Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 29: First magic energy test

Chapter 29, the first magic energy test

Despair, what kind of feeling is it?

Rolf felt that he knew the answer to this question.

The throat section was the female bartender of the Brotherhood (he still didn't know the name of Yala), and the pain of crumbing and tearing with heavy techniques seemed to be five minutes ago.

After that, he seemed to suffer the pain all the time.

Blood is poured from the throat into the lungs.

The pain is transmitted from the throat to the brain.

Even the respiratory tract has been blocked.

Can't talk.

can not breath.

Can't move.

He was like a wild dog dying from a serious injury and was randomly discarded on the street of Hongfang.

Whether it is painful death, sudden death, sudden death, his life is not long.

Only in childhood, the experience of wandering in the Conmas Alliance, forced to survive, urged him to survive.

He, the abilities of the wind, use the power again and again, like a sponge, will be filled with dust, blood and dirty air, one after another, from the cracked throat, pressure Go into your lungs.

The exhaled breath was squeezed out from the other wound in the neck.





Every "breathing" is accompanied by infertility, which is like suffering from the river and the river.

He is probably the first person to use his power to survive, and Rolf thinks sadly.

Rolf felt that he was like a wild dog who was squatting in the gutter to catch garbage.

The female bartender is gone.

The green skin is gone.

Several teams of beaters passed by him and seriously injured his dying body.

A spy turned him over and tested his nose and mouth.

A shocking explosion passed to his ear.

Rolf doesn't care.

He just instinctively, "snoring" with his ability in the pain.

Until dawn.

Until the panic retreat of Numeno, picked up his "corpse".

Numino, the native hunter, and the coward who is recognized in the Twelve Xeon, Rolf has always looked down on him, ridiculed, humiliated, bullied him in the gang, and is amateur entertainment with the ghost of the wind.

The most ironic thing is that this is a coward who is spurned by himself. In the last moment, he "receives the body" for himself.

Rolf was a severe pain from his legs, and he was alive and awakened.

He was tied tightly with his hands and opened his eyes in the morgue of the police hall.

Then I saw Nekra.

The blood bottle helped eight cadres (he didn't know that he had lost five in Hongfang Street), the "red python" Nekra.

But Nekra just stared at him in a complex look, shaking his head in disgust and screaming.

"You are a blood bottle to help a few people who have survived." The red snake is faintly authentic.

Rolf struggled, wanted to speak out, endured the pain in his throat, but only made a meaningless "squeaky" sound.

The pain in the knees hit!

Below the knee, but not conscious.

"Look at you, Rolf, the strongest player in the Twelve Xeon, the only super-level master."

"The good, arrogant, arrogant, promising future - the ghost of the wind, Rolf."

"Proudly and proudly recommended by Catherine, to the magical master of the gas, the young people who have unlimited scenery."

The red python patted his face gently, and his eyes were still complex and disgusting, ironically:

"Now I am lying here like a corpse, can't talk, can't breathe, can't move, can't eat."

"Why are you still alive?"

The red python's eyebrows are twisted and his face becomes ugly and crazy.

"Why are you alive, not Kx, Song, Spencer or Dorno? Why is it because you are a Catherine person who survived, not my people?"

Rolf squinted his eyes and struggled with anger and pain, but the double pain and disability prevented his actions.

The red python converges with anger and turns to laugh, very open, very happy, and very sick.

"The blood bottle has suffered a lot of damage, and my power has been damaged a lot," he said softly. "If the staff are available, maybe Catherine can step on my upper position, and I can't say it."

But Nikola’s expression rose.

"But, one can't talk, no legs, and seriously hurt the dying ghost of the wind, how can I help her?"

"So," Nekra said with a stretched out hand, his face twisted and pinched on Rolf's knee, and the flame was forcibly burned to stop the bleeding!

"You are better off dead and dead!"

"Hey--" Rolf closed his eyes in the pain, struggling to struggle with the body that was unable to move because of a serious injury, not to break free, but to relieve the pain of a little knee.

The wind power that he relied on "breathing" was almost interrupted!

"I feel very bad today, tidy up and down, and hit the wall everywhere," Nekra sighed and continued. "But it solved me and cut off a genius of Catherine. I think it is very enjoyable."

Looking at the resentment, pain and fury in Rolf's eyes, Nekra apologized and helpless, laughing:

"No way, ‘they’ have designated a super-level master, but also stressed that they need to leave their wrists to take blood. Otherwise, what I want to cut off is your hand, not your legs.”

He finally patted Rolf's face and whispered in his ear: "I wish you and the vampires a good time."

Nekra's footsteps went away and came up with two **** bottlers, one picking up a three-inch long copper needle and the other grabbing Rolf's weak wrist.

At that moment, Rolf felt deeply and felt despair.


Taylor looked at Rolf.

He has an impulse to ask him, what happened to Yala, what is the result of their battle? Did Yara escape? Why does Rolf become like this? Isn't he a blood bottle helper?

But Tyres hesitated.

Because he saw Rolf at this moment.

Seeing this gaze, I can only express my emotions with meaningless screams, and my legs are full of desperate, painful, remorseful and sad legsless men.

He still remembers Rolf last night.

Disdainful, confident, proud, and extraordinary.

Come and go freely in the endless wind, leaving a sign of laughter.

And now?

"Huh-----" Rolf began to close his eyes again and groaned in pain.

Once the casual, poisonous tongue, the unscrupulous ghost of the wind, is no longer.

His lips were dry and dry, and the water was obviously dehydrated. However, Tyres could not find water, and he could not be sure whether he could swallow in the condition of Rolf.

Taylors didn't even know how he breathed.

The boy just sat aside and looked at the painful, struggling Rolf.

The second year he passed, a son-in-law was interrupted by Quaid's legs, and the poor girl mourned for one night before she died.

At that time, Taylors was ignorant. He only found a few memories. He was horrified and afraid of reality. He could only hide in the wall and shiver.

So, in his sleep, he groaned and listened to the girl mourning for a night.

As it is now, it seems.

Later, he did not think about it. Why didn't he have more courage at the time and he was suffering for the girl.

Taylor looked at Rolf's non-adult shape, and his heart was heavy.

No matter how much guilty committed, no one should be tortured like this - he said to himself.

After all, Taylors still sighed and climbed to Rolf's side, gently saying:


"Midira Rolf."

Although the mind has gradually dissipated, at that moment, Rolf's eyes were instinctively focused.

who is it?

Who will remember me?

Such a dead man?

Tyres gently pulled out the JC's dagger and slowly attached it to Rolf's neck.

"I know that you are suffering now, and endure the torture and suffering that ordinary people can't imagine."

"And I can end your life and help you get rid of it all."

Rolf breathed through his throat and his abilities.




"But I have to ask you seriously and cautiously, Midila Rolf, are you willing to let me, free your pain?"

"If you like, look at your eyelids."

"I don't want to -"

"I only ask this once."

Tyres looked heavy and waited for Rolf's reaction.

In the dark, Rolf stared at the front, the boy's blurred outline.


Rolf felt the pain in his throat to his knees. Every time he "breathed", he was tearing open his throat. Every time he struggled, he would touch the fracture of his knee.

He is thirsty, hungry, cold, painful, and the most terrible is despair.

He remembered the feeling that the wind was fluttering around, remembering the first time he used his ability to kill, the first time he entered the gang, the first time he got the reward from the top, the first time he became a man in the thin girl, the first time Seeing the enchantment as a pilgrimage.

He remembered the fearful eyes of the enemy, remembered the eyes of his companions, remembered the expression of "her" appreciation, and remembered the triumph and satisfaction of his own mouth when he heard the whispering about the "12-strong".

That is the scenery of the past.

And he has, forever lost all of this.


In the next moment, Rolf's eyes were firm, and he tried to drive the ability to drop sharply, slamming into a half-resident body.

Then, the ghost with the wind trembled, exhausted all his strength, rubbing the pain of rubbing on both sides, trying to lift his head and watch Taylor carefully.

He is ready to wink.

It’s enough to lick it.

a bit!

Then Taylor saw that Rolf's upper and lower eyelids shook a little, trembling, and slowly joined in the middle.

Thales lamented in his heart and slowly squeezed the dagger in his hand.

But Rolf's eyelids only shivered and stopped at the midline of his eyes.

The last line is worse, not closed.

a long time.

a long time.

Once the ghosts of the wind, flashed a familiar or strange scene, ridiculous fields, and dirty dirt roads, wild dogs everywhere, flies.

It was his childhood, in the countryside of the Conmas Alliance, and survived.

That time, he and a group of wild dogs rushed to a piece of dark bread that was quickly eaten by the fly.

The wild dogs are so fierce - Rolf said quietly in the dungeon.

Their deafening roar, at all to bite, the intensity of madness, however, Rolf consciously licked his teeth.

That bread, it tastes so bad.

In the eyes of Thales, Rolf's face trembled and twisted.

His eyelids slowly relax, open and return to the previous angle.


In the two-clip lock, Rolf's head was so easy to support, and the air was generally violent and then fell, and the back of the brain was on the ground.

After all, he did not smash his eyelids.

Tyres silently exhaled and slowly lowered the dagger in his hand.

But Rolf’s pain in the back of his head and the scratches on his cheeks were unrecognizable.

I saw his distorted face, and with the head, began to tremble slightly.


This is not awkward.

Tyres can't help but glimpse.

He saw Rolf close his eyes in pain, his face trembled, allowing the transparent liquid to slide from his eyes.


The voice is very depressed and very sad.

He is crying.

With the ghost of the wind, this once powerful and beautiful abilities, men, soldiers.

Actually crying in tears.

I don't know if it is for my own weakness or the pain of the moment.

Like an ordinary person, a normal person, or even a little weak citizen.



Taylors can only look at it.

Looking at this man who couldn't speak and couldn't breathe normally, after giving up the opportunity to get rid of it, he fell to the ground and burst into tears.

Thales stared blankly, and the dagger on his hand was getting tighter and tighter.

Ensola, Ned, Kelly.

Those who died in the sixth room, even those who did not have surnames, appeared one by one in front of him.

He thought about his situation and thought about Gilbert and Jodel.

The boy folded his brow and looked down at his hand. The newly cut wound on the top of the body was just like the hot burning of the body.

At that moment, there seemed to be something that fell in his heart.

Taylors was close to Rolf's ear for the second time.

"I understand."

He said softly.

Rolf is still crying in dismay.

"So, are you willing to break free from this shackle?"

Rolf’s crying paused, didn’t stop, but it was getting smaller.

In front of Thales, the little girl who mourned the broken leg emerged, and the children who died in the abandoned house in the past four years emerged.

There were screams and mournings outside the cell.

This **** world.

The boy didn't know what was in the dungeon, but he looked at Rolf's gaze, but it was getting simpler and clearer.

Then, Tyres carefully looked at the ghosts who could no longer follow the wind, and continued to say:

"Get rid of this shackle, and then, with this broken body, struggle in this world, and live."

"Look at how cruel it can be."

"Do you want to?"

Rolf stopped crying.

His head couldn't move, he could only turn his gaze and stared at the boy around him.

Just listen to this boy, word by word:

"This may not be freedom."

"Maybe it costs a lot, you might even die soon."

"And I am only for myself."

Taylors bowed his head and said slowly:

"But I can try and give you a chance to let you leave this shackle and struggle again."

"Do you want to?"

Rolf's eyes looked at the boy's eyes.

Although there are still tears in his eyes, at the moment his heart suddenly wants to laugh.

He seems to feel the pain in his throat and knees, and he is getting numb.

Those wild dogs.

Those wild dogs who grabbed bread with him.

The end of those wild dogs - Rolf encouraged "breathing" a bit of excitement from their hearts - their end:

It’s really terrible.

Rolf, lying on the ground, re-twisted and raised his eyes, watching Taylors fixedly.

The next moment, the ghost of the wind slowly, but unmistakably.

I blinked.

Everyone has to countless eyes in his life.


But just now, Rolf may have fallen, the most important eye of his life.

Rolf slowly put his head down.

Tyres smiled and dispelled the haze of his heart. He nodded briskly:

"alright, I understand."


"I thought it was my Royal Highness who woke up in advance."

"But it doesn't look like this now."

On the third floor of the Manor Farm, in a dimly lit room, Chris frowned.

His front is a pair of brown-black stone coffins connected with countless blood vessels, complex patterns, and huge volume, one person high, three meters wide and six meters long.

At this moment, in the giant python, there is constant vibration.

"I tried to connect with my highness consciousness. The feedback is still chaotic. Only the instinct of hunger and thirst - no matter how much comfort and communication, it is the same!" Chris put down a blood vessel in his hand and his face became heavier and heavier.

"In this way, His Royal Highness will only consume the only energy and blood in advance!"

Lorana’s face was horrified, and the red-haired bloodline nervously said: “There must be something that has spurred under the Highness, but we obviously have done nothing!”

In the eyes of Chris, there was no flash of light, and there was no such silence and dryness. The old man decisively said: "Not us!"

"His Royal Highness only had this reaction five minutes ago, then -"

I saw Chris's face change, and when he remembered something, he suddenly turned back and stared at Istrun, who was dignified behind him:

"That cub!"

"His **** smell, we smell it across two floors, and the smell of the Highness is even more - that cub?"

Istren, who was uncertain, looked at Chris, who was excited, and replied subconsciously:

"He just seemed to have accidentally cut himself, then pulled out the half-residual super-stage blood vessel, and said something strange, I didn't listen carefully, then he-"

The expressionless Chris didn't listen to Istren's explanation again - the suspicious python was still constantly shaking and muffled - the old man violently interrupted Easton's words:

"Put the cub up - no, Isa, you stay here and let Lorana go."

Looking at the more frequent vibrations, Chris flashed an unusual spark in his eyes: "His blood is what he desires."


"This program is very risky," Taylors said calmly to Rolf on the ground. He seems to have returned to the sixth house to try his best to protect those who are innocent, error-free, and innocent, but born. The deaf children who are suffering in the prison river.

"But sitting here waiting for a miracle, it’s obviously unwise to get rid of it."

Rolf just quietly looked at the boy whose eyes were obviously different from ordinary people, and laboriously "sucked" into the air.

His serious look - Rolf smiled in his heart: no worse than the big sister.

The ghost of the wind did not realize that he had relieved himself after experiencing the choice between life and death.

Taylors continues to calmly explain that it is not his own words:

"I don't know how much power you have left, but I don't expect a lot, and the strength of the old man --"

"So, the reckless adventure and passive waiting are not suitable for the present situation. We are best and the best time, until the arrival of my reinforcements, the moment they break into the door -"

"You can't wait for the reinforcements, the short-lived scorpion."

An indifferent female voice interrupted the words of Tyres.

Rolf's face was instantly tight.

Taylors stunned and, unbelievably, looked back and looked at the door.

Outside the fence, Lorana Coryon, a playful horseback riding, seduce her lips with a slender and soft right-handed index finger, and uses the left hand that turns into a horrible claw to grab the lock of the door. !

"Istren said it, we can hear whatever you do."

"Teasing the little Mr. Esteron," as if to mock him, Lorana chuckled, swaying the seductive slim waist, step by step, from the open door, elegant and **** Into the cell: "Unfortunately, maybe if you grow up again, even people will be confused by you."

"But now, you have to become a full-bodied and full-bodied refill drink - maybe the lovely Lorana, can you taste it?"

Looking at Lorana, who suddenly appeared at any time, Taylors understood that she could subdue him at any time.

The boy sighed deeply, sincerely, and regretted.

"Rolf," he said faintly, and there was no panic in his voice: "I need ten seconds."

Ten seconds?

Lorana suddenly felt uneasy.

She remembered Istren who was fooled.

What other cards can he have? The semi-disabled, super-order short-lived species trapped in the night wing stone lock?

However, Lorana, who has a lot of eyes, is not willing to take risks. Her look has become sharp and decisive.

Therefore, the little devil who makes the mystery.

Her seductive figure flashed into the eyes of Tyres!

Wait until your Highness will **** you into a corpse, you can still -

But at this time, there was a strange wind, and it was suddenly rolled up in a small cell!


The fire swayed, and it was a few times!

The gusty wind blew Lorana back three steps, and she was shocked. She quickly grabbed the fence on her side and stood still.

This is - power?

Impossible, this child cannot be a power.

That is - Lorana looked at Tyres's side with difficulty, the super-order master who was locked to the ground by the night wing stone - it was him!

It’s all like this, and there are still some strengths.

It’s useless, Lorana breathed a sigh of relief and thought happily, locked in this way, and seriously injured, even if your ability, how long can it last?

It’s the little girl who plays tricks... I’m going to fight Chris’s reprimand, I have to taste it first.

I am sure to impress you! Lorana thought evilly.

"Then, start."

Taylor looked at Lorana, who was obstructed by the wind, and looked at the dagger in peace.


In Rolf's incomprehensible eyes, he used the right hand and held the tip.


"I wish us good luck with each other," he said.


My first magic test.




Tyres stared at the black stone shackles on Rolf.

Rolf was blushing and staring at Lorana, and the wind continued.

Lorana squinted and grabbed the fence on her side, and her left hand began to deform, turning into a red-red scary claw.


I want to break his shackles - Tyres thought quietly.

Save this man who has nothing.


If it is as I expected - Tyres is in his mind, recalling a picture of life and death:

Quaid's hand, licking his neck.

Axida's hand, gently gripped.

Also, there is a **** color in the distant memory, and the gentle second sickness that can't be named.


Tyres clenched his teeth, closed his eyes, and grabbed the metal lock on his right hand!

The heat is coming from the metal.

But he bitterly bitter.

What Lorana felt.

She turned her head in surprise and found the fence on her hand, and it was shaking!

what happened? The female blood group thought of it in a panic.

That half-disabled guy - is it multiple abilities?



The fence, with the hands of Lorana, shattered into countless small pieces!

Lorana, who was standing on the ground, screamed at the broken mouth of her arm, and the gust of wind formed by the power was blown out of the dungeon.


In the ear, Lorana’s sharp, roaring roar came.

Hot feelings hit.


Light - the conscious mind of Taylors.

A lot of light.


In the room where the third floor was parked in the giant coffin, Chris suddenly looked strange.

"What is Lorana doing?" He was cold and cold, looking at the screaming giants.

"Maybe I want to try my mouth first," Istren replied cautiously. He felt the tension of the adult and continued: "The food on her side has always been - not right! They are -"

Istren’s words were interrupted by the outside world as the two of them looked at each other with horror.


I only listened to the direction of the underground, and there was a loud noise like a burst!

The direction outside the door slammed into the dust.

The look of the two old and the poor blood races changed together and exchanged their eyes.

The dungeon had an accident.

The next moment, their figure appeared outside the manor!

At the moment when I saw the vision of the eye, Istrlen opened his mouth in horror and disappointment.

I saw it under the moonlight.

The short-skinned species with tattoos on his face and no legs.

Once the ghost of the wind, Midila Rolf.

Has got rid of all the constraints.

He is holding the little scorpion of the short-lived species, and with a strong wind, his face is determined--

Flying in the air.


Not far away, right now, Gilbert’s look with 30 speeding swordsmen is changing!

"Blood light." In the wind of galloping, he whispered to the court lady around him.

In the immediate jolt, Ginny looked at the light in Gilbert's arms in a dignified manner.

The light flame turned red.


"That direction -" Gilbert recalled, looking dignified:

“It’s the vine farm of the Kevin Dil family!”

The court lady roared and a whip was drawn on the mount.

"Man who he is!"

"Even if it was in front of Exeter's Walton family -"

"--must go in!"

Kilber nodded, his face resolutely and fiercely:

"All the staff turned with me!"

"Do not have to worry about horsepower!"


"Ready to fight!"

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(End of this chapter)

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