Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 268: Unfortunately (below)

Chapter 268 is a pity (below)

"But you didn't interrupt him, didn't you," Tluedida took up his short knife, raised his arms and sighed: "Look, sometimes the mouth is hard, but the body always reveals the inner thoughts."

He raised his gaze: "How?"

Oller frowned and looked back and forth between Lombard and Tyres.

Ronnie observed the expression of Aurelius.

And Lombard just held the sword with a blank expression, which made people guess.

Just as Tyres was anxious, Grand Lecco broke the silence again.

"You know," the old man's voice was hoarse: "The king will need the testimony of the main sacrifice of the temple..."

Tyres is a spur, almost instinctively opening:

"The Holm Great Lord's Feast of the Temple of the Moon, she is now outside the gate, waiting for the call of you within five minutes."

"She is detached, and even the Prime Minister of Brisbane can't stop her."

The grandfathers frowned.

"Have you planned it beforehand?" Grandpa Leko was surprised.

Taylor shrugged and sweated.


Leko Duke and Trudidida looked at each other.

Two seconds later, the old man closed his eyes and made a desolation laugh.

Tluedida was stunned to Tyres.

I saw Taylor's fog.

Ronnie and Aurelius looked at each other and seemed to be shocked by the decision of their companions.

Lombard sighed.

"This is not possible!"

Ronnie’s big brother clenched his teeth and shook his head:

"There are only five of us here. It is unconventional that the election of the king will not be held in the same number of people."

He looked at Orsius and seemed to be trying to find support.

However, the familiar female voice rang again:

"In fact..."

"The election of the king... can be held in the absence of dissatisfaction."

The Grand Dukes moved and turned their attention back to Selma.

I saw the messy girl cautiously said: "At the end of 346 years, the king of anger died in the army of the night wing king, and the dragon city fell into the enemy."

"There is no leader in the group, and the kingdom of Exeter, which has been plagued by the war, cannot aggregate the grand princes to choose the king..." The words of Selma gradually became smoother, and the voice was crisp and nice:

"So, the whistle of the north, the Dagong, the Glacier, the Grand Duke, and the Guardian City, the three men gathered together to cast their own votes, and informed the remaining six territories to send their choices with the letter ""

Selma bowed his head and sneaked a sneak peek at Ronnie.

"That Lhasa Ronnie got four votes in this way, so he sat on the throne in the war," the girl whispered: "And he is one of your ancestors, Ronnie Grand Duke."

Ronnie snarled and suddenly stopped.

Listening to the explanations of Selma, Taylors only felt that he had seen the Savior.

However, some people still raised objections.

"That was just a special case, and we didn't have time to wait for the votes of other Dagongs," said Aurelius, shaking his head. "When Brisbane wins the gate, the illusion of peace you create will be broken. - Finally Killing the end of death."

Rumba raised his gaze: "My people are stronger than you think, they can withstand long enough - for example, after my army has killed you all."

The sight of Oller and Lombard met in midair, and they saw a spark of hatred and anger.

Tyres quickly raised his hand:

"We don't have to inform other big brothers!"

He hurriedly said:

"As long as you make sure that you have overwhelming votes and that the choices of other Dagong will not affect the outcome, then the candidate for the king can be decided!"

"Overwhelming?" Ole's beard swayed his head disdainfully and pointed to Lombard: "Count him, there are only five of us, even if we all choose Lombard as the king, and we still lack..."

Having said that, he suddenly stopped.

The Grand Dukes, including Lombard, also stunned.

The next second, they turned their heads in a brush.

Look to the same person.

"Yes, you," said Teres, only to feel the big stone falling in his heart. He shivered his arms: "Ten Grand Dukes - we need six votes to decide the next one without any objection in the absence of other Grand Dukes. A total of the ownership of the king."

His pupils are miniature: "Only six votes."

In the unbelievable eyes of all the big men, Tyres took a few steps forward and walked to the girl who was overwhelmed by the big men and didn't even know where to put them.

“Let me introduce it again,” said Tyres, grabbing the girl’s hand and solemnly lifting the ‘triumph’ on her finger:

"Selma Alex Suril Walton."

The big men face each other.

"The orthodox blood of the Dragon Gun family, the next one of Longyan City..."

Tyres bites his teeth, pauses for a second, then slowly opens:

"Female Grandpa!"

The silence in the hall is longer than any moment.

Selma stunned and greeted the horror and incomprehensible eyes of the Grand Dukes.


How could this be……

The girl only felt fear inside, she subconsciously turned to the prince around:


Tyres snapped a hand and blocked the words of Selma in his mouth.

The penultimate brazier, slowly extinguished in silence.

"No, no," Olscher looked at Selma, who was crying in shock, shaking his head in disbelief: "She is a girl, Exeter, no, there has never been such a precedent in the entire Northland..."

"How many precedents did you break today?"

Taylors exhaled a breath: "Try to stab the king, cover up the truth, divide the territory, and the big men draw their swords in the hero hall... let these things happen..."

"In contrast, the emergence of only one female grandfather can make up for the above losses, which is simply too cost-effective!"

Rumba looked at Selma with a strange expression, and seemed to think of something, actually revealing a bitter smile that did not know why.

Grand Duke Lecco looked at Selma with difficulty and tried to stop.

"A woman," Ronnie said, narrowing his eyes: "The kingdom of Exeter - whether civilian or aristocrat - will not recognize a female grandfather..."

Tyres said seriously: "So she needs your support."

"Requires the recognition and affirmation of the five Grand Dukes of Exeter in the kingdom to stabilize her position and suppress opposition and dissent!"

"And her grand servant status will ensure that we..." Taylors promptly closed his mouth and changed his name: "Make sure you choose the king to be successful, you can solve the dilemma of the current hatchback: whether you are dead in the melee, or Lombard Die under the knife of the Prime Minister - we can all avoid it."

"At the same time, compensate for the loss of Longyan City and fill the vacancy left after the death of King Nunn."

Tluedida glanced at Selma with interest, and he stroked his beard and snorted.

"I put the choices and their consequences in front of you, everyone," Tyres wiped the sweat from his head and wiped a large amount of char, but he didn't feel it, he said: "I only ask. You: Keep the most rational."

No one is talking.

Lecco seems to be a few years old, and the wrinkles on his face are more and more terrible.

Oller repaired his lips.

Ronnie is still staring at Lombard, even if the other party is not moving at all.

Taylor's hand holding Selma is getting tighter: he knows that the big men are struggling and hesitating.

"The death of King Nunn," Oller looked at Selma with a bitter look: "Can she accept?"

Tyres quickly smashed Selma.

"Ah, ah!" The girl seemed to wake up.

"I... I can compromise," Selma looked at the eyes that Tyres encouraged, biting his lips: "But, but this is the **** debt of Longyan City... I will not forget."

Rumba snorted sarcastically.

Oller closed his eyes: "Good... the death of Nunn, what reason should I explain to Brisbane?"

"Disaster." Tluedida interjected.

Re-creating the eyes of Dagong in the tower reveals a rare bleak: "It is said that the king died in the scourge of blood: anyway, they are also evil enough, do not care more than one name."

Taylors remembered the sealed Giza, silent.

The hall was once again in silence.

"Da Gong, what do you say?" Tyres whispered.

"How to say?"

Time seems to have passed for a long time.

Everyone did not speak.

But there are people moving.

It is Lombard.

In the eyes of others, Chaman Lenba looked up and raised his sword coldly.

Tyre’s heart screamed!

But in the next second, Rumba's wrist was lightly folded, and Jianfeng turned.

He took the blade back and took the scabbard.

Dasha Dagong raised his gaze and glanced at the big men.

At that moment, Taylors held his breath.

He has given the answer.

Lord Lebion Aurelius sighed deeply, and he went to the side table, buckled the epee on the table, and sat down in a hurry.


Tyres silently counted.

Tlueda snorted, shrugged, and opened his chair and sat down.


"Do you really know what you are doing?" Ronnie looked at their movements, incredulously.

"No." The one who answered him was Grand Duke Leko.

The old man’s voice was exhausted. He shook his head, put away the short knife in his hand, and opened the chair and sat down: “Nobody knows.”


Just at this time.

"Ha ha ha ha ha," Rumba made a desolation laugh.

The grandfather looked at him dissatisfied.

"I dreamed of destroying the co-administration vows," said the black sand sorrowful sorrowful look back at others: "Now, as the king, the shelter is self-protected under this vow."

Tyres sighed.

"And you are struggling to maintain the co-administration vows," Lombard swept through the face of every big man: "Now I have to choose me as the king and trample on this vow."

He spread his hands and taunted: "Isn't this the biggest irony?"

The faces of the big men have become ugly.


The friction between metal and leather came.

"The irony is that you use the co-administration vows to break it." Ronnie put away the blade and said coldly: "We violated the vows in order to better maintain it."

Ronnie clenched his teeth and glanced at Lombard.

"This is not the end, Rumba."

Rumba looked back at him coldly and didn't say a word.

Ronnie walked over to the side of the table and looked at Taylors.

The prince was shaking.

what happened?

"Listen, kid!" Ronnie grabbed the chair back of the chair next to Tells.

"This chair in this order is a special seat for the Ronnie family for six hundred years," he said coldly. "If you dare to jump up and down..."

Tyres quickly slammed Selma and stepped back ten steps to reveal an innocent and flattering smile.

Oh shit……

No wonder his face was so bad...

Ronnie sat down heavily.


Taylors took a long breath and relaxed his mind. The cold sweat came out in an instant.

He only felt that his eyes were shaking and his feet were empty, and he would fall to the ground.

In Selma's exclamation, Tyres only felt that his back was stiff - someone pulled his back collar and lifted him up.

Avoid the fate of falling.

Teres calmed down the stun of the weakness and looked at the person behind him with amazement.


Chaman Rumba loosened his collar and looked at the prince complexly. His eyes were subtle: "You didn't drink that glass of wine."

"what a shame."

Some tired, I went to sleep first, and then changed the typo and correction statement.

Suddenly found that I am two more?

I have to look in the mirror, I suspect that I am a fake without a sword.

(End of this chapter)

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