Shouldn't this be a sealing skill?

Why did it condense on the Mephilas?

When they were puzzled.

Gliza made a strange cry.

As if mocking.

Bang--! ! !

The space prison fell instantly.

It hit the Mephilas like Monkey King being suppressed by the Five Finger Mountain!

The next second.

Blue blood flowed out from the bottom of the space prison.

[Your Gliza's fighting style is brutal, and you get blessings: energy purity +120, speed +111, strength +123, and mental strength +155! ]

[Your Gliza's fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical hit, and gaining energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and mental strength +999! ]

[You suddenly realized the Mebius Phoenix Brave Form Gamma Illusion, and because of the blessing of Mother Earth, its strength is the same as the original version! ]

And the four people of Hokuto Seiji.

Looking at the large pool of blue blood flowing out.

His mentality was completely blown up! ! !

Damn it! ! ! ! ! !

A seal skill of the Space Prison was turned into an attack skill? ? ? ?

This is so unscientific! ! ! !

(Thanks to the monthly ticket of the reader of ?▂?Return to the Place of Missing?▂?, and thanks to the 100 VIP points reward of the reader of 18535..!).

Chapter 110 Mebius's mentality exploded: Stop Lufa, that's the Phoenix Warrior, not basketball!

This Gliza can use the Space Prison of the King of Ultra, which is shocking enough for them!

But Beidou Xingsi and others never expected it.

In Gliza's hands.

The Space Prison was actually used to hit people! ! ! !

The King of Ultra would be shocked if he knew it? ? ?

And Lufa also focused all his attention on the voice in his mind.

Mebius Phoenix Hero Form Gamma Illusion!!!

You have to know this form.

It is not inferior to Infinite Mebius in terms of positioning!

It is the idealistic form born from the fusion of Mebius, Hikari and Team Guys!

In his previous life, Lufa was looking forward to seeing him in Ginger 3.

However, in the Taiga radio drama, it was explained that tens of thousands of years had passed since Mebius TV, and except for a gift, the traces of Team Guys had completely disappeared from this world.

I didn't expect that this time I would suddenly realize the Gamma Illusion with the same strength as Phoenix Dream.

This can be regarded as a dream come true, right?

Lufa thought with a smile.

Seeing his colleagues being solved so easily.

A trace of panic appeared on the face of Yabo people!

"Popular technology, start!"

After getting the consent of Shingo Sakumui, Aihara Ryu immediately said in a deep voice.

This is their Earth.

We can't just let Ultraman and monsters show off!

"Speisium ballistic missiles, fire!"

The Phoenix's guns immediately fired missiles all over the sky, and the tail flames and white smoke left several traces in the air, like a sky full of meteorites hitting the Yabo people.

Boom boom--! ! ! !

A series of explosions occurred.

The Yabo people were immediately blown out with several charred wounds!

And they retreated backwards one after another!


"A bunch of assholes!"

"Don't think that I am at the same level as these three trash!!"

The Yabo people roared angrily.


In the surprised and puzzled eyes of everyone, he jumped straight into the sea near Kobe Port!

A golden beam of light shot up into the sky!

It actually emitted a majestic energy fluctuation of 26 Absolut people! ! !

It was the power given to them by Tartarus!

This golden beam of light hit the ultimate cross barrier left by Ace and the other four!

If it is the ultimate cross barrier condensed by the Ultra Brothers in the current period, these energies alone may not be able to break through the barrier.

But don't forget.

The strength of the Ultra Brothers during the Mebius TV period was just so-so.

Not to mention Diablo, Titan can do it alone.

The golden light column quickly broke through the barrier seal!

The huge shadow of the Yabo man appeared on the sea, looking down at Lufa and others.

"Hehehe, come and taste my ultimate weapon!"

"The ultimate giant Ultra Killer New Saurus!!!!"

The figure of the Yabo man turned into a twisted dark energy and poured into the seabed.

Saurus' body then emerged on the sea surface.

But this is not over yet!

An even larger figure emerged from the seabed!

It is 303m long!

Unlike the original Saurus's posture, the lower body that originally walked on two legs has become a spider-like shape, and the tentacles have become six.

Just the size.

It brought a great sense of oppression to Mebius and others!

Standing in the sea.

It's as if a slight movement can trigger a tsunami!

"Since it has been sealed for twenty years, Saurus's resentment has increased, and his strength has also become stronger?"

Hokuto Seiji said in a deep voice.

He is worthy of being the King of Dharma.

He saw through the source of Saurus's evolution at the first time.

"Guys, attack immediately!"

Sakami Shingo said in a deep voice.


The Phoenix and the Thrust driven by Aihara Ryu and others were connected together to form a larger fighter!

Phoenix Assault!

"Popular technology, activate!"

The Meteor Technology, which scored twice, was activated, and the machine immediately shot out a Phoenix Shadowless Ray!

The light shone on the body of the new Saurus, creating a large area of ​​fire.

It immediately screamed in pain!


Aihara Ryu shouted excitedly.

But then his expression changed again!

Because the light could not cause any harm to the new Saurus except for a little flame on its body!

"Try this!"

Grigio jumped up.

A blazing fire burned on her right foot.

This was the move she had trained with Mebius in the Ultra Arena during this period!

It was the move that defeated Dark Grigio in the original book!

A fierce kick hit the new Saurus.

But it only made the opponent's skin dent a little.

Grigio suddenly became incredible.

As the new Saurus roared.

The terrifying dark energy wave swept out, making Grigio's hair all over her body, and she was knocked back!


Mebius exclaimed.

He immediately stepped out.

New Saurus couldn't just stand there and watch.

Countless biological missiles shot out from his body!

Killer warheads!!

Mebius dodged with his flying skills.

Just when he was about to dodge the last one.

One of the tentacles of New Saurus suddenly released a red energy beam!

Tentacle impact!

In the original book, after the Yabo people were resurrected and merged into New Saurus.

It was with this skill that they brutally killed the Nakel people!

Mebius was hit head-on before he could react!

He fell to the ground with a cry of pain.

But everyone in the guys team was watching him!

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