Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 259:

Chapter 259

The hero hall is quiet for a few seconds, and everyone is thinking about the meaning of this sentence.

Rumba didn't talk, but he looked at Taylors and couldn't hide his shock.


Is this boy...

No, how could he know how he would understand...

Even these things that the Grand Dukes who have been immersed in power for a lifetime can't see...

The hand of the black sand Dagong again unconsciously tightened.

"What the **** are you talking about?" Tluedida bit his teeth, his eyes stalking back and forth between Rumba and Lecco: "What revolution, what is the price?"

Taylor lowered his head and looked at the JC dagger who was lying on his knees and lying quietly on the ground.

His eyes drifted into the distance.

His teacher, Gilbert Casso's personal letter, suddenly appeared in his mind.

[Eckster's political system... singularly different... King Nunn is outside the king's identity... it is a great man in the city of Longyan... the interests of Exeter and the interests of Walton He is very different...]

It turned out to be the case.

You are not only talking about King Nunn, but also every Grand Duke.

The interests of the Exeter Kingdom are very different from those of the Grand Dukes themselves.

Thank you, Gilbert.

I understand.

Tyres looked like a torch, and swept through the family emblems of the Dagong, and faintly said:

"The silver chain of Lecco..."

"Ronnie of the Knights Code..."

"Ole Xiu of the Shawen Ancient Emblem..."

"Trudida, the shining blade..."

As he was a little bit, the Grand Duke turned their heads and looked at the prince of the foreign country.

I don't know when they started, their habit of ignoring the boy has completely disappeared.

"The reason why you are willing to cooperate with Lombard, even at the expense of concealing sin for him," Tyres whispered: "It is to seize the threat that has not yet formed and guard your future before the stars are strong."

The prince sighed and immediately became serious: "But believe me, before the mass of Exeter and the Star Kingdom are completely separated, and finally the end of the grievance..."

The big men looked at Taylors intently.

Only Lombard, he stared at the sword in his hand, and his attention seemed to be completely attracted by Sabre.

"Those who cherish the value of the family, the blood of pride, the status of lofty and noble, the land of painstaking protection, and the long-standing rule..." There was a glimpse of Tyre’s eyes, which turned into a firm flame. .

Just listening to him is unquestionable: "All that you are enjoying and accustomed to will be completely annihilated and will cease to exist."

At that moment, the breathing of the Grand Dukes was stagnation and the eyes were wide.

It was like hearing the most ridiculous news.

The voice of Thales continued to sound: "From the moment you accept Rumba, your own family... there is no future."

With a soft bang, the brazier in the hall was extinguished again.

The thick chill came from the air.

Selma, who was cold, hugged her body.

Oller suddenly opened his mouth and exchanged his eyes with Tluedida. Lecco slowly sighed and seemed to know something.

Rumba closed his eyes.

An unspeakable emotion came from his chest.

"Speak clearly, boy." Ronnie Gong reached out and touched the scar on the neck that was drawn by Croce. The wound poured with the spirits still had pain. He said in awe: "What is no longer there? ?"

The family blood that has been passed down for hundreds of years, even thousands of years, is enough to stand up against the vast territory of a country...

how come……

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief and watched it form a white fog in front of him.

"Once you follow Lombard and rule the vows in name, the war and the interests, your balance of power will be unbalanced, and it will be too easy to bring the conflict between you," said Tyres, "You are suppressing yourself." The stars, the moment when you start to fight for me, is the time when he quietly begins to change - not just to build an Exeter's Starlight Legion."

He suddenly felt a little dizzy.

It is the familiar feeling.

"I don't know how much Lumbara told you about the sages," the prince moved his hands and placed hot in front of his chin: "But..."

"Efficient management, fine power, increased taxes, regulated systems," Tyres's dizziness is getting heavier, he has to stretch his right hand, press his forehead, and close his eyes: "These are There is a price."

At the moment of closing his eyes, he seemed to have left the hero hall.

In front of it is a row of familiar white tables and chairs with seven or eight laptops, and their respective owners are sitting quietly.

He cleared his throat and lowered his head, and his hand was printed neatly.

[So, in his view, as a transitional period from the old feudal rule to the absolutist rule, the hierarchical state was formed at this time...]

Wu Haoren's voice slowly sounded, gentle and dull.

[The city is an autonomous political whole, an aggregate of powerless people who want to unite according to their wishes. As a new political force, they enter the Lord-vassal model, making the typical feudal relationship no longer A purely dual power framework – in other words, the rise of the city supports the rulers against feudal lords...]

In the next second, Tyres opened his eyes and returned to the Dragon City in the world of Errol, returning to the dark hall under the fire.

“Whether it is a professional bureaucrat, a qualification or a country is a meeting, it means...”

“First, in the city and in the suburbs, low-level aristocrats and civilians,” said Teres, screaming at his forehead and shuddering. “The best among them... will be wrapped in money, craftsmanship, knowledge and a desire for the future. The ladder of the new aristocracy... The king will be delighted with their arrival, and their powers will be pointed at them, pointing their finger at his vassals."

Tluedida dropped his head thoughtfully.

The light and shadow in the hall changed again, and Tyres sat in the bright classroom again, moving the mouse and keeping his mouth.

[The city group will form a new political institution with a level meeting as an example. The monarch is interested in taxation. They intend to supervise the use of this tax, thus financially suppressing the power of the feudal aristocracy...]

Tyres resisted the dizziness of the virtual transition between the two scenes, continuing to painfully:

"Take the country of stars as an example. The new stage of these civilians' participation in politics will cover the handicrafts, commerce, military, new aristocracy and other groups, which will become the home of the king, greatly weakening the landlord or the city's count. Power and prestige, whether it is the implementation of tax laws or declaration of war, the king will get the greatest convenience."

Hearing this, Olsiu Dagong couldn't help but cast a look at Lombard.

[European universities are the earliest nutrients: the German monarchs hired these college students as officials in order to shape bureaucracies, and the highest efficiency of Prussian military_bureaucracy and civil_bureaucracy, but not for serving the people, but merely serving the country, That is the service power...]

"More and more new bureaucrats will enter the king's field of vision. Their qualifications will replace the nobles' ancestry, prudently confront the general, with professional coverage, and gradually take over the authority of the country." Taylors gasps and experiences a piece. The strange feeling of the block memory fragments entering the brain, remembering the former star tax collector named Urad: "The old nobles, including your relatives, are no longer reused, and their tax and judicial privileges will be gradually deprived. Even you have to admit that they are no longer competent."

Lecco was sitting still in the motion and listening quietly.

[What the citizens demand is to establish the conditions of governance and the legal environment to ensure the industrial and commercial development of the city, and it is a peaceful and orderly rule, which cannot be satisfied by the feudal system based on the manor economy and the small market. This requires the ruler to expand power and centralize the power to ensure the interests of the so-called "Bourgeois"...]

"Similarly, the king will allocate funds from the increasingly filling treasury, support and expand the standing army, and maintain the domestic order and the security of the border." Tyres swayed and Selma quickly helped him: "He will not Rely on the recruiting army in your territory, no longer relying on the self-sufficiency of your manor and the field, no longer look at the faces of the Grand Dukes."

Ronnie suddenly remembered the Broken Dragon Fortress. He frowned deeply and watched Taylor's eyes become strange.

[With the development of time, the feudal aristocracy in the hierarchical state is difficult to maintain its life and lose its military significance. It can neither maintain political influence nor lose its ruling power. In this case, they must move closer to the ruler and perform their duties in accordance with the latter's conditions—that is, the rise of the city, which has brought a devastating impact on the feudal system...]

Finally, those strange pieces settled down in his mind, no longer making waves.

Tyres gasped slightly and patted Selma's hand.

At that moment, he suddenly discovered that Lombard looked at him with a strange look mixed with surprise, doubt, pain, hatred, relief, and so on.

The prince looked back at his opponent and sighed in the bottom of his heart.

Compared to the inexplicable magical power, compared to the unsuccessful sin of the prison river, compared to this strange body, compared to the unstable princehood...

This is me, when I was playing this game...

The biggest golden finger.

Chaman Rumba.

Compared with unrivaled military strength, invincible skill, and superb wrist.

This is our strongest piece!

"Do you feel it?" Taylors continued.

"Once this change goes on time, whether it is the grandfather of one of you, or the traditional counts of the cities, from taxation to the military, from justice to talent, from privilege to status," Under his face, he turned his head hard and looked at everyone:

"The premise that you rely on to make a living will slowly melt away, and the advantages will gradually disappear."

"All the means and changes envisioned by Lombard, regardless of the original intention, will point to a result."

Tyres took a deep breath and said: "And that is you - you are the other nine of you who have a great reputation and rule the North, and you are the beginning of the loss of power and the decline of the family."

The public face of Lombard is so heavy that the look of Tyres has become more and more complicated.

Dagongs are motionless like Shisu, and they don’t know how much they listened.

"One day, you will change from a big vassal on one side to a big lord with only glory, and then become a rich man with only wealth, and even become a devotee, and finally fall to the dust of only future generations. The day when the ash is turned over from the family history..."

"And guarding Exeter for six hundred years without splitting, stipulates that the Nakaru vows of the ten great public governors of the North will become the oldest page history in the museum," Taylors sighed deeply, shaking his head. Road:

"Like your family, you will slowly yellow over time and never return."

"This is the price that Lombard called "saving Exeter"."

Tyres finished his words and slowly raised his head.

At that moment, the Grand Dukes finally recovered from the state of Shijiao, but everyone's look was extremely subtle.

Rumba bowed his head and looked at his old sword.

Unbelievable Tluedida cast a questioning eye on Olsiu and Ronnie, but the owner of Weilan’s collar just shook his head silently, and the lord of the far-away city simply sinked his face and ignored it.

"Chaman," Laco's gaze seems to have returned to turbidity. The old man used his lowest and hoarse voice today: "Tell me, all you want is an army that can beat the stars, is it?"

"Don't think about other?"

"For example, the co-administration oath?"

The eyes of the Grand Dukes shot to Lombard.

One second.

Two seconds.

The eyes of Dasha Dagong finally lifted from his sword.

He first smiled and then turned cold.

"Everything that this kid said is based on a lie with a strong selfishness," Lombard, who has a complex expression, said with a bad voice: "As long as there is even a little doubt in your heart, he will win-- Provoking the suspicion between us, disintegrating our efforts to fight against the stars, leaving a breathing space for the increasingly powerful Star Kingdom!"

Taylors sighed silently in his heart.

"Abandon his a lot of confusing words, aside from all his assumptions that are inexplicable and never happened - don't you feel ridiculous?" Lombard bit his teeth as if insulted, "for Ax Special, you are united as one, and the south is a total of the stars, which is the root of our self-destruction?"

The Dagongs listened to the words of Rumba, and they looked suspicious and began to think about it.

Selma looked at the reaction of the Grand Dukes and was shocked.

Just at this time.


The prince’s words came steadily.

Rumba frowned: "What?"

“‘We’re going to perish?” Tyres spit out a sigh of relief. “There are only nine other people who have died.”

"In this revolutionary game initiated by Rumba, Exeter is like a dragon with ten heads, devour each other in a raging wave," Tyres sighed. "If it goes well, only the one." One of the heads, that is, the strongest, the most prepared, the most adaptable, and the quickest response, can survive to the end."

Grand Duke Leo suddenly looked up and stared at Taylors.

Ronnie’s grandfather looks a glimpse.

"As I said above, he will take power as the last ruler, and through the transformation of the general trend, the other nine large public servants will be swallowed up as nourishment and food, thus creating their unprecedented and supreme Eck. King's crown."

The eyes of Taylors are covered with the haze of ordinary people, and they are dull and boring: "Do you think that the only person, the person closest to the truth, who will be in the plan of Rumba?"

He looked at the expressions of the big men, shook his head gently, walked around the brazier that had just been knocked down, and slowly squatted.

The prince put his hand into the cooled firewood and fiddled with the thrown dagger.

"But no matter whether Lombard will succeed, in the new Exeter country, except for the last ruler," his words continued to be heard, hammering in the hearts of several Dagong: "No more There are nine other people standing on the ground."

Tyres shook the JC dagger, and the face was unrecognizable. He removed the sheath that Joel gave him from the belt and blew it gently.

"Please remember, you may be in a dozen years, maybe decades, maybe hundreds of years..."

"But if there is one day, your family will fade away, your descendants will be displaced, and your status will cease to exist," Taylors slowly stood up and turned to the Grand Dukes:

"That must be from today, starting with the conditions you promised to Rumba."

Tyres’ eyes brightened and he inserted the dagger into the sheath: “Hey!”

In the crisp metal friction, the big men were sullen and looked at him motionless.

"That's the answer," said Tyres. "This is why Lombard refused to show you the real motives at first, and he did not hesitate to gather the cruel truth behind your 'Save Exter.'"

"In order to defeat the stars, Lombard and you are united," he whispered his words: "But ironically, just before defeating the stars, you will be wiped out."

There was another silence in the hall.

"Chaman, I have to say, this is really..." Unbelievable Tluedida stopped talking and finally sighed: "Forget it, I don't know how to say it."

"It's really disturbing." Ronnie added his words coldly and looked at Lecco, who headed for the first time - the latter just frowned and said nothing.

Oller’s grandmother held his chin on his chin and opened his mouth with difficulty: “Chaman...”

But Lombard's words are faster than him.

"It’s all rumors that have nothing to say, it’s all things that have never happened, it’s all alarmist speculation!”

"But he was used as a reason? And you really believe it?" The voice of the black sand Dagong is still cold, but I have already heard the irritability: "Don't forget, the threat of the stars is really true!" ”

Rumba strode forward and put his hand on the square table. It was like ice and snow: "What we saw and heard 12 years ago, what did King Kaiser’s work in the past 12 years not look at your eyes? Is it?"

"Why do you prefer to be shaken for vain words, and not to act for unmistakable facts?"

The person who answered him is still Taylors.

"There is no doubt the truth?" The prince was secluded.

This time, Rumba turned his head, and all his eyes were full of resentment and killing.

Tyres didn't care about his eyes. He whispered, "Hello, if you attack the stars successfully, what do you want to do after Lombard?"

The big men looked at each other and their emotions were unknown.

Rumba's eyes condensed and clenched his fists.

"He wants the stars to the north." Ronnie said gently.

"He wants to guard the frontier for us, monitor and suppress the stars," Ronnie's words are very slow and cold, but full of strength: "To this end, whether it is a joint throne, or even a black sand collar, he can give up."

Taylors exhaled a breath.

"This is simple." The prince showed a smile with a bad smile, staring at the sturdy Rumba: "Hello of the Black Sands, if you feel that my words are unreasonable, then prove it with unmistakable facts."

"I think that in your own land, in the territory of Exeter, change must be difficult or even no progress."

Lombard lived.

"But the north is different."

"For the stars, the northern boundary is only a fringe of unfinished change. Traditional powers and old habits still hang over it; but for Exeter, the same northern part of the country, the customs and customs are more similar. From the small tax collectors such as Urad to the aristocratic forces that have begun to decline, it has already begun the revolutionary revolution, the best transformation base - and the source of hope for you to ignite the fire of change."

Just listen to Tyres faintly: "Lord of Lombard, for your unity, give up the loot of the Northland - let others."

Rumba looked up and looked at him.

The big men also looked up and looked different.

Tyres is still a pale expression of lightness - this is learned from Raphael, the attitude of the little white face can always be mad.

Slyes complained that the many conditions that Rumba gave him, whether it was a tariff concession or a resource contract, excluded the North.

Isn't this obvious?

"Of course, you can also make a guarantee," said Tyres, raising his mouth and continuing. "It’s a good example to change the sages of the sages, and it’s good to endanger the big family.... it won’t happen in your hands. ""

"In this way, there is no soil and opportunities in your hands, you can't pick up the changes that may bring disasters to the top, and you will clear the suspicion," Taylors said. "The other Dagong can rest assured to continue to cooperate with you." Alright."

As soon as this statement came out, the longest silence was ushered in the hall.

Rumba is in the same place.

His hand unconsciously rested on the hilt and did not move.

The Grand Dukes exchanged information in each other's eyes.

No one is moving or making a sound.

A cold wind poured into the hall, and the light flashed, and the shadows of the people waved.

Selma bit his lip and looked at the big men who looked different.

Finally, just like centuries, a voice broke the silence.

"In fact, we are willing to believe in you, Chaman," said the sulky voice of Leko's grandfather: "But I have to admit that this child's words made me very worried."

Tluedida shrugged: "There is some truth."

Rumba gently looked up, and under the shadow, the stiff face was more vicissitudes.

"Tell me, Chaman."

"As our swearing alliance, in order to refute the words of this arrogant prince, in order to put down their worries and worries, in order to confirm that we are still moving forward and reunifying," Leko dad directly looked at Lombard and sighed softly: "In the coming war Middle, north..."

"You don't want to take it."

Rumba didn't talk, just staring at Lecco.

"Of course, we will make up for you with considerable land and interests to express our apologies - Olsiu, Tluedida and even my land will do, and you will pick up a lot," the boss coughs. There was a cry, and it seemed to be a bit sad: "You know, based on the North, and abide by the responsibility of the frontier to monitor the stars, others can do it."

The voice fell.

Rumba looked up and swept through each of the Grand Dukes with the most incredible gaze.

Taylors raised his lips and looked at Lombard.

Looked at him as if he was frozen.

Rumba clenched his teeth, his brows were deep and his eyes burst into anger.

"I know, this is very excessive, but," Oller's face is not good-looking. He shook his head with apology: "I swear, as long as you prove yourself, I will do it myself, let the star's snake pay the price."

Star poisonous snake?

Taylors raised his eyebrows slightly.

Rumba's face twitched gently, like a smile, not like a smile.

"You know," said Ronnie Rodriguez at this time, his eyes sharp: "This is for Exeter."

Rumba clenched his fist.

Tluedida shrugged and avoided the look of Lombard and said nothing.

Only Lecco, from the beginning to the end, never looked back and looked at Lenba.

"How, Chaman," the bald head of the old man looked particularly glaring. His voice was very light and slow, but he had an aggressive attitude: "Your answer?"

Rumba opened his lips and bit his teeth, like a beast before the food.

"Chaman," Tluedida's tone is very contradictory. It seems very nervous. He gently licks his lips: "One word is enough."

Tyres frowned: he saw the fist of Rumba's waist began to tremble.

The face of Dasha Dagong is getting more and more ugly - just like a lion who has been invaded by the territory.

The heart of Tyres followed his expression.

Finally, after a few seconds, Rumba closed his eyes and took a long breath.

The grandfather stared at him intently.

It seems that it is the most important moment in the world.

The next second, Rumba opened his eyes and opened his mouth.

But it is not a word.

"Ha ha ha..."

Rumba looked up and opened her lips, sending out a sad and sad laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

The laughter is getting bigger and bigger.

The big men looked at his performance and his eyes gradually faded.

Tyres gently reached out and held the sorcerer Selma.

Rumba’s laughter finally stopped.

"Forget it, this time," Lombard turned his head, and he showed an indifferent expression: "In fact, you already believe him, aren't you?"

"You are not only staring at the Northland... even if we hit Yongxing City," the black sand lord turned around and looked at his sabre. The tone was cold: "You will continue to monitor me and be alert to me." Every move, I am afraid that I have shaken your interests."

Oller’s grandfather did not reconcile his teeth: “So, your choice...”

"I just thought it was ironic," Rumba's face changed and suddenly increased the volume: "Why don't you understand?"

"The bright and rare opportunity is in front of you, clearly defeating the stars, and the opportunity to change history is within reach." Lombard clenched his teeth and looked at the heavy expression of every big man, suppressing and whispering: "Why are you acting?" Like a coward?"

Rumba turned sharply, facing the four grand princes, his face was incredible: "The ending has not happened yet, things have not reached the final step, just listening to a child swearing, you are like a group of frightened Like an antelope, the antelope hides its head and hides its tail."

Dagongs look at each other and talk without words.

"A child's rumor can make you afraid of being like this..."

Rumba's face was twisted and he jerked up the scabbard: "The co-administration of the vows, the destruction of the family, the severance of the blood, the impaired power, the decline of status - this is what the **** is!"

"Exeter, what is it in your eyes?"

"Are we not Northlanders?" The black sand big man bit his teeth, waved the scabbard, and drove the cloak: "Don't ask 'can', just ask 'do not do' - fear of failure more than the fear of death in the North people!"

"Is not it!"

His painful and difficult questioning voice was spread in the hall.

"It seems that the results are very clear." Leko, a sigh, closed his eyes.

Tluedida grabbed his forehead and sighed long.

Ronnie gave a faint chuckle.

Oller is sorrowful.

Tyles gently closed his mouth, only to feel that the boulder that pressed him in his heart had been loose.

He looked at Rumba, who had an abnormal expression in the field, and gave a sigh of relief, silently in his heart:

This round is finished.


No sword knows that I am over the age and have no right to have Children's Day.

Only after regret, I feel a lost childhood.


But Taylors hasn't exceeded it yet! (laugh)

Vote for a book review, a wave of children's day gifts to walk up!

Happy Holidays!

Some of the theories that appear in PS Taylor's memory refer to Gianfranco_Poggi's "DevelopmentoftheModernState", which is called "Development of Modern Countries" and should have a Chinese version.

In addition, if you want to know more friends, Dietrich_Rueschemeyer has compiled a collection of papers called "StatesandDevelopment", which is also very good.

(End of this chapter)

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