"Oh my god, that, that's Lufa???"

"Lufa knocked down such a big Beria with just one punch?!"

"Is this still the Lufa I know???"

"Isn't he a mage? Why did he become One Punch Man?"

All the members of the police force and residents looked at Lufa in shock.

"Kill you, I'm going to kill you!!!"

Beria's eyes were red.

"Beleudra Hellfire!!!"

Beleudra's whole body's energy was released, but it was not aimed at Lufa, but at the core of the plasma spark tower above!

"Beria wants to cause the plasma core to explode?!" Ultra's father said in horror.

Tartarus in the dark was suddenly startled and hurriedly wanted to take action.

The next second.

Three figures suddenly appeared.

The Ultra King arrives with the Leo brothers!

"Belia, you traitor to the Clan of Light!"

wave of hand

Beleudra's flames were instantly dispersed!

Just when he stretched out his hand to seal Beria.

"Beleudra was born because of me, I must make up for my mistakes!"

"Cosmic Prison!!!"

Another voice suddenly sounded.

It's Lufa!

He stretched out his hands!

Reggio's mental power and cosmic prison were released at the same time!

The moment when Beludora was lifted high.

Suddenly, countless dark special substances appeared around it, enveloping Beleudra like stones!

All of a sudden.

The father/mother of Ultra, brother and sister Zeta, Zero, Grob, Brother Leo, the six Ultra brothers, and even the members of the security force and the thousands of people of the Kingdom of Light instantly became horrified when they saw this scene, and their hearts Jumping wildly!

Nani? ! ! ! !

Lufa can even master the king's cosmic prison! ?

You must know that this is similar to the final cross barrier, both are sealing techniques!

But it’s a huge difference!

After all, this is the unique sealing technique of the Ultra King!

When Beria invaded the Kingdom of Light and brought a devastating blow to the Kingdom of Light, King Ultra appeared at a critical moment and used this trick to imprison Beria in a cosmic prison for ten thousand years. Long!

"What an incredible child!" The Ultra King's face finally showed some fluctuations.

Lufa is so mysterious that even he can't see through it!

Obviously there is no guidance from anyone.

He actually used his cosmic prison like this!

"Hey, did you see it??? Lufa used the cosmic prison!!!"

"Damn it!! Isn't that the king's skill?"

"Is Lufa so terrifying now? Even the cosmic prison? Did he experience cheating on earth?"

"There are so many Ultramans who have gone to Earth, but which one is as awesome as Lufa?!"

"If the king hadn't still been alive, I would have thought that Lufa was the reincarnation of the Ultra King!!!"

Estero and Jack had met each other a few times at least, and they quickly calmed down.

His face turned red with excitement!

Especially Ace!

did you see? ? ?

This is my apprentice! ! ! !


The excitement in his heart was almost overflowing now.

Damn it!

My apprentice has used a serious skill! ! ! !

Not so cruel anymore!

He is a normal Ultraman!


Light particles really flowed out of Ace's eyes!

He was like a man who could see the moonlight when the clouds cleared, wishing he could dance like Blaze on the spot!

"Let me just say, this kid Lufa will fight seriously at critical moments." Jack chuckled.

"But where is this cosmic prison?" Cero wondered.

"Sweat." Ultra's father smiled and said, "Just throw it into the universe."

"No, it shouldn't be necessary."

Lufa suddenly spoke.

Ultra's father and others were about to ask why.


A drop of blood dripped from the cosmic prison onto his face.

Immediately afterwards.

More drops of blood seeped out of the cosmic prison, just like rain in the Kingdom of Light, dyeing the silver buildings red, and the whole city was filled with the smell of blood.

"Why is there blood?"

"Are those monsters injured?"

Zero and the others said strangely.

The corners of Ace's mouth twitched crazily.

Realized something.

Look at the King of Ultra.

The Ultra King looked helpless and complicated.


"Luffa's cosmic prison."

"It's solid."

Not loud.

But it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

For a moment.


The heads of Escyro and others were buzzing instantly.

Damn it! ! ! ! ! !

Is Lufa even the cosmic prison really fucking solid? ? ? ? ? ?

Doesn't that mean that the monster in Beleudra's body is not sealed...

Instead, he was crushed alive and turned into bloody water...?

I blanch!

I blanch! ! ! ! ! !

For a moment.

The whole place exploded!

Damn it! ! ! ! !

The cosmic prison was turned into a hydraulic press by Lufa? ? ? ? .

Chapter 78 The six Ultra brothers were shocked when they saw their Spark Doll!

"I remember that Cosmic Prison is not a sealing skill? It's like the Ultra Brothers' final cross barrier that sealed Saurus!"

"Damn, Lufa is too cruel. He used the Space Prison as a hydraulic press?"

"I suddenly feel a little happy... This is much more satisfying than when the king simply sealed Belia!"

"Me too..."

The residents and even the members of the guard team discussed it out loud.

At this moment.

The happiness in Ace's heart disappeared.

His face was pale.

As if he had no desire to live, the corners of his mouth twitched wildly, as if he was going to use multiple guillotines to cut himself a few times in the next second!

Damn it! ! ! !

He thought his apprentice finally used a skill normally!

He sealed Beliudor!

What was the result? ? ? ?

Damn it, it can't be difficult for him at all! ! ! ! !

Even a sealing skill like the Space Prison can be played into an iron maiden in his hands. He doesn't know what Lufa's head is thinking? !

Oh, no.

It's more cruel than the iron maiden! !

You know, the Iron Maiden is a torture device that locks people in a human-shaped cabinet. The moment it is closed, the person inside will be pierced through the body by giant spikes!

When Ace heard that there was such a torture device on Earth, he felt it was extremely cruel!

Who was so vicious that he invented such an inhumane way of execution?

And then? ? ?

He never expected that now, his apprentice would do something 10,000 times more brutal than the Iron Maiden! ! !

Just give you a solid one, and use the space prison as a hydraulic press to crush the thousands of monsters on Beludora into blood!

The first generation, Seven, and even the Leo brothers looked at each other.

What did they see? ? ?

It was amazing enough that Lufa used the King's Space Prison.

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