"This is our biggest advantage!"

Carmilla sneered: "To put it simply, as the two universes merge, who knows the location of the eternal core?"


Hitram smiled playfully: "As the person who protects the eternal core, Youshalei must be able to sense the location of the eternal core."

"And the key to Yusale's appearance lies in her descendant named Yumi!"

"I can sense that there is Yousha Lei's energy aura in her body!"

"If my descendants are in danger, Yusalei will definitely appear, right?"

Listen to Hitram.

Carmilla was quite surprised!

This guy was resurrected before they were.

There is a lot of information to be found.

"You should be careful this time. As long as you get the power of the eternal core, that bastard named Lufa will completely become a clown and let us slaughter him!"

"Show up for me!"

"God of Planetary Destruction, Satan Delos"

Hitram waved his hand and laughed wildly.

There was some surprise on Carmilla's pretty face.

Satan Delos, that is the robot that Hitram mentioned before that he transformed!

It has an invincible barrier!

She tried it herself and it was true!

Even her in his prime.

They can't even break that barrier!

Even she finds this defensive technique disgusting!

This guy Hitram really spent a lot of money this time.


It's worth it to make Ultraman Lufa suffer!

She can't wait!

Let Lufa kneel in front of her! !

(Thanks to 18952.., I used my fleeting time to mess up Fusheng readers’ monthly votes!).

Chapter 93: Zeta’s mentality is broken: Take off my timer and let it flash? !

"Really, why have the frequency of monsters suddenly increased so much!"

Yoko complained.

All of this seems to have happened after Manaka Kengo and the others merged into this universe?

She didn't know that Triga was a copy of Hell.

While complaining, he also quickly drove the Jingu Bridge to dispatch.

Looking at this blue-gold mechanical monster, Yoko smiled slightly: "Look at me, Pendanium Hammer!"

The close-range iron clip equipped on Jin Guqiao's left arm was immediately launched.

Just when Yoko was planning to knock down Satan Delos with this blow, and then launch missiles to inflict damage to him.

A barrier composed of black and golden hexagonal energy suddenly appeared in front of Satan Dilos!

The moment the iron clip landed on it, it was immediately bounced away - get out!

"How is that possible?!" Yoko was stunned.

You must know that the iron clamps of Jinguqiao have been tested and customized.

It's not a problem to knock down a 60,000-ton monster to the ground in an instant!

How could he be ejected by this barrier so easily?

Unwilling to be reconciled, Yoko once again released countless missiles.

Boom boom——! ! ! !

Waves of intense fire exploded one after another, forming a sea of ​​fire in the blink of an eye, submerging Satan Delos.

"Yoko-senpai, let me help you!"

Yaohui's voice sounded.

He came driving Uindam.

Countless missiles are released from the back at the same time

The fire suddenly became more violent.

"Successfully resolved!"

Yaohui said with a relaxed expression.

The next second.

The sound of mechanical operation sounded.

Satandelos walked out of the smoke.

The speed is not fast, even slower than walking.


But Yoko Haruki and others were shocked!

"No, it still doesn't work??" Yoko couldn't believe it.

Upon seeing this, Yaohui quickly took out the Zeta Sublimator and transformed into Zeta.


at the same time.

Trigga appears!

From the very beginning, they transform into beta form and powerful form!

"Zestim Shoryuken!!"

Zeta punched Satan Delos.

But with the appearance of the Delos barrier, not only did he not encounter Satan Delos, but his entire arm was shocked to the point of pain!

If Zeta hadn't turned around in time to bring the momentum.

I'm afraid the whole arm will be twisted due to the terrifying counter-shock force!

Zeta reluctantly transforms into Delta Claw form.

The body began to rotate at high speed.

Golden Lan!

A skill similar to Saga Storm.

He slammed into Satan Delos, trying to knock it away.

The body is like a corkscrew, hitting the black-gold barrier crazily.

But tens of seconds passed.

Zeta stopped.

Smoke was already coming out of his head, and light particles were spitting out of his mouth.

Yaohui also vomited in the subspace again!

It cannot be said that there is nothing wrong with the barrier, it can only be said that there is no trace at all!

"Let me come!"

Belia dusk suddenly appeared in Zeta's hand.

Purple energy instantly enveloped its sword.

Veins popped out in Zeta's right arm, and he slashed at the Satan Delos barrier!

Keng——! !

There was a sound of metal collision, and Beria Dusk was directly ejected and stuck on a building!


Zeta never expected that even Belial Dusk could not shake this barrier at all!

Teliga holds the Arm of the Circle.

Slash at Satan Delos!

But again.

Like Belia Dusk, he was ejected and stuck on the same tall building. They were definitely brothers in distress.

Zeta turned into the future form of Gamma.

The illusions of Tiga, Dyna, and Gaia appeared at the same time.

The three rays of light, Zapelio, Soljet, and Quantum Streamline, shot out at the same time!

Zeta also released a Zestim ray with both hands!

Triga accumulated energy and followed closely with a Zapelio ray!

The five rays merged together in the middle, and the power can be imagined. The diameter was 100 meters, and the space made a crackling sound like glass shattering wherever it went, as if it was on the verge of collapse!

The moment it hit the barrier of Satan Delos.


The majestic flames suddenly broke out, and the figure of Satan Delos was swallowed up. The billowing smoke was as exaggerated as the roaring waves. The buildings within a few miles became extremely charred and burned with flames!

As the smoke dissipated.

Zeta Triga's eyes lit up.


A gap appeared on the barrier!

Just when they were about to take advantage of the victory.

Satan Dilos's barrier was instantly repaired and intact!

As if it had never been broken!


Zeta and Triga's hearts were pounding, and they couldn't believe it.


Countless light bullets suddenly shot out from Satan Dilos's left hand cannon arm, blowing Zeta Triga away.

Before they landed, the chain sword on his right arm suddenly shot out a golden slash wave that penetrated their bodies, leaving a shocking wound on each of them, with rich light particles splashing out.

Triga and Zeta's colored timers began to flash.


The illusion of Shining Triga appeared in front of them

Pulling energy.

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