Teriga is like a monkey, and Lufa is like a demon tyrant.

There is no comparison at all!

If Dark Teriga is resurrected, I will definitely become normal and stop thinking about that man every day!

Carmilla said coldly.

The two of them simultaneously increased their energy output to the maximum!


The two powerful energies collided and could no longer support it, and the space seemed to sway suddenly!

Jian Wu in Teriga's space was stunned.

He suddenly disappeared in a space-time distortion!

The light of Teriga's eyes and timer disappeared.

He fell to the ground and could not get up again.


Zeta, who thought that Teriga was in trouble, was horrified.

He rushed towards Carmilla in anger.

Carmilla did not even look at him.

He casually shot out a beam of light.


At this moment!

Lufa appeared in a beam of light that shot up into the sky.

He slapped Carmilla's light away with one palm.

Seeing him appear.

Carmilla's heartbeat stagnated.

But it was not fear, but an indescribable feeling.

Lufa glanced at Triga.

He didn't care.

After all, this kid probably traveled back to the ancient times and got cheats.

"Ultraman Lufa, it's all because of you!!"

Carmilla forced herself to suppress the strangeness in her heart.

Activate the dark energy.

The dark spell was used, and dark words appeared around Triga's body, rotating around him, and suddenly imprinted on his body.

In a flash.

A powerful dark energy emerged from Triga's body.

As he stood up.


He roared like a beast.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Triga's body turned black and gray, as if he was wearing a layer of armor, with two bone wings behind him, and a fierce face. It was completely unrecognizable as the baby-faced Triga.

Dark Triga!

Zeta and others looked unbelievable.

"My Triga, you are finally resurrected!"

Although Carmilla wanted to say so.

But why...

Looking at the face of Dark Triga that had been lingering in her mind for 30 million years.

She didn't have the slightest fluctuation in her heart now? ?


The moment Dark Triga appeared.

Amazing red lightning burst out from his body, emitting terrifying dark energy.

Countless high-rise buildings were destroyed in an instant, and Zeta was also knocked out.

Zeta transformed into Delta Sky Claw form.

Holding Belia Dusk, he chopped on Dark Triga's shoulder.

But this attack that could easily repel Gliza in the original book not only did not cause any damage to Dark Triga, but also chopped on his shoulder and stared straight at Zeta.

It made Zeta feel a little scared.

Dark Triga suddenly roared.

Take Belia Dusk in his hand.

Kick Zeta to the ground.

Hold Belia Dusk upside down and stab him fiercely.

Puff puff puff——

Several big holes were stabbed in a row!

Zeta now wants to curse Belia Dusk!

This old man!

It stands to reason that if someone wants to use it, shouldn't it first ask the other party what they want to use it for?

Why did Dark Triga just pick it up and use it?

This old man must have done it on purpose!


Dark Triga rushed towards Lufa!

Like a beast.

Staring at him with red eyes.

Lufa frowned.

He knew that the current Dark Triga was just an empty shell without consciousness.

That's why he was a little impatient.

"Be honest!"

He took out the spiral light blade directly from his right palm.

Primitive, make a hole!

Then Lufa used his knee to chop off the spiral light blade.

·· ·······Please give me flowers· ········

His waist was bent in an inhuman posture.

It made Snake Shota and others in the armory couldn't help but exclaim, "What a good waist!"

Jiehua's cheeks flushed abnormally.

I didn't expect Lufa to be able to do this!

I have to try it tonight!

Maybe I can unlock new cheese!

Lufa suddenly stood up and threw out two spiral blades of light.

With the might that seemed to penetrate the void, he pierced through the arms of Dark Triga in a flash and nailed him to the huge barrier that Lufa had gathered at some time.

"Isn't your toy too easy to be broken?"

"I'm too lazy to do it."

"I'd rather kill you."

Lufa shook his head.

This Dark Triga is too weak.

He couldn't even enter a brutal fighting state.

Carmilla was a little suspicious of her ears.

Dark Triga is too weak? ? ?

In any case, in the ancient times, Dark Triga's strength was almost the same as hers!

It's not an exaggeration to say that he is one of the strongest!

However, Lufa said that Dark Triga was as weak as an ordinary monster.


In this man's eyes, Dark Triga is indeed very weak.

In this comparison.

In her eyes, Dark Triga seemed to be just that.

Carmilla even began to doubt how she had chosen Triga in the first place.

This time, once this idea came up, it could never be erased!

Lufa twitched his lips: "Jet, come out and play!"

As soon as the words fell!

A black and purple pillar of light suddenly rose up.

..... ... ....

The cosmic demon Jet appeared!

"My name is Jet, the strongest Jetton."

"I will kill anyone who stands in the way of Lord Lufa!"

Jet said coldly.

The moment he saw him.

Zeta's pupils immediately expanded sharply, as if he had seen his dead parents in broad daylight, even more exaggerated than that!

Jet? ? ? ? ?

Lufa actually summoned Jet!

How is this possible? !

You know, Jet is the strongest Jetton created by the Bert Starman.

The fact that he can summon Jetton infinitely.

It makes countless Ultramen in the Kingdom of Light feel terrified!

Not only Rugset, but now even Jet has been summoned! ?

Not to mention the Ultramen in the Kingdom of Light who use monster capsules.

Even those Leonixes who specialize in playing with monsters are still younger brothers in front of Lufa!

Even if you beat them to death, they can't control monsters of the level of Rugset and Jet!

"Are you going to summon Jetton to fight? I'm looking forward to it!"

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