Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 272: Extremely cold

Chapter 272 is the end of the cold

King Chaman and his subordinates reorganized the team in the strange eyes of others, and the king came to the Prime Minister - it should be in front of the former prime minister.

The Count of Brisbane stood up from the side of the female prince and looked at the new king without any weakness.

Selma looked at the two nervously.

"Now, my people and I are leaving the Yingling Palace, leaving the first gate, and even leaving Longyan City." King Chaman was cold-faced, his left hand seemed to casually hold the sabre at the waist, and the right hand smashed the soul. The blade of the Torah, thrown to the side, "The Count of Brisbane, your patrols in the city, should not stop?"

The Earl of Brisbane showed a smile that was not warm, and his eyes passed over the black sand-collar soldiers who were still hostile.

"How dare we hinder the journey of His Majesty the King?" The old count said faintly: "As long as the people in the black sand collar can withdraw from Longyan City amicably."

Brisbane narrowed his eyes: "In addition to the most unreasonable madman, no one in this country dares to disrespect the king."

Chaman I gently decapitated with a blank expression, as if he did not understand the sound of the count.

"So, I hope that you can provide replenishment and accommodation for my people to meet the impending cold weather," the King seemed to carelessly test: "There should be no problem."

This time, the countess refused very simply: "It is hard to die."

King Chaman squirted a sigh of relief from his nose.

His eyes are cold.

"Because of some 'causes', there are still a lot of messes in Longyan City that need to be cleaned up." The count of the Count of Brisbane, who used to be in the storm, did not change his face and said: "I apologize for the hospitality of Longyan City, but I must I will serve my Lord before, and I will have the strength to share the concerns of the people of the North."

"You know, I am not the prime minister of the whole country."

Chaman frowned slightly.

He looked at the little girl wearing glasses around Brisbane and watched her stained platinum hair.

Selma picked up his arms.

King Chaman slowly nodded.

"In the end, even the king has to rely on himself, isn't it?" Chaman faintly said: "We will find the campsite ourselves."

The Earl of Brisbane moved gently and stood in front of the woman's grandfather, with a look of rejection.

The king regained his eyes.

"I wish you a smooth rule, girl," King Chaman said with deep meaning: "After all, we have been tied together."

"I will look at you and look at the boy."

The king said faintly: "Please remember: he is our chip against the stars."

"Also remember your vows: swear to defend Exeter and the North."

Selma suddenly turned pale.

Unable to wait for their response, King Chaman, with a **** crown, turned and walked out of the palace with the soldiers.

The White Blade Guard and the court guards watched them coldly, but the fingers never left the blade.

In the crowd, the fire knight Tulleha grabbed the blade of the broken soul, passing by the commander of the former White Blade Guard, with a subtle look.

"Come on it," Niely wrapped his wound on his arm and did not lift his head. "It's not just a symbol of King Exeter, it is a great weapon to save Westland." ”

The fire knight squinted, and he stopped and looked at the blade of the broken soul.

"I will send people to send the "White Blades to the World" to the black sand collar. Of course, the money to create the white blade will be yours." There is no feeling in Nicholas's words, as if doing one of the most boring and rigid work: "Since then, the spirit of the White Blade Guard is passed down by you."

"Don’t humiliate its name."

Really **** irony.

The comet is cold and cold in the bottom of my heart.

Tulleha stroked the strange arc on the blade of the Broken Soul.

White Blade Guard.

He looked up.

"There is no such knife." The words of the Fire Knight are quite aggressive and provocative: "What else can you do?"

"The comet?"

Nie Lai stopped the work in his hand.

His face has also changed.

"Let me think about it..." Nie Lai slammed his fist and looked chilly: "For example, suddenly emerged from an unknown dark corner, and then cut off the head of a monarch?"

Tulleha looked at him quietly.

"You know, the ultimate guys, the most effective identity is not a warrior," Nie Lai whispered: "It's an assassin."

Tulha stared at him silently, leaving the subordinates behind him to leave in groups.

Looks like ice.

Nielai seems to be ignorant and continues to look at the enemy without showing weakness.

After a few seconds, the fire knight laughed coldly.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Only the picture of Leha hangs the blade of the soulless soul of the soul to the waist, and looks at the pale-faced comet with great interest.

Niely looked at him coldly.

But the next thing is beyond the expectations of the comet.

Tulleha did not hesitate to grab another weapon at the waist, attached it to the scabbard, and pumped it out, then throw it hard!

Nielai was shocked and reached out with a subconscious mind.

Pick up the weapon that the other party is far from throwing.

A second later, he saw the weapon in his hand and opened his mouth in amazement.

He jerked back to the fire knight with a calm expression.

"What does this mean?" Niely gritted his teeth and looked at the Rising Sun Knife in his hand. His face was not bad.

Tulleha looked at his old weapon, his eyes showing nostalgia and nostalgia.

"Keep it safe," the fire knight whispered, seemingly infinitely sighed: "It is a great weapon to save the world than to save the Westland."

Nie Lai slammed the golden knife of the horse in his hand.

"Remember, the comet," Tulleha turned and knocked on the blade of the broken soul at the waist. His voice was strong and his eyes were subtle: "We are not divided."

Wearing a broken armor, the fire knight took the pace of iron casting and left without reluctance.

Nie Lai looked at his back, his brows and his teeth biting tighter.


This one……

This guy……

"A good man," Melk came to his side with a cane, looked at Tulha's figure, and shook his head in exclamation: "Unfortunately, he was in the wrong position."

Nie Lei closed his eyes and exhaled a heavy breath.

The comet turned to his old friend.

"I came to say goodbye," I saw that Melk patted Nie Lai's shoulder and looked bitter: "There will be a period later, my friend."

He glanced at Walton's grandfather, who was crowded in the distance, and hesitated.

"You know, you can stay." Niely whispered.

"Do not."

"In the White Blade, my story," Finally, Melk sighed again, looking into the distance, turning around with a cane:

"This is really over."

Nie Lai looked at the back of his meal and said nothing.

He just put his hand into his pocket and grabbed a common stone.

Among the people who left the black sand collar, Cambida followed by King Chaman.

The Viscount Lord watched the fire knight catch up from the rear, his eyes swept over the solitary blade of the soul of the latter, and his face was not hesitant.

"That is the Rising Sun Knife. It is said to be the first legendary anti-magic weapon to change the world." Campida was dissatisfied with the authenticity, but the latter did not pay attention to him, so the Viscount could only turn to His Majesty the King: "You just let him Sending out the sharpest blade of the world as a broken piece, the Grand Court - Your Majesty?"

Tulleha snorted.

King Chaman did not return, but his eyes were slightly biased.

"The sharpest?" The newly promoted king bowed his head and snarled.

However, Chaman I only paused for a second, and then looked up again and replied with indifference and calm.

"My sharpest blade," the king stepped on the floor tiles of the Yingling Palace step by step, stepping through a quaint and rough decoration, slowly:

"Isn't I standing behind me?"

Cambida’s expression paused for a moment and raised his brow.

Behind the king, the tall and strong Lord Toulha slightly tilted his mouth.

The Viscounts slowed down and allowed others to surpass themselves.

Tulleha passed by his side and gently beheaded him.

"It's a real defeat."

Viscount Campida looked at the back of the king and the Lord, closed his eyes and sighed softly:

"But for this reason, I am willing to follow him and worship him as my king."

"Until the end of my life."

He lifted his arms, his expression was light and his eyes were sharp.

The corner of the mouth bends in an interesting arc.

"Specially waiting for me to pose, and then picking up such a handsome words," Crowey on the stretcher was just carried past Camby, the female soldier disdainfully said: "The technique is too old. Set it up."

Cambida frowned.

"At least with me, say ‘ah, that’s why we fight.’ The squad.” The Viscount renewed his footsteps and dissatisfied with Croweich’s stretcher.

"Don't say it." Croce interrupted him coldly: "Because the boy, the covenant is even more stable - in the end, we are still back in place, nothing has changed."

"Working for nothing."

Viscount Canbida raised his brow and showed a funny expression.

"Working without getting back, returning to the original place, nothing has changed?" Lord Viscount seems to have heard something funny.

He turned and looked far away at the big men who whispered about what they said: "Only people who live in the past and don't want to wake up will think so."

Croix looked at him in confusion.

“In fact,” Cambida turned his head again and chuckled: “There are people including Chaman, the Grand Duke, and the prince...”

"They have changed everything."

The female soldier looked at Kempida’s deep expression and suddenly felt that the man had become scary.

"Believe me, from today, the cold is approaching," Campida sneered, his eyes skipping the numerous historical decorations and furnishings in the court, and gently stepping on the soles of the feet and wondering how many years have been:

"The Kingdom of Exeter..."

"It will never return to the original place."


"Fortunately, Prince Teres, if not the insistence of the little girl," said Leko, standing in front of the prince of the stars, watching the listless boy, sighing: "The place where you live is the Black Sand City - Often accompanied by the king, there are many wonderful experiences."

Tyres is slightly moving.

He turned and looked at Selma, who spoke to Brisbane in the distance.

The prince took a deep breath and turned back: "He, King Chaman made this order at the election of the king, as one of the conditions?"

"Oh no," said Leko, shaking his head, and his opaque eyes showed an interesting color: "Not the conditions he proposed."

“It’s all of us, and we think it’s safer.”

"Holy Your Royal."

The troubled Tellston was speechless.

After a second, the prince lowered his head like a vent.

"all of you?"

"Is it."

He closed his eyes and his mood was bleak.


After I was desperate... after.

Grand Lecco looked at him quietly.

"You know, Prince Teres."

"After today, in addition to the threat of stars that Chaman said..."

"There are a lot of people who will be jealous of you - just like the family of the comets that have been prosperous for many years."

Of course, it’s not just talent.

Grand Duke Leko silently added a sentence in his heart:

There are also madmen.

The old man was bright and his face was fresh: "But I am looking forward to you."

Taylors opened his eyes: "Looking for me?"

Lecco Grand Duke quietly nodded.

"I don't know how Chaman became like this," the old man looked at the king's back and was slowly drowned by the soldiers. He said: "But we can all feel that he is getting more and more dangerous."

"The cold weather is coming," he exclaimed.

Tyres thought about this sentence.

"Maybe one day, we will need your strength to fight against him," said Leko, seriously looking at Tyres: "As it is today."

The moody Thales did not know what to answer.


Oller, who was coming forward coldly, glanced at Tells: "I have had enough, I don't want to stay in this **** place for a moment, and put the little life in the hands of others."

In the distance, Ronnie and Tluedida watched them quietly, one without a word, a hippie smile.

Lecco looked at the black sand army that had gradually left, exhaling breath.

"After the period, take care of yourself, Prince Teres."

The old man faintly said: "Be careful of the king, be careful of the grandfather."

He blinked his eyes very deeply: "And the female grandfather."

Telston is a slogan.

Puttier looked at the Dagong and their guards and left, frowning and coming to Tells.

"His Royal Highness, about your future..." The deputy told me to stop.

"I know." Taylors answered calmly.

"I am a chip and a threat."

Putille reveals the color of the inquiry.

"In contradictions and compromises, the big men must also hold their chips and contain the threats." Taylors thought of the cause and effect and shook his head: "Restricting the stars and restricting Chaman..."

"It also restricts Longyan City."

Raphael came forward.

"As far as the effect is concerned, you let the ten grand princes be wary of each other, which is close to the goal that the secret doctor wants, even if it is still there."

"Maybe you are more suitable to come to the secret department to do things." The cadre of the secret department smiled mysteriously: "We will have a period later."

Taylors rolled his eyes.

Putilai didn't know what to say, he could only pat the shoulder of the prince.

"I will report to the country as soon as possible and come up with a countermeasure."

He turned to the weak Rafael: "You know what to do."

The cadre of the secret department nodded lightly: "His Majesty and Lord Hansen will know everything that happened here in the shortest possible time."

Tyres watched them assign a good job and thought of their own experiences in the next few years. They only felt depressed.

"There is one more thing," Puttier came to Cohen and Miranda and raised his face: "You two, although the injury is not light... but you must catch the identity immediately before the enemy intercepts, leave Ax special."

Cohen opened his mouth and Miranda thought about it.

"As a noble family of two families, especially Miss Arunde, who is inherited from the Duke of the North, you can't estimate the value of Rumba - King Chaman."

"This is Longyan City. He has just been crowned, so he can't attack it directly, but once he has a Longyan City, he will not let you go."

The couple used a few words to summarize.

Raphael also sinks his face.

"I took them away immediately, and the people who took Nie Lai were quite friendly to us," Raphael coughed. "I know a secret way to return to China from the big needle forest, you can get through the eyes and ears of the black sand collar. ”

Puttier nodded to him: "Go."

So, under Cohen’s sighing sighs and Miranda’s thoughtful expression, they followed Raphael.

When passing by Tells, Miranda gave him a look.

"Take care, Your Highness," the expression of the female swordsman was somewhat contradictory. She frowned slightly: "Don't give up."

She endured the pain and said profoundly: "You are a good prince, unlike other people."

Putty leaned over and did not hear it.

Tyres touched his head and could only smile and respond.

other people?

Cohen, who had a bruised face and a swollen face, came to the side of Tells.

"His Royal Highness," the guard's robe was burned off his shoulder. There was a terrible burn on his neck. Although it was initially treated with the power of the end, it still looked very embarrassing. He seemed hesitant at first: " You... I just want to say..."

Cohen's mouth was stretched many times. After a few seconds, he licked his lips and focused on his head: "Thank you."

The complicated mood of Tyres smiled:

"I should thank you, Cohen Karabyan, thank you for your endless struggle."

The police officer blinked.

"No, no, Your Highness, we just fought a few times." Cohen tilted his mouth and touched his head. It seemed a little embarrassed: "But you..."

He seems to find a good word at a time.

After a while, Cohen, who scratched his head, scratched his face and said sincerely: "You saved the world."

"You are too exaggerated," Teres smiled slyly, somewhat awkward. "I just tried to mediate a conflict and I couldn't save the world."

Cohenton paused and his eyes moved.

He bowed his head.

Cohen’s face dimmed.

"Trust me, Your Highness," the police officer seemed to think of something, and some sentimentally said: "For those who will be affected by the war..."

Tyres casts a questioning look.

I saw the police officer take a deep breath and re-exposed a shiny tooth and a bright smile, and gave him a glimpse: "You really saved the world."

"It is my pleasure to fight alongside you."

Tyres looked at him strangely, nodded subconsciously, and watched him go.

Raphael nodded to him gently: "Good job, Your Highness."

After sending away a batch of people, and adding themselves to be under house arrest, Longs suddenly felt depressed.

Forget it - he comforted himself: at least the results are not too bad.

At least, they are still alive...

Hey, have you forgotten someone? (In a corner of Longyan City, after a short figure was finished, he immediately sneaked a big sneeze.)

Just at this time.

"I'm sorry, I got you in," the girl's voice came from behind him: "They, they insist on leaving you..."

Tyres turned and looked at Selma, who apologized.

"No, this is their interest and calculation, it has nothing to do with you." The prince was depressed and shook his head.


The person who was brought in...

Sorry people...

Thales shrugged blankly: "For King Chaman, I am under house arrest, and the prince of the Dragon City and the prince of the enemy are very close - this will weaken your prestige and prestige."

"For the Dagong, I would rather let me fall into the raging city of Longyan, and I can't let the black sand collar control this chip."

"And for all of them."

"A prince who grew up in an enemy country and is always a quality prince will be far from the power and power of the stars." The prince shook his head: "If I go back to China one day, I will be a new king who is not ruling."


"This is in everyone's interest."

"So, I am probably destined to be unlucky."

He looked up helplessly and summed up his destiny. He sighed and sighed: "And, Lombard hated me, and certainly didn't want to see me, so I went back alive..."

The muscles on Taylor's arm are tight.

The prince was surprised to see his Selma.

"No, I told them, you must be in Longyan City," the little girl whipped up and shook his head in death: "You are my friend, you will not be unlucky, you will not have anything."

Selma picked up her lips and seemed to be sobbing, and there was embarrassment and worry in the green eyes.

Tyres is dumb.

Selma licked her eyes and shivered: "You will have a good life here, there will be nothing... The people of Lisbon are very good, he will not be embarrassed, and Long Yucheng will protect. you!"

"We..." As if to prove something, Selma was shocked and anxiously said: "We can read books together..."

The eyelids behind her glasses suddenly brightened.

"Right, there are so many books in Nakaru's library that I haven't seen it," Selma's breath was so fast, as if he was afraid of Tyres unhappy: "I remember that you are very interested in the end. war……"

Looking at the eager little girl, Tyres’s depressed mood seemed to be getting better.

"Yeah," the prince scratched his head and sneered, "I am very interested..."

Such as magic.

such as……


"So," Selma said with a sigh of relief, she cautiously asked: "You will be good, stay in Longyan City, read books with me?"

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ah, obey," he smiled and put his hand on his chest and licked: "My lady."

Selma slowly bent his mouth and turned and turned away in the urging voice of Brisbane, turning back from time to time. The ghost of the wind came to the face of Taylors.

“How do you feel?” Tyres smiled at Roer, who looked wilting: “This is more than a month...”

"Compared to your gangster career?"

The eyes on the half of the silver mask with the ghost of the wind moved slightly.

He used a right hand in the splint to make a difficult gesture: "It's bad. 】

Tyres raised his brow.

Rolf shrugged and sang again:

[But, also, very good. 】

Taylors laughed out loud.

The prince looked up and looked at the sky of Longyan City outside the window in a complicated mood.

There is a long-lost feeling of relaxation in my heart.

"Have you seen it," he whispered his lips, whispering in the air with a whisper that no one could hear, "This is my answer."

This time, no sound came from his ear.


The wind and snow outside the window suddenly increased, and the cold wind whistled, mixed with ice crystals.

The Longyan City in the field of vision is instantly darkened and becomes gray.

The cold weather that enveloped the entire northern land officially arrived.

The next chapter is the end of the volume, it is an egg chapter.

Ah, ah! I admit it!

I am writing again!

I put this chapter in the next volume again!


(End of this chapter)

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