Sensing the various Ultraman energy fluctuations emanating from the evil Beria, there is even a hint of the Ultra King's power.

Lufa knew he couldn't be careless.

Immediately a blast of Noah's Hellfire was fired!

The extremely evil Belial quickly rotated the ultimate combat instrument, emitting more powerful energy.

The stalemate lasted for several seconds.

He swatted Noah's hellfire away!

"Lord Lufa, let me help you!"

Yoko said quickly when he saw that Lufa's attack was so easily defused by the Evil Beria.

She wasn't watching the show just now.

It's just that the extremely evil Beria didn't give her a chance to get close.

at this time.

A black-red mist emerged!

It’s Carmilla!


Carmila was also stunned on the spot.

Me, why did I appear here! ?

She was originally in the underwater world.

But when I saw that the human woman driving the Jingu Bridge actually wanted to please Lu Fa (no).

She didn't know why she was upset.

It's like he doesn't want her to get close to Lufa.

My brain hasn't even reacted yet.

The body started to move without permission!


"Is this your woman? Lufa!"

Evil Beria looked at Carmilla with interest.

When he saw her whip, an evil smile suddenly appeared on his lips.

"It's not bad, it's my type!"

Of course what the extremely evil Beria told was not the truth.

Now he is only focused on power, not the one he was during the Ultra War who was only jealous!

Talk like this.

Just to anger Lufa and see how Lufa breaks through the defense!

Of course.

Wait until you kill Lufa.

He could give this woman a chance to become his subordinate!

Just think about what you are using Lufa.

The extremely evil Beria was excited for a while!

He disappeared from the spot as if teleporting, and appeared behind Carmilla the next second.

A vicious explosion shot out.

Carmilla turned her head suddenly.

The pupils shrank.

But stubbornly, she still raised her hand, wanting to emit a ray of light.

"Go to the back and stay out of the way!"

Lufa roughly pulled Carmilla's wrist and blocked her behind him.

Carmilla looked at him blankly.

He is...

Protect me?

It's obviously so rough.

It even felt like Lufa didn't treat her as a human being.

Just an eyesore.


but why!

Why is she so excited now? ! ! !

Lufa stretched out his right hand.

A long stick with specially shaped tips on both sides, emitting blue light, appeared in his hand.

The ultimate battle instrument? ! ! ! ! !

The moment I saw this weapon appear.

The expressions of Zeta Shekura Shota and others suddenly turned into disbelief, as if they had been struck by lightning!

The Ultimate Combat Instrument is a unique weapon made by the Kesians!

Lufa even has this? ? ?

"Come, have fun with me!!!"

Lufa smiled ferociously.

Let out a war cry even more violent than Dark Zaki!

It's like borrowing the power of Belial, the Ampera star, Luciel, and Belial.

Lufa pointed the tip of the combat instrument at Beria.

"Route shot!"

This is Lufa's version of Belial's shot.

A ball of light can be released from the tip of the battle instrument.


What was shot out was Saka plasma.

A fatal threat instantly awakened the evil Beria.

But when I think about it, he now has the power of the Ultra King.

Avoid Saga Plasma,

Countless fires erupted one after another at the location he passed by, annihilating countless buildings and turning them into dust!

"You like playing with sticks very much."

"That's just right. Let me teach you how to use the stick."

Lufa's figure echoed in the ears of Evil 537 Beria like a demon.

The extremely evil Beria's pupils shrank.

Haven't turned around yet.

Lufa raised his hands, and a spark of legend appeared!

Then Lufa compressed him.

It becomes a shape about the size of an eight-point light wheel!

He raised the knife to the back of the evil Beria's neck!

A dark, dripping wound suddenly appeared.

"Beast, who do you think I am?!!!"

The extremely evil Beria covered his wound angrily.

Turn around.

"I told you to be quiet."

The six-color fantasy beast emblem appeared on Lufa's body.

"Phantom Beast Overlord Fist!"

Punch the evil Beria through the abdomen with one punch!

Also use Noah's Inferno to start burning!

The burning sound of "sizzling" echoed in everyone's ears.

Accompanied by the screams of the extremely evil Beria.

Lufa twitched the corner of his mouth.

"So, as we have said, it does not mean that whoever shouts louder will be stronger."

He tore open the wound on the back of Belia's neck with both hands!

Plug the Ultimate Fighter right into it.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The extremely evil Beria immediately let out a ferocious roar.

"Isn't this artificial spine pretty good? Your hunchback will be cured right away."

Lufa smiled.

Zeta et al:? ? ?

Damn it! ! ! !

Then what he is talking about is the ultimate combat device!

Oh my God, artificial spine!

If the Kshia people knew about this, they would be so angry that they would vomit blood!

Not to mention Leonix who regarded the Ultimate Battle Instrument as a divine weapon!

If Lufa said this in front of them, they would probably collapse and let their monsters kill themselves on the spot!

Lufa fired a Noah Hellfire.

Blast Belia out of the atmosphere.

Come to the outer space.


Belia covered one eye frantically.

"Why, why are all of you giants of light so strong?!"


"You and that old guy Jian, both deserve to die!!!"

Extremely evil Belia urged the dark energy in his body.

The energy of more than a dozen capsule medals such as Anperla Starman, Lugiel, and King of Ultra was urged out by him in an instant!

As Extremely evil Belia formed a cross with his hands.

"Extremely evil explosion--!!!!"

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