Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 227: killer

Chapter 227 弑君者

Just as Tyres escaped from the gate, in the Palace of the Spirit, in front of the Hall of Heroes, there was a rare confrontation that has been rare since the founding of Exeter.

In the flashing fire, the four princes’ respective guards and the followers of a few special nobles—the other aristocrats of the dinner party were not allowed to carry the entourage—to stand with the left-wing Whiteblade and the court guards, by the North. The unique tacit understanding of the local people stood in a battle, the bow was winding, the sword was unsheathed, and the expression was ugly in front of the hero hall, guarding the nobles in this oval stone hall.

On the other hand, they are strangers who are dominant and unidentified, and they are firmly guarding the corners and corridors.

Their people were dressed in patrol costumes and equipment, and they were almost full of every porch outside the hall. These soldiers are stepping on the historic floor tiles. Many people can't help but look at the surrounding decoration with singular and awe-inspiring eyes. It seems to be the first time to visit, and some people do not adapt to this meaning for the North. Extraordinary palace.

What is even more strange is that the leader of this group of uninvited guests is actually a short-haired female swordsman. Her eyes are light and fearless, and her right hand fingers are constantly moving on the hilt.

Under the brazier, the Ronnie Grandpa of the far-away city took a cold face and anger, and walked out of the dark hero hall. The guards and the followers on both sides let the road open for him, but the warning from the hand was from Not put down.

The long-haired praying city of Dagong retired a follower who was going to wear a cloak for him, and looked coldly at the uninvited guests in front of him, and his eyes turned on their sabre.

"Show it up, it doesn't matter."

Curry Kun Ronnie regained his sharp eyes and said coldly: "We can smell the disgusting feelings on your territory through three layers of stone steps. - Although they belong to the North, your soldiers are exceptionally different."

The first row of "patrol" soldiers exchanged a few eyes, but they seemed to be well-educated, still not saying a word, just coldly glaring at the guards and guards in the defensive hero hall.

"Where is the Fire Knight?" Ronnie's grandfather snorted and didn't look at the leading female leader: "Whatever you have to do - besieging the Palace of the Spirit, murdering the Grand Duke, not letting a soft girl Let’s lead the soldiers?”

The short-haired female swordsman has a cold face.

Her right hand no longer bounces, but clenches the hilt and provocatively moves forward.

"Be careful, Lord Dagong," she said in a bad tone, her eyes filled with contempt and contempt: "Your little life is in the hands of this soft girl."

"Little girl," Ronnie said, shaking his head in disdain. "Go home and weave, the sword is heavy."


The swordsman’s weapon suddenly came out of the sheath.

Like the flock of birds that have been alarmed by bowstrings, the guards around Dagong, whether they are the White Blade Guards or the Palace Guards, or the entourages of Qiyuan City, are nervously rushing!

But they stopped their lives: Ronnie raised his right palm and held them firmly on his side.

The female swordsman looked at the grandfather of the city of Qiyuan, and her swordsman stopped in front of the throat of Ronnie.

Dagong did not move from the eyes to the body, but looked at her without shrinking, as if it was not a sword in front of the throat.

"It's fine," Ronnie said coldly. "Look at our little cute, is it really the skill of taking the sword."

The cold flash of his eyes flashed: "And killing - killing a gigantic courage."

The female swordsman’s eyes were cold, and Jianfeng did not hesitate to move forward and touch the skin.

Ronnie’s pupils shrank.

His neck was cold and he had shed blood.

Behind Dagong, the inhalation sounds of the followers are clearly audible.

But Ronnie’s fortitude still has no expression on her face.

At this time, a thick and low male voice came from the "patrol".

"Polite, Crowe," a vicissitude face, a calm-looking middle-aged aristocrat slowly out of the crowd: "We are not coming for the battle."

He was followed by two nobles, one dressed in a plate, his face was old-fashioned, one tall and thin, his eyes sharp.

The female swordsman - Croy Ash snorted, and then he stepped back and took the sword back.

Ronnie slowly lowered his head and reached out to put his hand on his neck. He looked at the blood in his hand and looked subtle.

The soldiers of the "patrol" opened the way for newcomers.

"You don't have to be so nervous, you," the tall, thin young aristocrat smiled politely and politely said to the guards: "We are not enemies, we should not face each other."

Ronnie put down his hand, his eyes turned around in the new three, and he snorted without giving face.

"Sure enough, the surprise will never be late," said Ronnie's face, getting colder and colder, staring at the middle-aged aristocrat:

"Chaman Rumba."

His followers frowned.

The Lombard Grand Duke nodded slightly.

The eyes of the two big men met in the air. One side was frosty and the other side was flat.

The next second, Ronnie's gaze moved back to the female swordsman.

"Hey, Croy, is that?" Ronnie’s words turned, his eyebrows twitched interestingly, and his eyes looked different: "Your sword is steady."

He looked at Croce's long sword and felt the pain in his neck. He nodded with approval: "It's very kind."

But Crocey just stared at him coldly and didn't speak.

Ronnie’s grandmother was moving.

"My wife has been dead for a year."

"The Ronnie family and the praying city are all lacking a Grand Duke's wife," said Ronnie, who released his unconstrained gaze, looking at Croweech from head to toe, and then solemnly said: "Are you interested?"

Rumba looked at their interaction and frowned slightly.

Crowey also narrowed his eyes.

"Go and find an obedient female worker who will only weave, Grand Duke," she took the long sword back to the scabbard, and the words were indifferent and fierce: "Save me on the wedding night..."

Crocey unscrupulously bowed to the majesty of the Grand Duke: "Take off your two balls."

Ronnie's grandfather laughed happily and looked at Crowe's eyes more and more subtle.

"Boldly dig my subordinates," the ambassador of Lombard said, "I am afraid it is not appropriate?"

Danny Ron turned to Rumba, the face of fortitude, the original smile became indifferent: "I will not be hurt if asked."

Rumba picked an eyebrow.

The tall aristocrats around him, the Viscounts of Camby, whispered a few words behind Dagong’s ears.

"Why, if I don't marry this sword," Ronnie took his long hair behind his neck and said coldly: "Are you never ready to appear?"

"Of course not," Lombard did not change. "Just want to wait for people."

At this time, another voice was inserted into the conversation under the sword.

“Do not bother,” the voice of a sleek old man cleverly appeared in the gap between the two: “We are waiting for your visit.”

Behind Ronnie's Grand Duke came out of a man with a pot-head-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

“When was the last time we met, Chaman?” Tluedida smiled and said: “Twelve years ago?”

Rumba looked at the neighboring re-built tower in the south of Exeter, next to the black sand collar, with jealousy and deep thought in his eyes.

"Five years ago," he said faintly: "When the stars and the orcs opened up, we had an emergency meeting of the three southern Grand Dukes."

"Oh? Is it?" Tlueda took a shot of his own pot and said: "Also, there will be no interest, this is you."

He smiled.

"I don't care about the king's invitation, but when the king disappeared, the Longyan City was in a chaotic moment, only thousands of people were forced into the Yingling Palace - the black sand grand prince?" The prominent chin of the Grand Duchy of Tlueda was slightly moved. He looked at the soldiers around Rumba and asked deeply, deeply.

"That's why I came here to find you." Rumba said: "We are facing extraordinary events, which are of vital interest to all of you."

Ronnie's grandmother turned his head and sneered with disdain.

"An unusual state of affairs?" Another thick voice entered the conversation of the three: "What do you mean?"

The appearance of the rough, the classic Rabbi Ole Xiu also appeared in the door of the hero hall, this Weilan collar Dagong's beard is very impressive, impressive.

At this moment, he looked at Lombard coldly, his eyes full of doubts and warnings.

Rumba’s eyes swept through the three grand princes.

"The king died last night," Chaman Lenba said faintly, as if to tell a little thing: "We need to talk about the future of Exeter."

This statement, whether it is the black sand collar side, or the Yingling Palace side, has a lot of commotion.

Viscount Canbida and Croy's dissatisfiedly pressed his subordinates.

But Lombard's eyebrows are secretly tight.

Because he clearly saw that the three big men in front of him were still as steady as they were, and they were not shocked.

As if I already knew everything.


It seems to be more difficult than imagined.

Lombard secretly said.

But what about that?

But another hurdle to cross.

But another noon.


Finally, an old voice sounded after the three big public servants, the oldest servant of the city, the bald Rogers Lecco coughed, and slowly stepped out: "That is really unfortunate."

"I think, about the death of the king," the old man sighed. "You, Chaman, who suddenly appeared here, have some important news to tell us?"

"As you said, Rogers," said the black sand man, "I will tell you something."

Lakoy Dagong laughed and looked at the floor tiles of the Yingling Palace. He said: "So let's say... in the hero hall?"

He raised his eyebrows slightly and turned his side to let out the door of the stone hall, revealing the sparkling light of the brazier: "Only five of us are enough."

"You don't need so many small pawns."

As soon as this statement came out, the three great men on the side of the Yingling Palace looked at Lombard and looked different.

But there are deep suspicions and warnings.

This is Exeter.

Rumba sighed in the bottom of his heart and snorted.

My Exeter.

His eyes are gradually focusing.

With the four-bit high weight, and the eyes of his grandfather, Eckert, he reached out and held down the count of Earl Lewan and Viscount Canbida.

"Of course," he glanced at, sweeping through the four colleagues and sweeping into a semi-circular formation, firmly guarding the White-blade Guard and the court guard at the door of the Hero Hall, nodding his head: "This is the only thing in our five." Spread between people."

Crowey cast a look at the eyes of Rumba, but the Grandpa of Lombard just reached out and made a gesture of pressing down.

In the next second, Chaman Rumba stepped forward without hesitation, and in the eyes of countless people, left the black sand to lead the soldiers.

He walked through countless slashing cold blades and headed for the Stone Gate in the Hall of Heroes.

He walked into the impenetrable battle of the soldiers of the Yingling Palace and left them to face each other.

He walked through the forefront of Ronnie and gained the latter's amazed and admired look.

He walked past Grand Duke Aureli, and the big man with a beard frowned and his thoughts were unknown.

He walked through Tluedida and Lecco, and the two exchanged a look, showing anxiety and embarrassment.

On the cloak of the Dasha Dagong, the iron fist pattern representing the Lombard family is faintly visible.

Until he completely entered the darkness of the hero hall, the four great men returned to their hearts and exchanged their eyes.

Kambida and Earl Lewan glared at them, and Crowey even knocked on the hilt of his hand, and the threat was self-evident.

"What do you say?" Tlueda turned his eyes.

Both Olsiu and Lecco frowned and didn't speak.

"No," Ronnie looked into the dark hall and said coldly: "Look at what he said."

Chaman Rumba stood quietly in the hero hall, standing next to the brown-black rectangular table, and the large fire basin on the six iron frames, his face was faint and dark, and the momentum was uncertain.

He knew that just last night, the young Grand Duke of Conake Pfeiffer was in front of him two steps, and was broken by Nun Wang.

But at this moment, Lombard, just looking at the front quietly, looking at the main seat of the innermost table.

He remembers that in the countless years of the first half of his life, his father and mother have brought themselves and Harold to come here many times, bowing to the Lord.

Nun Walton VII was sitting there, in the Lord's position, giving orders to the Exeter nationals from the Grand Duke to the official residence, from the nobility to the civilians.

Together with the king, I sit here to control the entire northern land - no, it is more than half of the northern land, the northern boundary of the stars is still not in the hands of Exeter.

His eyes turned around the stone hall, and he stayed on the dragon gun flag in the clouds everywhere.

On the innermost ledge, the gun rack that should have been placed on the scorpion gun is empty.

Just like the once-in-a-lifetime Walton, it is like a cloud gun in the north.

Dragon gun in the clouds.

At that moment, Rumba wanted to laugh.

"Okay," Ole's voice was unceremoniously passed from behind: "We will not ask you to sit down."

"Say it." The beard was cold and cold.

Rumba closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Then blink slowly.

"Star Kingdom," Chaman Rumba slowly turned around, facing the four grand princes, his eyes sharp: "The prince of the stars, and their secrets, deliberately planned an intention to Exeter Conspiracy."

Ronnie Dagong slightly frowned.

"They even used the scourge," Lombard said faintly. "Unfortunately, King Noon died in a conspiracy."

Lecco and Tluedida look at each other and seem to have a deep meaning.

Rumba stepped forward and clenched his fists.

"The kingdom of the dragon is facing an unprecedented difficulty," the black sand screams, with an indescribable meaning in his voice: "It's time, let us unite."

The voice of Lombard fell.

The four grand prix faces each other.

No one speaks.

No one is moving.

No one reacted.

It was not until a few seconds later that the four great men laughed at each other.

The chuckle evolved into a big laugh.

The laughter turned into a sneer.

The sneer continued for almost a minute.

Looking at the sneer of the big men, the Grandpa of Lombard could not help but frown.

Ole's smile has a deep chill, and Tluedida's smile has a deep and interesting meaning. Lecco smiles very reluctantly, maybe he doesn't want to laugh at all.

Only Ronnie’s laughter, the biggest, the longest, and the coldest, came from the shoulders of the Knights of the Knights of the City.

Rumba's face also cooled down.

Finally, Dagong’s laughter was put away.

In the next second, Ronnie's grandfather stepped forward and looked at him without looking back.

I saw Curry Kun Ronnie, using his unique heroic voice, cold and cold, unceremonious:

"Go home and **** yourself, Chaman Rumba."

He snorted, a pair of eyes with disdain and contempt, as if there were thousands of years of ice:


Well, I have seen that Xuan An also rewarded 10,000 starting points yesterday, okay...

First owe a chapter, accounting.

(End of this chapter)

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