Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 276: Playing chess (on)

Chapter 276 Chess (on)

"Don't worry."

"The female grand prince's hearing will continue until the sun goes down. You will have time in the afternoon. I will send someone to talk to the Viscount of Dresden."

In the bedroom on the second floor, Tells glanced at the sunlight outside the window, twisted a wet towel from the basin, wiped his head and side, while sitting on the Pitlay Road behind him.

Looking at the second prince, he was a lot wider than six years ago, and he also grew a lot of backs. The silent Putility touched the wrinkles on his face and watched the flame in the pipe slowly extinguish.

It’s hard to imagine, this is the thin boy who couldn’t ride a horse six years ago.

The boy who bit his teeth into the Palace of the Spirit.

Tyres put the towel on his face and exhaled a long breath: "Believe me, she will not feel good every time she listens to politics, and the Regency of Regency is the same: if I were you, it would not be too Go early and look for suffocation."

Puttier re-started filling tobacco and snorted: "I guess Walton's Grand Duke is still not on the list of many Northerners, is it?"

Tyres raised his eyebrows: "Accept?"

He remembered what he had seen and heard in the past six years and could not help but shrug his shoulders.

"It’s just to persuade the direct vassals of Longyan City to salute the new female prince at the funeral of King Nunn, and almost exhausted the prestige of the prime minister’s career for more than 20 years. This is still in the king’s The five big men in the case for her endorsement."

Taylors remembered the strange funeral: the Nunn Wang, who was covered with gold coins on his eyelids, hugged the sword, lying quietly in the center of the hero hall, the sutures on his neck were blocked by the collar, and the vassals With a shock and depression, I stepped forward and looked at the new young lord incredulously, then looked at the sorrowful and incomprehensible Brisbane on the side, as if the latter had betrayed them.

The prince snorted, put the towel into the washbasin, walked into the single compartment, and untied the button and tie of the shirt, and sighed: "As a woman in the Longyan City, she has been in the past six years. The situation can be imagined."

Outside the cubicle, Puttier stood up and nodded thoughtfully.

"In contrast, as a hostage prince in the hinterland of the enemy..." The former deputy of the stars walked to the window and glanced at the guards everywhere in the back court: "At least they value you."

"If you are referring to the corridor from the hall to the top of the hall, from the balcony to the courtyard, the dense court guards and the Dagong guards..." Tyres took off his shirt and touched the circular burnt on his chest inadvertently. Can not help but trigger a period of memories.

He sighed and picked up a new inner shirt and put it on his body.

"I said this. After Nunn was assassinated six years ago, the dead man Nie Lai became more and more nervous. He wanted to turn the Yingling Palace into a banned prison or a military camp patrolling day and night."

While wearing clothes, Tyres said helplessly: "Wherever I go, they will probably turn it over to the sky three days in advance."

Puttil looked at the guards standing in the hallway and gently beheaded: "I am very happy to hear that the comet is so responsible."

"When you see him, you won't think so. The people before you are not mad at him." Tyres in the compartment put on his blouse and grabbed the complicated belt hanging on the wall. The JC dagger above again made him slightly frown:

"The congregation of the Viscount of Connie was the one that sent the mount to the country. Nie Lai did not sew the horse and sew it back to me."

Tyres skillfully surrounded the belt, buckled the four buttons, and sat down to put on his boots.

Putille turned back from the window and spit out a ring of smoke without any scruples.

The prince's desk is full of books, some open half, some with bookmarks, and a lot of notes.

Three swords were placed neatly on the side of the sword, and the two shields were stacked against the sword.

Putilla raised his mouth.

His gaze shifted to the bed of Tyres, and the bedding and pillows on it were as clean as new.

Probably changing the wash often... Puttier thinks so.

But his gaze moved to the corner not far from the bed, but ordinary people may not notice it, but the keen Putilai found that the corner is more bright and translucent than the wall next to it.

Just fit the area where a person lies against the corner.

Putty raised his eyes.

After a few seconds, he sighed silently.

"His Royal Highness," Putilai’s mood calmed down inexplicably, with a serious tone: "How many years have you been doing well?"

The sound in the compartment was a few tenths of a second.

It seems that the people in the cubicle are thinking about the answer.

"Hah," the prince's exhalation came, and he didn't care. "Regular working hours, magnificent scenery in the North, and security guards with you, no need to worry about the danger of life, no need to face the enemy of the tyrannical giants..."

"What needs to be worried is just a little girl and her female officials, plus a dead face and a bad old man regent..."

In the compartment, Tyres tied his boots, his breathing slowed, his face was silent: "Why not?"

Why not?

Putilit did not speak.


After a few seconds, the finished Taylors pushed the door of the compartment into the bedroom.

He looked up and looked at Putile in front of the desk, sincerely said: "I am very happy to meet you, Puttier."

"In Longyan City, you don't see old friends every day."

Especially those who have a common history.

Tyres added a sentence in his heart.

He took a half-handed sword from the scaffold, tried the weight, and then inserted it into his belt.

"I would like to say that I am also, Your Highness," Putilie smiled. "But you know, I am not used to the lyrical dialogue."

Tyres heard a sneer.

"So, where have you been in the past six years?" The young prince stood in front of the mirror and pulled the collar casually: "I thought that you would stay with me in Longyan City - as Gilbert. Designated instructor."

Putilla bit his own pipe and snorted with his mouth open.

"Speaking of the instructor, I heard that you have brought a lot of trouble to the teachers of Longyan City?" He said faintly, he did not seem to hear the question of Tells.

Thales blinked and did not continue to question his whereabouts in the past six years.

"First of all, I am not very accustomed to teaching many people, and I am a straight-hearted person." He shook his hair and felt almost the same. "Secondly, I think that is not the education that a big man should have..."

The voice of Thales is a little smaller.

Putili spit out the pipe: "What?"

The young prince shook his head and cleared the scenes of several classes: "Nothing, you just think that they are not pleasing to the eye."

Puttier looked at him and chuckled.

"About your education, the country is also very headache," the thin Lord said faintly: "So, I came here this time, specially invited a teacher for you."

"Have a teacher?" Taylors frowned. "I thought, you have to teach me personally?"

"I will only teach you a gloomy prince who is full of intrigues," Pudley haha ​​smiled. "At most, you can teach you to sing a few colored poems - Gilbert will probably kill me." ”

Tyres followed him and smiled, then he sank his face.

"You should know, King Chaman does not allow the stars to come to teach me."

Tyres sighed slightly: "He refused to let any star people intervene in the education of the Star Prince."

The prince remembered the scene of accepting the education of the Northern Territory with the girl.

The Exeters, who teach the lingua franca with the North accent and even the orc language, also teach the history and traditions of the Northern Territory, recite the importance of the 38th whistle and the danger of the Broken Dragon Fortress, but do not teach the ancient Empire. Not teaching the history of the empire, not teaching the past of the stars, not even teaching the Elvish and the nobility of the nobility - everything that Gilbert handed him to him in the Judith Hall.

Taylor shook his head helplessly.

Fortunately, the Northland warriors who are squatting are practicing and tempering the military swords of the Northland - this is quite convenient.

"Please don't worry."

"The teacher we invited came from the Dragon Kiss College of the Principality of Anlenzo. It was highly respected and well-known." Putilit seemed to predict what he was going to say, and spoke out another smoke circle without hesitation: "He will be a few days later." At the same time, I will teach you and the female university at the same time: and the Regency Regency will only surprise him."

Tyres gently smacked his eyes and wondered: "Dragon Kiss Academy? Highly respected?"

Putilai stretched out the pipe, and under the brow of the prince's quick-clawed mosquito, he accidentally put the ash on the window sill.

"When he was young, he used to be a tutor with me and Gilbert," Putile said with emotion: "I and Gilbert have spent a lot of effort to move him."

Pudley and Gilbert's...teacher?

Tyres thinks of the former foreign minister who has not seen for many years, and his curiosity is growing stronger.

"who is it?"

"You will know," Putilla calmly said: "Before, please forgive me for some surprises."


Taylors raised an eyebrow in the direction he could not see.

"So, Puttier."

The second prince narrowed his eyes:

"You came here to solve my education problem?"

Putty's expression snorted with a sigh of relief, and the topic turned lightly: "Yeah, otherwise, six years, the heirs of the Star Kingdom will soon become a Northlander."

Tyres turned his eyes blankly.

But in the next moment, Pitlay’s eyes suddenly showed a strange light.

"His Royal Highness," Putilie knocked on his pipe in a deep-eyed way: "Are you homesick for six years?"

Taylors stunned.


Waste house, sunset bar, Yala.

Thinking of "home", the first thing he jumped out of his mind was actually these words.

Maybe... and Gilbert, Ginny, and Jodel?

Tyles raised his arms and sighed.

"I don't know," he barely squeezed a smile: "I didn't spend a lot of time in the stars, and I was very impressed with it."

Puttier looked at him quietly and said nothing.

The somewhat sad Thales was somewhat confused by him.

"Very good," I saw Pitlay's gaze, staring at his eyes: "That is time to strengthen it."

Taylors stunned.

After a few seconds, the prince who understood something sighed.

Taylor lowered his head and whispered a question: "Mystery?"

Putty whispered and swayed his head: "Otherwise?"

The prince’s expression froze.

After a while, Tyres snorted and smiled, "Look at them again."

"I really don't know if I should be happy, or should I be sad."

Putty raised his eyebrows and said nothing, just watching the prince under the prince quietly.

"Okay." Thales licked his face as if to get rid of his emotions.

He took a deep breath and turned sharply, grabbing a book on his desk: "It's time to go!"

"Starting?" Putilai was shocked: "Would you like to go see the female grandfather?"

"of course not."

"I don't want to go to the head at this time."

"I didn't tell you?" The prince turned his head, revealing his white teeth, and closed the book in his hand: "I am used to it, once a month, go out to play chess."

Putilit reveals the color of doubt.

Playing chess?


At the moment when Tyres closed the book, Pitlay, the sharp-eyed glimpse, saw a dark blue paper on the book.

That seems to be a...


In the next chapter, the protagonist wants to be a beautiful girl with active youth and temper. Please skip the age-conscious readers.

(End of this chapter)

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