Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 10: Yala's knife (on)

Chapter 10 Ya's Knife (on)

The confession of several children is not difficult. In their view, Tersburn is the hero who defeated Quaid.

So the boy made an excuse to lie to them that Yala would arrange everything, and no matter who asked, they would have to bite to death. "Thales smashed Quaid's neck from behind."

In this way, they will be safe after the wind has passed.

"They can't catch me." Taylors said with a smile.

As children of four and eight years old, Collea and Ryan have little doubt.

In their eyes, Taylors is always omnipotent.

Only Cindy had doubts, but Thales managed to get him to abide by the agreement that "you come, I will do it."

Then he should be on the road - hey - it's time to go.

When he waved his hands at the children and walked out of the sunset bar, Teres felt that there was still a trace of tragic in his heart.

Children, there is no way to take care of you in the future.

You have to be good.

If you have the opportunity, see you later.

It’s a heavy farewell.

Tyres thought silently.

After all, I am also standing up...

Quite a little windy, oh?

Tyres widened his eyes.

I saw a pair of bodybuilder slender legs, opened a big stride, and overtook him from the side.

It is a fully armed, expressionless Yala.

"Hey! You shouldn't stay in the bar to take care of them three? Without you, they -"

"Don't worry, I hid them in the darkroom and left a note to Edmond."

Yara, wearing a dark gray tights, pulled a transparent goggle from her forehead, and she held down on the forehead of Taylors with a look and squatted beside him.


"Nothing! Little devil!" Yara interrupted him unquestionably.

"Since you decide to take the anger of a brotherhood and go to the Red Square Street to find death, then at least I should send you a ride - look at this."

Yara took a wolf-leg knife on her boots.

"And, the whistle of the Brotherhood in the Lower Town is not a seven-year-old devil can avoid, I can only talk about it a hundred times, you can not mix."

Tyres stared at Yala silly, and only after a few seconds did he squeeze out a sentence:

"But Red Square Street is fighting -"

"Less waste time, come up, let's go!"

Yara didn't have more nonsense, and she didn't bother to explain. The arrogant expression forced the hyss of Tells back into the depths of her brain.

Just, come up? Where are you coming from?

Tyres looked at Yala, who was kneeling on one knee. This short-haired and cool sister was hot, and with the set off of the tights, it was even more confusing. If she was to be held by her...

Thinking of this, Tyres seemed to be a little embarrassed to hang his head and touch his hair.


Yala was fierce and pointed at the center of the forehead of Tyres, and his world view was shaken.

"Ah! Pain!"

Like seeing through the idea of ​​Tyres, the sinister Yala pulls out the wolf-legged knife, and a pair of "I don't want to provoke" eyes are shot behind the goggles:

"Smelly, I don't think about the mess!"

"Kneeling on my back! I am carrying you away!"


The moon gradually sank, the sky has not yet brightened, and the long street is dark and dark.

But it is nothing to Redmo, his eyes are as bright as white.

"To keep a good position, today most of the elite have gone to Hongfang Street, so the adults have caught even tighter on us - we are the last intersection to the battlefield."

It was also the first intersection that the Brotherhood would retreat, and Reid Momo thought silently.

Reidmo is hidden behind a corner of a dark alley. As a professional whistle, he can clearly see the intersection leading to Hongfang Street from this angle.

Under the curfew tonight, there is no one here.

His companion, another brother who would whistle behind him, watched the other corner with vigilance.

"No problem, I am in a good state, a black fly can't fly, and an ashes can't climb." The companion was sullen.

Redmo nodded to his companion and remained alert and observant: "Very good, my alert period is passing, I go directly to the shift and change Nasri - he should wake up an hour ago."

Just as Redmo was about to leave the hidden lane, he whispered a little.

Just now, he seems to feel:

There is something in the empty alley.

No, it is impossible.

His ears, eyes, and nose have been trained by Master Lancer, recognizing disguise abilities such as discoloration, refraction, and so on.

If there is an intruder, as long as the other person does not have such a rare ability as mental influence, he cannot escape his vision and hearing.

But he still decided to go and see.

Redmo patrolled the opposite side, and he was relieved.

Probably the warning period has passed and an illusion has arisen.

He shook his head and went back to work.

Behind Redmoor, a short-haired woman in a black tights walked out gently.

There is still a child on her back.

The uninvited guest - the female wine Paula looked at the back of Redmo, and then leaned over, the tip of the toe was light, quiet but quickly jumped out of the alley.

Run to Hongfang Street.

"Dawn is not here, when the night is not over, the common people's defense and nerves are most relaxed."

"Everyone knows this from the security team of the City Gate to the aristocrats of the Wang Li Military Academy."

I don't know why, Yala can still speak in her illness.

Tyres clung to the back of Yala, who traveled through the alley at an unprecedented speed.

The wind blowing on the head makes it easy for Taylors to climb his neck and close his eyes.

He pressed his head behind the neck of the bartender, and the nose was full of Yala's body fragrance, and he did not know where he was.

But Yala’s voice was still clear and incomparably.

"So one of the six giants responsible for the intelligence gathering of the Brotherhood, ‘The Eye of Sleeplessness’, Kobeon Lancer trained a special squadron, ‘sleepless’.”

"They don't really sleep, they just have different working hours than ordinary people."

"I don't know the exact number of them, but all of them are staggered from the night of suffocation, from the morning of the night to the morning of the afternoon, and at what time. So Lancer's team can whistle. The shift mode ensures that each duty whistle is in their most energetic and alert period, and Lanser calls it the 'warning period'."

“From the senses to the experience, to the tracking, Lanser trained them better than the purebred police dogs in the warning hall.”

"They have a team responsible for the headquarters. If there is a major action, the white scorpion will be mixed into the crowd in the form of disguise, and will be turned into a whistle at night. Monitor all the key entrances and exits in the lower city."

"The two people we have just passed should be the last post of the 'sleeper' in front of the Red Square Street."

Taylors did not speak.

Yala’s stealth skills are enough to shock him.

Redmo is not the first sleepless person they passed.

Every time Ya jumps to the innocent's post, he will change from a sick state to a walking walk. The thing that surprised Taylor most was happening at this time. Yala’s action would enter an extremely strange rhythm. She quietly squatted behind the sleepless person, hiding the shadow and body into the blind corner of the sleepless person’s vision. Sometimes it is the corner of the two sleepless people - and all the sleepless people are unaware of them.

What Taylor did not know was that Yara was also surprised by his performance:

From beginning to end, even after being behind a sleepless person, even if the other party can see them in a turn, Taylors is still motionless, his heartbeat is steady, and even his breathing is maintained.

In terms of the control of a seven-year-old boy, this is obviously a bit too good.

Of course, if it wasn't for Yala's strange action rhythm to properly cover the breath of Tyres, he thought that the breath of ‘If You Have Nothing’ has long been heard.

But it is also not easy.

This child is really not an ordinary person. Is it an ability or a blood? Or both?

Can't it be born?

The original plan of Tyres was to let Yara lead these whistle--Tells was the first to hear the news of these 'insombeats'. His previous estimate of the fraternity was too shallow - still braving Certain exposure risks. Now it seems that she is too underestimated this female bartender, she is not only agile and will use a knife.


In a corner next to the intersection, Tyres gently slid down from Yala's back (reluctantly?).

In front of him is the Red Square Street in the night. A few days ago, the situation of the goose down female aristocrats here was still vivid.

The area and volume of Hongfang Street is no less than that of Black Street. As its name suggests, it is a famous place for fun in Xihuan District.

In fact, many aristocrats, up to the Duke of Yongxing City, the Duke of the Duke, down to the suburbs of Yongxing, some of the country’s no-country nomads, will also come here invisible or blatantly, with some cute and confused The young girl (male) has some voluntary or involuntary super-friendship relationship. Of course, this is a tacit understanding with the Yongxing City aristocrats and blood bottles for many years.

Tonight, the hands of the Black Street Brotherhood are here.

Unfortunately, it is a sinister trap to meet this hand.

"The situation is not good." Yala whispered.

At this point, Taylors also saw it.

On the way to the entrance of Hongfang Street, there is a corpse lying in sparsely: broken hands, broken heads, twisted, outflows of the intestines, sternal valgus, blood will stain the red square in the dark night. .

From a distance, at least thirty people fell here.

Rao is a singer who has just killed someone. He can't help but take a deep breath when he sees the bodies of this place and all kinds of deaths. Try not to think about it.

In the distance, there was even a killing sound.

Yala reached out with a calm hand, pressed Tyre's shoulder and pressed him down.

"The last time I killed someone, it seems to have met you before." Yala, the tone is a bit lonely.

Tyres couldn't see the look behind her goggles, only suddenly felt that Ira was a bit serious.

"The devil, from now on, is the person you owe me."

When Taylors stayed, he saw that Ya stretched his hand and touched the knife on his leg.

Next, the female bartender used a very subtle voice, like a mosquito, to pick up Taylors.

"Don't talk, don't move."

"There are real masters in front, not those who are sleepless."

The cold hair of Tyres gradually rose, and he was a little frustrated when the atmosphere didn't dare to take a bite. He still thought that a person would break through the Red Square Street and escape from the Brotherhood, but if it was only the first stop, hey, I am still too naive.

In the next second, Yara suddenly pulled out a thin black cloth from the left abdomen and gently covered the mouth and mouth of Tyres.

"Use this breath to cover up the sound."

There was not much to say, and she couldn’t recognize her expression with her goggles and slowly pulled out the knife on her leg.

Tyres pressed tightly against the black cloth on his nose and mouth. It was a good thing - there was no feeling of breathing under the black cloth, and the original breathing sound was covered up.

In the game, it is definitely a "sneak +20" advanced equipment!

Tyres automatically ignored the faint scent of Yala. .

But in the next moment, Taylors couldn't easily get up.

"I found him."

Just listen to Yala saying this.

Then she was fired by the whole person, stepping on the wall next to it, like a string of leaves, rushing toward the body of the intersection!

The only thing that was quicker than Yara was a wolf-leg knife that she threw.

At this time, Taylors, who was breathing in the black cloth, was surprised to find that in the body of the pile of more than 30 people, there was actually a body with a bowel detachment and moved.


A cold light was suddenly drawn from the body, and the slanted wolf-leg knife!

But the second wolf's leg knife, already in the hands of the master, followed by Ya La.

Her right hand grips the blade and instantly slams into the body!

"Hey - when!"

Tells recognized the sound of the front, which was the sound of the metal blade piercing the flesh and blood.

But before he even realized what was happening, he only saw a flower in front of him, and he saw a figure stumbled from the body and then saved it. Then, a sword stabbed.

Yala has landed lightly, her left hand is half-squatting, and the knife in her right hand is covered with blood.

And the figure that was saved from the body had been shaken and fell to the ground.

like a statue.

The female bartender took off the wolf-legged knife that went out and stood up silently.

In just a few seconds, Tyres looked down on his chin.

Tyres knows that Yala is strong.

But in addition to slaughtering dogs that year, until today, when she saw her round of rabbits smashing and smashing, he really understood the power of the female bartender.

But Taylor still has no voice and no action.

He vaguely felt that at this moment, Yala, only more dignified.

"It’s really eye-opening. In the ranks, you are an excellent assassin."

Along with the sound, a fierce man with a huge head but no baldness, armed with an exaggerated five-faced mace, came from a distance, he did not look at the dead companions at his feet, just staring at him. The female bartender in the middle of the body.

"You know, your brothers will be finished? Everyone is in a trap, you have been wiped out of the army - you can't imagine how terrible we are in the people we come tonight."

The fierce bald snorted: "Our mission is to guard - or intercept the possible reinforcements of the Brotherhood, but I did not expect that the Dark Street Brotherhood, just a little girl playing with a knife."

The big bald man walked to the moonlight in the west.

Taylor clearly saw his appearance: this is a man with a half-nose nose, his nose turned out terrible, looks like a skeleton.

Taylors suddenly recognized who he was.

It is a bald head.

Blood bottle helper black account business leader.

The blood bottle rumored by the outside world is one of the "twelve to strong".

(End of this chapter)

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