Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 232: Rumba's plan

Chapter 232 Lombard's plan

Three seconds, no one spoke.


"Don't let go of the nonsense," Nielylai overturned his head intentionally or unintentionally, revealing the handle behind him, showing fierce light in his eyes, and his words were cold and frosty: "Or, do you like to make jokes?"

Cohen narrowed his eyes.

Even the little slipper shook his head.

Tyres raised his eyebrows and smiled awkwardly: "But I am serious..."

He looked at the eyes of everyone who was not good and confused, and his heart snorted.

The prince finally had to shake his head: "Well, let's go to the topic..."

"From the assassination of King Nunn, I have collected a lot of information in the flight," Taylors sighed. "There are a lot of details about Rumba's plan."

Putila and Raphael looked at each other and secretly surprised.

Miranda frowned slightly: "In the runaway, collect intelligence?"

Tyres shrugged: "You can't just run wild and flee."

Nie Lai's eyes gather together: "What?"

"For example, the real purpose of Rumba," Taylor's breathing slowly slowed down: "Whether the army that you didn't need to bring, or his own appearance, it has far exceeded the need to 'reverse Nun for self-protection'. The scope of it."

"We said this in the cell," Miranda said keenly: "Do you have an answer?"

In everyone's sight, Tyres bowed slightly.

He recalled the oppressive conversation in the carriage.

"When King Nunn died, I fell in the hands of Lombard. He said a word to me," the second prince was ecstatic, and restored the scene in the brain: "The sentence has been bothering me. Until just now."

Raphael unconsciously leaned forward and narrowed his eyes.

"The original words of Chaman Rumba are," said Tyres, who was a scorpion and learned the swearing voice:

"‘Go to save this country.’"

Everyone was stunned except for the small slippery head.

It was a few seconds of silence.

"What?" This is a speculative Putility.

Rafael and Miranda bowed their heads and meditated.

"Hey," Niely shook his head and exchanged his eyes with Melk: "The self-defense of the shameless, the rumors of the monarch."

But Taylor shook his head solemnly.

"No, I can feel it," the prince exhaled, his eyes dignified: "He is serious: Rumba does think that what he is doing is saving Exeter."

The face of the comet slowly solidified.

Cohen scratched his head: "Maybe, should we stop this guessing game, go straight and say something I understand?"

"There is a problem with this sentence," Putile took a sip of smoke, and there was a rush in his eyes: "What needs to be saved in this country?"

"Maybe referring to the overthrow of King Nunn?" Miranda raised his arms and thought carefully: "As far as I know, the rule of Nuen VII in the past 30 years has made the Grand Dukes respectful and fearful."

"For Rumba, the death of Nunn is a new birth of the country. Can they finally get rid of the oppression of Walton and Longyan?"

Myrk sighed.

But the prince still shook his head.

Thales took a breath and silently said: "The biggest reason for the Rumba to pull down the Nunn King is that he is afraid of the revenge of King Nunn on the black sand collar for self-protection."

"But this problem has been solved," Taylors raised his head and combined every element in his mind: "The king of Nunn is dead and will not climb out of the prison river to find him."

Rafael said nothing, but suddenly smiled.

"According to Lombard's original sentence," the youngster of the Peruvian family showed his gaze: "He is about to go to save the country. At this time, King Nunn is dead, in chronological order, not right."

Tyres nodded unexpectedly.

"Unless Rumba hasn't been in grammar classes, even the present and future tenses are unclear." Taylors said lightly.

"Otherwise, he said to save the country..."

Taylors looked up and his eyes were extremely dignified: "It is definitely not just to overthrow the King of Nunn, or even to get rid of the oppression of the Dragon City, not just to change the king."

"He wants more."

"He wants an unprecedented change."

“I want to “save this country most thoroughly”.”

Everyone is silent.

"I bet," Tyres breathed a sigh of relief, serious and serious: "This is why Lombard wants to bring the army to Longyan City, which is why he wants to go to the Yingling Palace at this moment - it is also the key to our counterattack."

"When you take the army to the Palace of the Spirit, you can save the country?" Cohen wondered: "What is he going to do? Will the dragons go up to Dagong and go down to the count's nobles?"

Putilai sneered.

"In the first half of my life, I learned a thing," said Mr. Deputy, who spit out a smog. He said: "Violence is the means of solving all problems, the shortest time, the simplest method, and the lowest utility. - Best as a last resort."

Tyres sighed and all the clues became clearer in his mind.

"In that impressive journey, I heard another detail."

Everyone’s eyes were once again attracted to the prince.

"The Shadow Shield tells Lombard," said Tyles silently: "Sarrie used to spend a long time searching for the king when he stabbed King Nunn."

Puttila looked up!

It seems like something.

Raphael also opened his mouth in surprise.

Taylors bowed his head:

Thanks to Kaslan...

Thank you for giving me the hiding place...


Otherwise, I probably won't see the scene where Rumba and Shadow Shield meet.

He thought silently.

Huaiya's eyebrows pick: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's very inappropriate," Putile's eyebrows are tightly locked, and the tone is tense: "Arrange an assassination, but you can't determine the position of the target and the time of the assassination..."

This thin man's eyes are clear: "This is one of the most deadly and unforgivable mistakes for a assassination that requires prior planning and preparation."

"That means... Shadow Shield and Sariton's assassination, there were accidents that they had not expected."

"Oh," Cohen slammed his head and raised his thumb. He said sincerely: "It seems that Uncle has a lot of experience."

At that moment, Putilit’s eyes glanced.

Taylor took a deep breath and looked up.

"The knives are leaping from the cliffs of the sky and assassinating the king," the prince said solemnly. "He had been hiding on the cliffs of the sky before."

Even Eichda and Black Sword did not find him.

Tyres squeezed his fists and thought while finishing.

"How did he get up?" Niely suspected: "Even at night, it is impossible for Surito to climb the cliff of the sky without being noticed."

Tyres shook his head.

"It does not matter."

"The important thing is," said the second prince's pupil: "There is only one place where the cliffs of the sky are connected."

Lord Milk, who had been a king for many years, trembled and said the answer: "The Palace of the Spirit."

No one speaks, everyone knows what it means.

"That is," Taylors nodded lightly: "Bananet Sariton intended to enter the Palace of the Spirit from the cliffs of the sky and assassinate King Nunn."

"The Palace of the Spirit is the land of the king of Nunn in their original plan."

Raphael showed a strange smile and looked at the prince quietly.

Tyres thought thoughtfully: "After Nunn was assassinated, Rumba appeared unreasonably with the army, and even destroyed our mouth - but he should not make such unintelligible suspicions."


Tyres punched into the palm of his hand and beamed his eyes.

"Now I understand, Rumba and the army will be there," he exhaled. "It was because of the accident that the assassination plan was made: King Nunn should not die in the shield, but should die in the Palace of the Spirit - just like the dragon blood. The same accidents appear in the plan."

Raphael sneered in silence.

"Sariton couldn't find the king in the Palace of the Spirit, so Rumba had to risk sending troops into the shield and anxiously searching for the traces of King Nunn," Tyres squeezed his fist: "And confirming Sariton After the assassination succeeded, his first thought was to kill the witnesses to destroy the mouth."

Nie Lai's face was blue and his eyes were full of pain.

"Nun, His Majesty," the comet said bitterly: "When he was crusading, he should have been safely in the Palace of the Spirit, but he chose to go with the Whiteblade and go outside the palace."

"He said he believes that the place where the White Blade Guard is located is the safest place in the world."

Myrk lowered his head and hoarse voice: "We have all failed our duties."

Thales glanced at him: "Choose the palace, although it is inevitable that the tragedy of the assassination, but this may be the most wise decision before the old king's death."

"Leaving us a chance."

The alert officer raised his hand.

"What does this mean?" Cohen waved his hand and wondered: "Lombard doesn't want people outside the palace to know that Nunn is dead?"

Miranda looked up and his eyes were cold.

"If King Nunn died in the Palace of the Spirit in accordance with the original plan of Rumba," the female swordsman asked coldly: "What will happen to that situation?"

Puttier shook his head: "It’s not what the situation will be..."

Tyres sighed, and there were several different figures with high weights in his mind, and he took the words of the deputy: "It was the four friendly and friendly old friends who were in the same spirit palace..."

"What are they going to do."

Thales raised his eyes and looked at everyone.

"Get off," he said.

"Where to go?" Nie Lai narrowed his eyes.

Tyres smiled.

"To verify my final guess," the prince whispered: "Find the weakness of Rumba."


At the same time, in the heroic hall of the Yingling Palace, the five Dagong’s conversations became more and more tense.

"About the unfortunateness of His Majesty..."

Chaman Rumba looked coldly at the four grand princes in front of him: "It seems that you have something to say?"

Ronnie of the city of Qiyuan snorted:

"Don't be your fools."

Just listen to Ronnie's grandfather coldly: "We are not the aristocratic background board in the knight's novels that will only set off the protagonist and give her daughter a white exercise."

Rumba narrowed his eyes.

"Being the biggest enemy of His Majesty, Chaman," Oleshius, who had a beard, lifted his chin and held his arms tightly. His face was serious: "You know more about his death than a few of us. This is really not." Simple."

The black sand gong snorted.

"And not too late, just after the assassination of his majesty?" Grandfather Trudeda smothered half of his face in the shadow of the brazier, feeling his beard, yin and yang grotesquely: "It seems black sand collar Marco is really fast, I am catching up with the dragon. How about selling me?"

The Grandpa of Lombard slightly tilted his mouth.

"I thought," Laogong’s heavy Lacco shook his head, making his bald head more conspicuous. Occasionally, a pair of scorpions showed a good mans: "If you just want to come and talk to us... you are outside the door. 'Following', it’s too much to bring it?”

"And... how did you pass the first gate? How did the soldiers release you like this?"

Chaman Rumba looked up and glanced at the dragon stone in the cloud above his head.

His hand held the old sword at the waist.

The next second, he nodded slowly.

But on the face of Rumba's unsmiling, his eyes are getting colder and colder.

"I don't know if you started to play the stage drama," said the black sand man, slamming his head and looking around for four people:

"One person, one line?"


Ronnie’s grandfather punched a long square table and his eyes were cold.

"Let's save nonsense," prayed the city's grand lord: "Your brain that has been blown by the winds of the south for forty years, what is thinking!"

"Killing the king, destroying the biggest rules and tacit understandings of our six hundred years?"

"Do you think you can escape?"

The grandfather looked at Lombard coldly and did not answer.

And Rumba frowned, facing Ronnie's question.

After a few seconds.

"I thought you would be very happy," Lombard said softly, his voice hoarse: "After all, he is dead, you can finally get rid of that tyrant."

"Get rid of his official residence."

"Get rid of his unreasonable demands."

"Get rid of his growing greed desire."

"Get rid of his growing power."

"Get rid of his ignorance of your own territory."

Chaman Rumba glanced coldly at the Grand Dukes: "Isn't it?"

At that moment, the eyes of the four big men flashed different colors.

Quiet for a moment in the field.

Weilan led the Grand Duke and Rebion Orshou came forward.

The voice of Hu Dagong’s mouth curled up and he only listened to his cold voice: “But this game is not so playable.”

"You can't smash the board because of the shortcomings of the moment."

His eyes glanced: "You act like a desperate gambler, which makes us nervous."

Rumba snorted and seemed to have disdain.


He reached out to the palm of his hand and patted his chest. He said: "Let me ask myself, my grandfathers."

"In the past three decades, in the past sixty years, in the past 90 years," Lombard looked like ice, and the words were like swords. "Is it me, or the names of Waltons. The king who is urging you to suffocate, will make you nervous?"

The big men didn't talk, and years of experience have already made them accustomed to the mood of anger - not everyone is as young as Pefitel.

Rumba took a step and walked towards the direction of the square table.

"Of course, Nunn, and Walton will play this game very much. He manages his board in perfect order." He only listened to Rumba’s voice: "The throne is already in Long Yucheng." It’s almost a hundred years!”

Black Sand Dagong waved his hand and pointed to the position of King Nunn. His eyes were cold: "Isn't it strange?"

Oller made a loud snoring.

"This has nothing to do with us," said Weilan, who led the grandfather to him and confronted Lumbard without hesitation. "But you did break the co-administration vows - your majesty is still your co-wife." ”


Rumba stepped forward!

His forehead was almost on the forehead of Orsius.

But Oller did not back down, his eyes were fierce.

The atmosphere between the two dagongs is getting more and more tense.

"Then you should know," said Rumba, who opened his eyes. He bit his head and listened to it. It sounded particularly embarrassing: "If he is still alive, after two months, my head will be in the box. For you to visit."

"How do you know that the head in the next box will not be one of you?"

"Don't talk nonsense again," the oldest Leko, who raised his head in a rare way, was very serious: "Trying to convince us that the prince of the stars killed the king is not a good idea to shift focus."

"Northlanders have their own way to the North," said Ronnie, who received his words, and said: "Follow it."

Rumba’s eyes narrowed and seemed to be quite dissatisfied.

Grand Duke Luda slammed the palm of his hand.

"I don't think he wants to follow the way of the North," I saw this re-constructed tower, known as the swindler, yelling at the head: "The bunch of hoes outside the gate."

Ronnie’s grandfather snorted: "Why, are you still going to annihilate us all here?"

Lord Lombard looked at the four grand princes and his face became colder and colder.

He clenched his fist.

But the four big men in front of me didn't mean to retreat, or sit or stand, staring coldly at Lombard, without compromise.

After a while.

Rumba loosened his fist, sank his chest, and exhaled slowly.

"I am not coming to threaten you." Black Sand Dagong solemnly said: "It is not going to be bad for you."

Leko’s grandmother squinted and seemed to be thinking.

Rumba jerked his head up: "I am here today for Exeter."

Oleux Duke and Ronnie Duke looked at each other and sneered at the same time.

"Get it," Ronnie shook his head. "What do you want to say about the conditions?"

"For the future of Exeter," he only listened to Rumba solemnly: "I have an important proposal to present to you."

Dasha Dagong raised his head, his face was cold, but his eyes were burning like a flame.

The flame in the ice.

"Dragonfly City has no recent direct heirs," he said faintly: "I think that whether it is the selfish Walton family, or this big public that has dragged Exeter for more than 600 years... ”

"It should not continue to exist."

Tluedida is full of doubts.

Lecco’s face changed.

Oller repaired his lips and his eyes were slightly surprised.

Ronnie’s smile was on her face.

But Lombard’s words are still going on.

"The western territory of Longyan City can belong to the city of Qiyuan," he said, faintly, as if talking about the little things of the winter hunting in the previous year:

"The north may wish to **** the city."

"The rest," Rumba narrowed his eyes and looked at Olsiu and Tluedida: "They will hand over to Willan and rebuild the tower."

Dagong closed his mouth and waited quietly for a response.

No one is talking.

It seems that the air has solidified.

Until the incredible voice of Leko’s Grand Duke, trembled:

"what did you say?"

Rumba turned to him.

"You heard what I said," Rumba blinked, only to listen to him: "Let us manage this land..."

"Take the Dragon City..."

"Become our new territory."

In this chapter, many of the details that Teres said were mentioned intermittently in the dozens of chapters he fled and captured. The readers who missed it may wish to look back.

In addition, I saw 10,000 rewards...

Then, bookkeeping (dying)...

By the tired sword

(End of this chapter)

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