Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 207: Wilderness

Chapter 207

Tyler’s heart trembled as he listened to the guard’s leader.


Execution... execution?

how come.


"No, according to the above," the commander shook his head. He pointed to Tyres, his face was dignified and his eyes were deep: "Leave the boy."

"Get rid of the other."

Several people in the cell heard this.

They looked at each other and saw the shock from each other's eyes.

Cohen’s mouth became an “O” shape.

Miranda is frowning and frowning.

The little slicker stunned the singer, and the latter slammed the fear in his heart. While holding on to calm, he gestured to her.

Judging from the expression of the guard leader, he did not seem to believe it.

The scroll on the handle of the leader lifted the place where the light was not extinguished, and looked back and forth several times.

As his movements, the nerves of Thales and others tightened, and they unconsciously retreated, farther away from the door and fence.

"Okay," eventually, the guarding sigh sighed, and he turned his head and looked at the five subordinates who were equally surprised:

"You heard his words."

Tyres jumped in his heart.

Do not.

how is this possible?

Just listen to the guard nodded slightly and whispered: "Do it."

The five guards were slightly stunned, but the instinct to obey the order still made them move.

They turned around, pressed the sword at the waist, took out the key, and opened the four cells trapped in the prisoner.

For a time, only the sound of unlocking was left in the cell.

"Damn!" Cohen gnawed his teeth and looked at the soldier who was opening his door lock, constantly struggling to curse.

Miranda was squinting and motionless.

Wyatt stunned against the fence and stared at Tells.

"Wait!" Taylor looked at the guard in front of him and turned the lock, watching the little slick stunned into the corner, and the brain was in chaos: "I am not finished with Rumba!"

He stared at the commander and looked at the leader who guarded him: "Let's tell him if he still wants to know the secret of the Shadow Shield..."

However, the guardian leader just shook his head in a blank expression.

"It's too late, little devil," he said, looking at the eyes of Tyres with pity: "But at least you can survive."

Taylor looked at the five guards and pressed the sword at the waist, slowly opening the locks of the four prison doors, and the brain was blank.

He looked at Cohen's desperate struggle and wanted to break free of his chains.

He looked at Miranda's knees and his face was decisive, apparently intending to make a final stroke at the moment the guards came in.

And Wyatt is still watching Taylors: "His Royal Highness! You..."

The little slick behind him shook his head in horror.

At that moment, Tyres clenched his lower lip and his brain turned wildly.

How to do.

Do you want to bite your lip or tongue and use that power?

But according to previous experience, come again... it should be my death.

How to do.

Taylor looked at the swords on the waist of the guards and trembled.

Damn it.

How to do?

At this time, an awkward sentence interrupted the work of the guards.


The unlocked sound stopped at the same time.

The guards turned their heads strangely.

For a time, only Cohen’s heavy gasp was left in the cell.

Taylors glimpsed.

Then he looked up and looked at the voice.

Unexpectedly, the person who interrupted the guards was the tall guardian leader.


Taylors narrowed his eyes.

Why, why should he stop?

"Everyone, immediately stopped the matter on hand, turned to face me," I saw the leader's face cold, holding the sabre at the waist, thick voice: "armed alert."

In the narrow corridor, the five guards stood at the door of the four cells, watching the chiefs and commanders in their midst.

The five guards looked at each other, but they turned around in accordance with the words of the boss, while holding the arms of the waist with vigilance.

Taylor looked at everything in the field with amazement, and his doubts were deeper.

this is……

"What's wrong?" Seeing the movements of the guards, the commander frowned: "Why stop?"

The guard leader raised his head and looked at the commander.

After a second, he faintly said: "I just remembered one thing."

The commander gave a slight glimpse.

He looked around at the people and then impatiently told the leader: "This is the command of Dagong, no matter what you think of..."

But the guards interrupted him directly.

"I know a veteran from the city of Qiyuan," the leader said coldly: "He used to serve on the border near the Great Desert."

There is no end to one sentence, let the other people in the cell have a slight glimpse.

"So?" The commander seemed to be somewhat puzzled. He looked at other people and saw confusion in their eyes.

The leader of the guard snorted.

"He told me a lot of things, such as the orcs, and - the ridiculous," he raised his chin slightly and looked at the squad: "Those who paint colorful tattoos in the depths of the desert, those with our civilized world." The wilderness of the rivals is even more difficult than the orcs."

The commander gently frowned.

"The soldiers at the border generally call them," the leader's eyes are getting more and more fierce: "The wasteland."

Tyres gasped slightly and wanted to take a moment to think about ways to save others.

But his thoughts are in chaos.

Cohen next door was no longer struggling, and the alert officer tried to look up and looked at the two people in amazement.

"Hey, buddy," the question on the face of the commander was deeper. He pointed to the scroll on the leader's hand: "If you want to tell a story, it is best to wait for the command of the Grand Duke..."

"He told me too!" The leader interrupted him indifferently.

"Although the races are different, most of the wasteland has a very unique feature," the guard leader opened his mouth, his face was fierce, and his words were fierce:

"Their eyes... are dark red."

"This is a ridiculous person, a symbol of the sin of their family and the devil."

Tyres looked at the strange performance of the leader and couldn’t figure out what was going on.

But Miranda's eyes widened, like Cohen, staring blankly at the field.

As if I can't believe it.

The commander seemed to think of something. He did not speak again and did not urge the other party.

"So I am very surprised, why is the army under the big public," the guardian leader looked at the commander who did not say a word, coldly took out the sabre at the waist, and gnawed his teeth:

“Is there a brow?”

Taylors stayed for a moment.

Waste... the bones?

Miranda stunned.

Cohen is also on the ground.

Listening to the inexplicable dialogue, Taylor's heart moved.

Is it...

The guards face each other and are unclear.

But under the direction of the leader, they were all vigilant, faintly encircling the strange commander, and the blade was slowly unsheathed.

In the next second, the commander sighed and explained to the leader: "Because my time is not enough."

The guard leader frowned: "What?"

The commander shook his head and seemed to be annoyed. He sighed: "It is time to blow the wind."

I don't know the so-called words, let the guard leader's heart ignite anger, only to see him bite his teeth, his face is fierce: "What are you..."

Just at this time.

A little colder wind than before, scraped outside the cell!

"Huh--" The air-conditioning was poured in through the cracks of the door, making a harsh whistling sound.

The wind even overshadowed the words in the cell.

Also at the same moment, when the five guards' swords were not completely unsheathed, the annihilation lights in the cells suddenly trembled.

Tyres swayed in front of him, and the blink of an eye was there. The commander suddenly turned a spine and had already had a long sword in his hand.

Immediately, the most bright, quickest, quietest, silent, but also the most shocking Jianguang that Taylors has seen in his life...

Like a thunder that scratches the dark sky...

Shining out from the left hand of the commander!


The wind whistling, screaming, and the figures flickering.

With the spin of the commander, the three guards closest to him, while shooting blood from the neck!

The nervous leader of the guards roared, and the sword was unsheathed.

He opened his mouth and glared at something, but his words were squashed with the sword and drowned in the wind.

After zero o'clock, the cold-haired squad turned back.

The long sword on his left hand has turned into a light, flashing through the air.

In the end, he did not enter the guardian chest farthest from him.

At the next moment, the commander has already rushed to the front of the guard leader.

The horrified guardian leader was not confused. He took a steady step and calmly raised the sword and made an amazing fall to the unknown invaders!

The power of the end broke out from the body of the leader.

This sword is smooth and powerful, precise and ingenious. There are no invaders in the hands of the sword, only a way to dodge.

But the intruder did something that shocked Taylors.

I saw that his figure was not retreating, holding his right hand up and standing straight in front of the sword.

It seems as if you want to hold the opponent's sniper with your palm!

In the endless whistling wind, Miranda made an unseen exclamation.

The next breath, the leader's long sword starts from the **** and hits the palm of the intruder.

The blade broke into the bones and broke into his wrists and arms.

Like cutting wood, cruelly open the invader's arm that is not self-reliant!

The blade guarding the leader finally stopped in the middle of the intruder's arm.

The leader’s expression suddenly changed: his blade could no longer be cut.

What is even more strange is that the intruder who was opened his arm did not shout and swear, as if it was not his hand.

The intruder just held the arm of the blade and gently turned it.

In an instant, in the wind that covered everything, the long sword guarding the leader broke off from the invader's arm.

At that moment, the sword-wing made of steel seemed to be more fragile than the dried leaves.

The leader was holding a broken sword.

Under his horrified expression, the invaders opened the right arm that was split in half, and the fingers miraculously moved.

Between the electric and the flint, he grabbed the broken blade and gently pulled out his right hand.

With his movements, the broken blade flew three steps away, plunging into the throat of the last guard - his sword had just pulled out two-thirds.

In the next second, the intruder swings the left fist, an unremarkable upper uppercut, and directly hits the abdomen of the guard leader.

In the harsh wind, huge powers came in.

The guard's leader stared at the shocked eyes and his legs off the ground.

His body was bent under the punch and lifted up by the invaders. The whole person became a curved "A" shape in midair.

The wind is getting smaller.

The other five guards, at this time, looked at the incredible eyes, or licked their throats, or held their chests, and did not fall to the ground.

The broken sword of the leader slipped weakly from his hand.

At the time when the broken sword is about to land, the intruder slams his right foot and kicks it up and grabs it in his right hand.

Silent and silent.

Tyres noticed that the right hand that the intruder should have been opened was already intact.

Even a drop of blood did not flow out.

Only the sleeves that were split in half, telling the incredible scene.

Tyres looked at the smooth, delicate right hand with his eyes wide open, and his sensation was creepy.

"You..." The guard leader squinted, his arm twitching in the pain, and blood flowing out of his mouth.

"I just said," the intruder still held his left fist and held the guard leader in the air. He said coldly: "Because there is not enough time."

The next second, the guard leader closed his eyes and dropped the arm that was no longer moving.

The intruder leaned over and lowered the body of the leader slowly, and then placed the broken sword on the body.

He straightened up, tore off the wig and the camouflage of the face, revealing the original brown hair, and coldly facing the body: "So it is too late to disguise my eyes."

The harsh winds of the wind have completely subsided.

The silence was restored in the cell, as if nothing had happened.

In addition to the slowly expanding blood pool on the ground, and the six more bodies that have just been added.

Taylors was shocked to see the guards lying around, his heart pounding.

this is……

Cohen and Miranda looked at each other with surprise.

"Impossible..." This is Cohen, who is almost sluggish and shook his head.

Wyah’s chin was almost shocked on the ground.

The intruder who killed six people in an incredible way gently turned around and walked to Tyres.

The eyes are cold.

Tyres subconsciously shrank backwards, keeping the shivering little slipper behind him—he wouldn't forget the command that the stranger had just brought.

Looking at the prince's expression, the young intruder's eyes were slightly stunned, as if looking at it with care.

The prince tried to adjust his breathing and saw the invader's face in tension.

The stranger is very young, but in his 20s, he has a handsome face with a unique silhouette.

Make people unforgettable.

He is familiar... Who is it?

The question of Tyres was quickly answered.

"Hid Royal Highness, Prince, meets for the first time."

The terrible invaders, across the fence, kneel down in front of Tyres, with a subtle expression like a smile, a right fist against the heart, and a ritual:

"Rafael Lindbergh."

Tyres looked at the man with a sly look, and some of the reactions were not over.

Although the opponent's movements are respectful, but Taylor can't feel even a tribute from his tone.

The intruder slowly raised his head and blocked the six bodies behind him.

He squinted his mouth and revealed a pair of rare and weird crimson scorpions:

"From the Kingdom of the Secret."

(End of this chapter)

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