Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 211: The meaning of dragon blood

Chapter 211 The meaning of dragon blood

No one is talking.

There is a dead in the cell.

"Is there still a problem?" The voice of the Black Prophet came cold.

No one answered.

Until a crisp and childish male voice rang:


Everyone’s gaze gathered again at Tyres.

But he did not speak immediately.

Taylor sighed long.

He forced himself to drive out all the troubles about the scourge and about the disaster.

The prince's expression was so tired that he seemed to hesitate or ponder.

After a while, the voice of the second prince was hard to come:

"Your Majesty... Does he know this plan? Before I go north?"

The Black Prophet did not speak.

But Taylors already understood.

"So, the rumors are not wrong," said Teres, faintly looking up and looking around at the crowd. His eyes were particularly paused in the small slippery head: "The stars colluded with the disaster and murdered the King of Nunn." I want to cause civil strife in Exeter."

The powerlessness hit his heart.


In front of the eyes of Thales, the image of the old-fashioned, but unrelenting white-haired king, his mood is low: "If it is to ensure that Exeter does not invade the stars, then I can achieve it through diplomatic mediation - the facts We have already reached it."

In his sight, the little slicker lowered his head deeply and couldn't see his expression.

The end of the black hole is only endless silence.

Raphael showed a faint smile without any disguise.

“Just a few hours ago...”

Tyres lost his face and looked at his eyes as if he saw the king's head roll off the ground again.

"Nun King proposed to form an alliance with us," he said with a sigh of voice and hoarse voice, as if to melt these days of suffering and torture into his own words, "Walton and Comet."

"We helped him to check the domestic princes and maintain the survival of Walton after the death of King Nunn. In exchange, he tried to maintain peace between the two countries and set aside time for rest and recuperation," Taylors said. I feel that my head is as big as a fight, and my heart is in turmoil. "The dilemma caused by the death of Morar has been solved, and now..."

Wye opened her mouth in surprise, Cohen heard a slight glimpse, and then thoughtfully, Miranda still said nothing, and his expression was cold.

Taylor closed his eyes and sighed with a lack of sleep and fatigue.

Now, everything that King Noon has said has been raging with his death.

Disaster, Rumba, assassination.

Disaster in the shield area.

This **** everything.

The weird black hole on Raphael's arm trembled.

"Hey, haha..."

The answer to Tyres was the cold and hoarse sneer of the Black Prophet.

The laughter lasted for a few seconds.

Taylor's brow began to gather.

"Put up your innocent innocence, Your Highness - you are not in this place in the Star Hall." Finally, Morat's laughter turned into a cold voice, and came quietly in the empty cell: "You still I really thought that we would expect to rely on your ambassador to create miracles and eliminate wars?"

Listening to the words of the black prophet with a sense of degeneration, Taylors took a deep breath and held back the impulse and anger in his heart.

"The problem has been solved," he said, biting his teeth. "With the power of the Dragon City, Exeter can be safe with the stars..."

"Resolve?" The Black Prophet interrupted him.

"Of course, the genius prince used superb means to convince King Noon to stop looking for the trouble of the stars," the black prophet said in a faint manner. The words are all ridiculously ridiculous by Tyres: "Friendly two countries Since then, peace has been ushered..."

“How long?” Until the head of the Peruvian branch turned: “Five years? Ten years? Still fifteen years?”

Tyres exhaled breathlessly.

With a very uncomfortable rhythm, the black sneer of the black prophet slowly sounded.

"My Highness, do you really think that a covenant between the two families can maintain peace between the two countries?"

"Do you think that the prince is waving his hand to Longyan City, and nodding his head with the Grand Duke in the secret room can dispel the dragon's ambition and greed?" The voice of the Black Prophet suddenly rose, and there was a bit of solemnity in the words. severe:

"Toomond and Nakaru, even six hundred years ago, can't do this."

Taylors glimpsed.

"Do you know the king of Nunn, how many times in the past 30 years, I have dreamed of inserting the black dragon flag into the Broken Dragon Fortress, and incorporating the northern border into the rule of the Exeter?" The letter of the creak, while sizzling, is also inexplicable.

"Twelve years, Exeter from the king to the Grand Duke, from the nobility to the civilians, they dreamed of going south again," the black prophet sneered: "The provocation of the three great men on the border never ceases, the temptation of Longyan City Every year - do you think that Prince Morar is for the sake of the stars?"

Reconstructing the Fortress and the Covenant - Cohen squinted and silently added a sentence to his heart.

Taylor looked at the strange black hole on Raphael's arm, without saying a word.

"They are not unknown." The words of the black prophet slowly came from the black hole of the young man's arm: "They are the northern people, the northern people who were born to fight the sword, and they are famous since the time of the monk. Northern people - it is best to keep this in mind for the rest of your life, Your Highness."

"They have the ancient customs of the Northland who are proud of joining the army and killing the enemy. They have strong bodies that have been honed in the cold and hardships, and have built a tough army with iron and blood."

"They have the unloaded civilians who can open the long pine bow with half a full length without training, the invincible heavy cavalry who is good at the magic gun and the spear, and the glacier whistle and the white blade guard who dare to face the orcs. ""

"They also have no complaints about service and sacrifice. In the winter, relying on a few pieces of bread, they can go to the levy soldiers for dozens of miles every day. There are three major trainings in each major field, and they can withstand 70% of casualties and will not collapse. The elite standing army." Morat's words have a chilling momentum.

"They were born for war."

Listening to all of this, Miranda's face is getting colder and colder. Recalling the battles of the past three years, the fists are slowly tightening.

The Black Prophet paused for a second, and the lights in the cell seemed darker, covering everyone's faces in the shadows.

Thales licked his lips: "But..."

The Black Prophet did not let him go on.

"Little prince, have you seen the war 12 years ago?"

The words of the black prophet, let the face of Miranda holding Rafael a stiff, female swordsman could not help but frown.

"Have you seen the Northland heavy cavalry rushing to the mountains and rocks, the epee infantry and the knife and axe rushing over the city walls? Have you heard the siege cone hitting the city gate and the slinger bombarding the city wall? Have you seen the horror of the corpse and the horror of the hungry? Have you seen the eyes of the hungry hungry people who have lost their hopes? Do you know how long the depression in the north has lasted?"

Tyres squeezed his fist, but felt that his strength was nowhere to vent, and the scar of the palm began to faint.

In front of his eyes, flashing the Broken Dragon Fortress, the light infantry who had vowed to besieged them and faced the fierce beast like Arak Mu, who did not retreat - those of the Northland.

At the same time, Miranda's face has become extremely pale.

She seems to see the past again.

A nightmare past.

That white snow.

Raphael whispered his mouth, and he intentionally or unconsciously grabbed the female swordsman's hand and applied it slightly.

Cohen, who took all of this to his eyes, sighed in his heart.

Miranda, and Raphael.

The two of them are the ones who have experienced the most direct disasters.

Tyles stared at the squirming black hole, his throat snarled and sighed: "We have reached a consensus - Nunn is old, he needs to care about the things behind the king, is Walton And the survival of the dragon gun in the cloud is the game between Longyan City and the Dagong, not the stars..."

The one who answered him this time was the young man who was a red dragon.

"You said that the idea is up, Your Highness," Raphael looked up slightly, shining in a pair of red dragonflies under the igniting lights: "The biggest problem is: Nunn is old."

"Yes, he may still be able to restrain Exter with his wrists and Yuwei, suppress the nine grand princes, let the Broken Dragon Fortress and the Northland quiet for a few years," the youngster of the Secret Department said coldly: "But there And after that?"

Taylor's breathing suddenly lags.

The dirty air that was unpleasant in the cell seemed to be more dignified.

A long sigh came from the other side of the black hole.

"Exter after the death of King Nunn, no matter who is on the throne, it doesn't matter," the black prophet's voice seemed to be a bit tired: "But you think that the new king can rely on what means to use it. The minimum cost is to receive the greatest benefit and reputation in order to prove, accumulate, and consolidate the status and prestige of being a successor king?"

"What other means does he have to appease the big men who lost in the election, what chips are used to reward those big men who support him?"

Taylor closed his eyes and spit out a long, lingering breath.

He knows what the Black Prophet wants to say.

"Isn't it the star kingdom in the south because of the disaster 12 years ago, the spirit is not recovered, the royal family is unstable?" Morat's voice became extremely cold: "Don't it be Exter's three or four hundred Year's Cold Fort, Watch City, Lonely Tower and Broken Dragon Fortress? Isn't it the glory of the Great Northern Area where their ancestors lived for generations?

Tyres’s heart was slightly shocked.

He unconsciously looked at the little slick, and his mind had a terrible thought.

King Nunn made him marry his granddaughter.

Under the premise that the comet and Walton are taking care of each other, one of them will inherit the surname of the comet in the future, and one will inherit the name of Walton.

From then on, the Star Kingdom has the excuse that it can intervene in the city of Longyan, and it can guarantee the survival of Walton and increase the prestige and chips of the stars.


The other way around?

Once he--Tells himself had an accident, did the Exeter Kingdom and Longyan City also have the bargaining chip for the Stars and the Stars?

Mind here, Tyres’s heart is cool.

He suddenly remembered the star of the one-eyed dragon, the family language of Gustad Nantester: the war must have a price, the victory must be rewarded.

Raphael quietly loosened Miranda's wrist and took his boss's words calmly. "Beat the stars, take down the fortress, and unify the Northland." These three goals, no matter which one is achieved, are enough for the new king. The crown of the crown adds color to the foundation of the monarch's throne."

The black prophet's coldness rang in the air, and even the black hole in Raphael's hand trembled.

"The contradiction between the Star Kingdom and Exeter will never disappear because of the decision of a family name, even if you add up in the future," Morat said faintly: "We fear them."

"As they are also jealous of us."

"So, once there is an opportunity, there are benefits, conditions - how can they not go south?"

Taylors bowed his head.

The words of the Black Prophet gave him a substantial pressure.

"Once they are going south - facing such an opponent, how long do you think you can hold on to our orphans and widows in the North?"

"The hostess of Sonya Satherley is known as the flower of the fortress, and she is stationed in the Broken Dragon Fortress. People say that if Sonya does not appreciate it, the fortress will be solid. It seems to be beautiful, but you know, she is starting. On the first day of guarding the fortress, the will was made and entrusted to the royal family for 12 years."

"Because she knows that it is very likely that someday in the future - when the north wind rises, the dragon roars and the flower of the fortress fades in the north and never returns."

"Do you know how much we paid for the peace of the Fortress and the Covenant? Do you think that it is only by the mouth of the ‘star 狡 fox’?”

"You know, how much have we paid to maintain this fragile peace, to protect the dying north and the weak kingdom from the plagues of the military?"

All of Tyres’ words were stuck in the scorpion, only to feel a boring anger in his heart.

"The nobles are blaming their knees and complaining about why he is going to take the country with a fragile and fragile state and fight the desert war that has no interest at five years ago." The voice of the Black Prophet sounded insane but indifferent, but it was deep. A heart-warming sense of power:

"But those worms with brains full of fat and rat eyes will not know, and they don't want to know: the stars after the **** years, if you don't play the seemingly crazy desert war, you don't have to win a national victory to show our national strength, no cost. The fierce blood to wash our determination, without the orc's skull and the barren altar to prove that our swords are still sharp and unremarkable..."

On the side of Cohen heard this, suddenly in my heart, Wyah even squeaked the hilt on the handle.

The voice of the Black Prophet continued: "I am afraid that as early as five years ago in the winter, the "Natural King" Nunn VII, who hangs over the entire northern sky and prevails across the North, will tear up the Fortress and the Covenant. With the mountains and the heavily armed Northlanders, they are going to recover what they lost at the negotiating table."

"Where is there, there is still a dispute over the inheritance of the royal family - where is the day you are called your Highness!"

"Do you think that there will be no such a king after Nunn?"

Tyres didn't say a word, but he fixedly looked at the empty ground.

Raphael nodded slowly. The young man took over the words of the black prophet and said with no expression: "And over the past five years, Exeter has gradually figured out our cards, and the deception and deterrence of the desert war is no longer. You can also see it in the Hall of Stars. Just a glimpse of Rumba and Aaron, the split between the royal family and the nobility will make those northerners fearless."

"Why are we implementing 'Dragon Blood'?" Raphael bowed his head and calmly said in the dark:

"This is the answer and the meaning of 'Dragon Blood'."

"What we want is not a false peace in the district for several years. It is not a fearful year, not a dangerous negotiation and confrontation." Raphael's face was pale, his blood was red, with a complex expression, and he looked at the prince slightly:

"But the kingdom under the inferiority is no longer worse. It is the peace and stability of the stars in the north for decades or even hundreds of years. The stars are enough to recover from the great creation of the **** year. The family name and rule of your family have become stable again. For a long time, we are strong again, fearless, as always."

"Under this goal, even the life and death of King Nunn has become insignificant."

Taylors raised his head and realized his heart.

"Lombard's behavior marks the disillusionment of Exeter since the founding of the country, confirming that the so-called Nakaru co-administration oath is nothing but a piece of paper, and the creed of the Northland faith is pale," Raphael smiled. "More importantly, a grandfather is a tyrant - there is a precedent."

"The earliest precedent was the death of the great man, Willan, who was led by Weilan." Tyres snorted with a sigh of relief, his eyes drifting intentionally or unconsciously to the little slick: "He was not the first one."

From the moment until now, the atmosphere is not dare to take a bit of a slippery head. At this time, he raised his eyes and looked at Tyres, but he could only see the endless exhaustion and darkness in the latter's eyes.

Raphael frowned slightly and his words were stagnation.

"I get it now."

Tyres sighed and his own understanding emerged in his mind.

"What you need is not revenge, not chaos, not even death." After the second prince sighed deeply, they took their words: "It is to tear off the camouflage and whitewash of the Nakaru vows, will be Ax The most ingrained contradiction within the sect - the confrontation between the king and the Grand Duke is completely open and inspires it into an uncontrollable chaos."

For example, a grandfather of Exeter relies on violence and conspiracy to succeed, which will bring unparalleled shock to the children of the North Wind and the Dragon, bringing to the devastating blow of the Northland faith created by Nakaru, breaking The ten great publics adhered to the principles of nearly seven centuries.

For example, under the legend of the founding fathers of the heroes and dragons, they provoked the thoughts that the Grand Dukes should not have, provoked their quirky thoughts outside the election of the kings, provoked their ambitions outside the co-administration vows, and provoked them in Eck. In the six hundred years of Sterling, only midnight dreams come back, and one can think about the greed of one or two.

More importantly, and more urgently:

The death of Nunn, the rebellion of Rumba, and even the possible internal battle of Exeter - this will bring the shadow and precedent of the next successor King Exter, bringing the new king to his nine co-governance The unprecedented vigilance and doubts of Dagong also brought to the Grand Dukes their suspicions about their joint promotion of the king.

At that time, King Nunn had gathered seven grand princes, and hundreds of thousands of troops had attacked the south. The feat of crossing the Broken Dragon Fortress was probably not so easy to achieve.

Rafael nodded and affirmed his words.

Understand the cause of the Peruvian action, but Taylors is still not happy.

His heart is as heavy as he is, and if there is a spike in it, it makes him quite uneasy at all times.

Somehow, his words resurfaced in front of Kaiser:

Fight for the stars, die for the stars, and be born for the stars.

Tyres shook his head, as if this would reduce the heavy emotions.

Obviously, he failed.

"Is that secret company successful?" Taylor finally sighed and asked what he wanted to ask: "If it succeeds, why am I here?"

The black hole was another shudder - the black prophet spoke up.

To the surprise of Tells, this time Morat Hansen actually said a question: "I am also very curious, what happened in Longyan City?"

Raphael’s face changed and his expression dignified.

"According to the plan, you should stay in the Palace of the Spirit now, and spend the night as an Exeter guest under the heavy circumstance. In the princes who are in the aftermath of the fire, rely on me as a neutral person. The party negotiated and returned to China," the young man in the secret department said a little bit heavy: "But I don't know why Nunn is determined to leave the Palace of the Spirit and bring you out of the palace - so that you fall into the hands of Lombard. ”

Tyre’s heart was tight, and the person who took him out of the Palace of the Spirit was not Nunn.


He couldn't help but look at the little slicker - she had seen Ehida.

I have also seen black swords and have seen their confrontation.

“What else?” the prince asked quietly, skipping the question intentionally or unintentionally.

"Besides," Raphael raised his eyebrows slightly. "Our plan has some surprises."

"There is still ten minutes from the time you said," Morat's cold, hoarse voice is still unpleasant: "Talk about it."

Raphael's eyes were clear, and he looked around at everyone, and his eyes flashed countless thoughts with unknown meanings.

In the end, these thoughts converge into three words and spit out from his mouth:

"A disaster."

"And Lombard."

Taylors: "The author, I feel so tired and tired, when can I have a little easier, happy, Suhu?"

No sword turned around and stared at Taylors deeply: "Little Teres, you have to remember - after the storm, see the rainbow."

Tyres’s eyes were filled with fog, and he pouted and lowered his head in frustration: “Ah... that, the author, when will the rain be finished?”

No sword smiled, squatting and pinching the little face of Tyres:

"you guess."

(End of this chapter)

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