Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 215: Hot blade

Chapter 215 Hot Blades

Tyres took a deep breath and stared at the red witch opposite.

Even if Ahidah answered questions about the magician, he still has doubts about his physical problems.

The primary suspect is still the mysterious mother, especially after listening to the inexplicable words of the Queen of the Sky.

The second prince’s chest was slightly ups and downs: “Why did you mention this name?”

She is lying, and Tyres thinks.

The first middle name of the Prince of Stars is a rare name - this is no secret.

Kassan's eyes smashed into a slit, releasing a gentle and friendly smile.

“At the dinner party, you talked about a mother’s longing for her son’s thoughts,” Kasan blinked slightly and looked at Tyres. His eyes looked interesting: “She certainly wants to return you...”

The red witch's gaze was a bit of a deep bite: " the same way."

Tyres pinched his fist.


She knows something, at least knows that it is my biological mother...

"His Royal Highness!"

Taylor was slightly surprised. He looked up and looked at Raphael.

"Please remember, no matter what she does now, what to say," the latter slowly shook his head and looked heavy: "It is for her own purposes."

“If you need to be confused, the Secret is at your service – we have enough intelligence.”

Tyres turned his head and gazed over the troubled Miranda and the dignified Raphael, as well as the confused Cohen.

He frowned, took a deep breath and nodded.

That's right.

At least not now.

Kasan sighed slightly.

“Sometimes I admire the skills of Morat students,” the old woman turned her eyes and looked at Raphael. “Every student is so good.”

"Whether it is loyal to him or against him."

Raphael snorted.

Miranda slowly moved to the left front of the Red Witch, and Cohen moved to the other side.

In the face of such obvious actions, Kassan seems to have nothing to do.

This makes Taylor's heart uneasy.

"Prince of Tyres," the red witch's gaze seldom screamed: "Remember my advice at the dinner party: Everything you have experienced is nothing compared to Morat."

"His loyalty is the most deadly poison," Kashan said seriously: "The more loyal, the more dangerous."

"I believe you have already realized this."

Taylor closed his mouth and frowned.

"This is said from the mouth of the man who betrayed the king of Nunn," Raphael shook his head. "It's a bit too ironic."

Kashan smiled.

"The sorrow of the mystery is that your master has only a comet." The red witch shook his head in disapproval: "The comet of the Yongzhi Star."

"But the monarch of the Exeter Kingdom is always in rotation."

"So the darkroom is only loyal to Exeter," Kashan whispered, and the smile became cold: "When the king can no longer represent Exeter..."

"We will choose the path that is most beneficial to Exeter."

Taylor's heart moved.

When the king can no longer represent Exeter.

Could it be that……

"Betrayal is betrayal," Cohen couldn't help but say: "Especially when Nunn is still a king."

His footsteps are getting closer and closer to Kashan.

"I don't want to go this step either."

Kasan glanced at Miranda and Cohen, who were getting closer and closer to each other, shaking their heads and sighing: "But when we found out..."

"It's too late."

Tyres frowned: "What do you mean?"

"It means..." Kashan looked up and her face was solemn:

"just now!"

The red witch's voice suddenly increased, and the figure retreated backwards!

Cohen and Miranda have a glimpse.


When the crowd has not yet reacted, a huge burst of sound has come from the top!

It was shaken by Thales and his ears creaked.

The ceiling was broken.

Countless stones are pouring from the top of their heads with dust!

In the dust, Tyres coughed in the dust while instinctively raising his hand to block his eyes.

What's wrong?

But he did not have time to respond, and he was pushed by the quick-responding Wyah and fell backwards.

Wye's single-edged sword was unsheathed, and the sword light was drawn toward the gravel at the top of the head.

A few pieces of gravel were cut open, squatting in the surrounding open space and walls, bringing out more dust, covering the shape of Raphael and others.

Both Tyres and the little slicker lost their balance and fell together on the ground one metre behind.

"Don't worry about her!" Raphael's rushed drink came from the front: "Return!"

Rolf slammed the remaining left arm to create a cyclone that wanted to scrape away the dust.

But a strong armor figure descended from the sky.

It fell in front of Rolf.

In the vague vision, Thales vaguely saw the figure calmly circling the sleeve sword that Rolf had stabbed, and Rolf's figure flew to the side under the influence of the power.

But only in the next moment, the sturdy figure will instantly exert an effort and attack an elbow!

Rolf's figure is heavy.


In the dust, the body of the ghost of the wind flew backwards and slammed into a cell.

"No!" The scream of Wyah came from the ear.

The power of the end came to the servant's swordsman. He stood in front of the tyros, rushing to the figure in the dust, and smashing a reckless sword in the endless sting.

The sword wind shaved, and Tyres had to close his eyes.

"Impulse." A thick male voice came.

The sturdy figure did not retreat, and deceived the sword of Wyah!

Wyah’s single-edged sword broke into the enemy’s shoulder.

"Hey!" The sound of Jianfeng’s iron came.

But the tall figure immediately pulled out his left arm, and pressed it on the neck of Wyatt, pushing it!


Wyah's figure slid backwards and her head slammed into the wall of the cell.

The attendant official fell to the ground.


Tyres gritted his teeth and stood up in the cough with a small slippery head that was equally incomprehensible.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the tall figure from the dust.

The enemy pulled out the sword of Wyah from the shoulders and threw it away and walked to Tyres.

Taylors was too late to panic, and he subconsciously stepped back.


Raphael emerged from the dust, speeding a sword and slamming into the enemy's back.

His arm trembled, and the strange sound came out of his muscles. The sword front was blurred with a whistling whistle in the air.

The tall enemy suddenly turned around.

As he turned back, a smooth, thin blade knife instantly squirted from the waist!


It is a rare horse-riding knives with a golden color.

At the moment when the enemy pulled the knife, Taylors only felt that the surrounding air was shaking with it, and it was hot as never before!

The instantaneous rise in temperature is like someone suddenly put a big fire in the air.

This reminded him of the bombardment of the magic gun.

The enemy turned back and slammed Rafael's sword.


The saber and the long sword collided together, but it was not an ordinary metal collision sound, but a harsh sound!

Raphael’s sword edge broke instantly.

The broken blade hit the wall and flew.


Under Raphael's biting toothache, his left hand of the sword ignited the flame, and the whole man was forced to retreat.

In the dust, the enemy did not care about the saber, the blade clearly did not catch fire, but strangely drawn a string of Mars in the air.

Taylors watched with horror as the powerful enemy beat the three in an instant, fearing in his heart.

Miranda and Cohen appeared at the same time as Rafael, and the sword whizzed out.

The former's sword swayed and seemed to be able to change at any time, while Cohen's sword was violent and violent.

The enemy did not panic, and his left shoulder sank, like the previous against Wyatt and Rolf, and deceived Miranda.

That weapon is weird - you can't fight the sword with him.

Grab the rhythm and force him.

When Miranda's gaze moved, the Tianma movement was launched, and the tip of the sword pointed to the enemy's majesty.

But beyond her expectations, the enemy did not evade and slammed into her swordsman!

Under the horror of Miranda, her sword stabbed the enemy's waist.

When the sword front is going deeper, the enemy's waist trembles, and the sword front slips out from his waist side, bringing out a shed of blood, but avoiding the key.

In the next second, the enemy slammed in front of him, and the irony left shoulder hit the Miranda's right chest!

In the squeaking noise of the female swordsman, the enemy gave her a handle.


In the severe pain of the chest and abdomen, Miranda did not fall to the ground.

Cohen’s sword wind came from behind the enemy.

The enemy snorted.


Jianfeng stabbed the joint of the enemy's carapace and armor, and blood poured out.

Before the sword front penetrated into the body, the tall enemy swiftly turned around, and by the squeezing of two pieces of armor, the sword front was slammed to one side!

Then I waved it out.

But what the enemy expected was that Cohen was not driven by his strange actions.

The alert officer released the hilt at the moment he turned.

Cohen looked fiercely at the enemy and stumbled to let the other side's fierce knife.

The alert officer clasped his waist tightly, holding the arm of the enemy's knives and squeezing his legs!

The enemy snorted and seemed surprised.


Under the impact of the horror of Cohenli, the two big men fell together on the ground, bringing out another dust.

"When it is!"

The enemy's saber fell under a sudden impact.


Cohen's face pressed against the enemy snarled.

He squats an elbow and is in the middle of the enemy's abdomen.


The enemy snorted.

But Cohen was immediately caught by the enemy, and the other person sat up.

The enemies have a powerful head squat, and the nose of Cohen!


The police officer who is watching Venus is about to attack his arms and get rid of the enemy's lock. But the other side is a very forward-looking push forward, and when Cohen is mastering the balance, he pulls out one leg!


Behind the fiercely fighting two, Raphael slammed his left shoulder.

In the strange sizzling sound in his arm, the flame on his left hand was extinguished in a strange way.

Rafael kicked his teeth and kicked a sword on the body of the guard, holding the sword forward.

But Cohen’s figure fell from the front, and Raphael had no choice but to hold him first.

Miranda struggled to get up from the ground and join them.

The next second, Raphael's footsteps stopped in place, motionless.

"What's wrong?" Cohen asked with a painful gasp as he rubbed his abdomen.

Raphael didn't answer, but his face was ugly.

The smoke scattered.

The tall figure has re-executed his golden sabre.

His blade is resting on the throat of a little boy.

Behind them, the little slicker was shaking and looking at the two.

Miranda sighed.

On the other hand, Wyaf raised Rolf, who was violently coughing, and looked incredulously at the situation in the field.

"Retreat," the enemy who came alone said coldly: "You have lost."

Raphael and others frowned.

"You are good,".

Tyres felt the chill on his throat, and the scalp numbly revealed a helpless smile: "Lord Tulleha."

The tall enemy - one of the five battles of the Axter in the armor, the black-sand-collar "Fire Knight" Rom Tulleha, is holding the saber in his hand coldly, nodded in response:

"Hello, Prince Teres."

(End of this chapter)

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