Silently holding the golden sword, he walked towards Eldurata!

Diablo saw this and didn't know what to say.

If he stood there while the Titans were on, wouldn't it make him look incompetent?

"When I get stronger power, I will torture Lufa to death!!!"

Tartarus looked around.

"¨ˇ Investigate the number of casualties!"

He left this sentence.

He turned around and walked into Nalak!

Ultraman Lufa.

I will settle this account with you!


Space Guard.

Ultrafather and the Ultra Brothers are focusing on strengthening the guard.

After all, Princess Yulian was just rescued from the Kingdom of Absolut.


A space channel opened above.

"Is it an enemy!?"

"Assemble the guard!"

"Huh?" Ace frowned nervously, and when he sensed the energy fluctuations inside, he smiled immediately.

"No need for guard."

As expected!

Lufa's figure appeared from the space channel the next second!

"It's really Senior Lufa!"

"Why is he back again!?"

"He must be missing his master Ace! Senior Lufa is really respected!"

"Shut up! Can you guess the whereabouts of this adult? Just do your own thing honestly!"

The Ultramen talked about it.

Ace was very complacent.

When Zero was famous in the Kingdom of Light, he looked at his brother Seven with a smug look.

He was so envious.

Now the situation has changed, and his son Zero is in front of his apprentice Lufa.

It's nothing at all!

He pretended to be calm and said:

"What are you looking at? Go back to work!"

"My apprentice missed me and came to me to reminisce about the past!"

As he said.

In the envious eyes of the Ultra Brothers, he walked towards Lufa and opened his arms to hug.

Lufa said with a smile:

"Master Ace, have you seen Grigio?"


Ace almost tripped and fell to the ground because he didn't stand firmly.

He looked at Lufa with a twitching mouth.

Good guy!

You didn't come to see me? ? ?

It would be fine if you didn't come to see him!

He asked about the girl's whereabouts right away!

So the master is not as important as the girl, right? !

He complained in his heart.

(Damn it) Ace still asked someone to call Grigio over.

But he didn't expect that all the new generation members were there.

"Hello, Senior Lufa!!!"

Each one was louder than the other.

After all, the one in front of him.

But he is the real strongest person in the Kingdom of Light at present!

In their hearts, his weight is even higher than that of Ultra Father!


"Master Lufa!"

Grigio ran out immediately.

Ever since Lufa rescued her before, she has assimilated with Zeta.

Tell everyone you meet that you are Lufa's last disciple!

Lufa doesn't know whether he is a disciple or not.

Anyway, he is not big.

Putting back his improper thoughts, Lufa coughed twice and said:

"I am here to teach you something today!"

"Red bean paste?!!"

Grijo was immediately very excited.

Master Lufa finally agreed to teach her? !

She raised her head excitedly and stared at Lufa with her eyes.

As cute as a kitten.

"Then, Master Lufa, what shall we learn first today?"

Father of Ultra, Ultra Brothers and the new generation all looked at Lufa curiously.

They all wanted to know what Lufa would teach Grijo first.

But Grijo's foundation is so poor.

He will definitely start with the most basic light bullet, right?

Just when they all thought so.

Lufa smiled and spoke.

"Cosmic Miracle Ray!"

"Huh??" Everyone present wondered if they had heard it wrong.


Lufa's eyes burst out a black and purple light.

Piercing into Grigio's brain.

"I, I learned it?"

With a hint of disbelief, Grigio said dully.

In an instant.

The whole audience was stunned! ! ! !

What the hell, are you kidding? ? ? Altar.

Chapter 107: Get Gliza, the whole audience is shocked! Know the skills of the King of Ultra! ?

Let's talk about two things.

A fireball with a diameter of about 50 meters is flying in the universe.

Although it looks like a fireball.

But in fact, there is a huge space inside.

Like a palace.

The dark figure sat on the throne at the top, exuding the oppressive feeling of the king, making the four figures below feel uneasy!

Anperla Starman!

Sitting below him.

Naturally, they are the Four Dark Lords -

Yabor, the alien, Desrem, the scheming alien, Grozam, the evil alien, Mefilas!

"A kid named Mebius has appeared on Earth recently, and he seems to be very arrogant."

"Humph, so what? He is not even as strong as the Ultra Brothers!"

"We can kill him without the Emperor's intervention!"

"But the Ultra Brothers seem to be on Earth too? They sealed Saurus!"

"So what? In order to seal my Saurus, the Ultra Brothers paid the price of their own transformation ability. They are not a threat at all!"

The Four Dark Lords said one after another.

That's right!

This is the timeline of Mebius TV!

Before the appearance of Infinite Mebius!

Anpera was about to speak.


A golden space-time gate opened!

The Four Dark Lords were alert instantly.

Anpera's eyes were stern.

"Don't worry."

Tartarus walked out calmly.

"I am Tartarus, a warrior of Absolut."

"I came here today to join forces with you!"

Tartarus shot a golden light and entered Anpera's mind.

Images suddenly appeared in front of Anpera's eyes.

It was him who came to the earth.

Bring disaster and despair to the earth.

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