Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 280: Betrayer

Chapter 280 Betrayer


There is a magician.

When he heard the name, Tyres jumped in his heart, and the inexplicable chilly sensation spread on his back.


Just literally understand...

He gently picked up a piece and pulled it away from the board.

There was a swordsman in the game.

Tyres held his right hand and covered the swordsman with his fingers.

The swordsman disappeared in front of his own eyes.

He gently opened and closed his palms, reciprocating several times, and the swordsman was hidden in his vision.

The young prince looked up and looked back at Eichda, who was interested in watching the chess pieces.

"So I guess, like L, you don't know that B, what is it?" This time, Taylors was not as surprised as before. He would be suspicious: "Include this strange threshold?"

“There is a magician?”

Eichda just returned to the back of the chair and looked at him silently. It seemed that there was no interest at all.


The boring Taylors put down the pieces and unconsciously moved it to the next.

"According to what you said, that B set off the war, enemies with the world, destroyed the magic tower and the final empire, split the known land in half?"

"Why?" The prince took the water cup and cautiously said: "Why did he do this? Why did the magicians declare war? How did the war happen?"

Eichda gently twitched his fingers, and a guard began to move on his board.

"I thought that for a special political career of six years, I should give you some inspiration."

The magician secluded: "The cause of the war is very complicated. No one can clarify it today. In fact, it does not need to be clarified--because when we react, the reality is already the case."

Taylor took a sip of water and frowned - it was this inexplicable style of speech.

"Compared to the appearance of 'how the war happened,' perhaps we should discuss more," Aishida said faintly: "Why does the war happen?"

Taylor cocked his mouth, blew a silent whistle, and picked up a chess piece from the other side.

"Well, why did the war happen?" The prince raised his hand and he understood what the other person meant: "Why the magician wants to break with the world?"

Eichda did not answer immediately.

The magician of the gas gently extended his fingers, and it was very rare to "practically" pick up the pieces and walk out of the next step.

"I am sitting here now, moving the chess pieces leisurely, watching the sun rise and fall, listening to the breath and dialogue of countless people from the North." His tone is calm, his fingers are soft, with the afternoon sun, even Give people a sense of laziness.


A sudden and crisp sound, a **** was pushed down on the chessboard by Eichda, scaring Taylors a jump.

At the same time, Ahidah's eyes flashed blue light instantly, and his momentum became one of the most powerful.

He bit his mouth and said: "But the next moment, I can draw all the air in the world."

"Or dilute the world's air to the point where it can't breathe."

When Teres was shocked, he didn't care if the water splashed on his hand. He didn't consciously ask: "What?"

Eichda did not pay attention to him, but the color in his eyes could not help but let Taylor think of another magician:

"Imagine the next second, from here to Longyan City, to Exeter, Westland, and even the whole world..."

"All life on land is no longer able to breathe, and it will greet the end of the day in a flash."

"As long as I move my fingers," Aishida stared at him, using a fanatical and unnatural tone: "No one has to live, nothing can survive."

"how do you feel?"

Taylor's scalp looked at him with a teacher who was not normal at the moment. He remembered the night of the Dragon City and the shield. He remembered countless residents licking their throats in the air, trying to breathe in the air in the silent hell. Pain and despair.

After a few seconds.

"The whole world?" The prince's voice was slightly hoarse: "Can you do it?"

Ahidah still stared at him, but the scary color in his eyes slowly dissipated.

"Not just me," the magician reattached the back of the chair, faintly said: "Every magician in the world can use their methods, in an instant, between the palms, easily..."

"Destroy the world."

Tyres’s pupil trembled and lost his voice: "What?"

"Then why is the world still not destroyed?" Tyres said with a sigh of relief for a few seconds: "Why is the end of the battle..."

Ahidah knocked on the board and interrupted him:

"Because not every magician is willing to pay the price."

Taylors stunned: "What is the price?"

At that moment, the pieces in the hands of the magician were slightly smashed.

"You will know," Ashidad shook her head and took another step on the board: "When you become a magician."

Taylor sighed and held back the irritability of his heart.

“Really? Come here again?” the prince asked dissatisfiedly: “I began to wonder, do you really want me to be a magician?”

"Of course," Aichda put his gaze back on the board. He is still in the air, as if he had just said nothing: "If you go with me now, you will know more, I will swear no reservation. The land opens all your secrets to you."

"Free talk."

Tyres sighed and wisely pulled the subject back: "So, each of you has the ability to die in the blink of an eye..."

He leaned back on the back of the chair and massaged his sore neck because of his long leaning forward. He said: "You can't do this, right?"

Because of the price.

Taylors recalled what Eichda had before.

Ahidah shook his head.

"But the world won't think so."

"Tells, the world, they don't hate us," the gas magician slowly said: "They are afraid of us."

"Fear of wanting to forget us all, we can't wait for us to disappear into the memory of history."

"They refuse to forgive and are unacceptable, not our behavior," Tyres faintly felt, under the calm face of Ashida, there was a deep disdain in the other's words: "but we The presence."

"It is the possibility that we can destroy everything in an instant."

"It is a disaster."

The prince bowed his head and his expression dipped.

It turned out to be the case.

If really as he said.

If really no matter which magician.

All have the power of that scale, all of which can instantly smash the existence of the board...

"I think their fears are probably not unreasonable." Taylor sighed, glanced at Lord Justin and Wyatt, and the guards of countless soldiers outside the terrace.

"This is our position and position," Ayida followed the eyes of Tyres and looked away from the outside: "Be careful, Tyres, your two identities are not a trivial matter."

"It is the millennial contradiction between the world and the magician."

"Once they found you..."

The magician shrugged in a rare way.

A breeze blew across the terrace, blowing some of Taylor's hair.

"Do you still have that kind of self-confidence?" Aichida seems to have replied to his leisure time. He said easily: "In the position of the king, find a way out for the magician to let us stand in the world?"

Tyres bit his teeth and felt his head a bit big.

"Of course." He smacked his head.

"It is because of difficulties that we have more value to do, isn't it?"

What else can he say?

Sorry, I am wrong. I am young and frivolous. I am giving up now - is this the case?

Taylor shrugged in his heart.

Eichdardon was in the same place, and his eyes stayed on him for almost ten seconds.

"Ah, I am looking forward to that day." He gently opened his mouth.

"Ha," with the strange look of the other side, Teres was quite uncomfortable, had to turn his attention back to the game, perfunctory: "Wait, I will succeed..."

But Ahidah interrupted him.

"Do not."

"I am looking forward to, Tyres," he shook his fingers, still staring at the boy in front of his eyes: "Not your ultimate success."

The magician's tone changed, and it was strange and gloomy:

"It's because you are caught between the magician and the human being, between the disaster and the world..."

"Between the essence of oneself and the eyes of others, between the inescapable future and the hard-to-remove past..."

"Ultimately being torn by contradictions, destroyed by conflict, swallowed by remorse..."

"The day I finally compromised with us."

The two segments of the board fell into silence again.

There are only two people who face each other.

Tyres resisted the twitching of his face and licked Eichda for three full seconds before he spit out two words:

"Thank you."

It is really a comforting relief.

"If on that day, you see a new way out in a new vision, see only the direction you can grasp," Eichda's words are not finished, he whispered: "Don't hesitate, accept yourself, catch Live the rudder that reverses fate."

The magician's gaze is like two swords, piercing into the pupil of Tells.

"Remember my words."

"One word and one sentence."

"Inscribed in your heart."

"Tells Comet."

The prince took a long breath and only felt very embarrassed, I do not know how to react.

Inscribed in my heart?

This one……

"Ah, there is still a problem," Taylor said with a grin, unnaturally raising his finger: "How did B and his five companions be defeated? What are they now?"

"One of them has been sealed by you," Eichda said very simply to this question: "Other people, the ending of more than 600 years ago is almost the same..."


Tyres shook hands and remembered the horrible horror girl, and she finally turned into a scene of flying ash.

At that moment, the magician lowered the volume, which seemed a bit lonely: "Otherwise, the world is probably not what it is today."

Ahidah shook his head: "In those days of the end of the war, I perceive the number of tricks, just as much as breathing, they are too crazy."

It’s as if you need to breathe.

Tyres darkened his belly.

"If one day, someone from B comes to you, remember," Ahidah looked up and nodded at him. "They are almost crazy."

"Maybe not necessarily your enemy, but definitely not your friend - think about Giza."

Taylors bowed his head and thought.

"So, are you not a member of them?"

"No, no."

"Several people, including me, think that B's response is too fierce, calling them 'radicals'," Ashida snorted: "Respectively, we are called 'moderates' by them - even A more ugly name."



Tyres remembered the confrontation and quarrel between Ahidah and Giza in the shield, and it was a bit stunned.

"The radicals and the gentlemen... The magician is divided into two factions, opposite each other?"

"If it's that simple, it would be fine." Aishida shook her head again.

"The moderates are not the same as the radicals, the camps that advance and retreat together. We are just a group of scattered magicians who refuse to choose war."

"Even after the war, we are also in a state of war."

Eichda held the piece in his hand and the atmosphere suddenly dipped.

"And the real opponent of the radical..."

"In the end of the battle, there are two other magicians," the magician calmly said: "They choose to stand on the other side of the battlefield, face and confront B and his followers - whether they are magicians or ordinary people. ""

"Six pairs of two, the war was once such a situation."

Tyres took a deep breath and felt amazed.

It turned out to be the case.

Two magicians who came forward for the world.

Facing the radicals.

The books in the Nakaru Library, the disasters that the little girl said "stand on our side"...

It turned out to be...


Tyres spits out a strange word.

This time, it was the turn of Aishida’s eyebrows to pick up and move slightly.

"Do you know them?"

Taylor looked up and looked at Eichda with a positive look.

"It’s the two queens, right? There is never a so-called 'Queen' title in the history of the ancient empire and the final empire, but I can always hear the word on various occasions, and the book has mentioned it once or twice," Taylors recalled that there were only a handful of occasions when he heard this word. "Even some of the great aristocrats in both countries know their existence - it sounds high."

Ahidah looked at him with no expression, motionless.

"So, the so-called Queen is actually a magician," Tyres tempted: "It is a magician who stands on the side of the world in the end of the battle. They help us - I mean they are on the side of the world. Defeated the radicals led by B, so they have a detached status, even known as the Queen."

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief: "So, in fact, there are still magicians who can live in peace with the world, right?"

However, his voice fell, but he found Eichda looking at him intriguingly.

Taylors blinked: What?

Until Ahidah shook his head again.

"No." He coldly denied the words of Tyres.

This gave the prince a glimpse.


But the Queen...

"The two magicians who stood on the other side of the battlefield thought they were still a member of humanity."

“Therefore, against the radicals from beginning to end,” Eichda shook her head and sighed: “It’s just two poor people who confuse the past with the status quo.”

“We usually call them ‘confusing people’.”


Taylors hid this word into his heart.

Do you think that you are a human magician?

Tyres calmed down, but made a big question mark in his heart.

But Ahidah didn't stop here. It seems that the confusing person is just a small episode. He only listens to the magician and continues:

"As for the two empresses you said..."

"Not them."

At that moment, Ahidah jerked his fists!


In the crisp sound, a red king jumped abruptly on the board and took three steps on the empty chess path, kicking a knight out of the board!

Tyres frowned.

"...but worse." Eichda's words came to my ear at this time.

The outgoing knight rolled off the board and swayed back and forth on the table.

The prince raised his head with full of doubts and suddenly became tight.

I saw the magic of the enchanting master's eyes shining with a strange blue light, covering the original pupil, but could not hide his killing and chill:

"The so-called two magic queens..."

"Bloodthorn, and Blackberry."

"They are really magicians..."

"It was a sudden change of position at the end of the war..."

"It was sold out all the peers overnight..."

"It is to push all the magical masters to the road..."

Eichda bit the word from the gap between the teeth:


Even in the face of Giza, Eichda’s words have never been so cold and chilling.

Full of hatred, disgust, jealousy, and fear...?

Taylor looked at the magician in a daze, and it took a while to return to God.


The prince repeated it in the bottom of my heart.

"How did the two empresses... betray you?" Tyres took a breath and adjusted his heartbeat because of the other's abnormality: "They are more terrible than the legendary anti-magic armor?"

The magician snorted and the blue light in his eyes faded away:

"Hah, they are more terrible than the legendary anti-magic arm..."

"The anti-magic armed forces are dead objects after all..."

"And they..."

Taylors narrowed his eyes and felt a little embarrassed inside.

More terrible than the legendary anti-magic arm...

"And they..."

At this point, Eichda’s words were lightly stunned.

His eyes turned back to Teres.

Aishida’s words turned: “Do you really want to know?”

"Our enemy!"

Tyres widened his eyes and shrugged his shoulders, posing a "right" expression.

"Of course, you are not saying, do you want to distinguish our enemies and companions?"

"More than that..." Tyres resisted his chin and frowned on the information and intelligence he had just said: "Before, the radicals, the gentle, the confusing, the two 'Queens'... So, what is the confusing person? Thought?"

"Who are the magicians left so far? What are their names, thresholds, and abilities? And..."

Tyres grabbed his chin and said, "You just said... Who is Toros?"

Ahidah once again bends his lips in a rare way.

"It will take a lot of time to finish all of this," said the magician who responded to the calm and sullen man and continued to confuse him: "How do you want to go with me? Accept your own essence and wholeheartedly As you embark on the path of the magician, you will be able to acquire this knowledge more systematically, more efficiently, more comprehensively and more conveniently."

Telston was a stagnation.

"Thank you for your re-invitation, but I still feel," Taylors sighed, once again ignoring the eager eyes of the magician: "A subordinate kingdom heir, than a monk who can hide and see the light." It is more beneficial to our future."

"So," Tyres raised his eyebrows and urged him to continue: "The double emperor's betrayal?"

Ahidah showed a faint smile.

"That's okay." The magician first shook his head gently and slowly daggered.

"Since you already know the existence of two magical queens," Ahidah sat up straight, his eyes sharp and his expression dignified: "That is the time to tell you..."

“The most interesting part of our course today...”

"When I was a mage apprentice, the most fascinating part..."

Taylors held his breath and waited for the answer from the magician.

Double emperor.

Magic Queen.

In the end of the battle, betrayed the existence of all magicians.

Let Ahidah avoid the people who have been here.

How is it betrayed?

How terrible is it?

"Let's go to class."

Ai Xi Da is a light road.


Taylor did not respond for a moment.

However, in the next second, the figure of the magician disappeared completely into the air.

The two sides of the board resumed silence again.

Until the prince's inhalation sound, slowly came.

Tyres blinked incredulously, staring at Eichda's seat.

Next... class?

The prince sat for a minute.

However, except for the chess game that had been unconsciously on the board, Ahidah did not leave a trace.

It seems that he has never been here.

Tyres looked at the empty seat and was surprised to open his mouth.

It seems as if I saw the indifferent smile of the magician.

He recalled what Ehida had before.

[The most interesting part of our course today...]

[When I was a mage apprentice, the most fascinating part...]


[Class. 】

When I first coded to the double emperor, I was on the head. The result was that the notebook forgot to plug in the socket and suddenly powered off!

Fortunately, the software has an instant save function...

But when I blacked out the black screen, I saw the "O"-shaped mouth on the screen without a sword. My mood is really subtle...

So I wrote this kind of enthusiasm in the text and shared it with you - comrades, at the moment, (the firm fist), our hearts are the same, so aggressive!

(End of this chapter)

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