Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 220: Trust and loyalty

Chapter 220 Trust and Loyalty

All the people in the secret road are waiting anxiously for the result of Niele's negotiations.

Tyres tried his best to provoke a small number of prison river crimes and improve their own ears.

The conversation between the two men at the mouth finally reluctantly passed into his ears.

"What?" Nie Lai’s voice came. "Does the Red Witch have to do what she is best at?"

"Tell me to surrender?"

The red witch just looked at him quietly.

Her eyes are calm, but she is also very serious.

Even Tyles, who is hiding in the distance, has the illusion that Mang is on his back.

"I said, you are on the wrong side," Kashan's expression suddenly cooled down: "The White Blade Guard should be loyal to Exeter, not to a certain king."

"Do you not think so?"

Teeth, who eavesdropped, frowned: What exactly does the Red Witch want to do?

Really want to say that Nie Lai?

The comet squeezed his knife.

Nie Lai snorted: "As a traitor to the monarch, is this sentence too harsh?"

The red witch raised her chin.

"The traitor?" Ms. Kashan’s eyes flashed with a stern color: "Do you really know that in order to continue his family, what do you want to do with the loyalty of the king?"

Niely slowly shook his head, and Tyres conjectured that he, as usual, showed a disdainful smile.

But the comet will soon not laugh, and the same is true for Taylors.

I saw Kasan turning his gaze behind him, coldly saying: "For example..."

"Pretending to be a child without Walton blood, as the heir to Longyan City?"

Nielai’s back froze.

There are more than one person who has this reaction.

a bolt from the blue.

This is the feeling that Teeth has eavesdropped on now.

He opened his mouth in shock and couldn't help but look at the little slick that looked down on his head.



Red witch she...

Miranda noticed the strangeness of Tells and frowned. "What happened to you?"

Tyres also maintained his mouth wide and was shocked.

He widened his eyes and slammed his hand and pressed the bar: "That... activity chin..."

Miranda raised her eyebrows and turned her head.

But for Taylors, the cold words of the Red Witch continue: "He also puts hope on the power of the Star Kingdom, puts the handle in the hands of the comet family, and takes the initiative of the Longyan City inheritance problem. , sent to the Fuxing Palace?"

Nielai’s back did not respond.

But Tyres conjectured that his expression at the moment must be getting more and more ugly.

"Wait for the Star Kingdom, waiting for the Secrets, waiting for the weird boy, turning the Dragon City into their own in Exeter," Kashan's tone was so cold, and she once smiled: "Change What is the singularity of the royal family?"

In the distance, Taylor closed his eyes and covered his face in pain.

"It's okay," Tyres sounded weak, and he looked at his coward with a puzzled look: "My face is numb, and I look at it."

The red witch snorted.

"These things, as the leader of the White Blade Guard, the king's most trusted guard captain, the right arm, Lord Seri Niely," Kasan turned back and looked complicated: "Do you know?"

"Or do you think that it doesn't matter?"

Nielai’s back is still in the same place.

His hand was pressed on the handle and he hadn't moved for a long time.

The comet sighed with a hard breath, and the voice passed into Tyre's ear: "You know."

“The darkroom did collect these things,” the red witch’s eyes whispered. “Isn’t it enough?”

"That is... is the reason for your swearing?" Nie Lai's voice was not coherent, just like there was anything that hindered his trachea.

"This is a pity, but this kind of thing..." Kashan sighed: "If you have a little trust in me, let me help him find a way instead of making a decision, it will be another ending."

Niely did not speak immediately.

If Taylor can see his face, he will find that the eyes of the comet are quiet and the pale face is slowly reddening.

If Melk is here, he will recognize: This is a precursor to the old man's anger.

Since the young Nilailai became a commander twenty years ago, he rarely got angry again.

“Slightly trust?” Nie Lai made a sneer sneer: “Why isn’t your ‘loyal’ loyalty to your majesty?”

When he heard this, Tyres breathed a sigh of relief and shook his head slowly.

Old king...

You... is it the infidelity of the death of the courtier? Still dying from the king's unbelief?

Kasan narrowed his eyes.

"Do you think he doesn't trust you?" The voice of the comet is getting colder and colder: "Do you think that his vigilance and suspicion about you suddenly came overnight?"

The red witch did not speak.

"Twelve years ago," Nie Lai's voice was hard, one word at a time, biting out the words from the teeth with anger: "His Royal Highness, when the couple was assassinated, the lurking assassin..."

Kashan is still silent.

But from the moment that Niely said the "Assassin", her eyes instantly released a different complex color.

Tyres heard this sentence slightly.

The death of Suril?

assassin? The assassin sent by that star?

"That handsome little white face, remember?" Nie Lai slammed: "I stopped him at that time..."

"If it wasn't for your darkroom," Nielai's words shivered a little: "If it weren't for your people who made a stalk, I had already smashed the assassin into pieces!"

Tyres raised an eyebrow.

He understood Nie Lai's words and gasped subconsciously.

The assassin...the assassin sent by the stars.

The assassin is actually...protected by the people in the darkroom?

Kasan bowed slightly, staring at the ground, and fell into a long silence.

Nilai Lai gasped and said: "Yes, I investigated it later, but my Majesty kept me silent."

Taylors noticed that the legs of the comet were shaking slightly.

Only the comet knows it - it's two arrows that haven't been processed yet.

"You know before that, right?" The comet gnawed: "You know the existence of the assassin, you may even know that the stars will send an assassin!"

"Or, is this just a scene arranged by your darkroom?"

"Until the death of His Royal Highness Surrey, is it possible to end?"

Listening to all of this, the face of Thales changed, and his heart was chaotic.

what happened?

It’s the stars that sent the assassin, but the meaning of Nie Lai’s...


Twelve years ago... witnessed in the darkroom, and even acquiesced to the death of Prince Suril?

At that moment, the red witch's eyes moved slightly.

"Now," Nie Lai sneered, and the words were like a knife: "Do you know why you don't trust you?"

"Just by your cheap and fickle so-called 'loyalty'?"

The red witch opened her mouth slightly, but did not make a sound - the old woman who had been answering the question and calming herself, seemed to suddenly get stuck in the blind.

"That thing..." A few seconds later, Ms. Kashan uttered her voice, and the words were filled with deep exhaustion: "It was an accident."

"I am also caught off guard."

Responding to her is Nie Lai’s disdainful snoring.

"Your Majesty does not say anything about this. I don't know what tricks you are playing. Maybe the assassin is undercover in the secret department, maybe not..." The comet is sinister:

"Maybe for the future of Exeter, the interests of the king, and the excuse of going south. Anyway, you always have an excuse, and no one knows whether it is true or false, maybe only the black prophet can distinguish it."

The expression of the red witch has not been moved for a long time.

"But!" The comet's words were cold.

Nie Lai’s voice contained anger, as if it was a torn bellow: “The king and his blood, what are they in your eyes? Can you eliminate it if you don’t agree with the expectations?”

Kasan slowly looked up and his eyes were subtle.

"Do not say this."

Kashan shook his head and said with deep sorrow: "We are not secrets after all."

Tyres changed his face again.

He heard the meaning of Kashan.

[Unexpectedly, you can just remove it...]

[We are not secrets after all...]

These two sentences.

These two sentences... What do you mean?

Tyres stood still in the same place.

Niely did not speak.

The face of the comet returned pale, and the eyes rushed.

"Searching for everything, suspicion of everything, clearing hidden dangers, no mercy," he snorted: "They call you ‘Witches’, it’s really not wrong.”

"Once there is doubt, what you want to get is always a means of seeing no light."

"This is the instinct of your group of people living in the shadows - trust and loyalty are worthless to you," the comet said: "Whether you or the secret - you empire left behind The sore and the pus."

But at this time, the red witch dissipated a light expression.

I saw her smile.

"Very good," he only listened to Kashan gently: "Now, we are starting to talk."

That tone, just like she just grabbed the biggest chip.

Niely trembled slightly.

Hearing here, Taylors frowned.

He began to understand.

"After the tragedy of twelve years ago, in the later years, Nun, he did his best to find a balance between the country and the family, the territory and the blood," the red witch smiled, and her faint tone had an inexplicable mourning: "Now I can be sure."

But Tyres is indeed confused.


Why did Kasan’s words suddenly change?

Nielai’s shoulders began to rise and fall.

"What do you mean?"

Nie Lai’s voice slowly came: “What do you want?”

Taylors breathed and wanted to hear the answer from the Red Witch.

Kashan looked at his expression for three seconds.

Then the red witch showed a smile.

"I am looking for an answer."

"And," she said calmly: "something I don't have."

"For example," the Red Witch walked to Nimule's body without hesitation, and did not care that he might shoot his own danger. The twinkling eyes flashed in his eyes: "You are unconditionally loyal to Nunn."

"And he has no trust in your trust."

From the 7th to the 10th, you have to go out to attend the brother's wedding.

As for the update... Pray that my code is going well.

(End of this chapter)

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