If Da Gu knew that the ancient times that almost brought destruction to the earth were just a tourist attraction in Lufa's eyes, his mentality would probably explode, right?

No more thinking.

"Are you sure you want to go?"

Cero nodded quickly.

"Let's go."

Luffa walked into the black hole indifferently.

Cero immediately followed happily.


If he could really follow Lufa and get some light and become stronger!

Then his legend will appear in the Kingdom of Light again!


On the other side.

In a corner of the ancient battlefield, a desolate scene appeared in front of him, filled with smoke, piled with rubble and soil everywhere, and there were countless huge footprints on the ground!

Unknown liquids of various colors exuding bloody smells mixed with sand and turned into blood mud!

It looked shocking!

As the sun set, the afterglow sprinkled on this land, presenting a desolate and tragic beauty.

This is...

Ancient city.


This was originally a prosperous city.

But with the appearance of monsters, this place has become barren and lifeless.

Humans are forced to hide in corners.

Thousands of super ancient monsters -




Opposite them.

There are also tens of thousands of figures!

Most of them look weird, only a few are acceptable, and those who look good are rare.

Super ancient giants!

Now, the light giants and dark giants have not started fighting each other to start their war.

Instead, they have a common enemy.

Naturally, these super ancient monsters!

The two sides reached a common tacit understanding.

That is to defeat these monsters first.

The rest.

We'll talk about it later!



"For this planet, give your heart!!!"

"Don't let these light giants take the limelight, we'll go too!!!"

Tens of thousands of giants rushed towards the monsters.

The two sides soon collided with each other.

Screams of pain continued to come out of the mouths of giants or monsters.

But only a few figures became more and more courageous, and soon attracted everyone's attention.

One of them was red and the other blue.

The former easily eliminated several monsters with his impressive speed.

The latter could knock a monster thousands of meters away with one punch with his amazing strength!

"Then, who is that? Too strong!"

"Stupid, don't you even know them?"

"That's Hitler and Darram, their speed and strength are the best among all the giants!"

"Then, that woman is..."

"That's right..."

Countless giants' fiery eyes fell on the figure next to the two of them.

She had a plump figure.

Her face was charming but not glamorous.

Even if her expression was cold.

It was still impossible to look away!

It was like a black rose!

Blooming on the battlefield!

Her figure was like a female general, and even the giant of light cast a different look.

Her body was gray-gold, and her inverted triangle eyes made her look even more cold and charming, and there was a Y-shaped ornament on her head.

It is obviously the parallel space-time isotope of Carmilla.

But the scale in front of him is even larger than her.

The color timer is almost wrapped in it.

She is.

The love-hate warrior Carmilla!!!

In her hand, a weapon called "Carmilla Light Whip" condensed.

Swung it violently!

She actually instantly blew up more than a dozen Golzans and Garulas that attacked her in front of her!


"As expected of the big sister, I am also motivated!"

"Spiritual gale!"

Hitler's right hand suddenly sent out a fierce storm, absorbing several Golzans, rolling them hundreds of meters away, and making them explode and die the moment they suddenly fell to the ground!

Like Hitram, he is an agile fighter!

Good at air combat.

The power of Tiga's aerial type comes from him!

But unlike Hitram's teammate Laoliu who eats takeout all day, this guy is really loyal to Carmilla.

Even hated Tiga who betrayed his partner.

Parallel time and space isotopes are really different.

You said it right?



A crisp cry sounded above.

A Melba suddenly shot out a strange light from the sharp corner of its forehead!

Behind it.

There are several followers!

Spit out light bullets from the mouth.

Densely invaded the ground from all directions.

The moment it landed on the ground, countless flames rose into the sky, and the heat wave rolled up countless sand and stones, almost shaking some weak female giants away.


Countless dark giants saw this scene with their hearts in their throats.


"So slow~"

Hitler's purple-silver figure appeared behind several Melba.

The short sword in his right hand extended.

Hitler's Fork!

Suddenly swung out a blue slash.

Penetrate the bodies of several Melba.

Hitler landed on the ground calmly.

The moment his feet touched the ground.

Several Melba exploded instantly!

They turned into several fireballs in the air and dissipated!

"Watch me!"

Daram's silly voice seemed to be able to penetrate the clouds and split the rocks. He suddenly punched his fist.

He punched a Garula in front of him...

The whistling sound of breaking through the air sounded, and his fist pierced through the monster's body.

Daram snorted coldly.

He pushed Garula's cheek calmly and pulled out his arm.

He fell to the ground with a bang.

A ferocious monster was solved just like that.

"So strong!!!"

"As expected of the three dark giants!"

"Yes, with this speed, this strength, and this strength, let alone the dark giants, they are simply the giants among all the giants!"

"Big sister Camilla is invincible!!!"

"With her here, those light giants can never be our opponents!"

Just then.


A black and gray figure roared and took the initiative to break into the group of monsters!

A purple light bullet was released from his hand, and it was as easy as cutting a light blade to solve a monster in front of him.

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