Like tiny streams of water, flowing visibly.

Emitting Absolut particle energy fluctuations comparable to those of the Ampera Starman!

Dark Armor, Absolut Modified Version!

It can be called Absolut Dark Armor!

The performance is more than ten times that of the original Dark Armor!

Ampera Starman stared at Lufa, and his mouth twitched.

"Okay, my game has begun."

"Don't die easily."

"Make me happier!!!"


(Thanks to the monthly ticket of ye123GG reader, and 18535.. for the 100vip points reward. I am very sorry for the late update. The power outage at home made me so hot (╥╯^╰╥)~~!).

Chapter 112 Lufa teaches you how to be a man! Barrier as a pot? Summoning Saiga!!!

"What is this armor?!" Taro stared at the dark armor on the Anpera star in horror.

He could clearly sense the power contained in this armor!

It is definitely not just a simple level that makes the already terrifying Anpera star's strength soar!


Anpera star laughed happily for a rare time!


It's time for Ultraman villains to answer questions!

"This armor is called the Dark Armor of the Dark Demon Armor. It is the armor I made with my own hands after losing to Kane ten thousand years ago!"

"And it has the power of the Absolut people."

"How powerful it is now, even I can't see it clearly!"


"Just right, let's try it on you present!"

"Don't die easily."

Listening to what Anpera star said.

Taro and others instantly raised a thousand-meter wave in their hearts, and the shock was hard to calm down!

No wonder the Space Army has not made any big moves in recent years.

It turned out that they were waiting for the armor to be manufactured!

"Brothers, let's go!"


Taro and the others immediately rushed towards the Ampera star.

Taro began to punch the Ampera star's body in the shape of a sun. His punch was faster than the speed of the light bullet, and it was even harder to see. Only some afterimages could be vaguely seen. The sound of explosions continued as his fists landed on the armor.


What made Taro's expression unbelievable was that Ampera star was not hurt at all!

He didn't even retreat a single step!


The first generation came up to support immediately.

The brothers rushed towards Ampera star together!

Before they could gather energy.

Two weapons suddenly appeared in Ampera star's hands!

The Ampera Blade and the Dark Trident!

He swung the former with his right hand, and a 100-meter purple slashing wave instantly penetrated the bodies of Taro and the other six, causing them to burst into flames all over their bodies, and a shocking wound was cut on their chests!

He fell hard to the back, leaving two dents!

"Boring, let me revel more!"

The Anpera star was obviously very excited about his new power!

Stepping out of the ground.

Leaving only a black afterimage in the original place, and then flashing in front of Mebius in the next second.

Punching 580 his stomach.

Make his body bend!

Flying backwards with a howl of pain, smashing the reinforced concrete building!


Griza, Gomoralant and Rugset also took action at this time.

Griza walked out of the void with a devilish pace.

Come in front of the Anpera star.

The claws scratched his chest, and sparks of electricity splashed out.

The Anpera star sneered.

Let Griza attack with disdain!

Although Griza has no self-awareness, he continues to launch more powerful attacks on the Anpera star under the control of Lufa!

Heavy energy fluctuations!

Dark Lugiel shooting!

Two violent attacks bombarded the Amperla star and his surroundings, causing amazing flames to burst out from his body and all around him. However, it still did not cause any damage to Amperla star, which was as solid as a rock! Not even a scratch was left on his armor! Then Gliza waved his arms. Condensed a cosmic prison with a diameter of 200 meters! It smashed down at Amperla star like a meteorite! There was a loud bang! Everyone's eyes were fixed on the direction of Amperla star. Suddenly! The cosmic prison was lifted up! Amperla star raised the cosmic prison with both hands and smashed it hard at Gliza! If Gliza did not have the ability to become virtual. I am afraid he would have been smashed away long ago! Seeing this, Amperla star did not care at all. In his eyes. Gliza was as ridiculous as an ant that could not be stepped on! "Roar--!!!"

The strong Gomoralant roared with his head flashing red, releasing a purple super gravity wave that enveloped the Ampera star.

The ground beneath his feet instantly sank several dozen meters, and continued to extend downward, with dense cracks appearing in it!

It was just the super gravity wave that instantly crushed Caesar Dark Zedd into a leather suit.

Ampera star was inside.

He actually took a step forward.

He walked out calmly!


Taro and others and the guys team were deeply unbelievable when they saw this!

They could clearly sense it.

The super gravity wave released by the strong Gomoralant, no matter who they are, will be crushed instantly after entering!

How hard is the armor of the Anpera star? !

"Is that all you can do?"

"The giant of light, nothing more than that!"

The Anpera star held the dark trident.

Taro and his companions no longer hesitated when they saw this.

Zoffy and the other five transferred energy to Taro's Ultra Horn!

Super Taro fusion appeared!

"Super Ultra Kick!!"

His body burned with raging flames, and he kicked at the Anpera star.

It was more deafening than a sonic boom, and the sound that seemed to be able to penetrate the clouds and crack rocks appeared.


A miserable howl sounded.

But it was not from the Anpera star, but from Super Taro!

His ankle was now in great pain as if it had been broken, and his entire leg was a little twisted!

The Anpera star reached out to grab his ankle.

Super Taro quickly used his other foot to push him hard, and distanced himself from the Ampera Starman!

"Then try this!"

"Cosmic Miracle Ray --!!!"

Super Taro shot out a beam from his armpits.

Making Ampera Starman scream in pain.

Tiny cracks finally appeared on his armor!

Seeing this.

"I'll help too!"

Having recovered his energy, Grigio also stretched out his right hand.

The same cosmic miracle ray shot out.

Together with Super Taro, they hit Ampera Starman's body.

Boom --!!!

Ampera Starman was blown away!

After crashing into a mountain, his body was submerged in a pile of rubble.

Thick smoke filled the mountain area, surging like a tsunami!

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