The Titan stared at Nexus and twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Noah isn't here, and so are you!"

"I will accept your head!"

He stepped out of the ground holding a golden sword and a sickle sword. The armor on his body didn't look as thick as Diablo's, but it was just as substantial. Every step he took was as if he was going to cause a magnitude 10 earthquake on the planet Babylon. .

Nexus swiped from Armed Nexus and released a crescent-shaped light blade.

Feather of particles!

The Titan was knocked back in an instant.

Turning around, he made a power-charging movement with both hands and quickly fired a cross-ray storm!

Titan's whole body suddenly erupted with violent sparks, and he half-knelt on the ground.

Libut wanted to go over and help.

Holding the Sblada spear, he stabbed Nexus.

Nexus's arms were filled with energy, and he could easily resist it!

He turned closer to Libut and slapped his chest quickly with two palms. The golden energy was instantly washed out and Libut took several steps back.


Nexus armed Nexus with a touch of his right hand.

He was about to raise his right hand.

When planning to release the Meta Domain.

"I'm sorry Noah, I don't intend to get along with the Absolut family!"

A voice appeared.

"Ruggeset, come on!!!"


Lugoset's figure instantly appeared in front of Nexus, and released a Creation Requiem to repel Nexus.

Lufa fell to the ground.

"Who are you?!"

Scott, Chuck, and Libut were astonished.

Bess looked at Lufa's face.

There were two blushes on the fair face unconsciously.

This was her first time seeing such a beautiful Ultraman!

That face looks like it was carved by God...

I bought it~

It felt like she was about to fall in love for the first time.

Bess's psychological activities fully demonstrate the enthusiasm and unrestrainedness of the beautiful country.

"Can you actually control Lugoset?!" Titan looked at Lufa in surprise.

"You are... Lufa!?" Libut suddenly recognized it.


The eyes under the Titan's helmet suddenly became brighter.

"Are you Lufa?"

"I've long heard of your power."

"But you are a hindrance to the kingdom."


"I will take the head off your neck!"

With that said, Titan immediately rushed towards Lufa.

Lufa's right fist suddenly shot out.

"Noah Hellfire——!!"

A one-trillion-degree flame light suddenly shot out!

The pupils of everyone present including Nexus shrank!

"He actually knows Noah's Hellfire!? Oh my God~ This is simply a miracle!"

"Oh my God, I even started to wonder if I was dreaming!"

Bess stared at Lufa, his beautiful eyes shining brightly.

She became curious about the boy.

When did such a warrior appear in the Kingdom of Light?

And that’s the Cosmic Leukocyte Lugset, right?

He can actually command this monster at will!

How exactly is it done? !

Nexus stared at Lufa.

There was a slight fluctuation in the look!

Titan's chest was instantly scorched black, and his body flew backwards like a golden stray bullet, smashing into several 100-meter rocks!

The red bull emblem appeared on Lufa's chest.

Titan's breathing was rapid and his pupils shrank suddenly!

Isn't that Diavolo's Space Fantasy Beast Fist? !

Why would he? !

Dozens of space buffalo emblems appeared in front of Lufa.

The power of the Platinum Star made Lufa's fists as fast as lightning, making it difficult to see how he punched.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of coats of arms were beaten out by him!

Titan's eyelids jumped.

What kind of strange fighting method is this? !

Cosmic Buffalo is like free of charge!

None of the ten Diablos are so scary, right? !

He hurriedly prepared his sword intention and swung out a slashing wave.

It took a long time to smash the two coats of arms into pieces!

The rest bombarded him!

Countless fires burst out, and the Titans howled loudly.

[Your fighting style is brutal and you receive a blessing: Energy Purity +66! 】

[Your fighting style is brutal and you receive a blessing: Strength +66! 】

Lufa pulled with both hands.

"Absolute destruction!"

Golden light shot out from his hands.

The disbelief on Bess's and others' expressions suddenly reached its peak!

Absolute destruction? ! ! !

Isn’t that the skill of Tartarus, the ultimate life form?


How could he, an Ultraman, do this? ? ? ?

There must be a limit to going against the will of heaven!

The light flooded Titan's body, washing out shocking wounds one after another on his body.

Let him kneel on the ground.

"It's so hot, let me help you cool down!"

"Frozen time capsule!"

Lufa stepped forward.

A sudden 1.8 moment on the ground produced a shock wave of cold air that was even more heart-stopping than absolute zero. Everywhere it touched was instantly frozen, and it reached the feet of Titan in a flash of lightning.

Titan just made a move.

The entire body was instantly frozen.

Lufa said calmly: "Ice Age."

The air of ice gushes out from the soles of his feet in one go, filling the entire sky like countless stars. Each ice crystal contains the power of Lufa's frozen fruits. They shine with an icy cold light in the air, making the entire Babylonian planet tremble. It was dyed with a blue tone.

As time goes by, these ice crystals gradually expand, like crystal clear ice curtains, wrapping the entire planet in them, as if forming a huge frozen world!

Titan has completely turned into an ice sculpture.

If it weren't for Lufa's control, Bess and others would surely end up like him!

! ! ! !

"A planet was frozen in an instant?!!!"

Bess and the others were instantly shocked, and their hearts were filled with waves of thousands of meters, unable to calm down.

"Second, this is the first time I see Ultraman who can use ice!" Chuck said in surprise.

"It's incredible!"

"Let's deal with the opponent like this!"

Bess said excitedly.

An ice blade condensed in Lufa's hand.

Come to the front of Titan.

"Well, it still doesn't feel right."

Lufa threw the ice blade aside.

Instead, he took out a golden spark puppet.

The moment I saw the true face of that doll.

Bess and Libut, their expressions suddenly reached the extreme level of disbelief, and their hearts were beating wildly and rapidly!

Nani? ! ! !

That is……

Absolutes? ?

But let’s talk about the most shocking thing.

Still a Titan.

Damn it! ! ! ?

When was Diavolo turned into a Spark Doll? ! ! ! !

(Thanks to 18535.. readers for the huge 100VIP point reward!).

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