Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 249: I am very honored

Chapter 249 I am honored

Yingling Palace, the western side corridor.

"Damn, I just almost got rid of you!"

Wyatt breathlessly pulled his single-edged sword out of the body of the last enemy and patted the left side wound that seemed to be splitting. "How is this strange grouping arranged?"

The body was turned open, and Cohen Karabyan climbed out from below, his scalp numbly watching Wyah's sword pull out of his ear and rolled his eyes.

"I am sorry, I am not as strong as Miranda, nor Raphael, nor can I fight with the White Blade Guards who have been through battles." The police officer said in a perfunctory manner: "So you need to help... Wyah. Cassault attendant officer!"

Just now, Cohen and Wyah got out of the elite interception of several black sands.

"Well, maybe I should be thankful," the attendant took a deep breath and said: "At least not with the dumb - the guy is very sensitive, I stared at his throat for more than a second, he will notice That look, as if I was the culprit who crushed his throat..."

Cohen stopped and looked at Wyatt with a look.

Wye took a second and shrugged her shoulders: "I am sorry, forgetting that you are the Lord."

"Thank you for your understanding." Cohen did not answer with a good spirit.

Wyah looked at the three bodies in front of her eyes and licked her shoulders and sighed: "The Lord is guessing right, they sent out the elite of the small stocks, scattered search - if the prince is still with us. Now, I’ve probably exposed my whereabouts, and then I’m struggling with endless harassment.”

"Come on," Cohen gasped and listened to the looming fighting in the east. "This is a good luck. Their reinforcements received a signal, but they were misled by the other side. I don't know if it is the White Blade Guard. Our people."

They walked forward for about a few tens of seconds and came to a pass.

"Would you like to continue?" Wye pointed in one direction and frowned. "We have already..."

Cohen followed the pace of Wyatt and did not hesitate to surpass him: "You can only move on, we have to pull space for the princes."

Wye looked at Cohen and suddenly laughed, then quickly followed.

In the heavy atmosphere, the police officer turned his eyes on the latter's single-edged sword and frowned: "You are a student of Shatil's teacher, but with a sword, it is like a person on the side of Shao."

Wyatt nodded and her brows wrinkled.

"I know - the teacher told me that my end of the power is very special, and even my swordsmanship has been affected."

The police officer raised his eyebrows.

Is it special?

“The sin’s fighting style is very dangerous. In many cases, it seems like suicide.” Cohen remembered the white figure, faintly authentic.

"But it is the most accomplished series," Wyatt shook her head in a calm face: "Many famous swordsmen or masters come from there."

Cohen slowly nodded: "Since you just graduated, how can you choose the attendant officer? Is Jiashigao still good at swordsmanship?"

"There are a lot of people who are better than me and who are nobler than me," Wyah shook her head and continued on. "But the prince is still young, they need someone who can grow with the prince and be his arm in the future." The newcomers who have just left the tower are clean and are best suited for this errand."

“Otherwise, the Caso family is neither a local Ludore aristocrat with a long history, nor a noble empire like your Karabyan. It was only a small local nostalgia before four generations – a hundred years ago We can't even do the homesickness, let alone the attendant."

Cohen nodded in no doubt.

It is precisely because of this - Cohen silently said: The King is assured that you will serve as a servant.

"So, what was it like to be born in the thirteen people?" Wyatt suddenly turned and asked: "Not everyone has a family that has been passed down for thousands of years."

Cohen’s expression was stiff.

"The family of the millennium?" Cohen stunned and immediately fell into deep thought.

The black and mysterious forbidden gate, the big and small castles...

"You have a lot, but you have more to carry, you can't remove it," Cohen said with a slight sigh: "It's this feeling."

Wye looked at his expression and shrugged.

"The heir to the Earl of Seal, willing to condescend to lower the price, to the king to be a small police officer," the attendant shook his head: "Is this not common?"

what is this.

Cohen sighed in his heart: In the sand dunes of the blade, he was still there - hey, the western dialect said that it was smooth - I was still rubbing the wrist with the orcs in the desert.

"My old man said, the times are changing, learning to adapt is not a bad thing," Cohen shrugged. "The era when the Count of Karabyan was directly appointed as the intelligence chief has passed."

"A heir to the sergeant to go to the police officer, just to exercise - see how the kingdom works."

"It's really not a bad thing," Wyatt shrugged. "So, we, Caso and Karabyan, have a chance to fight side by side here, isn't it."

Cohen smiled softly: "Remember to tell this story to your grandchildren."

“Exactly,” Wyah opened her hand and shook her head and laughed: “‘Your grandfather used to venture in Longyan City with the future kingdom of the Kingdom, and was born and died for the future King of the King...’”

The next moment, the faces of the two changed together!


The two men smashed the sword at the fastest speed, the knees were slightly bent, the steps were opened, and the opposite steps were nervously looked at.

A figure of a nail appeared there.

I saw the "Fire Knight" Tulleha, step by step, slowly coming down the steps, looking at them seriously.

The alert officer spit out a long breath and lamented his "lucky."

Wyatt squinted and her heart groaned.

"Come on, big, I haven't forgotten that in the cell," the police officer clenched his teeth and put up a sword-style style: "It's time to pay back the debt."

In front of them, Tulha put on his golden horse saber with a blank expression.

"It's him again," Wye looked nervously at Tulleha, remembering the scene in the cell, and dignified to Cohen:

"Are you sure you want to fight?"

Now flee, maybe there is still a chance to get rid of him.

"There is no other choice," Cohen frowned. "Do our best."

Wye took a deep breath, raised a single-edged sword and shook her head: "That's alright."

Tulleha bent a corner of his mouth and walked slowly toward them like a hill.

"You sent almost everyone," Tulleha listened to the sound of fighting in his ears, his eyes sharply said: "Even even scattered people, at any cost to use volley to fight against our interception."

"It should not be to assassinate the Grand Duke."

"Where is the comet?" He whispered, his voice screaming.

Cohen both frowned.

"Where is your prince?"

Cohen and Wyatt both have a glimpse.

"You seem to be paying attention to His Royal Highness Prince." Wyatt snorted.

Tulleha narrowed his eyes.

"I can feel it," the Fireman seemed to be very relaxed. The Fireman slowly pulled out his Sabre and made Cohen more nervous: "Your people are scattered, almost semi-circular, and gradually approach the Hall of Heroes."

Cohen breathed a deep breath.

Really bad.

What does this guy feel with?

"You are not trying to break through, but acting as a scout and a sentinel," Tulleha said coldly: "To hide the position of some people and cover up his intentions, isn't it?"

Cohen and Wyatt looked at each other and saw the hesitation in each other's eyes.

"Cambida believes that the middle-aged Lord and the comet are the most threatening existence," he said, gently waving his sabre: "But after meeting in the snow, watching him face Niely's eyes, I There is an intuition."

Tulleha dignified: "The seemingly harmless prince is the most dangerous."

"Your prince, where is he?" Tulleha changed his face and continued to ask: "What are you going to do?"

Cohen and the two did not say a word, but they were nervously thinking about the response.

But the next moment, Tulleha stepped on his footsteps and attacked!

In the nervous tension of Wye, there was a shock, and the single-edged sword immediately shot and took the face of Tulha.

Cohen's face changed.

"No!" The police officer screamed and slammed Wye's left arm and pulled him back.

Wyatt’s single-edged sword meets the golden knives of Tulha!

The temperature in the air rises sharply.


The strange sizzling sounds again.

"When it is!"

The crisp sound of metal landing.

Wye was pulled back by the police officer for five full steps until she fell to the ground.

But he has no time to estimate Cohen.

Wyatt looked at the single-edged sword in her hand: the front edge of the blade has been broken, the fracture is flat, the blade is red, and the heat is faint.

It's like being blown in an instant.

The broken blade is constantly shaking on the ground.

On the opposite side of them, Tulleha snorted without surprise, smashing the golden saber on his hand and splashing strange Mars in the air.

Cohen and Wyah scalp eagerly watched the fire knight raise his knife and stab the wall beside him without any hindrance.

He waved his arm slowly, and the saber crossed the wall, and Mars splashed everywhere he left, leaving only traces of darkness.

As the sizzling sounds, there is an unpleasant smell of roasting in the air.

"Since the loss of its corresponding prey, the importance of this knife has been greatly reduced." Tulleha pulled his knife out of the wall, as if it had been drawn from the water.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the two people on the ground: "But it is still an effective weapon."

Cohen supported Wyah and looked at the knife in Tulha's hand in amazement.

That is……

He remembered the old book he had read in the family's castle.

Cohen remembered the nickname of Tuleha.

That is……

"This is just a warning," Tuleha looked serious: "I respect your spirit, so..."

"I promise that it will end soon."

"How come..." Wyah murmured at the fracture on her weapon. "This is... the refined steel in the tower..."

He looked at Tulha's sabre again and was very surprised: "What weapon is that?"

Actually, without any hindrance, effortlessly... cut off the metal?

Cohen took a deep breath.

"The legendary anti-magic armed," Cohen answered steadily, staring at the golden-colored horse battle knife:

"Rising Sun Knife."

“It’s said to be able to cut off all the hot fronts,” Cohen smelled the fullness of the air, feeling the elevated temperature and clenching his teeth:

"aka: the **** of interest."

Wyatt is a little glimpse.

"There is a good knowledge," Tulleha nodded with approval and looked at his weapon: "The sharpest blade in the world - there is temperature."

The two of the stars on the side of the star, the face became extremely ugly.

"What now?" Wye frowned. "His knife..."

"Yeah." Cohen clenched his teeth.

He watched Tulleha lift the Rising Sun Knife and slowly approached.

The police officer shook his head in a difficult and heavy way, as if to say to himself: "In the face of a weapon that can break almost all armored armor..."

"What should I do?"


In another room of the Seal Palace.

The little slicker slammed against the wall.

Tyres pinched his fist and said nothing.

The footsteps came.

The deputy of the stars came to their side.

The little slicker was slightly surprised, and he came back to God, and asked for help as if he was looking at Taylors.

The prince nodded to her.

Puttier looked at the eyes of the tales, and the small slick that he was uncomfortable with when he returned to the Palace of the Spirit, could not help but sigh.

"They have been scattered," Putile listened to the looming fighting around him and estimated their distance:

"His Royal Highness, you should also set off."

Taylor looked up and calmly looked at Putility in front of him.

"Do they survive?" He was bitter.

Putilit didn't speak, just staring at him silently.

After a few seconds.

“As you said,” Mr. Deputy sighed slightly: “You know very well where the key to this game is, and put the strongest pieces on the battlefield.”

"You won," Putilit said faintly: "We will win."

"No matter the sacrifice geometry."

For a time, Taylor couldn't speak.

He can only bow his head.

"I," Teres only felt heavy in his heart. "I'm sorry."

"This is not my plan."

The atmosphere was very depressed, and the little slicker was pouting on the side, and he was very worried.

"I know, Your Highness," Putile shook his head and looked as usual: "I know."

"We had to break into the gate. It was an accident, and it was discovered again. It was another accident."

"In the end, we have to do this."

Puttier slowly squats.

"But one of the most fascinating things in life," Mr. Deputy sighed softly: "There is always an accident to interrupt our planned dreams."

Putila’s eyes drifted away and seemed to recall the past: “an accident.”

"I know," Taylors took a deep breath and looked at the floor tiles, trying to drain unnecessary emotions out of his brain: "Just, listen to them..."

Puttier dropped his eyes and did not move.

"Putley, I am sorry," Tyres sighed, and finally gave up and continued: "take care."

Just at this time.

"His Royal Highness."

Mr. Deputy suddenly interrupted Taylors.

I saw him sighing long and seemed to have made up his mind.

“Before leaving,” Puttier hangs his head and slowly nods: “I want you to know one thing.”

"Please don't feel embarrassed for me."

Tyres frowned and looked at the assistant.

But Putility’s face was hidden in the darkness, and he could not see it.

Tyres inexplicably felt that Putility was not normal at this time.

"Twelve years ago, I was at the border between Exeter and the Stars, and I was responsible for the intelligence collection of the Foreign Affairs Division in cooperation with the Secret Division." Putila’s voice shook a little: "In the summer of that year, I made it." a decision."

Taylors is more and more confused.

"A simple decision, a light proposal."

He was low and the voice was as light as a feather: "I just need to gently nod, and the proposal about Exeter will be sent back to China..."

What Taylors suddenly thought of, an inexplicable panic came to life.

Twelve years ago.


Putileo paused a bit and seemed to be unable to say anything.

"But that is a mistake..."

"Unforgivable mistakes..." Mr. Vice-President breathed slightly: "The North has thus ushered in a disaster."

"The war is burning, the blood flows into the river, and the corpse is everywhere."

At that moment, Tyres’s heart was shocked.

He jerked his head up and looked incredibly to Putili:


The voice of King Nunn seems to re-emerge in the ear.

[That is an assassin from your stars...]

Tyles stared blankly at the thin man in front of him.

Puttier raised his head and trembled slightly on the way.

His face was covered with deadly mourning.

"I have lied to myself many times and told myself that it was not my fault. It was just an accident to convince myself that it was just an assassin's stupid mistake..."

“I even learned to be indifferent, learned to be indifferent, and told myself: I forgot the past.”

"But that's no use," the deputy made the look gray, and the tone seemed to be full of despair: "Destiny is so magical, full of surprises, and full of inevitability."

"The sin you created will eventually return to you."

"Whether you evade or not."

Tyres looked at the man's confession, but his heart was blank.

He didn't know what to do.

"So, Your Highness, when I heard you say, you want to stop the war, want to change, want to save, want to do something..."

Putilit was red-eyed and looked mournful and serene.

"I am really happy." He whispered and smiled bitterly.

Taylor looked back at him: "Puttier..."

Puttier took a deep breath and condensed his expression, his eyes flashing: "Tells Comet."

Hearing that he was calling his name, Tyres moved slightly.

Putile looked at him quietly and his eyes were firm.

In the next second, Puttier slowly held down his right chest and slowly nodded, with a solemn tone.

"Work with you."

"I am very honored."

As soon as the voice fell, Puttier stood up decisively and turned away.

Leave awesome Taylors.

The second prince sank, his breath was short, his thoughts were chaotic.

In the room, there was only an inquiry about the small slippery head.

After a few minutes.

Outside the Hall of Heroes, the dense black sand-collar soldiers formed a strict line of defense, watching all the surroundings with vigilance, and even the inexplicable noise in the wall was not missed, and someone was listening.

Their actions even affected the people of the four big parties, and the latter frequently appeared to them.

Viscount Canbida calmly listened to the subordinates' returns and nodded from time to time.

Finally, after a return, Cambida's face changed slightly.

He hesitated for a second, then gestured to his deputy and turned decisively away.

Accompanied by a team of soldiers, Kambida walked through the layers of tight lines of defense, from time to time in response to his subordinates, and finally, he turned a corridor.

In this corridor, two soldiers of the black sand collar, escorting a prisoner, came to Camby.

Cambida frowned.

"Meet in this situation..." The Viscount of Munden City said faintly: "Should I be surprised?"

"Lord Lord, who has invested in the net?"

In front of Canbida, the deputy of the Star Mission, Lord Putier Nieman was buckled with his arms, his face calmly raised his head and looked at him.

(End of this chapter)

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