Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 289: Dragon blood is not dry

Chapter 289 Dragon Blood is not dry

When Tyres seemed to understand and understood, as if he felt that he had seized something, Puttier re-extracted the pipe and began to fill the tobacco.

"As you said, once the character of Ronnie, who is not strong, does not compromise with the black sands, he does not rely on the king's call for decree. Instead of relying on the name of King Chaman, he decides to clean up the chaos of the Freedom League." In the face of the prince's eyes, Putilit did not cover up. He said very cheerfully: "But he wants to continue to denounce and fight against King Chaman..."

Taylors took a deep breath.

"Ronnie must find extra helpers and win the Freedom League at the least cost," the logic clues in the prince's mind are becoming clearer: "Like Long City, such as the Walton family who once sent troops to support the city." ”

Taylor looked up and his face was dignified: "I started to understand."

Puttier nodded and lit the pipe.

"As long as Ronnie receives the support of Longyan City, as long as the female grandmother promises to send troops to support the battle of Qiyuan City as it was 20 years ago," Putilla calmly said: "Naroni can suffocate Rumba’s unscrupulous strategy, while trying to clean up the Freedom League, said to the king without saying back.

"I understand, after Ronnie made a choice," Taylors remembered the young female grandfather, and grabbed his chin with a headache: "It’s the turn to choose Selma: whether to support Ronnie, whether to join him against the king. Camp."

Putila snorted.

"But this time, compared with the simple signature of the previous support, it is quite different: supporting the city of Qiyuan means that you have to take out the chips, you have to pay the price, you have to make a commitment: if necessary, recruit the army, big west Progress, and open up with the Freedom League and its supporters."

"The current situation is like when the Prince Morar was assassinated. King Kaiser was faced with the choice of war and peace." During the swallowing of the clouds, Putilation loosened the pipe in his mouth. The female grandfather of the city must make a decision: Is it war and peace? Is it a price, decisively supporting Qiyuan City to deal with the alliance, or is it sitting on the sidelines?

The prince slowly raised his head.

When the Prince of Morar was assassinated, what choice did King Kaiser face?

Taylors remembered the six-year-old star in the Fuxing Palace facing the vassals, and the star-studded king who raised his scepter in cold.

"Wait, if it's someone else," Taylors thought of the two countries' grievances and past words that Pittley had told him. He couldn't help but be a little surprised: "But Longcheng..."

"Ah," Putilie was a little surprised at the prince's reaction, but he nodded his face blankly: "For the average Exeter, facing the Freedom League, this is just a 'no fight' Question."

"But for Longyan City and the Walton family, this is not only the honor and disgrace of the dragon, but also the face of the family."

"You know, twenty years ago, the letter of the Freedom League Governor's incomprehensible letter arrived at Longyan City, before the snow on the messenger's boots dried up," Putilla spit out a smog, his eyes sharp: "Nun In VII, he did not hesitate to blew the kingdom’s call."

"The Freedom of the League."

The face of Tyres became extremely dignified.

"A year later, the eldest son of King Nunn, Suril Walton, in the fortune of the city to surrender, in front of the shivering confederate veteran, with one knife and one knife, the birth of the League Governor Root fingers, "Puttier's tone is slowly getting heavy: "It is said that every time he knocks off one of his fingers, he must ask a veteran in a geological voice: 'Would you write a letter?'"

"After finishing the last finger, Prince Suril sent the Freedom League, and the disrespectful book that "re-faces the friendship of each other" was returned to the Governor who was about to faint."

"No, you won't," Suril laughed and said, and then hanged the veterans who didn't answer ‘no’.”

"Surrier Walton," Tyres frowned. "It sounds like a brutal commander."

Putilit narrowed his eyes and his head was low: "But he also succeeded in letting the Freedom League remember the anger and horror of the dragon. In the golden corridors of those years, the name of Suril was more useful than King Noon. Even the Kangmas vines, which are Walton's in-laws, have received the benefit: even the most deadly enemies in the league who can't get through them, don't dare to make their goods."

Tyres squeezed his fists.

"Do you understand?" Putile stared at the prince: "King Nunn ordered the troops to be sent, and Suril won the victory. In this way, the men of the two generations of the Walton family maintained the Exeter with iron and blood. dignity."

"Twenty years later, if the female tyrant who was criticized and questioned faced the free alliance and faced the same problem, she chose neutrality and onlookers and chose to withdraw and avoid the war..."

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief and figured out the key to the matter.

"She has no choice." The prince said categorically: "In order to prove that he does not blame his father's glory, in order to maintain the majesty and rule of the dragon gun family, in order to fight back the people's criticism and accusation against the female grandfather in the back, Selma must send troops. ”

"So, in the game between King Chaman and Ronnie Roger, which was caused by the instability of the Freedom League, Long Yucheng is the key - the female Dagong is both a player who must join the game and can help Ronnie reverse. The situation has caused King Chaman to return to the turning point."

Taylors frowned: "So, the black sand collar has to send people to Longyan City, because it is indeed at the center of the storm - is the key to several major power games."

However, Putilit shook his head at this time: "If things are as simple as that."

Taylor looked up in surprise: "What do you mean?"

"I said, this situation is very similar to the dilemma faced by King Kaiser in the past."

Puttil took a sip of smoke and revealed savvy and vigilance in his eyes: "If the female tycoon made a promise to the city of Qiyuan, he supported Ronnie’s levy on the Freedom League at a crucial moment..."

The thin Lord’s hand was tight, and his tone suddenly increased: “The question is, how many vassals in Longyan City will support the decision of the female grandfather?”

“How many soldiers can be called, how many people should be called? How many people should be left? How many people are sent?”

"When the Communist Throne is no longer in Longyan City, how do you convince the vassals and nobles to travel long distances for Walton's honor?"

“How do you distribute benefits and costs in marching and fighting?”

"If the vassals are not willing, even if Walton's immediate territory is willing to respond, then should this be the case?"

"If you really recruited the army, which high-ranking vassals should lead the troops?"

"Once the military is sent to the west, how high can it be to show Walton's majesty and safeguard its own interests, and not to let the vassals be dissatisfied?"

"A female grandfather, what is the point to be done, is to maintain the dignity of the dragon gun family?"

Taylors stunned.

The dilemma faced by King Kaiser in the past...

What Kessel is facing...

That means……

A terrible thought came out of his heart.

"If the female grandfather can't make a promise to the city of Qiyuan, it is just a reputation for being indecisive and hesitant." Putier's discourse is broken, with a disturbing rhythm, he continues:

"But if the female Dagong made a promise, at the crucial moment, it could not be fulfilled because of the internal reasons of Longyan City: for example, the vassal opposition, the shortage of soldiers, the lack of capital, and even the army recruited by Longyan City was returned due to low quality and even feathers. ......"

"That is under the sight of Exeter, the impact of this matter on the rule of the female Grand Duke is devastating."

Tyres frowned. "If Selma only sent Walton's direct army, without the power of the vassal..."

"When a powerful tyrant of a man’s hand can only send his own direct army and stand alone on the battlefield," Putilai swayed and shook his head: "In the eyes of countless people, the rule of the Grand Duke." It’s probably coming to an end.”

Taylors sighed deeply.

Finally, with the help of Putila, he found the clues that ran through.


"In short, all the questions are gathered into one sentence," Putile took a pipe, thin face, wrinkles slowly tightened: "Now, in the unprecedented, the female Grand Duke's Longyan City, whether or not Like the Longyan City under the shackles of the King of Nuen, who was shocked by the West, from the top to the bottom, like an arm, it is inseparable, and it is indestructible and harmonious from the inside out."

"At the moment when the famous Longyan City and the Walton family were needed to stand up, the Grand Dukes were watching her, and the vassals were watching her, and it was time to test the female prestige."

Putilit sneered coldly: "In order to protect the family's fame, in order to defend the dignity of the country, in order to fight against King Chaman, the identity-sensitive female grandfather must make a commitment on behalf of Longyan City and ensure that this commitment is Can be fulfilled."

Taylors looked at Puttil.

Putel's eyes focused on the gray eyes of Tyres, and the tone was scary: "And to ensure that the vassals support this promise, the six-year-old female grandfather..."

"How much is it willing to pay?"

Tyres took a deep breath and picked up his fists.

Tyres spit out a sullen, hard way: "Pay the price?"

"such as……"

Puttier nodded. He silently observed the prince's expression and whispered in a sigh: "For example, whether she is willing to show her sincerity to the vassals and show her trust."

"For example, one of the female princes married to the vassal..."

"To maintain the cohesiveness of Longyan City, in exchange for the conviction and cooperation of the vassals."

"By the support of the husband and the inheritance of the blood, to regain the glory of the Walton family at the expense of the ‘the woman’s grand prince’ becoming the ‘the Grand Duke’.”

Putile's voice was very light, but it was so heavy in the prince's ear, like a thunderous ring.

Taylor closed his eyes weakly.

He twitched his eyebrows and clenched his teeth.

The little slick of the prince’s eyes six years ago...

He remembered the day six years ago, the dirty little girl was reading a book in the library.

He remembered the tearful girl shivering in the hero hall, looking helplessly at the whirlwind ring on his hand.

He remembered the streets of the shield, the little girl screamed and pulled him out of his hands.

He remembered...

"Tell me, Puttier," Tyres opened his eyes and couldn't help: "The struggle between the king and the Grand Duke is intensifying, and the Freedom League is in chaos. In the city of Pray, you may ask for help from the Dragon City. The moment that Ma needs the support of the vassals..."

"Dragon City's listening to the government day, someone took the opportunity to make a living, to the marriage of the female grandfather, remind everyone: their lords are unmarried..."

Taylor looked up and said in a tired sigh: "Is this really a coincidence?"

Puttier did not answer immediately.

He turned his head gently, looking at a towering tree in the courtyard, watching the roots that had begun to decay.

In the end, Putilit sighed: "There is a sentence that is arbitrary, but most of the time it is right, please write down."

"That is," the Lord pinched his pipe, his eyes cold:

"Politics is no coincidence."

Taylors bowed his head in vain.

The breeze blew through the **** courtyard, and Wyah in the distance seemed to complain to Rolf again. I saw the ghost of the wind again picking up his arms and stunned.

“It’s like this,” the prince said softly. “It’s all connected.”

He looked up and looked at the sun above his head.

"From the city of Qiyuan to the king, to the troubled King Chaman, to the storm of the political day, to the ambassador of Camida, to the Freedom League..."

Putile quietly looked at the prince and listened to his words.

"Outside, this is the six-year period in which the Dragon Kingdom was caused by the infighting, the dispute between the Freedom League and Exeter."

Just listen to Thales:

"In essence, this is the crack left by the special election king six years ago. It is Chaman and Ronnie. It is the black sand collar and the praying city. It is the unrelenting between the king and the big man. The game of the game..."

Tyres pressed his own sword, step forward, and his face was ugly.

"Inside, this is the turmoil caused by the death of Nunn in Longyan City. It is the unhealthy turmoil of the Walton women's successor. It is the wave of the prestige of the Brisbane and the endorsement of the Grand Dukes. After six years of madness, the prince bit his teeth and his tone gradually became tense:

"Lisbane must be very angry. Someone - no matter who it is, has circumvented the biggest vassal of his female servant and the regent who actually took charge of Longyan City, trying to contact the rest of the vassals to intervene in Longyan City. Power inheritance."

Puttier stood behind him and bent his mouth in a unknowable way.

"You see it very well."

"Even if someone might be stalking from it, it is indeed the chaotic seed we planted in the city of Longling, six years ago, in the city of Yingling, breaking the traditions and practices," said the thin Lord, as if returning. When I fled in Longyan City, the days of survival in the Jedi:

"It's this seed, and it's back in six years."

Thales stretched his face, biting his teeth, and was about to break his fist.


Things are not over.

Poison-like dragon blood...

Not only is it far from dry.


Still flowing in the city of Longyan.

The two were silent again.

Just when Puttier thought that the prince was emotionally excited by the sudden intelligence...

"There is one more thing that I don't understand," Taylors turned his head and looked at Putilei. He suddenly asked calmly:

"why me?"

The Lord looked at Taylor's expression in surprise.

One anti-he expected: the prince at the moment is not confused, not excited, not even excessive emotional changes, even the tension is not owed.

This little guy...

Compared with six years ago...

I saw that Tyres was tight and his mouth was slightly moving, thinking about something seriously.

"This is the struggle between King Chaman and Ronnie, and it is the storm that Long Yucheng was involved in." The eyes of Tyres began to become sharp, making Puttil not very comfortable, and even a kind of want to turn around. Desire, "but why."

Tells succinctly asked: "Why did Camby come up, would you like me to meet me? See a prince of stars?"

Looking at the prince's gaze, Puttier took a breath and lifted his stiff hand to contain his own pipe.

"I don't know," Putile blinked and turned his head:

"Maybe... coincidence."


At that moment, Taylors narrowed his eyes.

As if to see what is coming from the other's eyes.

Putila smiled and took a sip. The old pipe, which was so popular as tobacco, suddenly discovered that his pipe had been extinguished.

He sighed: "I suggest that you take care of these things in Longyan City - to be honest, because of the recent storm, your position is now very embarrassing."

"After all, this thing has nothing to do with you for a while," Putilie shrugged: "Unless you can't stand the little lover..."

Taylors glimpsed.

Puttier smiled slightly.

The prince's face was very unsightly. He frowned at the Lord and his face was suspicious: "Little lover?"

Puttier blinked again: "Just kidding, Your Highness."

Taylors raised his arm and snorted with dissatisfaction.

But he immediately gave birth to a glimpse.

Tyres frowned and stared at Pt.

"Wait, Puttier."

"You just used the words..."

The prince looked ugly at the thin Lord, and his voice was full of doubts: "What is it..."

“‘temporary’ has nothing to do with me?”

In the eyes of Tyres' doubt, the thin Lord coughed and his face was serious.

"You have time to go with the Women's Congress Convention - you should go to the library," I saw Putile with a serious look:

"Can't let the woman wait for a long time."

When Terston was in vain.

I will slowly resume the update recently, and everyone should not be nervous.

Of course, if I encounter some irresistible factors such as overtime, sickness, and the seventh season update of Game of Thrones, then I have no way to correct it?

By a serious face without a sword

(End of this chapter)

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