Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 213: The game in the dark (below)

Chapter 213 The Game in the Dark (Part 2)

When he heard Rafael's words, Tyres couldn't help but glimpse.

In the black hole, the sneer of the black prophet came again.

Miranda shook his fist and pinched his fist. Looking at Rafael's eyes was a bit complicated.

damn it.

This self-righteous guy.

She looked at Rafael, who was very different from three years ago, and her heart was filled with inexplicable emotions.

Cohen grinned uncomfortably: "The idea is not bad... but unfortunately, it is smart."

Rafael heard the words and his eyes condensed.

"If there is no contribution from those who are wise," Raphael squinted at him, his mouth slightly raised: "You don't even have a chance to stand here, Master Karabyan."

Cohen looked at Raphael and blinked slightly.

"Do you know," the police officer shrugged and shouted with anger, and said to Raphael: "I suddenly remembered our clan training, 'The brave died of the sword, the wise man died of the plot."

"Oh?" Raphael said with a smug smile, his eyes cold: "I am sure, you will never ‘death to seek’.”

Cohen was uncharacteristically and quickly understood the other party's ridicule: "That is better than you..."

"You two," Miranda picked an eyebrow and glared at him. He was dissatisfied: "Enough."

"Look at the occasion."

Cohen and Raphael snorted at the same time.

Tyres and the little slick exchanged a helpless look.

The young man who saw the secret department turned his head and took a deep breath to continue the topic: "As for the second accident."

"It's Lombard."

Tyres's eyebrows: "What happened to Lumba?"

"His manpower is very efficient, from Commas to the underground gang's network, and even the shadow shield, his actions can be described as unimpeded, well organized." Raphael answered with dignity.

At the other end of the black hole, there was a slight gasping sound.

"In order to prevent Nunn and the dark room from detecting the actions of Rumba in advance, we have done countless plans and thrown a lot of bait," Rafael lowered his head and said to the other side of the black hole: "But thanks to Lombard Unusual efficiency and ability, the secret department does not take much effort."

"But until last night, I discovered that Rumba did a lot of things that were not planned." Raphael was cold and authentic.

Thales licked his lips: "For example?"

"For example, the army," Raphael said faintly: "In the original plan, Lombard did not need so many troops, but he still transported them in."

Tyres frowned: it was.

In the murmur of the air, the coldness of the black prophet came.

"And for example, you, Miranda and Cohen," Raphael looked at his two men in the same period, looking at the thoughtful female swordsman and the doubtful warning officer: "You are looking for the sword of disaster, tracking the army in the Lombard army." The second magic can shoot the clues of the assassination, and all the way to the Longyan City."

Wyah narrowed her eyes and looked at her single-edged sword, thinking of Cohen and Miranda's doubts about the front.


The ultimate power taught by Teacher Shatil...

Why is it...

"These accidents," at this time, the hoarse voice of the black prophet suddenly screamed: "What do you think?"

Raphael raised his head slightly and closed his eyes: "I think something is wrong."

"Somewhat wrong?"

Cohen sighed: "Even if I can see it, you are being played by Lombard."

But Raphael only continued to close his eyes and meditated, and he did not care about Cohen.

"There is still a problem," Tells couldn't help but say: "Do you understand? What does Lombard want to do?"

Whether it is Raphael or the Black Prophet, there is still no answer.

After a few seconds, the Black Prophet suddenly opened:

"Then did you figure it out?"

Rafael's eyebrows move: "Is it a ghost of Shadow Shield?"

Everyone is a glimpse.

Especially the taylor.

He remembered again the conversation between Lombard and the man named "The Brake."

Taylors didn't speak - he knew, maybe the two of the Secrets would answer his doubts.

But the Black Prophet was just a cold smile.

"The accident of disaster is not the reason for Nunn's death." He only listened to Morat's cold and honestly: "Lombard's accident is not in his fierceness, but in how he did it."

Listening to the voice of the Black Prophet, Taylor suddenly felt chilling.

I don't know if it is an illusion. He always thinks that the black prophet seems to have a strange mood.

Raphael blinked and confused: "Do you say..."

The next sentence of the Black Prophet made everyone frown and confused.

"In the Westland ostrich, there is a subspecies, usually living in the East Sea collar of the stars and the South Bank collar," the black prophet continued to follow his hoarse and swearing voice: "The way they lay eggs is very special, always Eggs are produced in the nests of other birds, relying on the resources, care and feeding of the latter to raise their offspring."

"Therefore, this type of ostrich, which is raised by other people's lairs, is also known as the ‘fraud angel.’” Morat said coldly.

Taylor's eyes turned: What do you mean?

Just when other people are unclear, when the doubts are extremely difficult, only Raphael will not speak for a long time, and the eyebrows will move.

A few seconds later, Raphael’s expression was fixed back to his usual ease and indifference.

"I figured it out," Raphael said faintly: "Just don't know, when is it..."

"That doesn't matter," the Black Prophet interrupted him politely: "What's important, are you ready?"

Raphael took a deep breath and, under the strange eyes of others, he nodded slightly:


"Very good," the black prophet, who only heard the sound, sneered: "The test for you is really starting now."

Raphael stood up and his right fist slowly squeezed.

The next second, under the eyes of everyone, the strange black hole on Rafael's right arm began to gather, and the horrible teeth around the big "mouth" gradually leaned toward the middle.

"Good luck, Your Highness," in the creep of the black hole, only to listen to Morat sighing slightly: "Unfortunately, dragon blood."

When Taylors glanced, he realized that their contact with the Black Prophet would be broken.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the skin on Raphael's hands slowly polymerized.

That black hole disappeared like this.

Raphael’s arm was as good as ever, and it was as clean as ever.

Except for the glaring punishment.

The voice of Morat Hansen no longer sounds.

"Damn," Cohen looked at his arm and bit his teeth. "What is this?"

"The little means of the secret," Raphael shook his head. "It doesn't matter... what's important now is our next step."

Unwilling Cohen is about to continue to ask, but was pulled by Miranda. The latter shook his head in cold and mournful, but he slammed Cohen’s indignation into his throat and couldn’t vent it again.

"Next," Taylors took his gaze back from Raphael's monster arm and pressed the doubts in his heart and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Are we not going to break through?"

Raphael shook his head.

"I always thought that the sudden madness of the disaster attracted most of the power, which led to the defensive emptiness of Longyan City, so the Nunn King would be assassinated without any resilience," the young man of the Peruvian family pulled down the right hand. The sleeves blocked the brand and calmly said: "I have always thought that the efficient action of the Lombard is because he is well-prepared and prepared."

"I'm wrong."

"It is not the accidental outbreak of disaster that makes King Nunn die so fast, nor is it the superior ability of Lombard."

Tyres reveals the expression of the inquiry.

Raphael did not doubt him for how long.

"The defense around King Nunn is so empty, not only because of the jealousy of the disaster, but also because someone suggested that he do this - for example, the White Blade Guards are all sent, such as the clearance patrol," Raphael showed a smile, like It is to solve the puzzle that has been plagued for many years:

"As for the action of Rumba, the reason why it can be so smooth, even the army can be quietly transported into the city, is not because of the efficient operation of the black sand collar, but the intentional help of others."

For a moment, Tyres frowned.

He felt that the atmosphere was not right: everyone else was not right.

Miranda's eyes flashed, she seemed to realize something, and turned slowly in one direction.

Cohen looked at Miranda's movements, took a deep breath and slowly caught the sword on his waist.

Wyah seemed to feel something, he jerked his head up, his face ugly holding the sword at the waist.

Rolf also frowned and looked at the end of the cell - the thick door.

Everyone looked at the door.

Or, something outside the door.

Tyres has a white face.

The next moment, he and the little slicker were guarded behind by both Wyah and Rolf.

Raphael’s words are still going on, but the tone is dignified: “Today, you can’t imagine how many resources and connections we have invested in, Your Highness.”

"When you set foot on Exeter's border, 'Dragon Blood' is already the trend of the times, and you can't look back." The young man of the Secret Society pulled out his sword. He turned and leaned toward the thick door and took a deep breath: "Only by a district of Lombard, even if they add their foxes and dogs, they can't reverse the ending we set."

Raphael’s eyes became very fierce: “But they are doing it, but they did.”

"They completely destroyed the secret plan and reversed the outcome."

Tyres’s heart: "You mean to say..."

"They reversed the situation in the most inferior situation: they knocked out Nunn in an instant, and gathered the situation in the hands of Lombard, His Royal Highness," Raphael turned and looked at the thick door of the cell calmly. "They are like the kind of 'fraud angels', through the nest of the kingdom secret, through our careful preparation of many years of plans, hatching the results they want."

Everyone entered the highest alert and looked at the thick door that separates the inside and outside of the cell.

"This is a game in the dark, but we made a mistake in the opponent," Raphael narrowed his eyes, and a pair of scorpions reflected red light in the darkness. "It’s neither Rumba nor his, sitting at the other end of the board. The buddy party is not a shadow shield."

In his heart, Tyres thought about a lot of things.

For example... Why King Nunn would think that the sword of disaster was involved in the death of Morar.

"This style, this means, as far as I know," Rafael nodded, his eyes suddenly became extremely sharp:

"Only one person."

"A person we always thought would only stand on the side of King Nunn."

No one is talking.

Tyres gently held the JC dagger and began to hold his breath.

Behind him, the little slicker trembled and asked: "What happened?"

Tyres shook his head.


The thick door was opened.

Everyone in the cell is nervous!

A figure slowly entered this dark cell.

The pace is light.

"Sorry to bother you," came with a gentle voice, polite and polite, and tone:

"Just if you are not breaking out... I have to come up and see."

At the moment of seeing the people, Taylor's eyes instantly condensed.

His heartbeat began to accelerate.

It was a kindly and embarrassed old woman in a red robe.

A smile can be awkward.

"There is confidence that it will lead to the scourge of blood. Then you must have the perfect grasp." The voice of the harmonious voice continued, and the tone was friendly.

In the eyes of the complex of Tyres, I saw the old woman in the red robe - the highest head of the "black room" of the Kingdom of Exeter, the intelligence head of the same name as the Black Prophet, known as the "Red Witch" Kashan The lady slowly raised her head.

She looked at Rafael, who was dignified, with a pleated smile. She said in a light voice: "So, this kid of the Peruvian family, can I ask you, before returning to the cell..."

"...deliver the star of the stars?"

I am changing the plot outline of the next volume to see if I can slow down the rhythm according to the opinions of the majority of book friends, lest everyone roll over every day...

By the way, do you think that no sword is handsome?

(End of this chapter)

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