In her life.

This was the first time she had seen such a powerful force!


"Ka, Camilla!"

Hitler's figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

He said anxiously:

"No, it's not good!"

"The Dark Giant and the Light Giant have started a war!"


Hearing this.

Both Youlian and Camilla were shocked! .

Chapter 123: Zero was shocked: Ultimate Brilliant Bracelet? ? ?

The moment Camilla and Youlian heard this, they were surprised at the same time.

"What happened?"

Hitler said tremblingly:

"Before, a giant passed by here and happened to see the scene of you and Youlian confronting each other. He thought that a war was going to start, so he ran back to the base and gathered his men to fight in the base of the Light Giant!"

"The war has already started on both sides!"

Camilla's face was gloomy and terrifying.

Hitler didn't even dare to make a sound.

But for some reason, when Camilla thought of Lufa still beside her, she subconsciously restrained this terrifying expression.

"I, I know!"

"We must stop him immediately!" Youlian said.

Camilla rarely refuted.

"Just go over there-." Lufa said lightly.

Under the leadership of Hitler.

Several people came to the battlefield together.

Corpses were everywhere, and blood flowed like a river.

Broken limbs and arms piled up into a mountain.

Countless giants roared ferociously, and light attacks of various colors bloomed in the air and on the ground like fireworks. Countless flames shot up into the sky as if to shatter the earth. Despair and grief intertwined to form a distorted-portrait.

The battle among giants is like this, and one careless will lose life.

It was only the short time that Camilla came out.

It has become such a miserable look.

At this moment!

A dark beam of light rose up into the sky.

Instantly dyed the sky black.

It has swept across every inch of land indiscriminately, and every breath is full of oppression and despair.

The dark red in the sky is like being torn apart by an invisible force, revealing a huge crack. It is an abyss that mortals cannot look directly at, full of endless chaos and evil. In the crack, the true body of the evil god can be vaguely seen. An indescribable pressure descended directly, making people unable to breathe.

The earth began to tremble, as if wailing in fear. All life stagnated at this moment. Animals hid in their nests, and the grass and trees withered instantly. The wind and water seemed to have lost their strength, and even the air seemed to solidify.

The city was destroyed, the mountains and rivers were torn apart, and the sea raised huge waves. A huge figure poked out from the sea.

Height 200m.

The appearance is like the alien in the Cthulhu mythology. The huge spiral shell is full of holes. Countless tentacles float behind it, and each tentacle exudes a suffocating evil spirit!

The most surprising thing is that its head grows upside down!

It is.....

The evil god, Gatanjea!!!

"How can the evil Gatan appear now?"

"It stands to reason..."


"Is it because of me?"

In the setting, Gatanjea appeared after Zijera used pollen to seduce humans, making them feel that they did not need the protection of the giants and drove the giants out of the earth.

But now Gatanjea appeared directly.

It is because the giants are suffering heavy casualties now.

So it dared to appear in advance, right?

But it should not have expected it.

It was me who defeated Dark Tiga.

Lufa thought in his heart.

"But since you took the initiative to deliver it to me."

"Don't blame me for being rude."

Lufa smiled.

I wonder what reward Gatanjea, the final boss, can give me?

"That is... the legendary evil god?!"

You Lian's delicate and fair face turned pale.

She had heard the story of Gatanjea since she was a child.

In the legend, it is the evil god who can easily destroy the world!

When it descends, it will be the day of the destruction of the whole world!

"What is this!?"

"Is Luluyeri hiding such a thing??"

The remaining 2,000 giants who survived looked at Gatanjea on the sea in doubt on land!

Just when they were hesitating whether to take action.

Gatanjea actually took action first.

Hundreds of tentacles suddenly extended from the mouth of the spiral shell.

The giants saw this and released light.

They wanted to attack first.

However, the speed of the tentacles was beyond their imagination. Before they could accumulate energy, the tentacles directly pulled them out.

The moment the tentacles touched the ground.

It seemed that there were 100 Darrams hammering the ground crazily, causing the earth to shake suddenly and produce countless cracks!

Thick smoke rolled in like waves, filling the whole place!

Then, a thick purple light suddenly appeared from Gatanjea's chin, shining through the thick smoke onto the giants.

As the thick smoke gradually dissipated.

An incredible scene appeared for Camilla, Youlian and others!

These remaining thousands of giants actually turned into stone statues!

"It was the light just now!" Youlian exclaimed.

My heart was trembling.

I didn't expect that this evil god could petrify people!

In an instant.

Dozens of white fighters flew from a distance.

You Lian immediately recognized that they were fighters of the Earth Guard.

She hurriedly wanted to speak out to stop their attack.

But it was too late.

The fighter fired countless light bullets and bombarded Gatanjea's body. Electric sparks suddenly splashed out, making Gatanjea howl!

Just when the fighter pilots were happy that their attacks worked.

·· ·······Please give me flowers· ········

Gatanjea's mouth suddenly sprayed out thick fog.

In an instant, it filled the entire sea.

Let the fighters drown in it.


The desperate howl resounded on the sea.

This is one of Gatanjea's most proud skills-shadow black fog!

There is no mass reaction, so no attack method can stop it!

After inhaling such dense air, life will be paralyzed or even die!

It even has special plasma that can interfere with the normal operation of machinery.

It even has a burning effect!

As the fog dissipated.

Youlian's pupils shook, and even her whole body began to tremble!

She looked at this scene with despair and grief.

That was her compatriot!

She mobilized her own energy in anger, and witnessed the death of her compatriots with her own eyes, which destroyed her sanity!

..... ..... ...

She blasted a white beam of light at Gatanjea!

Because of this.

Gatanjea discovered Lufa and others here.

He roared with joy.

It was like seeing a new toy.

He stretched out his tentacles and rushed towards them!

Camilla pulled out a light whip to resist.

Although she hated humans.

She liked to see humans screaming in despair.

But she still yearned for light in her heart.

It was just a short while before she fell behind!

Although Youlian's beam of light is more ferocious than that of an ordinary giant, it still looks a little ridiculous in front of Gatanjea!

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