I originally thought it was cruel enough that Reggio would spark the legend when he saw Tartarus!

This guy is even more ruthless! ! ! !

The power of Aurora is a defensive skill!

Defense skills! ! ! !

He was still alive and was used as a gangster by Lu Fa!

This Ultraman is too cruel! ! !

Don't you feel ashamed of yourself after seeing it?

And the skill he used when he appeared in front of Tartarus just now.

Is it Saga's super acceleration? !

Even Saka’s skills? ? ?

He, the holder of one-third of Saga's shares and one-half of Regedo's shares, cannot do such a thing!

Tartarus's heart was filled with shock!

Feeling that more than half of the energy in his body has passed away in the blink of an eye.

The body has lost a lot of weight visible to the naked eye!

He looked at Lufa's eyes.

Unconsciously, I was a little shocked!

Which race of Ultraman is Luffa? ? ? ? ?

A fighting race? !

Then Lufa took his hand out of his stomach.

Raise your hands and turn them slightly.

The brilliant golden light was like the shape of a spiral galaxy. He kicked Tartarus to the ground with one foot, and then threw this vast energy out!

Tartarus was breathing heavily!

He tried his best to pull away a Nalak and got in!

Wherever the vast golden energy went, the space made a clicking sound, and faint patterns like broken glass appeared in the space!

The moment it landed on the ground.

The entire ground began to tremble, and the huge shock wave spread at an alarming speed, involving everything around it. Buildings were easily torn apart, rocks were overturned, and forests were uprooted, even if they were hundreds of miles away. People can also feel the scorching wind, which is like a violent dragon, swallowing everything.

The surface of the ground was changed beyond recognition, the soil and stones were melted, forming a sea of ​​blazing lava!

[Your fighting style is brutal and you receive blessings: mental power +66, defense power +66, energy purity +101! 】

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, gaining energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and spiritual power +999! 】

[You have enlightened on Noah's Wings. Because of the blessing of Mother Earth, you can use part of the power of time and space. When your strength reaches a certain level, you can completely master the power of time and space, obtain the full power of Noah's Wings, and unlock Noah· The ultimate skill! 】

【You got Ultraman Seven Spark Doll! 】

【You got the first-generation Ultraman Spark Doll! 】

"Damn it." Lufa said solemnly: "I'm still not strong enough now. If I were stronger, I wouldn't let him escape at all!"

Gos Justis:? ? ? ? ?


Listen, is this human language? ! ?

Are you not strong enough? ? ?

Then I’m afraid there are no strong people left in the entire universe!

"Lufa is so strong!" Geed looked at Lufa with admiration.

He can obviously also use the power of the Ultra King, one of the mysterious Four Arcana.

But compared with Lufa.

There is a world of difference!

"What Lufa, that's my master Lufa!"

Zeta said confidently!

Damn, he knows all the skills of Segaregado and Noah!

This is no longer a question of whether he is the king of law or not.

He is the god of law! ! !

Not to mention learning skills, just learning a little bit of the essence.

That is lifelong benefit!

Even if Lufa made him into a leather suit and taught him hand in hand, he would be willing! ! ! !

"Don't call me master." Lufa said speechlessly.

He taught the Thunder Killer hand in hand before.

In fact, part of the reason was that he didn't want Zeta to pester him.

Unexpectedly, this kid would rather be treated like a Thunder Killer and worship him as his master.

Is he really a master fruit ability user?

"Go back."

Sighed helplessly.

Lufa stepped on the ground and flew up.

Geed Zeta followed closely behind.

"Master Lufa, wait for me!"

Seeing the three people ignoring them, Gao Si and Justice looked at each other.

I just felt like I was dreaming today.

"Lufa... this name seems very familiar."

Gauss murmured.

"Ah, I remember!"

Gauss stretched out a finger: "I remember hearing from Zero that Ace had a disciple whose talent in magic was not inferior to him. It seems that his name was Lufa!"

The expression on his face suddenly became strange!

Zero called him meow and he was not inferior to him? ? ? ?

This is called a finger that can crush him! ! ! !

Zero is too boastful!

How can he compare with such an existence?

"We have to tell this to Delacion and let Him make the decision!" Justice said.

Gauss nodded.

The two left the earth.


On the other side.


Lufa just went back.

He came directly to the office to rest.

Although he is now infinite energy.

But while Reijido is standing still and consuming energy, he is also consuming mental power.

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