Tartarus and Hitram gave the Serpent of Death an increase that was beyond his imagination.


It doesn't matter to him!

Just at this moment!

The ring necklace on Yumei's chest shone with a white light!

A silver figure appeared in front of the two of them.

"You are..." Jie Ming stared at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Then his pupils shrank!

Because this person looks exactly like her!

Youshalei took a deep look at Lufa.

Turn around and point the ring on your finger at the Serpent of Destruction.

Just when he was about to take action.

"I'll take care of it."

Lufa said lightly.

White light burst out all over his body!

Yuiming turned his head and looked blankly.

The moment he saw Lufa's body transformed into a huge light and transformed into Ultraman's form.

The pupil's eyes immediately began to tremble!

Lin Chen... Qin...

Is it Ultraman Lufa? ! ! ! ! .

Chapter 117 Eat the monster directly? Is this called Ultraman? ?

! ! ! ! !

At this time, Yumei's heart felt like a hundred powerful Teligas running wildly and fiercely, and then using a huge surfboard to wake up on the 10,000-meter wave. He couldn't calm down at all!

Lin Chen...is he actually Lu Fa? ! ! ! !

When she learned that Jianwu was Triga,

I've already thought about it.

Will Ultraman Rufa also stay on earth as a human?

Just didn't expect it.

Not only that, he was right next to me! ! ! !

The monster research expert in their armory is Ultraman Lufa? !

Yu Ming's whole cute face instantly turned red with excitement, like a red apple!


She thought of another thing!

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

She had expressed a lot of love for Lufa in front of him before! ! !

Although I didn't know he was Ultraman Rufa at that time.

But think about it now!

Isn't this just expressing your feelings in front of yourself, a proper social behavior! ?

Thinking of the shameful things I said.

Jie Ming couldn't wait to let Yusale dig a crack in the ground for him to crawl in!

after all.

She was bragging about him in front of Lufa!

He even said some things about driving~!

Lufa stared at the big snake of death in front of him.

He casually gave Zeta and Triga some energy.

Hooked on it!


The serpent of death was instantly angered!

Rush towards him suddenly!

The 60,000 tons of weight falling on the ground made such a terrifying noise. Every time he took a step, it seemed as if the earth was about to crack. The speed was also very fast, and he was in front of Lufa in the blink of an eye!

A black hole appeared on Lufa's right palm.

Take out the spiral light blade and twist your body into a twist!

It completely demonstrates that the light energy body can change at will!

As his body returns to normal.

The spiral light blade shot out immediately!

The moment it was about to hit the serpent of death, it transformed into a huge blue-red light blade!

The whole body of the Death Serpent is wrapped in a red force field!

But this time, the force field isn't releasing gravity.

Instead, it released an absorption field.

Absorb the light blade instantly!

Lufa looked at the Death Snake quite unexpectedly.

I didn't expect this guy to be able to absorb such an attack!

It seems that Tarta 583 Los has indeed raised its upper limit a lot!


Does that work?

Lufa blasted out Noah's Hellfire.

The head horns and mouth of the Death Serpent flashed red light again.

Noah's Hellfire continued to bombard its body, causing its skin to appear in the shape of a large piece of barbecue, shaking slightly and emitting white smoke!

Just go on.

A golden energy suddenly appeared on its body!

Absolute particles!

In the eyes of everyone who couldn't believe it.

The one-trillion-degree flame was absorbed into the mouth of the Death Serpent!


He even burped.

There was a hint of provocation in Lufa's eyes!


"it's useless!"

"Even your attacks can be absorbed by the Death Serpent!"

Hitram almost burst into laughter.

Lufa's current behavior makes no difference to giving him his power in vain!

All attacks are absorbed by the Serpent of Destruction.

Everything will turn into its nutrients and make it stronger!

"Master Lufa, let's come together, I don't believe there is no upper limit to this guy's absorption!"

Zeta and Teliga came over.

At this time, Yoko also drove the Jingu Bridge and landed in front of them.

"Lord Lufa, let me give you a helping hand!"

Under her control, countless tracking missiles suddenly erupted from Jin Guqiao's back, aiming at the joints of the Death Serpent and attacking!

Trigga and Zeta also released Zeperi'o rays and Zestium rays at the same time!

Flames soaring into the sky appeared, covering and drowning the blue figure of the Death Serpent.

But then.

Their expressions changed again!

Those flames seemed to be controlled, splitting into several strands and pouring towards the spikes and mouth on the back of the Serpent of Death.

It was completely absorbed in an instant!

"If energy attacks don't work, use fists!"

Zeta turns into beta form!

He poured energy into his fists and struck the body of the Great Snake of Destruction fiercely.

Every time his fists landed on the Great Snake of Destruction, red energy ripples would ripple out.

The Great Snake of Destruction also had dents on its body, and its body was beaten back again and again.

Just when Zeta thought it was working.

Blue lightning suddenly burst out from the Great Snake of Destruction, and violent flames burst out on Zeta's body and surroundings, forming a large sea of ​​fire, as if to devour everything and burn it to ashes!

Zeta stood up with difficulty.

He pulled out a crescent-shaped light blade with both hands.

"Beta Crescent Slash!"

It was just the moment when the light blade was about to touch the Great Snake of Destruction. Zeta, Triga and others thought that the Great Snake of Destruction would definitely absorb it.

But maybe it was just a light glance.

He stretched out his hand and casually slapped the light blade away.


It made everyone dumbfounded.

Zeta's mouth twitched wildly!

Damn, is this monster dissatisfied with his light blade for not being strong enough?

It is so lazy that it doesn't even bother to absorb it? ? ?

"You bastard, I think you really think I am a sick cat if I don't teach you a lesson, right?!"

Just when Zeta was about to attack again,

a big hand was placed on his shoulder.

It was Lufa.

"Zeta, don't you want to learn how to use the guillotine? Today I will teach you a trick!"

Zeta was so excited that he couldn't help but get excited.

The diamond eyes flickered.

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