Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 18: The blood of the end of the kingdom

Chapter 18 The blood of the kingdom at the end of the volume

Accidents - Tyres bowed his head, and there was a deep helplessness in his heart - the accident was always sudden.

At that moment, Tyres seemed to see that the magic of the gas can not tell the true and false smile, appeared in the brain, said to him: "Look, this is accident."

Yodel silently took back the fire.

The middle-aged aristocrats regained their excitement. He looked at Taylors and patted his head gently.

"Child, it's okay."

"I am Gilbert Caso, you can trust me, just as your father believes in me."

"Come, child, I will take you home."

"Go to see your father."

Tyres slowed down for a whole minute.

During this period, whether he was Joel or Gilbert, he waited patiently for him.

"Let's go." Taylors looked up and his eyes were calm.

Gilbert nodded and showed approval in his eyes. He stood up and reached out in the direction of the carriage.

Tyres turned his head and looked at Jodel:

"Jordel, you will follow me, right?"

"Of course," Yodel's hoarse voice sounded, listening to Tyre's ear at this moment, but he was very reassured: "Please go ahead, I am by your side."

Tyres took a deep breath and strode to the carriage.

"Mr. Gilbert."

"Yes, Mr. Little, what is the order?"

"What did you do before?"

"Diplomatic affairs, my little gentleman."

Foreign affairs?

Tyles gently turned his head back, and at the angle that Gilbert couldn't see, he turned his eyes at Joel behind him.

Tyres turned his head.

Somehow, he vaguely felt that Jodel seemed to smile behind the mask.

When Tyres arrived at the carriage, it was a simple, but expensive carriage at a glance. The glass on the black compartment door was decorated with slabs.

Two black-headed horses, biting their chews quietly, one of them kissed Gilbert.

Looking at the high pedal, Taylors measured the height of his seven-year-old child, a bit guilty.

But before he turned his head, Gilbert around him pulled the door open and hugged him in the sofa in the deep red compartment.

"I am sorry, I didn't board the bench." Gilbert smiled apologetically and closed the compartment door.

"But I promise this is the last time."

Taylors sat alone on the wide sofa. The sofa didn't know what the material was. Although it was very comfortable, he was somewhat restless.

There are luminous paints on the corners of the carriage. He can barely see the decoration in the car. He sees the rear of the carriage, and a star pattern framed in the circle is firmly embedded in it.

One, two, three, four, five... nine, nine stars.

Taylor thought quietly: This is a nine-pointed star.

Before he returned, the carriage started.

Taylors climbed to the window, the sky was bright, and the view from the window was not clear.

Then Taylors sat back on the sofa boring.

"Jordel, are you there?" he asked tentatively.

Immediately after the ear:


Tyres was shocked and stood up and looked around, but inside and outside the car, in addition to driving Gilbert, there was no figure.

Forget it, I am used to it anyway.

Tyres sat back on the couch and continued to ask, "Where have we been?"

"The front is the 闵迪思厅." The hoarse voice came again.


Forget it, I don’t know it anyway.

Who can think that a few hours ago, he was still bleeding in the waste house to survive, and was injured in the red square street in order to escape, and now?

Tyres patted the sofa under his **** and didn't know who his father was.

With him, the soldiers will stop, the water will cover the earth, and even the magical teacher who has not died will have been met. What else can scare me?

The boy exhaled and felt a little hot, pulling off the ragged clothes on his chest.

Carelessly touched the wound of the chest.

Taylor snorted and looked at the burn on his chest.

The edge of the wound that was stenciled by Quaid seems to be faintly visible in a circle of anti-indian motifs.

This is - the king does not respect the blood - Teres thinks of the word on the silver coin.

He suddenly slammed his head.


That is not, isn't that a generation of wise kings in the Star Kingdom?

Wait a minute, 闵迪思厅?

The carriage suddenly stopped.

Tyres was still overwhelmed by chaos and ignorance, and he was pleased to get off at Gilbert.

Under the car, it is a small and exquisite garden with hard, but unidentified floor tiles. The middle of the garden is a fine fountain. The spring water is sprayed from a stone dragon mouth that is shouting in the sky.

Thales turned his head and looked at the black iron gate of the garden. The black iron door seemed to be engraved with reliefs. The scene above did not know, but there was a big flag on the left and right sides of the iron gate. .

On the banner, there is a silver cross double star with a white edge and a blue bottom: two large and one small silver cross stars are stacked together, and the small cross star is below the right side of the big cross star.

Tells recognizes it, the flag that flies the highest on the West Gate, and this pattern.

White-brown blue base, silver cross double star.

Star King flag.

The two flags in the garden, in the lower left corner of the big silver cross star, embroidered a small gold and silver small nine-pointed star, four gold corners, five silver corners.

That is the pattern engraved after the carriage.

Taylors came back. In front of him, there was a three-storey gorgeous house, eight beautifully carved columns supporting the large balcony on the second floor, the middle of the top floor, and a window lit with lights.

The main entrance of the building is made of fir - Taylors once in the big market on the side of the West Gate, saw a furniture merchant selling a large wooden table of fir, asking for 50 gold coins.

Of course, he later “voluntarily” sold the square table to the Black Street Brotherhood at a preferential price of a gold coin.

Tyres ignorantly followed Gilbert, rejecting Joel's open arms and insisting on enduring the wounds and exhaustion of the body, and struggling into the gate of the giant fir.

The doorway and the hall, including the corridor that goes up the spiral staircase, stand under the shining eternal lamp holders of Eternal Oil, standing guards with complete equipment and inconspicuous eyes. Each guard seems to be carefully selected. The height is flat, the sword shield is complete, and the metal shield is all the symbol of gold and silver.

Tyres supported the handrails on the side of the stairs and walked slowly to the second floor.

On the second floor, three portraits are hung on the wall facing the main entrance of the building.

In the middle is a majestic young knight with a long gun and a knight. The knight's appearance is strong and his face is fierce. He wears a silver seven-star crown on his head and fearlessly moves forward in the fierce battlefield background.

On the left is a strong sword-sword warrior. The shield is a nine-pointed star with a full silver horn. It is wearing a nine-star crown, with a strong face and a heroic background. The background is a lush and towering tree.

On the right is a kindly and sly middle-aged man sitting behind, with a valuable interior room, a precious scepter with a bright kyanite on the left, and a thick book on the right, with five different suns on it. Patterns such as stars and moons.

The temperament of the three nobles is different, but the artist seems to have grasped the charm of each of the three, and Tells stared at the portrait as if he were a real person.

It seems that it is a long-standing aristocrat.

Unfortunately, Taylors does not know either.

Wait, how is that middle-aged handsome guy so familiar?

When Tyres was about to open his clothes and look at the head that was branded on his chest, a calm and steady footstep came.

"That is Tomond I, the last prince of the final empire, the founder of the stars, King_of_Renaissance. In the end of the battle, his heroism has been passed down."

"On the left is Mideel IV, the hero of Sarah and the prophet Kaipeng's comrades, the protector of the sacred tree, the 'Oath_Keeper', since he and his elf queen, the comet king has an elf The blood."

"The last is Judith III, the _ sage (the_Wise_King), from the nobility to the sacrifices, the merchants to the shackles, all praised his wise rule."

This sound is heavy and majestic, low and low, but like a thunder hidden behind a black cloud, faint vibration.

Behind him, Gilbert and Jodelzizi kneeled down on one knee.

Tyres swallowed a sip and gently raised his head.

A strong figure, slowly coming to his face, the mighty face, always reminds him of the sword shield warrior on the left side of the wall.

This is a strong, dark-haired, high-nosed, deep-eyed aristocratic aristocrat. The azure pupil is sharp like a sword. The left hand of the nobleman is holding a scepter and standing in front of the eyes of Taylors. Holding him.

Tyres was a little dumbfounded, looking back at the nobility in front of him.

He can't restrain himself from getting nervous.

In the experience of the two worlds, no one has taught him. What should I do at this time?

The strong aristocrats have been looking at him for a long time, and even Teres is a little embarrassed.

However, his gaze did not make Tyre feel intimate or reassuring. Instead, he made him stressed and somewhat suffocating.

If you say something bad, even the mad eyes of Ahidah Sakken are better than this.

But Tyres suddenly noticed that the strong aristocrat in front of him was wearing a nine-star crown worn by the sword and shield warrior, and how the scepter on his left hand looked like the right side. Draw the crystallized scepter in the middle of the middle-aged man.

Gilbert whispered to the side: "Child, this is your father."


Tyres hung down his eyes and looked at the star-blue cloak behind him, muttering.

The face of the last generation's father slowly reflected in his mind, but it was a bit fuzzy.

Tyres took a deep breath and refocused his eyes.

"who are you?"

He heard his voice utterly flat.

The strong aristocrat did not answer, but frowned.

At this moment, Gilbert looked up and solemnly spoke in an authoritative and solemn, unquestionable tone:

"This is the comet of Keithel Judith Eddie, the fifth King of Kaiser in the family.

In the end, the empire's orthodox relics, the revival of the king of Tomond.

The co-owner of the Ludore and the Northerners in the Western Continents, the throne of the Dragon and the conquerors of the altar of desert.

The sacred tree and the protector of the Principality of Sera, the guardian of the City of Steel and the Freedom League.

The iron fist (the_iron_hand), the kingdom of stars and the southern archipelago, the thirteenth generation of the desert in the west. ”

Taylors only felt a cold in his heart and his breathing accelerated.

A suffocating pressure is as strong as it is.

Kessel looked at Tyres and his eyes were deep.

For a long while, he turned his head and looked at Gilbert and Jodel on both sides.

The sturdy King, Kessel V, used his heavy and thick voice to speak authentically:

"He is my descendant, the blood of the kingdom?"

"The whole star kingdom, and finally the only blood?"

The first volume is over, and Tyres will enter his real stage. The previous sufferings, blood, tears and pains will become the nutrients and capital that he will grow up in the future, because the real king is not respected by blood. Of course, the past is far from over. Rick, Ley York, Yala, Cohen, Ashida and others have their own unique future. Their destiny will be closely intertwined with the fate of Tells. . Thanks to the readers on the creation site for their great support! Stay tuned for the second volume: the heir to the kingdom

(End of this chapter)

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