Nexus' body suddenly erupted with a divine aura, making Zero and others feel a dazzling light!

In the blink of an eye.

A silver figure appeared in front of their eyes.

Zero's pupils shrank: "¨ˇ Noah..."


Noah stared at Dark Zaki.

Every move seems to be pulling the surrounding space.


When he was about to take action.

Lufa rushed out.

A blast of Noah's Hellfire struck Dark Zaki's body, and wherever it went, the space trembled violently due to the one-trillion-degree high temperature.

Dark Zaki was swept away into space.

Suddenly Noah's hellfire was blown away.

Then his right hand also blasted out a black-red flame light.

Zaki Hellfire! ! !

The high temperature, which was not inferior to Noah's Hellfire, made Bess and others' expressions change.

Lufa flew into the sky, raising his hand to absorb the power of the aurora.

Six-color cosmic beast emblems appeared everywhere on his body.

Saka super-accelerated and instantly came behind Dark Zaki.

"Phantom Beast Overlord Fist!!!"

The six-colored light hit the dark Zaki's back hard.

One scar after another appeared!

Dark Zaki roared and turned around.

As if not afraid of death, he rushed towards Lufa with the Phantom Beast Overlord Fist.

Terrifying dark energy fluctuations emerged from both fists.

Blast it at Lufa!

Lufa also came forward!

Bang bang bang——! ! ! !

A movement more terrifying than a sonic boom appeared over the planet Babylon.

Bess, the others, and even Zero looked up at the sky in shock.

There is only one thought in their mind now.

This kind of battle...

They have no way to interfere!

A flash of excitement flashed in Lufa's eyes!

He stared at Zaki, who was fist-fighting with him in front of him.


How great!

This is the first time that he can face an opponent with all his strength!

It's like a sandbag that can't be broken no matter how hard you hit it!

"Let me enjoy it more!"

As soon as the words fell.

Noah's Wings appeared behind Lufa.

Noah’s face finally showed obvious fluctuations!

This child not only has his skills, but he also has Noah's Wings?

But it seems that the power of time and space has not reached its highest state yet (Li Haohao).

But what Noah didn’t expect was.

Lufa didn't use the power of time and space at all.

Lufa's body began to spin.

Noah's wings formed a corkscrew and struck hard at Dark Zaki.

Noah: "..."

This was something he didn't expect.

The energy of the Six-Color Fantasy Beast Overlord Fist is concentrated on Noah's Wings.

Make the drill more powerful.

Dark Zaki twisted his body.

But Lufa didn't give him a chance at all!

As Lufa rotates, a spark of legend is released, condensed in the hand.

Penetrating Dark Zaki's body.

Then use the power of Aurora to absorb the energy in his body.

Dark Zaki suddenly let out a ferocious roar.

Click——! ! !

The energy core in his chest shattered!

Falling towards the ground of the planet Babylon.

boom--! !

It created a huge momentum.

The Noah's Wings separated from Lufa's body and were armed on both sides of his right wrist, with a slight arc, and finally rotated to form a spiral on his right arm!

Lufa landed directly on Dark Zaki's mouth.

A big hole was drilled out of Dark Zaki's mouth in an instant!

Lufa then stuffed his entire arm inside.

"It seems that the records of the farthest wave and the latest wave are yours, right?"

“I’ll let you break a record today!!!”

Lufa laughed ferociously.

Lift Dark Zaki!

Because of his position, Dark Zaki still had Lufa's arm stuffed in his mouth, and was lifted upside down by him!

Ignore Dark Zaki's struggle.

Lufa's right hand burst out with brilliant energy.

Noah was stunned for a moment.


Lufa's other hand suddenly struck Dark Zaki's back!

Between the two hands lies Dark Zaki's body!

Lufa twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Lightning Noah——!!!"

In an instant.

Noah took a step forward unconsciously.

Looks surprised!

Zero and others exploded directly! ! ! .

Group#+'7.]6$,3.\u0026{4%#8#{0#1[[5_.|7#'(group(!8#}5}0*)2.\u00269"6^" |5{$0) "1 Chapter 97 Carmila's body has the mark of Lufa, the illusion of the golden man!

When I saw Lufa using Lightning Noah.

The expressions of Zero and the others instantly became extremely unbelievable, as if there were a hundred little golden bulls running wildly in their hearts, making them unable to calm down at all!

What did they see? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Lufa actually used Ultraman Noah's special move! ?

The Ultra Library records the skills that Noah used when he appeared in the world of Nexus.

The information came from Nexus, whom Atalga abducted when he traveled through the parallel universe.

There is absolutely no way they would admit their mistake!

His three skill methods, Saka Plasma, King's Spark, and Spark Legend, have already been used.

Now he even has Noah’s special move!

How did Lufa do it? ? ? ? ?

Unless the Ultra King and the four mysterious Ultras merge together, there is absolutely no way they can do this, right? 1

Isn't Lufa really the incarnation of the universe? ?

This is not the most important thing.

Zero and the others suddenly reacted.

What method is used? ? ?

To know.

Lightning Noah’s skill.

This is Noah's special move where he first raises his right hand like a knife, then taps his left hand on the wrist of his right hand.

But how does his meow method work?

Put your hand into Zaki's mouth.

Across his body, the two hands collided!

Is there any other way to use this? ? ? ?

No wonder Lufa said he wanted to break some recent record!

This meow put it directly into the body and emitted light!

Whose light is so close? ?

Everyone looked at Noah in unison.

Noah's eyes were completely focused on Lufa at this time.

There was obvious surprise in his eyes!

Seeing this, Zero smacked his lips!

In his mind, Noah was a god-like existence that was more mysterious than the King of Otto.

God can do this.

Looking at the multiverse, there is only one way to go, right?

Seven-colored rays of light shot out from Lufa's arm inside the dark Zaki's body!

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