Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 230: The strongest piece (middle)

Chapter 230 The Strongest Pieces (Middle)

Putilit didn't speak, just silently bowed.

Veteran Gernard sighed and watched the eyes of Tyres slowly change.

"As for the North, as for Exeter, they will live under Lombard's lies and will, and even one day will be the king of this monarch." Tyres turned his head.

Nie Lai snorted.

"Walton has never recovered," the prince glanced at Nimule and Melk, and sneered: "It feels bad, isn't it."

Putilai spit out a sigh of relief and his eyebrows tangled.

"As for, escape?"

Taylors continued, his voice was a bit hollow: "Leave a mess like this, where can we escape?"

The prince turned his head and scanned everyone around.

"In the future, I will die in the war-torn city of Yongxing," said Tyres firmly. "Now, I died in the city of Longyan, where the conspiracy is everywhere."

“Is there a difference?” he asked loudly.

No one is talking.

Until a loud and powerful male voice broke the silence.

"Of course!"

Everyone was surprised to go back.

The young alert officer, Cohen Karabyan, came to the back hall with a heavy step, and the subtle Miranda and Raphael followed him.

I saw the tall and strong police officer screaming: "Choose the latter, at least all of us can die like a man with a belt..."

Miranda glanced at Cohen coldly.

Raphael licked his mouth and coughed just right.

Cohen’s face was so stiff that he quickly added a sentence:

"...and women."

The crowd had no time to think about the wonders of this sentence, and Teres smiled.

"Thank you for your support," the second prince nodded and said kindly: "Mr. Karabyan."

Cohen heard the approval of the prince, and his eyes immediately smiled into a crescent shape: "Call me Cohen, Your Royal Highness!"

Miranda snorted.

“Yes,” said Tyres, “Herra Comet once said.”

"Since I can't go back," he looked around the audience, his eyes sweeping everyone: "Why don't you go all out?"

Putility held his hands and his eyes were sad.

Cohen looked excited and eager to try.

Raphael’s face was light, but his eyes were agglutinating and his fingers were constantly moving.

But the eyes of Taylors have been transferred to the people of the North.

"What do you say, Nie Lai?" He said steadily.

Niely frowned and stared at the prince.

"This is impossible," the comet shook his head and denied: "You? Now you, now, we are a little bit better than Lombard..."

But Taylors interrupted him again.

"Remember your White Blade Guard? Commander Nie Lai?" The second prince looked at him firmly.

Niely's face was ugly and his eyes were stagnation.

"You may not remember," Tyres snorted, his eyes dignified: "But I remember."

Niely clenched his fist.

Behind him, Melk clasped his shoulder and shook his head slightly.

I only listened to Taylor’s long sigh, biting his teeth, recalling, and hating: “I remember those soldiers.”

"I remember that they were in front of the squirting blade with a fleshy body."

"I remember they holding hands and blocking the deadly arrows for us."

"I remember they took the last breath and lifted the knife against the enemy."

Nie's face is getting colder and colder.

Almost everyone frowned.

"That is the dragon's guard, the last back of many of them," Taylors raised his head violently and asked for a long voice: "Do you remember? Commander?"


Nie Laiyi punched and squatted on the wall beside him.

"I personally trained them, remembering each of their names, faces, and hands..." The comet gnawed his teeth, his eyes were like fire, and his anger was utterly arrogant: "You **** less here to teach me, comet's little nephew... ”

"My **** is teaching you!"

Tyres seemed to be angry too, and he did not back down, stepping forward unceremoniously, yelling at Nicholas: "Sirry Niely, and the **** coward, the comet - **** This title is really ugly!"

Nie Lai’s eyes fired, his face turned red, and his fists were going to go forward.

Wyah and Rolf subconsciously protected the prince, and Cohen and Miranda put their hands on the hilt.

However, Melk on the side of the comet stretched out his arms in time, his muscles were arrogant, and he held the angry Nikola and held it down: "Listen to him!"

Speaking of the unfamiliar swearing, Tyres gasped and gnawed his teeth:

"And you give me a careful listening."

"I won't escape, I will go back and return to the place where we were beaten by Lombard and saved our lives."

The prince looked at everyone in front of him, from Putila to Wyatt, from Miranda Raffaello, from Myrk to the little slicker, looking at their expressions, Shen Sheng:

"We are going to avenge the Whiteblade Guard and find justice and truth for them."

"We are going to prove their sacrifice, and their contribution is not meaningless."

"We are going to ruin the plots and plans of Lombard's heart, no matter what it is."

"We are going to... save this city that has been bleeding too much."

Tyres finished speaking and patted his chest.

Niely gritted his teeth and sneered: "This is suicide."

"Just choose a better way to die."

Taylors looked up again.

"Yes, our group of stars is going to commit suicide." He said coldly.

"Northlanders," the second prince pushed open Wyah and walked to Nilailai, staring at the comet as a sword:

"You are coming or not?"

The air seems to have solidified.

Nie Lai stared at the second prince of the stars.

The faces of the White Blades alternated in front of his eyes.

There is that guy.


There is him.

Nielai’s body began to tremble uncontrollably, and the power of the rushing force surged in his body.

When Melk's face changed, his hands clasped on Niele's shoulders were getting more and more powerful.

Everyone is watching this scene nervously.

After a while.

Niely slammed his arm and broke away from Myrk's restraint.


He struggled and looked at him with a sigh of relief.

The comet looks behind the tales - the little slick that looks nervous.

Taylors narrowed his eyes.

"The Walton family's orphans are here," Niely turned his head, his brows twitching, his face twisted, and he looked at Melk, seemingly explaining something, "I can't, I can't risk her." The danger of damage..."

He bit his teeth and tried to convince himself in his struggle.

Angry but unwilling.

"But I want to help him." A little female voice passed to everyone's ears.

Nilailai froze.

"What?" He lowered his head in disbelief and looked at the little girl.

The little slicker seemed to be a little scared, but she still resisted fear and leaned over to Tells.

The prince gave her an encouraging and grateful look.

thank you.


The little slipper shook slightly and she swallowed.

"I said, I want to help Tells," the girl said, some of the throughput, and some lack of confidence, "I don't, I don't want to run away."

Facing the strange eyes of all, she still strongly said: "We, we are northern people, aren't we?"

Niely and Melkzi are at a glance.

"The sons of Walton have never escaped the battle." The girl closed her eyes and seemed to be able to recover some courage. Her glasses slipped onto the bridge of the nose: "Before the army was over, the king of anger, Solon Wall Dunton had a day and night with axe."

"In the end, he roared and looked at the night wing king twisting his head - even if he failed, he would witness his death."

The little slicker blinked twitching, forcing himself to look at Nilailai, who looked like a knife, and said:

"We can't escape, I don't want to escape."

When I heard this, Melk suddenly laughed softly.

"You are a real Walton," I saw that the former king’s former official was bruised and did not know what he thought: "This... Miss."

The little slicker remembered Alex, and he shrank a little and retreated to the back of Tyres. He didn't dare to look at Milk's eyes again.

"The choice of His Majesty is not wrong." Melk snorted and laughed.

"How do you say, old friend?"

Nie's face gradually came to the fore.

He spit out a sigh of relief.

A few seconds later, the comet also laughed.

The laughter is bleak.

"Fucking," Nie Lai glanced at Tyres and then to Melk: "Don't you all write on your face?"

Myrk nodded and looked blank: "I will let the boys prepare."

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, what about your plan?" Nie Lai sinfully said: "In advance, I refused to have a wild boar charge, the Royal Highness of the Stars."

Taylors narrowed his eyes: "You will be satisfied - maybe."

"We are probably crazy." The comet snorted and dismissed the truth: "I heard the words of two children - go to die?"

Puttier sighed deeply and took a step at this time.

His steady voice sounded: "How does Lord Hansen say?"

Putilit looks at Rafael, who has been silent. "Do you agree with the Secret? This is not a simple decision - it is about the future of the kingdom. It is best to have the support and plans of the Secret."

Raphael instantly caught the attention of everyone.

Or, in the bottom of my heart, Thales said: It is the black prophet that attracts everyone's attention.

The young man who saw the secret department frowned slightly.

"With Lord Lord, I can't communicate for a while," Raphael said faintly, not paying attention to the various gaze projected on him: "So at this moment..."

His eyes focused: "I am the will of the Secret."

Puttier put his hand into his arms, took out his favorite pipe, and absently loaded with tobacco: "What do you mean?"

Rafael glanced at Miranda, who only held the sword tightly, licking his lips and saying nothing.

This reminded him of the little girl twelve years ago.

At that time, she also licked her lips and squatted in the corner.

He is in the heap of dead people.

Raphael chuckled in his heart.

The young man in the secret department turned his head and his eyes were decisive and firm.

"Since it is the prince's resolution," he is still a cynical relaxed look, but the words are very formal: "The secret will of course support and provide all the help."

Tyres nodded toward Rafael.

"And he is not completely uncertain." Raphael glanced at Tells.

"But it," Putilai bowed his head, lit the pipe, and tiredly said: "He is a comet after all."

Tyres sighed: "Lord Putier Niemann."

"Go and do it," Ptelle looked up a lot when she looked up again. I saw him vomiting a smog: "If this is your will."

"I will do my best!"

Well, because of the length of the article, I changed the name of the chapter. The original 41 chapter was renamed "Looking for trouble", and the 42-to-44 chapter was the "strongest piece".

(End of this chapter)

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